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Q1199561 Inglês
Britain’s Roman Villas
Numerous monuments recall the 400 or so years when Britain was part of the Roman Empire. Ancient city walls, old roads, front defenses. But it is at the villas that one feels closest to the everyday life of Roman Britain.
The villas were homes. In their kitchens bread was baked. Along their corridors echoed family conversations. They were well built and handsomely decorated. The first villa was built around A.D. 80-90. It was a small farm. Later on the house was extended, kitchens and baths were added.
It is known that many villas were destroyed by fire. Their ruins remain hidden for years and it is often by accident that the site is discovered.
So in Hampshire a number of oyster-shells were found by a farmer, and the shells, remnants of a long-ago feast, led to the discovery of the villa at Rockbourne.
Available at: Access in: 22/06/2018.

The text was written mainly in the past, therefore we can also see many times the passive voice in it. How many times can you count the passive voice in the passage above?
Ano: 2018 Banca: IBADE Órgão: Prefeitura de Cujubim - RO
Q1199486 Inglês
Algeria turns off Internet to stop exam cheats
23rd June, 2018
Algeria has turned off its Internet all over the country to stop students cheating in high school exams. Algeria's government said it wanted to do something to stop students secretly going online during nationwide school tests. All Internet service was stopped for an hour after the start of each of the exams. The government will shut the Internet down during the whole exam season, between June 20 and June 25. In addition, all electronic devices with Internet access have been banned from the country's 2,000 exam centers. Even teachers cannot take phones into the exam halls. There were many problems in 2016 when test questions were leaked online both before and during exams.
Algeria's Education Minister Nouria Benghabrit told the Algerian newspaper Annahar that Facebook would also be blocked across the country for the six days the exams were taking place. She said she did not like doing this but she could not do anything and give opportunities to students to cheat in tests. As an added security measure, metal detectors will be placed in all exam halls, and security cameras and mobile-phone blockers have been set up at the printing companies where the exams are printed. Many students thought the government was doing the right thing. Rania Salim, 16, said it wasn't fair that students who didn't study could get help in exams by using their mobile phone to cheat.
Taken from:
Choose the correct statement, according to the text.
Q1199454 Pedagogia
Acrescente C ou E, caso sejam corretas ou erradas as proposições que seguem, sobre a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional (LDB 9394/96):
           Reafirma o direito à educação, garantido pela Constituição Federal.
           Estabelece os princípios do Estado e os deveres educacionais em relação à educação escolar pública.

           Define as responsabilidades, em regime de colaboração, entre a União, os Estados, o Distrito Federal e os Municípios.
           A educação brasileira é dividida em dois níveis: a educação básica e o ensino superior.
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente os espaços, considerando o preenchimento de cima para baixo:
Ano: 2016 Banca: CONSULPLAN Órgão: Prefeitura de Sabará - MG
Q1198828 Inglês
Why I miss technology-free travel
(Monday, Dec 12, 2016. Josh Noel.)
I’ve been a travel writer for almost eight years, but here's the irony: I’m probably a worse traveler now. Back when I was freewheeling and in my early 20s, I’d get into my car every summer with an atlas, a bag stuffed with CDs and very little forethought about where I was headed.                I’d be gone for two weeks to three months. The extent of the technology I carried was the portable disc player connected to my tape player by a snaking wire. I stayed in pristine riverside campgrounds, quiet roadside motels operated by charming gray-haired couples and on the couches of people I’d met earlier that day. Once I forced myself to pick up a hitchhiker, a peaceful-looking, hippie-type dude. It wasn’t the life-altering experience I’d hoped for; he just needed a ride to work at a restaurant 10 miles up the road. Another time I got to talking with a guy who said he wasn’t sure he’d be able to afford his next tank of gas. I gave him five bucks — all I could spare — and he gave me a pink crystal that he said had special powers or some such. I rode around with that crystal on my dashboard for 15 years until I gave it to a friend  who was dying of cancer. I wanted her to have something meaningful to me, and that was it, secured by chance at an Oklahoma rest stop and hauled everywhere I went until it became hers.          I don’t travel so much anymore. As much as I’d like to say it’s because of having a family and a job and obligations weightier than whether to turn left or turn right, it has more to do with the shiny little machines in our pockets. When it comes to conquering the unknown, those shiny little machines can tell us everything about everything: the top 10 hotels, top 10 attractions, top 10 kid-friendly sushi places and the top 10 vegan-and-dog-friendly cafes with Wi-Fi and a pool table. Worse, we’ve mostly given up thinking about how we get from point A to point B. I have mistyped a couple of letters of a street name into Waze, and unquestioningly driven a route that I knew made no sense. But the shiny little machine says it is so! When I realized my mistake, I was furious not because I was going to be late or because I had wasted time, but because I had surrendered my critical thinking about how I got from point A to point B.   So as I can, I build unpredictability into my routine. I walk different ways to work, to the train, to the bus and around our neighborhood with my little son. When traveling, I demand unpredictability. Yes, the quickest route and top-ranked whatever is mighty attractive (especially the quickest route), but when I can build in time for wandering, I do it. When I can spend time finding my way by foot — no apps or phone maps      — I do that. When I can leave a hotel room with only a minimal plan, I walk out the front door. I duck into a bar. I sip a beer that I can’t find back home. I chat with a local. I ask for a dinner recommendation. And I value that answer over the wisdom of the online crowd every time.
(Available: Adapted.)
According to the text, apps and phone maps do NOT offer 

Ano: 2010 Banca: CONSULPLAN Órgão: Prefeitura de Riachuelo - SE
Q1198720 Pedagogia
Os movimentos de construção do projeto pedagógico são interligados e consistem na definição de um conjunto de ações a serem realizadas coletivamente pela escola. Considerando estes movimentos, assinale V para as afirmativas verdadeiras e F para as falsas:
(  ) No movimento de definição das concepções da escola, é importante trabalhar com um grupo reduzido de pessoas, a fim de tornar o trabalho mais organizado.
(  ) A análise de interpretação dos dados coletados, no que se refere à realidade da escola, deve ser feita qualitativa e quantitativamente, visando explicitar sua realidade.
(  ) O terceiro movimento de construção do projeto pedagógico refere-se à execução do que o coletivo da escola elegeu como prioridades para inovar o seu trabalho.
(  ) O processo avaliativo precisa ocorrer no segundo e terceiro movimentos de construção do projeto pedagógico, visto que, de fato, propõem mudanças para a escola.
A sequência está correta em:
Ano: 2018 Banca: FADESP Órgão: Prefeitura de Marabá - PA
Q1198677 Inglês
According to Chamot e O´Malley and (1994), there are three types of learning strategies: metacognitive, cognitive and social/affective. Check the alternative in which there is an example of a metacognitive strategy.
Ano: 2019 Banca: FUNDEPES Órgão: Prefeitura de Santa Luzia - MG
Q1198646 Inglês
A Debate on Literature as a Teaching Material in FLT
Ferdows Aghagolzadeh
Department of General Linguistics, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran,
Iran Farzaneh Tajabadi (Corresponding Author)
Department of General linguistics, Faculty of Humanities,
Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Email: [email protected]
Abstract — Teaching materials play an important role in most foreign language teaching programs. The number of studies on this subject bears ample testimony to the significance given by scholars in this regard. This article is a review on some reasons that scholars propose for the use of literature as a language teaching material in foreign language (FL) classes and compares favors and disfavors ideas in this regard. Among a welter of reasons which have been proffered by a variety of authors and can be considered as the merits of literature in FLT, this study focuses on authenticity, cultural/incultural understanding, critical thinking and language skills and expand them further. This paper argues that teaching literature enhances students’ cultural understanding, facilitates critical thinking and improves language skills and all of these advantages caused by the authentic nature of literature. Index Terms — literature, FLT, authenticity, critical thinking, cultural awareness, language skills
Teaching materials play an important role in FL teaching programs. For this reason, teachers rely on a different range of materials to support their teaching and their students’ learning. In this regard, Seniro (2005) says “we need to have a clear pedagogic goal in mind: what precisely we want our students to learn from these materials” (p. 71). It is one of the self-evident things that, as a teacher of a Foreign Language, our main concern is to help learners acquire communicative competence. Savvidou (2004) points that communicative competence is more than acquiring mastery of structure and form, it also involves acquiring the ability to interpret discourse in all its social and cultural contexts. In this direction and in order to reach this lofty goal, Howard & Major (2004) propose ten guidelines for preparing teaching materials. They argue that these materials should: 1 - Be contextualized. 2 - Stimulate interaction and be generative in terms of language. 3 -Encourage learners to develop learning skills and strategies. 4 - Allow for a focus on form as well as function. 5 - Offer opportunities for integrated language use. 6 - Be authentic. 7 - Link to each other to develop a progression of skills, understanding and language items. 8- Be attractive. 9- Have appropriate instruction. 10- Be flexible. According to these different criteria, the main question is that if literature can be used as an appropriate material and if it can satisfy these factors. In this paper we try to show that literature is in agreement with these yardsticks.
Statement of problem
From time to time the need or value of teaching literature in the language class as a teaching material has been questioned. Using literature to teach second/foreign languages can be traced back to over one century ago, but in recent times (the middle of the 1980s) a renewed interest has emerged in the teaching of literature in the language class. This can be confirmed by seeing so many publications heralding the coming back of literature in language classes. Maley (2001) (cited in Khatib et al., 2011) argues that this attitude toward literature is due to a paucity of empirical research confirming the significance of literary input for language class. Notwithstanding the few controversial points regarding whether literature can be used to enhance the efficiency of language learning programs, the relevant literature abounds with the reasons why literary exploration can be beneficial in the language classroom. Researchers who advocate the use of literature to teach SL/FL list several benefits of it. For example, Lazar (1993) proposes six purposes or reasons for using literature in the language classroom as motivating material: access to cultural background, encouraging language acquisition, expanding students’ language awareness, developing students’ interpretative abilities and educating the whole person. Van (2009) also counts some advantages of using literature in the FL classroom as below: 1- It provides meaningful contexts; 2- It involves a profound range of vocabulary, dialogues and prose; 3- It appeals to imagination and enhances creativity; 4- It develops cultural awareness; 5- It encourages critical thinking; 6- It is in line with CLT (Communicative Language Teaching) principles. In sum, motivation, authenticity, cultural/intercultural awareness and globalization, intensive/extensive reading practice, sociolinguistic/pragmatic knowledge, grammar and vocabulary knowledge, language skills, emotional intelligence and critical thinking are the payoffs’ list of using literature in FL/SL classes (Khatib et al., 2011). However, some of these justifications or benefits are the subject of debate among scholars, and some experts have posited the possible potholes literature might cause in language class. However, Savvidou (2004) believes that the reasons why few experts often consider literature inappropriate to the language classroom may be found in the common beliefs held about literature and literary language, and these views reflect the historic separation between the study of language and the study of literature, which has led to the limited role of literature in the language classroom. Since scholars are not unanimous about this subject, the purpose of this paper is to compare the different viewpoints (favors and disfavors), to reach a rational conclusion about using literature as an appropriate teaching material in FL class.
Ideas and discussion
Among a welter of reasons which have been proffered by a variety of authors, this study focuses on authenticity, cultural/incultural understanding, critical thinking and language skills and attempts to expand them further.
A. Authenticity
Authenticity is a criterion considered highly essential in the current literature in FLT (Khatib,, 2011). A brief look at FL textbook topic contents reveals that they are fictions in a variety of ways. In other words, they are often unreal in the sense of relevance to the learners. The artificial nature of the language and structures used makes them very unlike anything that the learner will encounter in the real world and very often they don’t reflect how the language is really used. Berado (2006) states: “one of the main reasons for using authentic materials in the classroom is once outside the safe, controlled language learning environment, the learner will not encounter the artificial language of classroom, but the real world and language how it is really used”. According to Wallace (1992), authentic texts are “real life texts, not written for pedagogic purposes” (p.145). Peacock (1997) says the purpose of producing this material is to fulfill some social purpose in the language community. Berado (2006) writes the sources of authentic materials that can be used in the FL class are infinite and proposes four factors worth taking into consideration when choosing authentic material for the classroom. These factors are: suitability of content, exploitability, readability and presentation. He believes that the main advantages of using authentic materials in the classroom include: 1 - Having a positive effect on student motivation; 2 - Giving authentic cultural information; 3 - Exposing students to real language; 4 - Relating more closely to students’ needs; 5 - Supporting a more creative approach to teaching. Cruz (2010) believes that literature as aesthetic recreation can be considered a much more “authentic” source and can inspire more authority in the use and enrichment of language. He says “literature can be regarded as a rich source of authentic material, because it conveys two features in its written text: one is “language in use‟, that is, the employment of linguistics by those who have mastered it into a fashion intended for native speakers; the second is an aesthetic representation of the spoken language, which is meant to recover or represent language within a certain cultural context”. Literature as the authentic material imparts the diverse forms and functions of written language (Hadaway, 2002). These are what makes us excited and willing to use authentic materials in EFL class, but opponents believe that while using them, it is inevitable that we face some problems. Martinez (2002) (cited in Berardo, 2006) writes the negative aspects of authentic materials are that they can be too culturally biased, often a good knowledge of cultural background is required when reading, as well as that too many structures are mixed, causing lower level problems when decoding the texts. If we summarize the focal points of this discussion, we can say that arguably more important than the provision of authentic texts is authenticity in terms of the tasks which learners are required to perform with them. From what was said we can conclude that the use of literary text as an authentic material, from the language teaching point of view, will be useful because these texts show how language works in contexts. Furthermore, they show how language should be used in which condition and situation.
Available at: < documents>. Accessed on: February 18th, 2019 (Edited).
According to the article,
Ano: 2019 Banca: FUNDEPES Órgão: Prefeitura de Santa Luzia - MG
Q1198396 Inglês
A Debate on Literature as a Teaching Material in FLT
Ferdows Aghagolzadeh
Department of General Linguistics, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran,
Iran Farzaneh Tajabadi (Corresponding Author)
Department of General linguistics, Faculty of Humanities,
Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Email: [email protected]
Abstract — Teaching materials play an important role in most foreign language teaching programs. The number of studies on this subject bears ample testimony to the significance given by scholars in this regard. This article is a review on some reasons that scholars propose for the use of literature as a language teaching material in foreign language (FL) classes and compares favors and disfavors ideas in this regard. Among a welter of reasons which have been proffered by a variety of authors and can be considered as the merits of literature in FLT, this study focuses on authenticity, cultural/incultural understanding, critical thinking and language skills and expand them further. This paper argues that teaching literature enhances students’ cultural understanding, facilitates critical thinking and improves language skills and all of these advantages caused by the authentic nature of literature. Index Terms — literature, FLT, authenticity, critical thinking, cultural awareness, language skills
Teaching materials play an important role in FL teaching programs. For this reason, teachers rely on a different range of materials to support their teaching and their students’ learning. In this regard, Seniro (2005) says “we need to have a clear pedagogic goal in mind: what precisely we want our students to learn from these materials” (p. 71). It is one of the self-evident things that, as a teacher of a Foreign Language, our main concern is to help learners acquire communicative competence. Savvidou (2004) points that communicative competence is more than acquiring mastery of structure and form, it also involves acquiring the ability to interpret discourse in all its social and cultural contexts. In this direction and in order to reach this lofty goal, Howard & Major (2004) propose ten guidelines for preparing teaching materials. They argue that these materials should: 1 - Be contextualized. 2 - Stimulate interaction and be generative in terms of language. 3 -Encourage learners to develop learning skills and strategies. 4 - Allow for a focus on form as well as function. 5 - Offer opportunities for integrated language use. 6 - Be authentic. 7 - Link to each other to develop a progression of skills, understanding and language items. 8- Be attractive. 9- Have appropriate instruction. 10- Be flexible. According to these different criteria, the main question is that if literature can be used as an appropriate material and if it can satisfy these factors. In this paper we try to show that literature is in agreement with these yardsticks.
Statement of problem
From time to time the need or value of teaching literature in the language class as a teaching material has been questioned. Using literature to teach second/foreign languages can be traced back to over one century ago, but in recent times (the middle of the 1980s) a renewed interest has emerged in the teaching of literature in the language class. This can be confirmed by seeing so many publications heralding the coming back of literature in language classes. Maley (2001) (cited in Khatib et al., 2011) argues that this attitude toward literature is due to a paucity of empirical research confirming the significance of literary input for language class. Notwithstanding the few controversial points regarding whether literature can be used to enhance the efficiency of language learning programs, the relevant literature abounds with the reasons why literary exploration can be beneficial in the language classroom. Researchers who advocate the use of literature to teach SL/FL list several benefits of it. For example, Lazar (1993) proposes six purposes or reasons for using literature in the language classroom as motivating material: access to cultural background, encouraging language acquisition, expanding students’ language awareness, developing students’ interpretative abilities and educating the whole person. Van (2009) also counts some advantages of using literature in the FL classroom as below: 1- It provides meaningful contexts; 2- It involves a profound range of vocabulary, dialogues and prose; 3- It appeals to imagination and enhances creativity; 4- It develops cultural awareness; 5- It encourages critical thinking; 6- It is in line with CLT (Communicative Language Teaching) principles. In sum, motivation, authenticity, cultural/intercultural awareness and globalization, intensive/extensive reading practice, sociolinguistic/pragmatic knowledge, grammar and vocabulary knowledge, language skills, emotional intelligence and critical thinking are the payoffs’ list of using literature in FL/SL classes (Khatib et al., 2011). However, some of these justifications or benefits are the subject of debate among scholars, and some experts have posited the possible potholes literature might cause in language class. However, Savvidou (2004) believes that the reasons why few experts often consider literature inappropriate to the language classroom may be found in the common beliefs held about literature and literary language, and these views reflect the historic separation between the study of language and the study of literature, which has led to the limited role of literature in the language classroom. Since scholars are not unanimous about this subject, the purpose of this paper is to compare the different viewpoints (favors and disfavors), to reach a rational conclusion about using literature as an appropriate teaching material in FL class.
Ideas and discussion
Among a welter of reasons which have been proffered by a variety of authors, this study focuses on authenticity, cultural/incultural understanding, critical thinking and language skills and attempts to expand them further.
A. Authenticity
Authenticity is a criterion considered highly essential in the current literature in FLT (Khatib,, 2011). A brief look at FL textbook topic contents reveals that they are fictions in a variety of ways. In other words, they are often unreal in the sense of relevance to the learners. The artificial nature of the language and structures used makes them very unlike anything that the learner will encounter in the real world and very often they don’t reflect how the language is really used. Berado (2006) states: “one of the main reasons for using authentic materials in the classroom is once outside the safe, controlled language learning environment, the learner will not encounter the artificial language of classroom, but the real world and language how it is really used”. According to Wallace (1992), authentic texts are “real life texts, not written for pedagogic purposes” (p.145). Peacock (1997) says the purpose of producing this material is to fulfill some social purpose in the language community. Berado (2006) writes the sources of authentic materials that can be used in the FL class are infinite and proposes four factors worth taking into consideration when choosing authentic material for the classroom. These factors are: suitability of content, exploitability, readability and presentation. He believes that the main advantages of using authentic materials in the classroom include: 1 - Having a positive effect on student motivation; 2 - Giving authentic cultural information; 3 - Exposing students to real language; 4 - Relating more closely to students’ needs; 5 - Supporting a more creative approach to teaching. Cruz (2010) believes that literature as aesthetic recreation can be considered a much more “authentic” source and can inspire more authority in the use and enrichment of language. He says “literature can be regarded as a rich source of authentic material, because it conveys two features in its written text: one is “language in use‟, that is, the employment of linguistics by those who have mastered it into a fashion intended for native speakers; the second is an aesthetic representation of the spoken language, which is meant to recover or represent language within a certain cultural context”. Literature as the authentic material imparts the diverse forms and functions of written language (Hadaway, 2002). These are what makes us excited and willing to use authentic materials in EFL class, but opponents believe that while using them, it is inevitable that we face some problems. Martinez (2002) (cited in Berardo, 2006) writes the negative aspects of authentic materials are that they can be too culturally biased, often a good knowledge of cultural background is required when reading, as well as that too many structures are mixed, causing lower level problems when decoding the texts. If we summarize the focal points of this discussion, we can say that arguably more important than the provision of authentic texts is authenticity in terms of the tasks which learners are required to perform with them. From what was said we can conclude that the use of literary text as an authentic material, from the language teaching point of view, will be useful because these texts show how language works in contexts. Furthermore, they show how language should be used in which condition and situation.
Available at: < documents>. Accessed on: February 18th, 2019 (Edited).
According to one argument in the text, most foreign language textbooks contain
Ano: 2018 Banca: FUNDATEC Órgão: Prefeitura de Ibiaçá - RS
Q1198356 Enfermagem
No Rio Grande do Sul, em 2018, a taxa de detecção de Aids apresentou ________________ progressiva nos últimos 10 anos. O RS apresenta uma taxa ________ à do Brasil (18,3 casos/100 mil habitantes), sendo a _________ mais elevada do país. Assinale a alternativa que preenche, correta e respectivamente, as lacunas do trecho acima. 
Ano: 2016 Banca: INAZ do Pará Órgão: Prefeitura de Itaúna - MG
Q1198355 Inglês
Still I Rise  You may write me down in history with your bitter twisted lies, You may trod me in the very dirt But still, like dust, I'll rise. Does my sassiness upset you? Why are you beset with gloom? Cause I walk like I've got oil wells pumping in my living room. Just like moons and like suns, with certainty of tides, Just like hopes springing high, still I'll rise. Did you want to see me broken? Bowed head and lowered eyes? Shoulders falling down like teardrops, weakened by my soulful cries. Does my haughtiness offend you? Don't you take it awful hard, Cause I laugh like I've got gold mines diggin' in my own back yard. You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, You may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, like air, I'll rise Does my sexiness upset you? Does it come as asurprise, That I dance like I've got diamonds at the meeting of my thighs? Out of the huts of history's shame I rise. Up from a past that's rooted in pain I rise. I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide, welling and swelling I bear in the tide. Leaving behind nights of terror and fear I rise. Into a daybreak that's wondrously clear I rise. Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave, I am the dream and the hope of the slave. I rise  I rise I rise... Maya Angelou (Fonte: <>. Acesso em: 04/07/2016)

Mais do que nunca a Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos tem sido amplamente discutida em vários países, assim como nos EUA e nos Brasil. O Poema de Maya Angelou aborda temáticas da luta afro-americana que também são pautas das lutas dos movimentos sociais brasileiros, dentre as temáticas abordadas no poema estão
Ano: 2019 Banca: FUNDEPES Órgão: Prefeitura de Santa Luzia - MG
Q1198229 Inglês
A Debate on Literature as a Teaching Material in FLT
Ferdows Aghagolzadeh
Department of General Linguistics, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran,
Iran Farzaneh Tajabadi (Corresponding Author)
Department of General linguistics, Faculty of Humanities,
Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Email: [email protected]
Abstract — Teaching materials play an important role in most foreign language teaching programs. The number of studies on this subject bears ample testimony to the significance given by scholars in this regard. This article is a review on some reasons that scholars propose for the use of literature as a language teaching material in foreign language (FL) classes and compares favors and disfavors ideas in this regard. Among a welter of reasons which have been proffered by a variety of authors and can be considered as the merits of literature in FLT, this study focuses on authenticity, cultural/incultural understanding, critical thinking and language skills and expand them further. This paper argues that teaching literature enhances students’ cultural understanding, facilitates critical thinking and improves language skills and all of these advantages caused by the authentic nature of literature. Index Terms — literature, FLT, authenticity, critical thinking, cultural awareness, language skills
Teaching materials play an important role in FL teaching programs. For this reason, teachers rely on a different range of materials to support their teaching and their students’ learning. In this regard, Seniro (2005) says “we need to have a clear pedagogic goal in mind: what precisely we want our students to learn from these materials” (p. 71). It is one of the self-evident things that, as a teacher of a Foreign Language, our main concern is to help learners acquire communicative competence. Savvidou (2004) points that communicative competence is more than acquiring mastery of structure and form, it also involves acquiring the ability to interpret discourse in all its social and cultural contexts. In this direction and in order to reach this lofty goal, Howard & Major (2004) propose ten guidelines for preparing teaching materials. They argue that these materials should: 1 - Be contextualized. 2 - Stimulate interaction and be generative in terms of language. 3 -Encourage learners to develop learning skills and strategies. 4 - Allow for a focus on form as well as function. 5 - Offer opportunities for integrated language use. 6 - Be authentic. 7 - Link to each other to develop a progression of skills, understanding and language items. 8- Be attractive. 9- Have appropriate instruction. 10- Be flexible. According to these different criteria, the main question is that if literature can be used as an appropriate material and if it can satisfy these factors. In this paper we try to show that literature is in agreement with these yardsticks.
Statement of problem
From time to time the need or value of teaching literature in the language class as a teaching material has been questioned. Using literature to teach second/foreign languages can be traced back to over one century ago, but in recent times (the middle of the 1980s) a renewed interest has emerged in the teaching of literature in the language class. This can be confirmed by seeing so many publications heralding the coming back of literature in language classes. Maley (2001) (cited in Khatib et al., 2011) argues that this attitude toward literature is due to a paucity of empirical research confirming the significance of literary input for language class. Notwithstanding the few controversial points regarding whether literature can be used to enhance the efficiency of language learning programs, the relevant literature abounds with the reasons why literary exploration can be beneficial in the language classroom. Researchers who advocate the use of literature to teach SL/FL list several benefits of it. For example, Lazar (1993) proposes six purposes or reasons for using literature in the language classroom as motivating material: access to cultural background, encouraging language acquisition, expanding students’ language awareness, developing students’ interpretative abilities and educating the whole person. Van (2009) also counts some advantages of using literature in the FL classroom as below: 1- It provides meaningful contexts; 2- It involves a profound range of vocabulary, dialogues and prose; 3- It appeals to imagination and enhances creativity; 4- It develops cultural awareness; 5- It encourages critical thinking; 6- It is in line with CLT (Communicative Language Teaching) principles. In sum, motivation, authenticity, cultural/intercultural awareness and globalization, intensive/extensive reading practice, sociolinguistic/pragmatic knowledge, grammar and vocabulary knowledge, language skills, emotional intelligence and critical thinking are the payoffs’ list of using literature in FL/SL classes (Khatib et al., 2011). However, some of these justifications or benefits are the subject of debate among scholars, and some experts have posited the possible potholes literature might cause in language class. However, Savvidou (2004) believes that the reasons why few experts often consider literature inappropriate to the language classroom may be found in the common beliefs held about literature and literary language, and these views reflect the historic separation between the study of language and the study of literature, which has led to the limited role of literature in the language classroom. Since scholars are not unanimous about this subject, the purpose of this paper is to compare the different viewpoints (favors and disfavors), to reach a rational conclusion about using literature as an appropriate teaching material in FL class.
Ideas and discussion
Among a welter of reasons which have been proffered by a variety of authors, this study focuses on authenticity, cultural/incultural understanding, critical thinking and language skills and attempts to expand them further.
A. Authenticity
Authenticity is a criterion considered highly essential in the current literature in FLT (Khatib,, 2011). A brief look at FL textbook topic contents reveals that they are fictions in a variety of ways. In other words, they are often unreal in the sense of relevance to the learners. The artificial nature of the language and structures used makes them very unlike anything that the learner will encounter in the real world and very often they don’t reflect how the language is really used. Berado (2006) states: “one of the main reasons for using authentic materials in the classroom is once outside the safe, controlled language learning environment, the learner will not encounter the artificial language of classroom, but the real world and language how it is really used”. According to Wallace (1992), authentic texts are “real life texts, not written for pedagogic purposes” (p.145). Peacock (1997) says the purpose of producing this material is to fulfill some social purpose in the language community. Berado (2006) writes the sources of authentic materials that can be used in the FL class are infinite and proposes four factors worth taking into consideration when choosing authentic material for the classroom. These factors are: suitability of content, exploitability, readability and presentation. He believes that the main advantages of using authentic materials in the classroom include: 1 - Having a positive effect on student motivation; 2 - Giving authentic cultural information; 3 - Exposing students to real language; 4 - Relating more closely to students’ needs; 5 - Supporting a more creative approach to teaching. Cruz (2010) believes that literature as aesthetic recreation can be considered a much more “authentic” source and can inspire more authority in the use and enrichment of language. He says “literature can be regarded as a rich source of authentic material, because it conveys two features in its written text: one is “language in use‟, that is, the employment of linguistics by those who have mastered it into a fashion intended for native speakers; the second is an aesthetic representation of the spoken language, which is meant to recover or represent language within a certain cultural context”. Literature as the authentic material imparts the diverse forms and functions of written language (Hadaway, 2002). These are what makes us excited and willing to use authentic materials in EFL class, but opponents believe that while using them, it is inevitable that we face some problems. Martinez (2002) (cited in Berardo, 2006) writes the negative aspects of authentic materials are that they can be too culturally biased, often a good knowledge of cultural background is required when reading, as well as that too many structures are mixed, causing lower level problems when decoding the texts. If we summarize the focal points of this discussion, we can say that arguably more important than the provision of authentic texts is authenticity in terms of the tasks which learners are required to perform with them. From what was said we can conclude that the use of literary text as an authentic material, from the language teaching point of view, will be useful because these texts show how language works in contexts. Furthermore, they show how language should be used in which condition and situation.
Available at: < documents>. Accessed on: February 18th, 2019 (Edited).
The scarce use of literary texts in language classroom is due to the
Ano: 2007 Banca: CESPE / CEBRASPE Órgão: Prefeitura de Vitória - ES
Q1197970 Português
Um estudo do MEC revela que sete em cada dez professores de ciências no Brasil não têm formação específica para lecionar a disciplina. A maioria fez faculdade em outra área e alguns não têm sequer diploma universitário. O problema é ainda mais grave entre os professores de física: 90% deles não concluíram o curso apropriado. Segundo especialistas, a má formação dos professores é uma das principais causas do fraco desempenho dos estudantes brasileiros no Programa Internacional de Avaliação de Alunos (PISA), que deixou o Brasil em 52.º lugar, entre 57 países avaliados. O ministro da Educação, Fernando Haddad, disse que a educação perdeu R$ 50 bilhões, só nos últimos dez anos, com a DRU (desvinculação de recursos da União). Ele defendeu mudanças na DRU: “Não é uma coincidência o fato de que a qualidade cai quando os recursos caem”.
O Globo, 1.º/12/2007

Tendo o texto acima como referência inicial e considerando aspectos marcantes do sistema educacional brasileiro, julgue o item subseqüente.

A disciplina Química é a que tem menos professores licenciados no conjunto da área de ciências; provavelmente, isso tenha a ver com a falta de laboratórios.
Ano: 2015 Banca: COMPERVE - UFRN Órgão: Prefeitura de Natal - RN
Q1197858 Ciências
Segundo Libâneo, a Didática é uma disciplina que estuda o processo de ensino em conjunto, no qual objetivos, conteúdos, métodos e formas organizativas das aulas se relacionam entre si para que seja possível garantir aos alunos uma aprendizagem de conteúdos significativos. Em relação à Didática e suas categorias, é correto afirmar:
Ano: 2015 Banca: FEPESE Órgão: Prefeitura de Bombinhas - SC
Q1197401 Inglês
Older and Better     Many people opt ____________ newer homes because they are cleaner, bigger and often have more amenities. But new research shows old houses ____________ old neighborhoods may be better for your health.   University of Utah researchers found that people who live in older, more walkable neighborhoods are ____________ lower risk for overweight and obesity. The study, to be published in the September issue of The American Journal of Preventive Medicine, tracked the body mass index ____________ nearly a half million Salt Lake County residents in Utah. They found that neighborhoods built before 1950 tended ____________ offer greater overall walkability because they had been designed for pedestrians. Newer neighborhoods often were designed primarily to facilitate car travel, the researchers noted.   “It’s difficult for individuals to change their behavior,” said Ken Smith, co-author of the study and professor of family and consumer studies at the University of Utah. “But we can build environments that promote healthy behavior.”   Dr. Smith and colleagues used census data as well as height and weight information obtained from the drivers’ license records of 453,927 Salt Lake County residents between the ages of 25 and 64. They found that men, on average, weighed ten pounds less if they lived in a walkable neighborhood versus a neighborhood less conductive to walking. The average women weighed six pounds less.   “The data show that how and where we live can greatly affect our health,” Dr. Smith said. “Neighborhoods with higher fractions of residents who walk to work tell us that something beneficial about neighborhood is promoting health.”   The research offers a blueprint for communities on better ways to design new developments to encourage healthful living. And for people shopping for homes, the lesson is to think about not just the house itself but whether the neighborhood is pedestrian-friendly, with sidewalks, bikes and walking paths, low traffic and amenities like coffee shops or convenient stores that are within walking distance.   Last fall, Stanford Medicine Magazine also looked at the effect neighborhoods have on health. Researchers there found that among people who were trying to be more active, living in walkable neighborhoods dramatically improved their odds of exercising for at least two-and-a-half hours week. In one study of people who lived in walkable neighborhoods achieved their goals, compared to just 30 percent of those who lived in pedestrian-unfriendly areas.    Match the words on column 1 with their meanings on column 2: 
Column 1 - Words  1. Amenities  2. Walkable  3. Tracked  4. Conducive 
Column 2 - Meaning  (   ) propitious.  (   ) studied, analyzed.  (   ) places that make life more pleasant.  (   ) suitable for a walk. 
Choose the alternative which presents the correct sequence:
Ano: 2015 Banca: IBEG Órgão: Prefeitura de Teixeira de Freitas - BA
Q1197222 Inglês
McDonald’s is one of the most famous brands in the world. It is the world’s largest chain of hamburger restaurants with 31,000 eateries. It operates in 119 countries, serving 47 million customers a day. The company employs over 1.5 million people. The business began in 1940 when brothers Richard and Maurice McDonald opened their first restaurant. In 1948, they introduced the "Speedee Service System" which started the modern fast-food phenomenon. The golden arches trademark was introduced in 1962. McDonald’s has rarely been out of the headlines for controversies over its unhealthy menus and working conditions. The term "McJob" was added to Merriam-Webster's Dictionary in 2003, meaning "a low-paying job that requires little skill and provides little opportunity for advancement". 
 Regarding the use of referents underlined on the text, choose the best alternative:
Ano: 2015 Banca: FEPESE Órgão: Prefeitura de Bombinhas - SC
Q1197154 Inglês
Older and Better     Many people opt ____________ newer homes because they are cleaner, bigger and often have more amenities. But new research shows old houses ____________ old neighborhoods may be better for your health.   University of Utah researchers found that people who live in older, more walkable neighborhoods are ____________ lower risk for overweight and obesity. The study, to be published in the September issue of The American Journal of Preventive Medicine, tracked the body mass index ____________ nearly a half million Salt Lake County residents in Utah. They found that neighborhoods built before 1950 tended ____________ offer greater overall walkability because they had been designed for pedestrians. Newer neighborhoods often were designed primarily to facilitate car travel, the researchers noted.   “It’s difficult for individuals to change their behavior,” said Ken Smith, co-author of the study and professor of family and consumer studies at the University of Utah. “But we can build environments that promote healthy behavior.”   Dr. Smith and colleagues used census data as well as height and weight information obtained from the drivers’ license records of 453,927 Salt Lake County residents between the ages of 25 and 64. They found that men, on average, weighed ten pounds less if they lived in a walkable neighborhood versus a neighborhood less conductive to walking. The average women weighed six pounds less.   “The data show that how and where we live can greatly affect our health,” Dr. Smith said. “Neighborhoods with higher fractions of residents who walk to work tell us that something beneficial about neighborhood is promoting health.”   The research offers a blueprint for communities on better ways to design new developments to encourage healthful living. And for people shopping for homes, the lesson is to think about not just the house itself but whether the neighborhood is pedestrian-friendly, with sidewalks, bikes and walking paths, low traffic and amenities like coffee shops or convenient stores that are within walking distance.   Last fall, Stanford Medicine Magazine also looked at the effect neighborhoods have on health. Researchers there found that among people who were trying to be more active, living in walkable neighborhoods dramatically improved their odds of exercising for at least two-and-a-half hours week. In one study of people who lived in walkable neighborhoods achieved their goals, compared to just 30 percent of those who lived in pedestrian-unfriendly areas.    Read these sentences and, according to the text, decide if they are true ( T ) or false ( F ). 
(   ) People prefer newer homes because they are better for your health.  (   ) The risk of gaining weight diminishes if you live older, more walkable neighborhoods.  (   ) More residents in Salt Lake County live in neighborhoods built before 1950.  (   ) Ken Smith believes that changing one’s behavior is hard to do.  (   ) Teenagers’ data were not taken into consideration in the research carried on by DR. Smith and his colleagues. 
Choose the alternative which presents the correct sequence:
Ano: 2015 Banca: FUMARC Órgão: Prefeitura de Ipuã - SP
Q1196942 Pedagogia
Pela Constituição de 1988, a educação é um direito de todos, dever do Estado e da família. Ela visa ao pleno desenvolvimento da pessoa, ao seu preparo para o exercício da cidadania e à qualificação para o trabalho. 
É CORRETO afirmar que o ensino deve ser ministrado, levando-se em conta 
Ano: 2015 Banca: FUMARC Órgão: Prefeitura de Ipuã - SP
Q1196859 Pedagogia
O currículo escolar abrange experiências de aprendizagens, conteúdos que deverão ser abordados no processo de ensino-aprendizagem e a metodologia a ser utilizada para os diversos níveis de ensino. Tem-se o currículo real, o currículo oculto e o currículo prescrito ou oficial. 
Em relação ao currículo prescrito ou oficial, é CORRETO afirmar que se trata de um currículo que 
Ano: 2015 Banca: FEPESE Órgão: Prefeitura de Bombinhas - SC
Q1196705 Pedagogia
Demerval Saviani (1997) e José Carlos Libâneo (1987) se dedicaram a estudar as tendências e concepções pedagógicas da educação brasileira. 
Segundo eles a educação brasileira caracterizou-se historicamente por duas grandes vertentes de pensamento: liberal e progressista. 
Relacione a seguir essas vertentes com as tendências de pensamento educativo derivadas delas: 
Coluna 1 - Vertente  1. Vertente Liberal  2. Vertente Progressista 
Coluna 2 - Tendências  (   ) Tradicional  (   ) Libertária  (   ) Renovadora não-diretiva  (   ) Libertadora  (   ) Tecnicista  (   ) Crítico-social dos conteúdos  (   ) Renovadora progressista 
Assinale a alternativa que indica a sequência correta, de cima para baixo.
Ano: 2013 Banca: FEPESE Órgão: Prefeitura de Tijucas - SC
Q1196604 Inglês
Choose the alternative which presents the correct pair of synonyms.
10281: D
10282: E
10283: B
10284: D
10285: A
10286: D
10287: B
10288: D
10289: C
10290: E
10291: D
10292: E
10293: C
10294: E
10295: C
10296: D
10297: B
10298: B
10299: A
10300: C