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Comentadas para professor - inglês
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Qual seria a melhor tradução para “It may rain tomorrow”?
Leia o seguinte excerto:
“The survey defined millennials as people between eighteen and thirty-four. Thirty-one percent of Americans, and forty-one percent of millennials, believe that two million Jews were killed in the Holocaust; the actual number is around six million. Forty-one percent of Americans, and sixty-six percent of millennials, cannot say what Auschwitz was. And fifty-two percent of Americans wrongly think Hitler came to power through force.” (Adapted from
Assinale a alternativa que mostra a sequência correta dos números apresentados no trecho.
Choose the option where there is a grammar mistake.
Read the following questions and pay attention on the missing words:
- _____ do you live with? I live with my fiancée.
- _____ is Florianópolis from Criciúma? It is about 200 Km.
- _____ is it so difficult to deal with those people? Because they want to be isolated.
- _____ did you take to finish the exam? Less than two hours.
Which alternative shows the best sequence to fill in the blanks above?
Choose the grammatically INCORRECT sentence:
Complete the sentences with in, at or on and choose the correct alternative.
The cinema is _____ the left.
Don’t drop litter _____ the ground.
We arrive ____ the airport tonight.
Complete the sentence using the correct phrasal verb:
John started doing a German course, but he ____________after a few words.
Read the sentence and choose the best alternative:
Richard _______________ the car and drove away.
Choose the best dialogue completion:
“Did you visit the Grossmünster when you were in Zurich?”
“No, I didn’t. But now I wish I _____________.”
Elaborar o Plano Nacional de Educação, em colaboração com os Estados, o Distrito Federal e os Municípios é incumbência:
Leia o trecho abaixo e complete a lacuna a seguir:
No_____________ os alunos são expostos a um grande número de instruções na língua estrangeira, que são compreendidas por meio de gestos e demonstrações feitas pelo professor. As aulas crescem em complexidade a cada nova lição, porém o método perde sua efetividade a partir do momento em que os alunos avançam em sua competência de uso da língua.
Analise os contextos a seguir:
[1] A interdisciplinaridade na aprendizagem de Língua Estrangeira pode desempenhar benefícios mútuos. De um lado, as disciplinas ganham significado por meio de ações desenvolvidas no ensino de LE; por outro, essas ações constituem uma maneira de viabilizar a prática social da língua dentro do contexto educacional em sala de aula, ou seja, fazer uso da linguagem para agir num mundo social. [2] A interdisciplinaridade é qualquer forma de combinação entre duas ou mais disciplinas com vista à compreensão de um objeto a partir da confluência de pontos de vista diferentes e tendo como objetivo final a elaboração de uma síntese relativamente ao objeto comum.
Assinale a alternativa CORRETA:
A respeito do ensino da compreensão escrita em inglês é necessário que o professor escolha o texto a ser usado para estabelecer um propósito para a leitura, dividindo em fases chamadas de pré-leitura, leitura e pós-leitura. Assinale a alternativa que corresponde a pré leitura:
A abordagem comunicativa se caracteriza por ter o foco no sentido, no significado e na interação propositada entre os sujeitos que estão aprendendo uma nova língua. Analise as afirmativas abaixo sobre características da abordagem comunicativa:
I- Introdução de textos autênticos na situação de aprendizagem.
II- Intensificação das próprias experiências pessoais do aluno como elementos importantes na contribuição para aprendizagem em sala de aula.
III- Foco na análise gramatical da língua.
IV- Ênfase no aprender a comunicar-se através da interação com a língua-alvo.
Estão CORRETAS as afirmativas:
Analise as palavras abaixo e assinale a alternativa que apresenta o plural corretamente:
Assinale a alternativa CORRETA que corresponde a seguinte expressão “Get something out of your system”:
Leia o texto abaixo e responda as questões de 21 a 24.
Mary is a nice woman. She is a nurse and works in a big hospital. She works at night on weekends. Mary has two young children and they are very intelligent. Their names are "Jack" and "Julie". Jack is nine years old and Julie is eleven years old. Jack likes soccer and Julie loves movies. Jack wants to be a soccer player and Julie wants to be a movie star.
Mary likes to be with her children when she isn't working - they play board games together. Mary's family is very happy, especially when Jake, Mary's husband, is at home with them. Jake usually travels a lot and visits different places - he is a truck driver.
Analise a palavra sublinhada no trecho a seguir: “Jack wants to be a soccer player and Julie wants to be a movie star. A palavra é :
Leia o texto abaixo e responda as questões de 21 a 24.
Mary is a nice woman. She is a nurse and works in a big hospital. She works at night on weekends. Mary has two young children and they are very intelligent. Their names are "Jack" and "Julie". Jack is nine years old and Julie is eleven years old. Jack likes soccer and Julie loves movies. Jack wants to be a soccer player and Julie wants to be a movie star.
Mary likes to be with her children when she isn't working - they play board games together. Mary's family is very happy, especially when Jake, Mary's husband, is at home with them. Jake usually travels a lot and visits different places - he is a truck driver.
Assinale a alternativa na qual a frase retirada do texto apresenta um adjetivo:
Leia o texto abaixo e responda as questões de 21 a 24.
Mary is a nice woman. She is a nurse and works in a big hospital. She works at night on weekends. Mary has two young children and they are very intelligent. Their names are "Jack" and "Julie". Jack is nine years old and Julie is eleven years old. Jack likes soccer and Julie loves movies. Jack wants to be a soccer player and Julie wants to be a movie star.
Mary likes to be with her children when she isn't working - they play board games together. Mary's family is very happy, especially when Jake, Mary's husband, is at home with them. Jake usually travels a lot and visits different places - he is a truck driver.
Leia o trecho abaixo :
“Mary has two young children and they are very intelligent. Their names are "Jack" and "Julie". Jack is nine years old and Julie is eleven years old.”
How many numerals appear in the sentence ?
Leia o texto abaixo e responda as questões de 21 a 24.
Mary is a nice woman. She is a nurse and works in a big hospital. She works at night on weekends. Mary has two young children and they are very intelligent. Their names are "Jack" and "Julie". Jack is nine years old and Julie is eleven years old. Jack likes soccer and Julie loves movies. Jack wants to be a soccer player and Julie wants to be a movie star.
Mary likes to be with her children when she isn't working - they play board games together. Mary's family is very happy, especially when Jake, Mary's husband, is at home with them. Jake usually travels a lot and visits different places - he is a truck driver.
How Many Children Does Mary Have? and what's their name?