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Ano: 2009 Banca: FEPESE Órgão: Prefeitura de Ituporanga - SC
Q1235397 Inglês
Reading Comprehension
Cell Phones: Are they dangerous?
Do you have a cell phone? Do you use it a lot? If the answer to these questions is yes, you should read the following information very carefully.
If you keep on using a cell phone, it will probably cause premature ageing, which might be rather difficult to get over. At least this is what most scientists claim. Low-level radiation from the phone may heat up body cells, damaging skin and making it look slightly lined and tired. Scientists say that if you expose cells to the radiation from a cell phone, the natural process that repairs your skin will probably be affected. Furthermore, radiation produces mutations in the cells and these mutations could be related to other health problems.
Cell phone users have also found out that if they use their phone for a long time they feel other symptoms such as fatigue and memory loss. The fatigue may be caused because, when using phones, people suffer an involuntary speeding up of their heart beat. Apart from that, nearly two out of three people interviewed complained of regular headaches from using their phones, although this may be due to bad posture rather than radiation emissions.
The most surprising fact discovered by researchers is that people exposed to the radiation of a cell phone for 45 minutes go to the bathroom twice as much as usual. This proves that radiation has a biological effect on humans.
So if I were you, I would definitely think twice before using a cell phone if I looked in the mirror and saw wrinkles on my face, felt fatigue, had trouble remembering things, or if I started using my bathroom more often than I used to.

The underlined words in the text are all examples of:
Ano: 2008 Banca: FUNRIO Órgão: SEDUC-RO
Q1235287 Pedagogia
No meado do século passado, surge no Brasil a proposta pedagógica denominada Escola Nova, exigindo que a didática tradicional se transformasse para atender as exigências que essa nova visão precisava implantar para se concretizar na prática educativa. Influenciado pelas idéias escolanovistas, Luís Alves de Mattos propôs a utilização de seu livro sobre a Didática Moderna nos cursos de formação de professores, acabando por influenciar os demais autores pedagógicos da época.
Seu livro “Sumário de Didática Geral” se opõe a visão tradicional, no momento que propõe a didática:
Ano: 2016 Banca: IMA Órgão: Prefeitura de Picos - PI
Q1235276 Inglês
British Gas is to offer more than two million smart meter customers free electricity for eight-hour periods at weekends. From this weekend, it is launching a new plan called FreeTime which gives smart meter customers free electricity between 9am and 5pm on Saturday or Sunday. Customers will be able to choose which day of the weekend they would prefer to have the free electricity, when they will be able to mow the lawn or catch up on box sets without this adding to their energy costs. 

Disponível em Acesso em: 11 de jul. 2016 (adaptado). 
Durante qual horário a eletricidade é mais barata ou gratuita? 
Ano: 2011 Banca: FEPESE Órgão: Prefeitura de Tijucas - SC
Q1235209 Biologia
Recentemente uma grande campanha denunciou os perigos trazidos por um tipo de gordura que pode acentuar os ricos de infarto e de derrame e produz um aumento das taxas de LDL e diminui as de HDL. Numerosos fabricantes alardeiam, agora, que os produtos que fabricam não contêm mais essa gordura.
Assinale a alternativa que indica a gordura a que se referem as informações.
Ano: 2008 Banca: FUNRIO Órgão: SEDUC-RO
Q1235150 Pedagogia
Na mediação pedagógica, o professor se coloca como facilitador, incentivador ou motivador da aprendizagem, fazendo-se ponte entre o aprendiz e sua aprendizagem, de forma ativa, incentivadora, colaborando para que o aprendiz chegue à satisfação dos objetivos propostos, sendo mediado pelos diferentes parceiros que compõem o universo escolar.
O que cabe ao supervisor é se relacionar com o docente, visando contribuir para a relevância da sua relação com os alunos, de maneira diferenciada, qualificada, mas desenvolvendo uma prática semelhante, porque para se tornar um mediador do processo de ensino ele precisará: 
Ano: 2016 Banca: IMA Órgão: Prefeitura de Esperantina - TO
Q1235144 Ciências
Um consórcio internacional de cientistas anunciou, no último dia 11 de fevereiro, a primeira detecção de ___________________________, um fenômeno previsto pelo físico Albert Einstein há exatos cem anos, mas que nunca havia sido observado.
O texto refere-se a
Ano: 2011 Banca: FEPESE Órgão: Prefeitura de Tijucas - SC
Q1235105 Conhecimentos Gerais
O ataque às torres gêmeas em Nova Yorque provocou uma onda de temor a novos ataques e nos fez conhecer dezenas de grupos chamados terroristas por tentarem fazer prevalecer seus objetivos políticos de forma violenta. Um desses grupos é a Al Qaeda.
Assinale a alternativa que indica o líder comumente associado à essa organização.
Ano: 2016 Banca: IMA Órgão: Prefeitura de Maracaçumé - MA
Q1235045 Geografia
O ano de 2015 terminou como sendo o ano mais quente já registrado. A informação foi publicada pelo World Meteorological Organization (OMM) e os resultados não são nada animadores. A temperatura média de 2011 a 2015 também é a mais quente dentre todas as séries de cinco anos computadas. Assinale a alternativa que traz uma das explicações de por que houve esse aumento. 
Ano: 2016 Banca: IMA Órgão: Prefeitura de Maracaçumé - MA
Q1235017 Direito Penal
Em 10/03/2015, foi publicada a Lei nº 13.104/2015 prevê o FEMINICÍDIO como qualificadora do crime de homicídio, o inclui no rol dos crimes hediondos. Sobre essa inovação legislativa, assinale a alternativa INCORRETA: 
Ano: 2012 Banca: FUNDATEC Órgão: Prefeitura de Uruguaiana - RS
Q1234948 Pedagogia
Conforme Fernandes e Freitas (2007), em uma perspectiva formativa de avaliação, a nota representa
Ano: 2015 Banca: FEPESE Órgão: Prefeitura de Bombinhas - SC
Q1234397 Inglês
Older and Better     Many people opt ____________ newer homes because they are cleaner, bigger and often have more amenities. But new research shows old houses ____________ old neighborhoods may be better for your health.   University of Utah researchers found that people who live in older, more walkable neighborhoods are ____________ lower risk for overweight and obesity. The study, to be published in the September issue of The American Journal of Preventive Medicine, tracked the body mass index ____________ nearly a half million Salt Lake County residents in Utah. They found that neighborhoods built before 1950 tended ____________ offer greater overall walkability because they had been designed for pedestrians. Newer neighborhoods often were designed primarily to facilitate car travel, the researchers noted.   “It’s difficult for individuals to change their behavior,” said Ken Smith, co-author of the study and professor of family and consumer studies at the University of Utah. “But we can build environments that promote healthy behavior.”   Dr. Smith and colleagues used census data as well as height and weight information obtained from the drivers’ license records of 453,927 Salt Lake County residents between the ages of 25 and 64. They found that men, on average, weighed ten pounds less if they lived in a walkable neighborhood versus a neighborhood less conductive to walking. The average women weighed six pounds less.   “The data show that how and where we live can greatly affect our health,” Dr. Smith said. “Neighborhoods with higher fractions of residents who walk to work tell us that something beneficial about neighborhood is promoting health.”   The research offers a blueprint for communities on better ways to design new developments to encourage healthful living. And for people shopping for homes, the lesson is to think about not just the house itself but whether the neighborhood is pedestrian-friendly, with sidewalks, bikes and walking paths, low traffic and amenities like coffee shops or convenient stores that are within walking distance.   Last fall, Stanford Medicine Magazine also looked at the effect neighborhoods have on health. Researchers there found that among people who were trying to be more active, living in walkable neighborhoods dramatically improved their odds of exercising for at least two-and-a-half hours week. In one study of people who lived in walkable neighborhoods achieved their goals, compared to just 30 percent of those who lived in pedestrian-unfriendly areas.    Study these sentences: 
‘…old neighborhoods may be better for your health.’  “But we can build environments that promote healthy behavior.”  The words in bold are all examples of:
Ano: 2013 Banca: FEPESE Órgão: Prefeitura de São José - SC
Q1234054 Inglês
Bullying Is a Big Problem
Every day thousands of teens wake up afraid to go to school. Bullying is a problem that affects millions of students, and it has everyone worried, not just the kids on its receiving end. Yet because parents, teachers, and other adults don’t always see it, they may not understand how extreme bullying can get.
Bullying is when a person is picked on over and over again by an individual or group with more power, either in terms of physical strength or social standing.
Two of the main reasons people are bullied are because of appearance and social status. Bullies pick on the people they think don’t fit in, maybe because of how they look, how they act (for example, kids who are shy and withdrawn), their race or religion, or because the bullies think their target may be gay or lesbian.
Some bullies attack their targets physically, which can mean anything from shoving or tripping to punching or hitting, or even sexual assault. Others use psychological control or verbal insults to put themselves in charge. For example, people in popular groups or cliques often bully people they categorize as different by excluding them or gossiping about them (psychological bullying). They may also taunt or tease their targets (verbal bullying).
Verbal bullying can also involve sending cruel texts, messages, or emails or posting insults about a person on Facebook or other sites — practices that are known as cyberbullying.   Studies show that people who are abused by their peers are at risk for mental health problems, such as low self-esteem, stress, depression, or anxiety. They may also think about suicide more.

What is the topic of the text?
Q1233891 Inglês
Our Kids Don’t Belong in School By Bridget Samburg | Boston Magazine | September 2015
When Milva McDonald sent her oldest daughter to Newton public school kindergarten in 1990, she was disturbed by what she saw. The kids were being tracked, even at that young age. And then there were the endless hours the small children spent sitting at their desks. It felt unnatural. In the real world, you wouldn’t be stuck in a room with people all the same ages with one person directing them, she thought.
During that single year her daughter was in the school system, McDonald saw enough to convince her that she could do better on her own. That would be no small feat: Newton’s public schools have long been rated as among the best in the state (in our Greater Boston rankings this year, they’re 10th.). But she’d always worked part time—she’s now an online editor—and she was fortunate that she could maintain a flexible schedule. So she yanked her daughter out of school, and over the next two decades homeschooled all four of her children—including her youngest, Abigail Dickson, who’s now 16.
McDonald’s first homeschool rule was to throw out the book and let her children guide their learning, at their own pace. In lieu of a curriculum or published guides, McDonald improvised, taking advantage of the homeschooling village that had sprouted up around her. One mother ran a theater group, a dad ran a math group, and McDonald oversaw a creative-writing club. Their children took supplementary classes at the Harvard Extension School and Bunker Hill Community College. “I wanted them to be in charge of their own education and decide what they were interested in, and not have someone else telling them what to do and what they were good at,” she says.
And by any measure, it’s working. McDonald’s daughter Claire—the third of her four children to be homeschooled—will enter Harvard College as a freshman this fall.
Back in the ’90s, McDonald was considered a homeschooling pioneer; now she’s joined by a growing movement of parents who are abstaining from traditional schooling, not on religious grounds but because of another strong belief: that they can educate their kids better than the system can. Though far from mainstream (an estimated 2.2 million students are home-educated in the U.S.), secular homeschooling is trending up. Last year, 277 children were homeschooled in Boston, more than double the total from 2004; in Cambridge the number was 46. (In surrounding towns, the numbers are growing, too: During the 2013–2014 school year, Arlington had 55; Somerville, 36; Winthrop, 5; Brookline, 11; Natick, 36; Newton, 33; and Watertown, 24.)
There’s enough momentum that major cultural institutions—from the Franklin Park Zoo and the New England Aquarium to the Museum of Fine Arts and MIT’s Edgerton Center—now regularly offer classes for homeschoolers. Tellingly, even public school systems are becoming more accommodating. In Cambridge, for example, homeschoolers have the option to attend individual classes in the district’s schools. Some take math or science classes and participate in sports—last year, one homeschooler took music and piano lessons. Carolyn Turk, deputy superintendent for teaching and learning at Cambridge Public Schools, says she’s seeing more of this “hybrid” approach than in the past. “In Cambridge we look at homeschooling as a choice,” she says. “Cambridge is a city of choice.”

The Boston Public Schools, meanwhile, have begun to view homeschooling as one of the many laboratories in which it can explore new teaching methods. “These people are looking to do instructive, nontraditional education. It’s all different types of people from all incomes,” says Freddie Fuentes, the executive director of educational options for Boston Public Schools. Fuentes, who personally helps parents with academic plans, finds that many homeschooling parents want “very deep, expeditionary learning” for their children. “A lot of them are looking at innovative ways of learning,” he says. “We as a school system need to think about innovation and the cutting edge.”
In other words, homeschooling is arriving here in a very Boston-like way: It’s aspirational, intellectual, entrepreneurial, and innovative.


Check the alternative in which the underlined word contains the same kind of derivational suffix as the one in the underlined word in “now she’s joined by a growing movement of parents who are abstaining from traditional schooling” (5ᵗʰ paragraph).
Ano: 2010 Banca: FEPESE Órgão: Prefeitura de Palhoça - SC
Q1233486 Inglês
Cellular Revolution
There has never been a technological invention that has caught on as rapidly as the cellular phone, global sales of which have risen from 6 million in 1991 to more than a billion units a year now. The total number of global cell phone users exceeded the number of non-users for the first time in history in 2008. (Of course, these statistics distort the real picture, since many people in the more affluent countries own more than one phone while there are still countries in the world where cell phone ownership is near zero.)
Innovation in cell phones has accelerated so much that it is often difficult for consumers to keep up with the new possibilities they provide. Phones are constantly incorporating other products like cameras, radios, MP3 players, GPS navigation systems, portable flash memory drives, even televisions.
There is now a massive range of different products that previously might have been bought separately that can now be part of a cell phone. 
Cellular phones have radically transformed our lives. They have reshaped the way we communicate with one another, they have generated new forms of language, they have become fashion accessories, and they have given us the freedom to do what we want, where we want. In a world where mobile internet access is no longer a matter of science fiction, we can have any information at our finger tips any hour of any day, and we no longer have to feel cut off when we leave the safety of our homes or offices.
Obviously, the rich have been quicker to by cell phones than the poor. But this is true for any consumer product. Cell phone take-up among the poor has actually been far more widespread than that of previous innovations, like color TV, computers, or internet access. As the prices of cellular phones continue to fall and their capabilities continue to expand, they might end up being more successful in bridging the gap between the upper and the lower social classes than relatively expensive computers.
Cell phones have also some negative associations. Just consider all those road accidents waiting to happen as drivers hold a cell phone in one hand, and drive with the other hand. Cell phone thefts now also make up nearly a third of all street robberies in some large urban areas. Some medical research shows cell phone users are more than twice as likely to develop tumors in those parts of the brain nearer their phone ear, although, as of yet, researchers have been unable to find conclusive evidence for any connection with phone usage.
Overall, cell phones have brought more advantages than drawbacks to our lives. As with any invention, we just have to take the bad with the good, and enjoy the benefits they have to offer.

Scanning, Skimming, Predicting and Guessing are examples of:
Ano: 2016 Banca: IMA Órgão: Prefeitura de Picos - PI
Q1233101 Inglês
British Gas is to offer more than two million smart meter customers free electricity for eight-hour periods at weekends. From this weekend, it is launching a new plan called FreeTime which gives smart meter customers free electricity between 9am and 5pm on Saturday or Sunday. Customers will be able to choose which day of the weekend they would prefer to have the free electricity, when they will be able to mow the lawn or catch up on box sets without this adding to their energy costs. 

Disponível em Acesso em: 11 de jul. 2016 (adaptado). 
Sobre o que o texto fala? 
Ano: 2018 Banca: OBJETIVA Órgão: Prefeitura de Navegantes - SC
Q1232988 Redes de Computadores
O disco rígido do computador de Marcos está com a sua capacidade de armazenamento chegando ao máximo. Sendo assim, Marcos resolveu salvar alguns arquivos pessoais em dispositivos de armazenamento com capacidade de 8 gigabytes. Sabendo-se que os arquivos pessoais de Marcos ocupam 128 gigabytes do disco rígido, quantos dispositivos de armazenamento, no mínimo, serão necessários para que ele consiga salvar todos os seus arquivos pessoais?
Ano: 2011 Banca: FEPESE Órgão: Prefeitura de Tijucas - SC
Q1232887 Meio Ambiente
Analise as afirmativas abaixo.
1. Os oceanos estão sendo extremamente afetados pela poluição. Objetos plásticos trazidos pelas correntes marítimas causam a morte de milhões de pássaros e mamíferos marítimos a cada ano e afetam os peixes consumidos pelos humanos.
2. Embora tenham se convertido, há muito, em depósitos de lixo, os oceanos, graças à sua enorme diversidade e capacidade de regeração, pouco são afetados pela poluição dos continentes.
3. Os oceanos são os verdadeiros pulmões da terra e graças a sua capacidade de recuperar os resíduos da civilização industrial neles lançados, reciclando o plástico e degradando os poluentes e pesticidas, garantem infinitamente a sobrevivência da vida no planeta.
Assinale a alternativa que indica todas as afirmações corretas.
Ano: 2008 Banca: FUNRIO Órgão: SEDUC-RO
Q1232831 Pedagogia
Há diferentes e diversas formas de se avaliar o desempenho discente, seja através da observação, provas, trabalhos de pesquisa, relatórios etc. O importante é que a escolha da forma da avaliação possibilite entender se os objetivos propostos foram atingidos e de que maneira o aluno pôde mostrar seu desempenho, “evitando fazer do processo de ensino um mecanismo de só aplicar instrumentos de avaliação.” LUCKESI (2005) 
Para o autor, a avaliação é um ato de investigar a qualidade dos resultados intermediários ou finais de uma ação, tendo em vista: 
Ano: 2012 Banca: FUNDATEC Órgão: Prefeitura de Uruguaiana - RS
Q1232797 Pedagogia
Segundo Arredondo e Diago (2009), os professores, individual ou coletivamente como equipe docente, devem ter em mente, no momento de pensar intencionalmente a metodologia a seguir em sua prática avaliadora, uma série de questões e elementos que afetam a configuração e sua posterior execução.
Dentre eles estão, EXCETO:
Ano: 2016 Banca: IMA Órgão: Prefeitura de Maracaçumé - MA
Q1232755 Atualidades
Os últimos anos trouxeram descobertas históricas para a Agência Espacial Americana (NASA) e para a comunidade científica no que se refere ao campo da Astronomia, dentre as quais não podemos destacar: 
9601: E
9602: C
9603: B
9604: E
9605: A
9606: D
9607: D
9608: A
9609: B
9610: C
9611: A
9612: C
9613: C
9614: B
9615: A
9616: B
9617: A
9618: C
9619: D
9620: D