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Q1622580 Pedagogia
A Constituição de 1988, ao preconizar a ideia de ensino para todos, estimulou a adoção de políticas púbicas em nível nacional, como a elaboração do Plano Nacional de Educação. Entre essas políticas, a necessidade de orientar os currículos de todo o país, cumprindo-se uma das metas do PNE, foi a implantação do (da, das):
Q1622574 Português
Leia o texto abaixo e responda à questão proposta.


Salta o primeiro espirro, mais outro, outro mais, com a picada leve na garganta, e você corre à farmácia para tomar a injeção antigripal que o mantenha de pé, pois você, como São Paulo, não pode parar. São inúmeras as injeções cem por cento, você acaba deixando que o rapaz da farmácia escolha em seu lugar a ampola mágica. Dói um pouco? Não é nada, tem de aplicar mais duas, no fim de três dias você está é em posição horizontal, com febrão, carece chamar o doutor. O seu caro doutor, que você não queria incomodar, reservando-o para as trágicas ocasiões. E é realmente uma pena chamá-lo, coitado: o bairro inteiro caiu doente, ele próprio convalesce de uma rebordosa; e quem tratará do nosso velho clínico particular, essa joia sem preço, que com paciência nos escuta, ausculta e perscruta há bem um século, e sabe a nosso respeito muito mais do que nós mesmos, ele que registrou na ficha: "Em outubro de 48 você teve uma micose danada...”?
Vem o doutor, com ele a vil prostração da gripe se recolhe por instantes; conversa descansado, à cabeceira, lembra o pai que você perdeu há tanto tempo; ninguém mais tem esse carinho ponderado com você, e dá-lhe conselhos de vera ciência da vida:
— Olhe, procure se poupar. Faça como eu, que arranjei sítio em Petrópolis e todo fim-de-semana ia para lá com livros de Medicina e de Literatura. Depois de algum tempo, passei a levar só de Literatura. Afinal, nem isso. Estendiame na rede e ficava espiando o passarinho bicar uma fruta, a folha a cair, a nuvem se desfazendo.
(O que ele não conta é que acabou deixando mesmo de ir ao sítio, e cá embaixo assume a doença de todos, que não lhe dispensam a sabedoria e a bondade).
Sai o doutor, volta o onímodo mal-estar, você fica meditando no vírus, esse porcariinha tão mais sutil que o micróbio; o ambíguo vírus, nem carne nem peixe, que chega a cristalizar no organismo, como os inquilinos de apartamentos vendidos; o que se sabe de positivo a seu respeito é que não passa de um refinado calhorda.
Entregue ao antibiótico de largo espectro, você deixa a gripe correr. Mas a gripe não corre. Escorre, em fenômenos rinofaríngeos, como lá diz a bula, uma das bulas, em seu estilo de discurso de recepção na Academia Nacional de Medicina. Os calafrios até que dão prazer, passeando no corpo à maneira de rajadas de brisa elétrica em excursão sideral, mas o resto é miséria, abatimento, dores errantes, zoeira, pesos e pensamentos confusos, no coração da noite que não passa nunca. E nem sequer você tem o consolo tétrico de uma doença grave. Os familiares não levam muito a sério seus gemidos e queixas. Você adquiriu um ar de grande bebê manhoso, que encomprida o dodói para nunca mais voltar à escola. E quando, após a batalha anti-histamínica, você sai à rua, ainda fantomático e desconjuntado, todos os amigos se gabam de terem tido uma febre muito maior do que a sua
— ah, sem comparação.
(ANDRADE, C. Drummond de. Cadeira de Balanço. 11 ed. Rio de Janeiro: Livraria José Olympio Editora, 1978, p. 30-31.) 
Observando-se o vocábulo “onímodo” (5º §) e comparando-o com os vocábulos onipresente, onisciente, onívoro, onipotente, ônibus, etc., pode-se depreender que o elemento inicial “oni-“ significa:
Q1621177 Inglês
Complete the definition below with the correct phrasal verb. Choose the CORRECT answer.
“_________ means to speak angrily with someone because they have done something wrong.”
Q1621176 Inglês
Look at the picture. Based on what you can see, choose the CORRECT answer.
“The postman _________ the letter.”
Imagem associada para resolução da questão
Q1621175 Inglês
Choose the CORRECT answer.
Me: This little kid is much _________ than I expected.”
Q1621174 Inglês
Complete the sentence below with the correct pronoun. Choose the CORRECT answer.
My friend: Who was at the party? Me: When I arrived there, I saw _________ we knew. All of our friends arrived after me.” 
Q1621173 Inglês
Complete the definition below with the correct modal verb. Choose the CORRECT answer.
“_________ is used in the past as a weak obligation to express criticism or regret, because an action didn’t happen.”
Q1621172 Inglês
Complete the sentence below with the correct verb. Choose the CORRECT answer.
‘‘Teacher: Sara always ________ very hard, but this week she ________even harder, as the tests will start next week.”
Q1621171 Inglês
Complete the sentence below with the correct verbs. Choose the CORRECT answer.
“I _________ a ring to my girlfriend before I _________ to her.”
Q1621170 Inglês
Complete the sentence below with the correct verb. Choose the CORRECT answer.
“Interviewer: Tell something about you that many people don’t know. Me: That is easy! I _________ Lego since I was a little kid.” 
Q1621169 Inglês
Complete the sentence below with the relative clause. Choose the CORRECT answer.
“Martin Luther King was the politician _________ speech changed the world forever.”
Q1621168 Inglês
What type of Conditional is the sentence below? Choose the CORRECT answer.
“If the police were to catch him, he’d spend at least five years in prison.”
Q1621167 Inglês
“At the risk of sounding like someone ____ my grandmother's generation, I believe that a vast majority of recent eating disorders.”
Indicate the best alternative that completes the context: 
Q1621166 Inglês
Analyze the sentences below:
I. If it doesn't stop raining, the river will raise and overflow.
II. Jane has risen in her company very quickly and is now CEO.
III. They have raised their prices every year since they were founded.

Indicate the correct alternative according to the use of “rise” and raise”. Remembering that raise is transitive (it must have a direct object) and rise is intransitive (no direct object):
Q1621165 Inglês
“Patricia is not able to get the job done ____ home, as we know.”
Indicate the best alternative that completes the context above: 
Q1621164 Inglês
“The delivery of phone books _____ also caused problems _____ the years with numerous old phone books dumped at the postal stations.”
Indicate the best alternative that completes the context: 
Q1621163 Inglês

“Agency is a term borrowed from social sciences (see for example Taylor 1977, Frankfurt 1988, Belz 2002). Here it is appropriated to mean something similar to the agent of a passive sentence, that is, in the words of some grammarians, the person or thing 'that does'. A lot of the time, in some classes, students have things done to them and, as a result, risk being passive recipients of whatever is being handed down. J J Wilson suggests that wherever possible students should be allowed to make decisions. He wants to give students ownership of class materials, letting them write on the board or control the CD player, for example.
Teachers might allow students to tell us when and if they want to be corrected in a fluency activity rather than always deciding ourselves when correction is appropriate and when it is not. We might have students tell us what words they find difficult to pronounce rather than assuming they all have the same difficulties.”

(HARMER, Jeremy. The practice of English language teaching. London: Longman, 2006.)
According to the second paragraph, the author remember that:
Q1621162 Inglês

“Agency is a term borrowed from social sciences (see for example Taylor 1977, Frankfurt 1988, Belz 2002). Here it is appropriated to mean something similar to the agent of a passive sentence, that is, in the words of some grammarians, the person or thing 'that does'. A lot of the time, in some classes, students have things done to them and, as a result, risk being passive recipients of whatever is being handed down. J J Wilson suggests that wherever possible students should be allowed to make decisions. He wants to give students ownership of class materials, letting them write on the board or control the CD player, for example.
Teachers might allow students to tell us when and if they want to be corrected in a fluency activity rather than always deciding ourselves when correction is appropriate and when it is not. We might have students tell us what words they find difficult to pronounce rather than assuming they all have the same difficulties.”

(HARMER, Jeremy. The practice of English language teaching. London: Longman, 2006.)
According to the first paragraph, it is correct to say that:
Q1621161 Inglês
How we turned around literacy instruction and student outreach

“A few years ago, leaders from Flagler Schools realized that students from across our district (a) struggling. Literacy scores were (b) target for elementary and middle school students, and high school graduation rates were not meeting expectations. We took a whole-district approach and developed four key initiatives to better align K-8 assessment and instruction and improve high school graduation rates. Recognizing that literacy is tied to our students’ overall success across all educational subjects and grade levels, we took a two-step approach to remediation, aimed primarily at elementary and middle school students. In addition to our focus on literacy, we (c) narrowed our student outreach efforts at the high school level to focus on acceleration and graduation.”
“A helicopter ______ to provide assistance if the weather had improved.”
Indicate the best alternative that completes the context above:
Q1621160 Inglês
How we turned around literacy instruction and student outreach

“A few years ago, leaders from Flagler Schools realized that students from across our district (a) struggling. Literacy scores were (b) target for elementary and middle school students, and high school graduation rates were not meeting expectations. We took a whole-district approach and developed four key initiatives to better align K-8 assessment and instruction and improve high school graduation rates. Recognizing that literacy is tied to our students’ overall success across all educational subjects and grade levels, we took a two-step approach to remediation, aimed primarily at elementary and middle school students. In addition to our focus on literacy, we (c) narrowed our student outreach efforts at the high school level to focus on acceleration and graduation.”
Indicate the best adverb that completes the context in (c):
8561: D
8562: B
8563: C
8564: B
8565: A
8566: B
8567: A
8568: D
8569: D
8570: C
8571: A
8572: C
8573: C
8574: B
8575: B
8576: D
8577: A
8578: C
8579: B
8580: D