Questões de Concurso Comentadas para professor - inglês

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Ano: 2012 Banca: FUNDATEC Órgão: Prefeitura de Uruguaiana - RS
Q1189299 Pedagogia
Estresse Infantil
Natação, inglês, equitação, tênis, futebol. É cada vez mais comum encontrar crianças que mal saíram da pré-escola e já cumprem agendas de “miniexecutivo”, com compromissos que se estendem ao longo do dia. A ________ dos pais ao submeter os filhos a essas rotinas é torná-los adultos e superpreparados para o competitivo mundo moderno. O preço que se paga por tanto esforço, porém, pode ser ____. Ainda pequenas, essas crianças passam a apresentar um problema de gente grande, o estresse. “É uma troca que não vale a pena”, afirma o psicoterapeuta João Figueiró. “Frequentemente essa rotina impõe à criança um sentimento de incompetência, pois lhe são atribuídas tarefas para as quais ela não está neurologicamente capacitada.”
Dos poucos estudos brasileiros sobre estresse infantil, se destaca um levantamento realizado pela pesquisadora Ana Maria Rossi. A pesquisa revelou que oito a cada dez casos em que os pais buscam ajuda profissional para seus filhos por causa de alterações de comportamento têm sua origem no estresse. “O estresse é uma reação natural do nosso corpo, o problema é esse estímulo atingir níveis muitos elevados ou se prolongar por longos períodos”, diz Ana Maria.
Para ajudar pais e profissionais de saúde a identificar quando há risco, cientistas de Harvard propuseram uma divisão: o estresse positivo, aquele em que há pouca elevação dos hormônios e por pouco tempo; o tolerável, caracterizado pela reação temporária e que pode ser contornada quando a criança recebe ajuda; e o tóxico, o que deve ser combatido, ligado à estimulação prolongada do organismo, sem que a criança tenha alguém que a ajude a lidar com a situação. Quando exposto a quantidades muito grandes dos hormônios do estresse, o organismo sofre uma espécie de intoxicação. Cai a imunidade, deixando a pessoa mais exposta a infecções, há uma interferência nos hormônios do crescimento e até mesmo o amadurecimento de partes essenciais do cérebro, como o córtex pré-frontal, é afetado.
Mas o que tem tirado as crianças do eixo tão prematuramente? No estudo realizado pelo Isma-BR, em primeiro lugar aparecem a crítica e a desaprovação dos pais, seguidas pelo excesso de atividades, o bullying e os conflitos familiares. Encontrar reações físicas intensas, mas sem nenhuma doença de fundo não é mais novidade para os médicos. “Cefaleias e dores abdominais causadas por estresse são as queixas mais comuns”, segundo a Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria.
Outro perfil que se tornou comum nos consultórios é o da criança estressada pela superproteção dos pais. São os “_______ mandões”, como apelidou a psicopedagoga Edith Rubinstein. “Esses meninos e meninas têm muita voz dentro de casa e dificuldade de lidar com o esforço”, diz a especialista. Não deixar a criança aprender a contornar situações difíceis é extremamente prejudicial. Isso porque uma característica importante para evitar os quadros de estresse tóxico é justamente a ________ – a capacidade de a pessoa se adaptar e sair de situações adversas. “Quando a criança é sempre tirada pelos pais do apuro, ela não desenvolve essa habilidade e se torna mais suscetível ao estresse”, diz a psicanalista infantil Ana Olmos.
Com a evolução científica, o que se tem constatado é que não só no comportamento as reações ao estresse são distintas. “O estresse é um fator de risco importante para a grande maioria das doenças mentais”, diz Guilherme Polanczyk, do Instituto de Psiquiatria da Universidade de São Paulo. “E seu efeito sobre o organismo é bem maior em sistemas menos maduros, como o das crianças.” “Quanto mais estresse na infância, maior a chance de se ter alterações físicas e psicológicas quando adulto”, disse à ISTOÉ Sandra Graham-Bermann, autora da pesquisa.
Estresse e transtornos mentais também vêm juntos quando falta diagnóstico. Foi o que ocorreu com o psiquiatra Jorge Simeão, 38 anos. Sem saber o que tinha, ele sofreu durante toda a sua adolescência e juventude. Muitos o consideravam distraído, que não se preocupava com os outros. Foi preciso se formar na faculdade como médico psiquiatra para Simeão finalmente descobrir que os traços de comportamento que o acompanhavam não eram uma falha de caráter, mas uma alteração no funcionamento do seu cérebro. Ele tem transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade (TDAH).
Ainda há poucas ações voltadas para a saúde mental infantil, mas algumas já demonstram bons resultados. Edmara de Lima, coordenadora pedagógica da Prima Escola Montessori, em São Paulo, orienta uma dessas. Observamos as crianças sob três ângulos: primeiro analisamos o corpo, depois a inteligência e por último as questões emocionais.
Nem todos, porém, têm a sorte de receber um diagnóstico precoce. Daí advêm as complicações. “Podemos fazer um paralelo entre os transtornos mentais e a diabete. Em ambos, você não vai curar a pessoa, mas quanto mais cedo é a intervenção, maiores as chances de reduzir seus impactos”, avalia o psiquiatra Christian Kieling. “A lacuna entre quem tem algum transtorno mental e aqueles que recebem o atendimento especializado é muito grande”, avalia Dévora Kestel, assessora regional de Saúde Mental da Organização Panamericana de Saúde (Opas). No Brasil, o governo federal planeja os primeiros passos. “Estamos começando a pensar uma política integrada entre os ministérios para cuidar da saúde mental na infância”, informou Paulo Bonilho, coordenador nacional de Saúde da Criança do Ministério da Saúde. Medida mais que necessária para desarmar a bomba-relógio do estresse infantil.
(FONTE: Monique Oliveira,,24.Fev.2012 – Texto Adaptado
Analise as afirmações abaixo, considerando o texto:
I. O excesso de atividades impostas pelos pais às crianças pode provocar problemas no desenvolvimento cognitivo, visto que seus neurônios sofrem danos irreparáveis.
II. Na infância, o estresse é causado, tão somente, pelo excesso de atividades às quais as crianças são submetidas, provocando alterações permanentes em sua imunidade.
III. Alterações físicas e psicológicas em adultos podem ser decorrentes de muito estresse na infância.
Quais estão corretas?
Ano: 2017 Banca: FEPESE Órgão: Prefeitura de Chapecó - SC
Q1189252 Educação Física
Está expresso no artigo 53 do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente, que a criança e o adolescente têm direito à educação, visando ao pleno desenvolvimento de sua pessoa, preparo para o exercício da cidadania e qualificação para o trabalho, assegurando-se-lhes:
1. Igualdade de condições para o acesso e permanência na escola.  2. Direito de ser respeitado por seus educadores.  3. Direito de contestar critérios avaliativos, podendo recorrer às instâncias escolares superiores.  4. Direito de organização e participação em entidades estudantis.  5. Acesso à escola pública ou privada próxima de sua residência.
Assinale a alternativa que indica todas as afirmativas corretas.
Q1188953 Português
Dez casos de racismo que envergonham o futebol.    Arouca     Em jogo do Santos contra o Mogi Morim pelo Campeonato Paulista, o volante santista marcou um golaço na vitória por 5 a 2. Mas a alegria foi substituída pela indignação. Torcedores do time rival o chamaram de macaco e um outro lhe disse que deveria procurar uma seleção africana para jogar. Arouca, no dia seguinte, clamou por punição exemplar. “A impunidade e a conivência das autoridades com as pessoas que fazem esse tipo de coisa são tão graves quanto os próprios atos em si. Somente discursos e promessas não resolvem a falta de educação e de humanidade de alguns”, escreveu.     Boateng     Foi num amistoso do Milan, onde jogava, com o pequeno Pro Patria, da terceira divisão italiana. A torcida rival começou a entoar cantos racistas contra o meia Kevin Prince-Boateng. Revoltado, o jogador alemão, de origem ganesa, chutou a bola em direção aos torcedores, tirou a camisa e voltou para o vestiário, recusando-se a continuar jogando. Os demais jogadores do Milan foram solidários ao colega e também abandonaram a partida, que foi paralisada. Indignado, Boateng desabafou no Twitter: "E uma vergonha que essas coisas ainda aconteçam. O racismo tem que acabar, para sempre”.     Daniel Alves    Numa das edições do clássico entre Real Madrid e Barcelona, no Santiago Bernabeu, o lateral da seleção brasileira ouviu, nos minutos finais do jogo, sons de imitações de macacos vindos das arquibancadas. A situação não foi inédita para o jogador. Ele chegara a afirmar, em outro episódio, que era uma "luta perdida”.     Balotelli    Durante a Euro 2012, em jogo da Croácia contra a Itália, em Poznan, o alvo foi o atacante italiano, de origem ganesa. Uma banana foi arremessada para o campo por torcedores croatas. A rede Futebol Contra o Racismo na Europa, que trabalha junto da Uefa e tem dois "monitores internacionais" em cada partida, escreveu em sua página no Twitter que seus membros apontaram "entre 300 e 500 torcedores croatas” envolvidos em ataques raciais a Balotelli. Márcio Chagas da Silva O árbitro Márcio Chagas da Silva, que apitou ojogo entre Esportivo e Veranópolis, em Bento Gonçalves, encontrou seu carro danificado e com bananas no capô e no cano de descarga após a partida, válida pelo Campeonato Gaúcho. "Um grupo de torcedores se manifestou de forma racista desde o início, com gritos de 'macaco', 'teu lugar é na selva, 'volta pro circo' e coisas desse tipo", contou. Dez anos antes ele já tinha sido vítima de preconceito no mesmo estádio, na Serra gaúcha. Tinga Durante o jogo do Cruzeiro no Peru, contra o Real Garcilaso, o volante brasileiro foi hostilizado por uma parte do estádio, que reproduzia chiados de macacos sempre que ele pegava na bola. O caso repercutiu. A presidente Dilma Rousseff comentou no Twitter e deu todo apoio ao jogador. "Ao sair do jogo, Tinga disse que trocaria seus títulos por um mundo com igualdade entre as raças. Por isso, hoje, o Brasil inteiro está fechado com o Tinga. Acertei com a ONU e com a Fifa que a nossa Copa das Copas também será a Copa contra o racismo. Porque o esporte não deve ser jamais palco para o preconceito”, escreveu a presidente, fazendo da expressão “fechado com Tinga” uma das mais retuitadas.   Fonte: hitp://  
Todos os termos do período estão corretamente classificados, morfologicamente, exceto em:
Ano: 2010 Banca: FUNDEPES Órgão: Prefeitura de Patrocínio - MG
Q1188645 Sociologia
“[...] a cidadania é o próprio direito à vida no sentido pleno. Trata-se de um direito que precisa ser construído coletivamente.”
(COVRE, M. de Lourdes. O que é cidadania, 2007, p.11)
Numere a COLUNAII de acordo com a COLUNA I relacionando cada tipo de direito à sua abrangência.
1. Direitos civis ( ) dizem respeito à alimentação, habitação,o o saúde, educação, etc.
2. Direitos sociais ( ) dizem respeito à [livre expressão de pensamento, prática política, religiosa,etc
3. Direitos políticos ( ) dizem respeito ao direito de se dispor do próprio corpo, locomoção, segurança,etc.
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a sequência de números CORRETA.
Ano: 2016 Banca: AOCP Órgão: IF-BA
Q1188424 Inglês
Dear Mayor Estrosi, Mayor Vivoni, Prime Minister Manuel Valls, Former President Nicolas Sarkozy, and other French officials who have supported France’s burkini ban:     My name is Amara Majeed, and I am a 19-yearold Muslim Sri Lankan American. I am a student at Brown University, studying cognitive neuroscience and public policy.
When I look at the photo circulating of a woman in Nice being surrounded by armed police officers as she is coerced into removing her clothing, because French officials deemed the burkini to be inappropriate beach attire, I see infringement on a woman’s right to choose what she puts on her body by a group of white males. I see the scapegoating, ostracization, and criminalization of Muslims in the aftermath of the Nice terror attacks. I am a woman who wears the hijab, and I see an affront to the rights and civil liberties of women like me.
Deputy Mayor of Nice, Christian Estrosi: You have stated that you support this ban on “inappropriate clothing” in the wake of the Nice terror attacks. Mayor Vivoni, you have described the burkini ban as a necessary measure to “protect the population.” Former French president Nicolas Sarkozy, you have labeled the burkini as a symbol of extremism.
Let me respond to all of you by saying this: any conflation of the burkini with terrorism is invalid, virulent, and discriminatory. Tell me, in what way does our way of dress pose a threat to France’s national security? In what way does the burkini propagate hateful, violent ideologies? How is it that our way of dress poses a national security threat, yet some wetsuits, which take on strikingly similar designs to the burkini, aren’t? While France’s highest administrative court has now overturned the ban, the damage has already been done — this attack on the Muslim way of dress only serves as fodder to the already existing rising anti-Muslim sentiment and stigmatization of Muslims in France. If this institutionalized Islamophobia and fearmongering is being perpetrated by French officials and authorities, I fear how the general public’s poor treatment of hijab-clad women may be exacerbated in the coming weeks. We’re all well aware that hate crimes and violence targeting Muslim women wearing the hijab is not a new phenomenon in France.
As one burkini-clad woman who was forced to leave the beach states, “Because people who have nothing to do with my religion have killed, I no longer have the right to go to the beach.” In the eyes of many authority figures, our religious identity in and of itself is incriminating. Our way of dress is incriminating. Our sheer existence is incriminating.
Many of you have called the hijab an emblem of oppression. In April, France’s Minister for Women’s Rights equated women who choose to wear the hijab with “Negroes who were in favor of slavery.” More recently, France’s prime minister stated that the burkini is a tool of “enslavement,” and former French President Sarkozy insinuated that hijabclad women are imprisoned.
I am genuinely tired of individuals like you imposing your brand of colonial feminism on us and telling us that we are oppressed, that we have been indoctrinated, that this was not our choice, and that we need to be unshackled. Instead of continuing to pursue these offensive and failing attempts at liberating us, I implore you to liberate yourselves from this white savior complex and recognize that we don’t need your saving. The hijab does not oppress me. For me, the hijab is a symbol of feminism and freedom of expression — so who are you to invalidate my experiences, to invalidate a fundamental, inextricable aspect of my identity, and to label me as enslaved, as imprisoned, as oppressed? By depriving us of our rights to dress the way we want, by making public spaces inaccessible to us, by publicly humiliating us and coercing us to remove some of our clothing while we are trying to enjoy a day at the beach — you are oppressing us.
My news feed has been saturated with people posting photos of a Muslim woman at a beach being forced to strip, captioned with outrage and vitriol towards this form of discrimination. While your support of our rights is appreciated, I ask that you refrain from doing a disservice to this individual by circulating this photo. It may not seem like you are violating a woman’s privacy and liberties by sharing a picture revealing her arms or shoulders, but it is incumbent upon us to understand that she did not freely choose to show those parts of her body in public. Even if the intent is to excoriate the burkini ban while circulating these photos, I implore you to not be complicit, whether directly or indirectly, in systems of oppression that are stripping women, literally, of their right to choose what they wear. Yours truly,
Amara Majeed – a muslin woman (Source:
Observe the following excerpt: “In the eyes of many authority figures, our religious identity in and of itself is incriminating. Our way of dress is incriminating. Our sheer existence is incriminating”. Considering the sentences above, mark the alternative that best describes the usage of the word “sheer” in the context above. 
Ano: 2006 Banca: CESPE / CEBRASPE Órgão: TJ-MT
Q1188410 Pedagogia
Objetivos e avaliação são fases do planejamento escolar. Julgue o item subseqüente, considerando a relação entre esses três temas.
As provas e os testes escritos são instrumentos de avaliação muito utilizados e devem ser elaborados a partir de objetivos previamente determinados. Esses objetivos podem ser: prognóstico, inventário de rendimentos ou diagnóstico.
Ano: 2006 Banca: CESPE / CEBRASPE Órgão: TJ-MT
Q1188304 Pedagogia
Objetivos e avaliação são fases do planejamento escolar. Julgue o item subseqüente, considerando a relação entre esses três temas.
Cada objetivo proposto deve ser avaliado isoladamente, de forma a aferir se cada educando alcançou esse objetivo.
Ano: 2012 Banca: CONSULPLAN Órgão: Prefeitura de Nova Iguaçu - RJ
Q1188142 Educação Artística
De acordo com as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para a Educação Infantil, é correto afirmar que 
Ano: 2011 Banca: FUNDATEC Órgão: Prefeitura de Charqueadas - RS
Q1188030 Educação Física
Os quatro estágios de desenvolvimento cognitivo – sensório-motor, préoperatório, das operações concretas e das operações abstratas – elaborado por Jean Piaget, representam o desenvolvimento da: 
I. Inteligência  II. Afetividade.  III. Consciência moral. 
Quais estão corretas? 
Ano: 2018 Banca: IMA Órgão: Prefeitura de Pastos Bons - MA
Q1187293 Inglês
In English, there are lots of subordinating conjunctions, but the most common ones, introduces a dependent clause and ties it to an independent clause. Choose the only alternative with Subordinating Conjunctions:
Ano: 2018 Banca: IMA Órgão: Prefeitura de Pastos Bons - MA
Q1187209 Inglês
 Sentences can be active or passive. Therefore, tenses also have active forms and passive forms. In active sentences, the thing doing the action is the subject of the sentence and the thing receiving the action is the object. But in passive sentences: 
Ano: 2011 Banca: FADESP Órgão: Prefeitura de Anapu - PA
Q1187070 Inglês
In the field of foreign language teaching, one aspect that occasionally emerges as a topic of discussion is the relationship between knowledge of a foreign language, and knowledge of the culture from which that language "originated". From my (admittedly limited) experience with foreign language education, it would appear that the question of "culture" is often relegated to the end of a language teaching plan. It seems as if it is always something of a bonus if the teacher manages to find time to introduce a bit of the culture of the foreign language into the classroom - some music perhaps, or a traditional dance, in the final lesson of the course. If learners are particularly lucky, they get a chance to spend a month in the foreign country to "immerse" themselves in the "culture" of the country. But is that one class session enough? Is one month enough? Is it necessary?  

According to Pica (1994: 70), the question "how necessary to learning a language is the learner's cultural integration?" is something which "troubles teachers, whether they work with students in classrooms far removed from the culture of the language they are learning or with students who are physically immersed in the culture but experientially and psychologically distant from it". Numerous other researchers have tried to address issues along similar lines, including Gardner and Lambert (1972) who postulate that learners may have two basic kinds of motivation. The first is integrative motivation, which refers to the desire of language learners to acquire the language while immersing themselves into the whole culture of the language, in order to "identify themselves with and become part of that society" (Brown 1994: 154). The second is instrumental motivation, which refers to the functional need for learners to acquire the language in order to serve some utilitarian purpose, such as securing a job, or a place at a university. The argument is that such instrumentally motivated learners are neither concerned with the culture from which their target language emerged, nor interested in developing any feelings of affinity with the native speakers of that language.  

But questions of this sort and research of this sort appear to me to presuppose that culture can be separated from language, that culture is something that needs to be introduced into the language classroom and to the learner, and that learner and teacher have some sort of a choice as to whether "cultural integration" is to be included in the "syllabus" or not. I would like to suggest that language and culture are inextricably linked, and therefore it may be pointless, and perhaps even impossible, to ask ourselves: "how much of the culture of a country should be taught along with the language?"  

Does this then mean that the "integrative" and "instrumental" motivation which have been discussed for years do not exist? Is that what I am saying? No. I think the person who has "integrative" motivation simply acknowledges that he or she is actively seeking to know about the culture, whereas the person with "instrumental" motivation does not want to add anything on to his or her knowledge of the language. He or she may not want to sample the food, or get to know the night-life, or visit places that have nothing to do with work, or read about the history of the country, or chat with shopkeepers behind the counter of a grocery store to find out whether that high-rise across the road was once a park where children played. But those are frills; those are extras. Language itself is already culture, and therefore it is something of a moot point to talk about the inclusion or exclusion of culture in a foreign language curriculum. We might perhaps want to re-envisage the situation as a contrast between an active and deliberate immersion in culture, and a non-deliberate exposure to it.  
To conclude, I expect that some may disagree with my rather "deterministic" view that language is culture. A counterargument could well be that some people who decide to learn French, for instance, have no inkling at all of French culture. Indeed, they may not even know where France is on the map. How then can language be culture for them? To such a counterargument, I would say that while there may in theory be cases of such isolated individuals, I believe that in reality this is rather unlikely. But more than that, even if the learners themselves are not initially aware of the cultural associations attached to the language they are learning, others are, and will perceive them as being aligned with that culture. And if social theories of identity formation are to be believed (e.g. Brooke 1991), a person's identity is a social construct, and is (in part or in whole) the product of societal perception. I would like to add here that I am not in any way suggesting that a person cannot actively and deliberately reject the "cultural baggage" that accompanies a language. I am merely suggesting that it is there, and therefore we might want to consider not treating language and culture as if they were ultimately separable.  

According to the author of the text,
Ano: 2010 Banca: ACAPLAM Órgão: Prefeitura de Itabaiana - SE
Q1187061 Inglês
Choose the correct question to each answer:
I’m buying hygiene products.
Ano: 2018 Banca: IMA Órgão: Prefeitura de Pastos Bons - MA
Q1186995 Inglês
The (IPA) International Phonetic Association was founded in 1886. This association’s mission is to “promote the scientific study of phonetics”. The terms: /hjuːmən/ - /ʧɔklət/ - /ɪnʤəri/ - /mɔɪsʧə/ are the phonetic transcriptions of the respectively words:
Ano: 2016 Banca: IFB Órgão: IFB
Q1186984 Inglês
Google Doodle celebrates Franz Kafka’s 130th birthday with ‘The Metamorphosis’ tribute Google has created a ‘doodle’ in tribute to Franz Kafka on the 130th anniversary of the German-language novelist’s birth.
The doodle is based on Kafka’s 1915 novella ‘The Metamorphosis’ – considered by many to be one of the most important works of fiction of the 20th Century – and shows the character Gregor Samsa walking into a room in the guise of a large insect.
In the much-celebrated work, Samsa is a travelling salesman who transforms into an insect overnight. The rest of novella focuses on his struggle to come to terms with his new existence and the burden it places on his family.
Kafka was born into an Ashkenazi Jewish family on 3 July 1883 in Prague, which was then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
He originally trained as a lawyer but began writing short stories in his spare time - eventually coming to consider it his calling – despite only a handful of his works being published during his lifetime.
Regarded as one of the 20th Century’s most influential authors, Kafka’s works are dominated by unreliable narrators who often tell dark tales of existentialist difficulties.
Kafka’s notoriously difficult relationship with his father Hermann is believed to have strongly influenced his work – with The Metamorphosis itself thought to be based upon Kafka’s own fears of insignificance and repulsiveness to his own family.
From: HALL, John. Available at: <>.
In the two excerpts “one of the most important works of fiction of the 20th century” and “one of the 20th Century’s most influential authors”, it can be verified superlative adjectives. It is another case of superlative adjective: 
Ano: 2010 Banca: ACAPLAM Órgão: Prefeitura de Itabaiana - SE
Q1186969 Inglês
Nature in danger of extinction[
We are destroying our forests faster than any other ecological zone in our planet. 
Forests cover only 6% of the Earth’s lands but they have between 50% to 90% of all plant and animal species from the planet. But unfortunately, humanity is destroying the forests faster and faster.
Many species of the rainforests (the ones that are located in a tropical area and which receive a lot of rain) benefit all of us. Many medicines (pharmaceuticals), for example, come from the rainforest. China, Brazil, Australia, and Mexico have a large number of species in extinction.
We are losing 50-100 species of plants and animals every day. Lost of species become extinct from natural processes. If we lose 50% of our planet’s species, it will take evolution 5-20 million years to replace them. Humans should help endangered species. We can work together to stop this destruction!
(Adapted from, 654432006 . 
Accessed: April 2006. )
From fifty to _____ per cent of all plant and animal species live in the forests.
Ano: 2010 Banca: ACAPLAM Órgão: Prefeitura de Itabaiana - SE
Q1186967 Inglês
Jane and Peter are spending a lot of money.
Ano: 2010 Banca: ACAPLAM Órgão: Prefeitura de Itabaiana - SE
Q1186775 Inglês
Nature in danger of extinction[
We are destroying our forests faster than any other ecological zone in our planet. 
Forests cover only 6% of the Earth’s lands but they have between 50% to 90% of all plant and animal species from the planet. But unfortunately, humanity is destroying the forests faster and faster.
Many species of the rainforests (the ones that are located in a tropical area and which receive a lot of rain) benefit all of us. Many medicines (pharmaceuticals), for example, come from the rainforest. China, Brazil, Australia, and Mexico have a large number of species in extinction.
We are losing 50-100 species of plants and animals every day. Lost of species become extinct from natural processes. If we lose 50% of our planet’s species, it will take evolution 5-20 million years to replace them. Humans should help endangered species. We can work together to stop this destruction!
(Adapted from, 654432006 . 
Accessed: April 2006. )

About _____ per cent of our planet is not covered by forests.
Ano: 2009 Banca: FEPESE Órgão: Prefeitura de Ituporanga - SC
Q1186722 Inglês
Reading Comprehension
Cell Phones: Are they dangerous?
Do you have a cell phone? Do you use it a lot? If the answer to these questions is yes, you should read the following information very carefully.
If you keep on using a cell phone, it will probably cause premature ageing, which might be rather difficult to get over. At least this is what most scientists claim. Low-level radiation from the phone may heat up body cells, damaging skin and making it look slightly lined and tired. Scientists say that if you expose cells to the radiation from a cell phone, the natural process that repairs your skin will probably be affected. Furthermore, radiation produces mutations in the cells and these mutations could be related to other health problems.
Cell phone users have also found out that if they use their phone for a long time they feel other symptoms such as fatigue and memory loss. The fatigue may be caused because, when using phones, people suffer an involuntary speeding up of their heart beat. Apart from that, nearly two out of three people interviewed complained of regular headaches from using their phones, although this may be due to bad posture rather than radiation emissions.
The most surprising fact discovered by researchers is that people exposed to the radiation of a cell phone for 45 minutes go to the bathroom twice as much as usual. This proves that radiation has a biological effect on humans.
So if I were you, I would definitely think twice before using a cell phone if I looked in the mirror and saw wrinkles on my face, felt fatigue, had trouble remembering things, or if I started using my bathroom more often than I used to.

Match the phrasal verbs to their definitions:
I. keep on
II. join in
III. find out
IV. take after
V. get over
( ) discover
( ) recover
( ) continue, go on
( ) take part in
( ) look like
Choose the alternative which contains the correct sequence, from top to bottom:
Ano: 2017 Banca: IBADE Órgão: SEE-PB
Q1186663 Inglês
Read the text below and answer the questions that follow.
When is it time to stop studying?
It's 10 p.m. and six government employees are out checking the streets of Seoul, South Korea. But these are not police officers searching for teenagers who are behaving badly. Their mission is to find children who are still studying. And stop them. Education in South Korea is very competitive. The aim of almost every schoolchild is to get into one of the country’s top universities. Only the students with the best grades get a place. The school day starts at 8 a.m. and the students finish studying somewhere between 10 p.m. and 1 a.m. at night. This is because many go to private academies called hagwon after school. Around 74 percent of all students attend a hagwon after their regular classes finish. A year’s course costs, on average, $2,600 per student. In Seoul, there are more private tutors than schoolteachers, and the most popular ones make millions of dollars a year from online and in-person classes. Most parents rely on private tutoring to get their children into a university. With so much time spent in the classroom, all that students in South Korean high schools do is study and sleep. Some of them are so exhausted that they cannot stay awake the next day at school. It is a common sight to see a teacher explaining the lesson while a third of the students are asleep on their desks. The teachers don’t seem to mind. There are even special pillows for sale that fit over the arms of the chairs to make sleeping in class more comfortable. Ironically, the students spend class time sleeping so that they can stay up late studying that night. The South Korean government has been aware of the faults in the system for some time, but now they have passed some reforms. Today, schoolteachers have to meet certain standards or take additional training courses. However, the biggest challenge for the government is the hagwons. Hagwons have been banned from having classes after 10 p.m., which is why there are street patrols searching for children who are studying after that time. If they find any in class, the owner of the hagwon is punished and the students are sent home. It's a strange world, where some children have to be told to stop studying while others are reluctant to start. Adapted from: LATHAM-KOENIG, Christina & OXENDEN, Clive. American English File 3 - Workbook. 2"“ edition. Oxford: OUP, 2014.
In the sentence “However, the biggest challenge for the government is the hagwons.” (last paragraph), the word HOWEVER could be correctly replaced in this context, without change of meaning, by:
10341: C
10342: D
10343: B
10344: D
10345: A
10346: C
10347: C
10348: C
10349: E
10350: D
10351: B
10352: A
10353: A
10354: B
10355: B
10356: C
10357: D
10358: E
10359: A
10360: E