Questões de Concurso Comentadas para professor - inglês

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Q1196548 Educação Física
A respeito da avaliação da aprendizagem, consta na Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional (LDB) que a verificação do rendimento escolar deverá observar, entre outros, o seguinte critério:
Ano: 2010 Banca: CONSULPLAN Órgão: Prefeitura de Campo Verde - MT
Q1196501 Inglês
TEXT VII: Santísima Señora de San Juan de los Lagos,
We came to see you twice when they brought you to San Antonio, my mother and my sister Yolanda and two of my aunts, Tía Enedina and my Tía Perla, and we drove all the way from Beeville just to visit you and make our requests.
I don’t know what my Tía Enedina asked for, she’s always so secretive, but probably it had to do with her son Beto who doesn’t do anything but hang around the house and get into trouble. And my Tía Perla no doubt complained about her ladies’ problems–her ovaries that itch, her tangled fallopians, her uterus that makes her seasick with all its flipping and flopping. And Mami who said she only came along for the ride, lit three candles so you would bless us all and sweep jealousy and bitterness from our hearts because that’s what she says every day and every night. And my sister Yoli asked that you help her lose weight because I don’t want to wind up like Tía Perla, embroidering altar cloths and dressing saints.

But that was a year ago, Virgencita, and since then my cousin Beto was fined for killing the neighbor’s rooster with a flying Big Red bottle, and my Tía Perla is convinced her uterus has fallen because when she walks something inside her rattles like a maraca, and my mother and my aunts are arguing and yelling at each other same as always. And my stupid sister Yoli is still sending away for even stupider products like the Grasa Fantástica, guaranteed to burn away fat – It really works, Tere, just rub some on while you’re watching TV – only she’s fatter than ever and just as sad.
What I realize is that we all made the trip to San Antonio to ask something of you, Virgencita, we all needed you to listen to us. And of all of us, my mama and sister Yoli, and my aunts Enedina and Perla, of all of us, you granted me my petition and sent, just like I asked, a guy who would love only me because I was tired of looking at girls younger than me walking along the street or riding in cars or standing in front of the school with a guy’s arm hooked around their neck.

So what is it I’m asking for? Please, Virgencita. Lift this heavy cross from my shoulders and leave me like I was before, wind on my neck, my arms swinging free, and no one telling me how I ought to be.

Teresa Galindo   Beeville, Texas
(“The Heath Anthology of American Literature”. Paul Lauter. D.C. Heath and Company / Editora)
The sentence “Yoli is still sending away for even stupider products” in the Passive form is:
Ano: 2016 Banca: IMA Órgão: Prefeitura de Picos - PI
Q1196210 Inglês
Os verbos auxiliares "Should", 'Would" e "Could' são a forma do "past tense” de:
Q1195614 Pedagogia
Em relação à função social da escola, é INCORRETO afirmar:
Ano: 2015 Banca: CONPASS Órgão: Prefeitura de Dona Inês - PB
Q1195233 Inglês
“Children and teenagers shouldn't be allowed to do what they want. Parents have their rights, too, says Wayne Short, a famous British psychologist. In his opinion, children who have too much freedom will become “difficult” adolescents. Mr. Short believes that modern parents must take old-fashioned attitudes and guide their children’s behavior so that they become adolescents who respect other people`s rights – including their own parents.
Among other things, the British psychologist thinks that parents mustn’t fear telling adolescents off if they are not behaving properly either at home or at school. Also, parents have the right to phone teachers to find out whether their teenage son or daughter has been missing classes recently. In fact, parents must be on the alert for any strange attitude their children might take.
Some recent interviews with parents show they are very much worried that their teenage sons and daughters might become troublemakers. Speaking to a magazine reporter, William Wavy (62) said that his son, Phil, did not want to work or study when he was younger. Wavy added that, when Phil turned twenty, things got much worse. One night, the father found out that his son had stolen a car and had been taken to a police station. “I simply got desperate and tried to help my son”, says William. He managed to take his son home, but a few days later the police called again. Phil had been arrested for robbing a house. This time William did not raise a finger and Phil is doing time in a state prison.
Should Willian have tried to free his son again? Did he do the right thing? These are questions which will remain unanswered for some time. Willian now feels that it may have been his son’s upbringing that went wrong. He says that he should have searched his son’s bedroom and got to know his friends. But he also feels that now he has the right to live in peace and that his son must be held responsible for his own acts.
In the sentence “In his opinion, children who have too much freedom Will become ‘difficult’ adolescents”, Will suggests:
Ano: 2018 Banca: FURB Órgão: Prefeitura de Timbó - SC
Q1195121 Pedagogia
Leia as características abaixo:
I- Entendida como uma prática de avaliação contínua que objetiva desenvolver as aprendizagens. II- Proporciona o levantamento de informações úteis à regulação do processo ensino – aprendizagem, contribuindo para a efetivação da atividade de ensino. III- Trata-se de um processo cíclico e contínuo de análise e ação, que possibilita ao professor ter um apontamento das necessidades e dificuldades dos alunos.
As características elencadas se referem à:
Ano: 2010 Banca: FUNDATEC Órgão: Prefeitura de Ibiaçá - RS
Q1194203 Pedagogia
Numere a 2ª coluna de acordo com a 1ª, considerando algumas situações previstas no plano de trabalho de um professor.    1. O desmatamento é um dos principais problemas ambientais.            
2. Atendeu plenamente aos objetivos da aula.  
3. Confecção de poemas sobre meio ambiente. 
4. Erosão do solo.            (    ) metodologia. 
(    ) conteúdo. 
(    ) diagnóstico. 
(    ) avaliação.    A ordem correta da numeração, de cima para baixo, é:   
Ano: 2009 Banca: FEPESE Órgão: Prefeitura de Ituporanga - SC
Q1194193 Português
Leia a notícia:
Em SP, poluição mata mais que trânsito.
2 de julho de 2008, por Andréa Bordinhão
Nos dias de maior poluição na cidade de São Paulo, de cada dez pessoas infartadas, uma sofre o ataque por causa da má qualidade do ar. A cada cem casos de câncer de pulmão na capital paulista, oito são por causa da poluição. Os dados foram apresentados pelo médico patologista do Hospital das Clínicas de São Paulo, professor titular do Departamento de Patologia da Faculdade de Medicina da USP e pesquisador do Laboratório de Poluição Atmosférica da Universidade, Paulo Hilário Saldiva. As estatísticas foram colhidas ao longo de anos de pesquisas desenvolvidas pelos profissionais do laboratório e publicadas em revistas especializadas
Fonte: Revista Veja. Disponível em:
Analise as afirmações abaixo relacionadas ao assunto abordado pela Revista Veja:
1. Nas grandes cidades, como São Paulo, a poluição constitui um grave problema de saúde pública.
2. Como uma solução para a poluição das grandes cidades, o governo deveria estimular o transporte individual.
3. As doenças causadas pela poluição são capazes de levar à morte as pessoas mais suscetíveis.
4. Segundo muitos especialistas, uma das soluções possíveis para os problemas gerados pela poluição nas grandes cidades seria a redução do tráfego de veículos.
Assinale a alternativa que indica todas as afirmações corretas.
Ano: 2017 Banca: CONPASS Órgão: Prefeitura de Prata - PB
Q1193524 Inglês
______ melodies tend to repeat every 20-30 seconds, which helps to explain why they are so special.
Ano: 2017 Banca: CONPASS Órgão: Prefeitura de Prata - PB
Q1193512 Inglês
Bananas are ______ than apples and ______ too.
Ano: 2010 Banca: FADESP Órgão: Prefeitura de Juruti - PA
Q1193460 Inglês

Scott J. Baxter
In this article I describe some of the ways that journals can be used as teaching tools in the language classroom; in fact, the suggestions I make could be applied to the use of journals in teaching just about any subject. I begin by describing the concept of writing to learn, which is the theoretical foundation that journals are based on. After that, I give practical advice for using journals in the classroom. Next, I share my own advice and present feedback about journals from students at the American University of Bulgaria. Finally, I end with specific suggestions for how journals might be used at different moments during a lesson.  
Writing to learn
One way to begin is by thinking about the concept of writing to learn. But, rather than starting with a definition of the concept, I would like to start with a thought experiment. Suppose someone asked you to grab a piece of paper and jot down an answer to the question, “What things are important to you as a teacher?” What would you say? Perhaps you would write about the things you want your students to learn. Or maybe you would write about the sort of atmosphere you like to have in your classroom. Or perhaps you would write about the factors that led to your becoming a teacher.  
If you had, in fact, grabbed a piece of paper and jotted down some information, you would have been doing a type of writing called writing to learn. Writing to learn is thinking as you write. And this thinking as you write is the kind of writing that happens when people keep journals.  
Writing to learn is based on the assumption that students’ thoughts and understanding can grow and clarify through the process of writing. And growth in thought and understanding can certainly happen in the foreign language classroom.  
Writing to learn is usually contrasted with writing to communicate. Writing to communicate is the sort of graded writing that is typically assigned in classrooms. According to Young (1999), there are several key differences between writing to learn and writing to communicate: (1) writing to learn emphasizes discovery thinking, as opposed to critical thinking; (2) the emphasis is on developing ideas rather than revising, crafting, or clarifying; (3) the writing is designed to make sense primarily to the writer, rather than to a reader; (4) the audience is the self and trusted others, rather than a distant audience; (5) the language can be personal, rather than academic and formal; (6) the teacher plays the role of mentor or coach rather than judge; and (7) forms include journals, blogs, and rough drafts rather  than graded essays, reports, or business letters.
This list is one way to think about how writing to learn and writing to communicate differ. Another way to think about what writing to learn is has been illustrated by Casanave and Sosa (2008):  
[A] second language student, bored by textbook exercises, longs to be challenged by something more interesting, which almost always means something more  difficult and more interactive and almost always something outside the conventional school setting. c But if she is doing this in her L2, she must hold to a belief that may make her fearful at first—she must believe that she does not have to wait until her language is error-free in order to transform her experiences and complex thoughts into lines of words. The lines do not need to be long. The grammar does not need to be perfect. c She also needs to be convinced that there is a receptive audience consisting of other people who are interested in what she has to say. (92)  
The classroom activity proposed by the article is in accordance with a teaching methodology whose focus is  
Ano: 2007 Banca: CESPE / CEBRASPE Órgão: Prefeitura de Vitória - ES
Q1193373 Inglês
On workdays, I almost always have lunch after midday.
Regarding this sentence, judge the following item.

The verb “have” is in the present continuous because it’s an action that is happening at the moment of speaking.

Ano: 2019 Banca: FUNDATEC Órgão: Prefeitura de Coronel Bicaco - RS
Q1193352 Inglês
Consider the following statements:
I. The spaces in lines 04 and 12 should be filled in by many.    BECAUSE   II. They are followed by uncoutable plural nouns.    Considering the sentences above:
Ano: 2007 Banca: CESPE / CEBRASPE Órgão: Prefeitura de Vitória - ES
Q1193310 Inglês
In relation to the use of demonstrative pronouns, judge the following item.
Come over here! Can you see these spots on my face? Don’t touch them, OK? The doctor said they have to be removed
Ano: 2007 Banca: CESPE / CEBRASPE Órgão: Prefeitura de Vitória - ES
Q1193281 Inglês
On workdays, I almost always have lunch after midday.
Regarding this sentence, judge the following item.

“after midday” can be replaced with after 12:00 p.m., without changing the meaning of the sentence.

Q1192647 Português

Considere o texto a seguir.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Disponível em: Acesso em 04 de setembro de 2018.

Marque a opção na qual todas as palavras estão grafadas em consonância com o Novo Acordo Ortográfico da Língua Portuguesa, com vigência obrigatória a partir de 1º de janeiro de 2016, e que a ortografia se justifica pela mesma regra das palavras apresentadas no segundo quadrinho da tirinha.

Q1192645 Português

Considerando que o texto abaixo foi extraído de uma conversa do whatsapp, assinale a opção correta, acerca da variação linguística empregada nele.

Vc ñ falou cmg hj, BB... Estou com sdds. Bjs!

Q1192640 Português

Assinale a opção em que está corretamente indicada a ordem dos sinais de pontuação que preencham, RESPECTIVAMENTE, as lacunas da seguinte frase:

“Quando se trata de eleição ___ duas coisas devem ser observadas ____ uma é o projeto político proposto pelo candidato ___ a outra é o posicionamento dele ante as demandas populares.”

Q1191189 Português
Leia as afirmativas a seguir: I. No trecho "Não vai ao teatro há anos", o vocábulo "há" é classificado como numeral. II. No trecho "Foram-se todos bem depressa", o vocábulo "foram-se" é classificado como substantivo. III. No trecho "Ele foi à feira", o vocábulo "foi" é classificado como substantivo. IV. A grafia do verbo seguinte está correta: ler. Marque a alternativa CORRETA:
Q1191188 Português
Leia as afirmativas a seguir: I. O vocábulo "tertúlia" é um substantivo coletivo que serve para designar um conjunto de insetos. II. No trecho "O e-mail com a resposta já foi", o vocábulo "resposta" é classificado como pronome. III. No trecho "A carta foi pelo correio", o vocábulo "carta" é classificado como pronome oblíquo átono. IV. O termo "plumagem" é um substantivo coletivo que serve para designar um conjunto de peixes. Marque a alternativa CORRETA:
10301: D
10302: B
10303: A
10304: D
10305: A
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10308: D
10309: A
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10311: C
10312: E
10313: C
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10320: A