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Q942609 Pedagogia
A avaliação institucional consiste em um processo de aperfeiçoamento do Projeto Político Pedagógico (PPP) da escola. Nessa perspectiva, assinale a opção que corresponde a um princípio básico da avaliação institucional.
Q942608 Pedagogia

O Projeto Político Pedagógico (PPP) é o conjunto de concepções pedagógicas que a escola adota, a explicitação da sua função social e a definição de procedimentos didático-metodológicos que serão desenvolvidos no processo educativo de seus alunos. Levando em consideração tal definição, analise as seguintes afirmações:

I. A dimensão administrativo-financeira não deve ser contemplada no processo de elaboração e execução do PPP.

II. O PPP deve ser elaborado coletivamente por representantes de todos os segmentos da comunidade escolar, como pais, alunos, professores e demais funcionários da escola.

III. O planejamento do PPP envolve pensar a organização do trabalho pedagógico da escola como um todo e da sala de aula em particular.

IV. O PPP de uma escola pode ser implementado por outra escola, desde que ambas façam parte do mesmo contexto territorial e, consequentemente, social.

Está correto somente o que se afirma em

Q942606 Pedagogia

O currículo escolar é um dos mecanismos que compõem o caminho que nos torna o que somos. Nesse sentido, atente para as seguintes afirmações:

I. O currículo escolar é um campo importante da política cultural, porquanto, é um lugar de circulação das narrativas, além de lugar privilegiado dos processos de subjetivação e da socialização dirigida.

II. O currículo escolar é um instrumento que pode nos contar muitas histórias sobre indivíduos, grupos, sociedades, culturas, tradições, e histórias que relatam como as coisas são ou como deveriam ser.

III. O currículo e seus componentes constituem um conjunto articulado de saberes, regidos por uma determinada ordem, em que estão em luta diferentes visões de mundo.

IV. É intenção curricular a concretização de um projeto de indivíduo para um projeto de sociedade, que independe do projeto político-pedagógico da escola.

Está correto o que se afirma em

Q942605 Pedagogia
A teoria crítica de currículo, nos anos de 1980, no Brasil, compreende duas vertentes que caracterizam a produção pedagógica brasileira da época, quais sejam:
Q942604 Pedagogia

Os estímulos e o ambiente social são importantes no desenvolvimento de determinadas inteligências. Tendo em vista os diferentes tipos de inteligência estudados por Howard Gardner, relacione-os corretamente com o que se diz sobre eles, numerando a Coluna II de acordo com a Coluna I.

Coluna I

1. Lógica

2. Corporal

3. Espacial

4. Intrapessoal

5. Interpessoal

Coluna II

( ) Pessoas que possuem facilidade para conclusões baseadas na razão.

( ) Têm a capacidade de se autoconhecerem, tomando atitudes capazes de melhorar a vida com base nestes conhecimentos.

( ) Presentes em dançarinos famosos e campeões de ginástica olímpica.

( ) Costumam ser ótimos líderes e atuam facilmente em trabalhos em equipe.

( ) Interpretam e reconhecem fenômenos que envolvem movimentos e posicionamento de objetos.

A sequência correta, de cima para baixo, é:

Q935324 Ética na Administração Pública
Uma das regras deontológicas do Código de Ética Profissional do Servidor Público Civil do Poder Executivo Federal é a de que
Q935323 Direito Administrativo
Segundo o regime jurídico dos servidores públicos civil da União, o servidor nomeado para cargo de provimento efetivo, ao entrar em exercício, ficará sujeito a estágio probatório, quando será observado, entre outros, o seguinte fator:
Q931222 Atualidades
Recentemente a população mexicana elegeu um novo chefe de Estado que, segundo os analistas, pôs fim a seis décadas de governos conservadores.
Assinale a alternativa que indica o Presidente eleito daquele país.
Q923183 Inglês
The item that does NOT describe a Communicative Language Teaching feature is:
Q923174 Inglês
Read the text and answer to the question.

    Classroom interaction is studied from a social interaction perspective to unearth the mechanisms teachers and students use to conduct their classroom business. Classroom interaction research originated, like all social interaction research, when in the 1960s recording technology such as cameras and microphones became accessible for researchers. Recording techniques have ranged from one hand-held camera to several cameras on poles, and from researchers sitting or even participating in the classroom, to those who witnessed the lesson on a monitor in an adjacent room, or only saw the recordings afterwards. Audio has been recorded following the available technology and research aims with cameramounted or separate microphones, or wireless individual microphones on the teacher or on individual students. Recent digital technology has allowed these different streams to be fed directly into a computer where they can be synchronised with each other and with subsequent transcripts. Sometimes, classroom recordings have been supplemented by interviews of different kinds, and ethnographic information on factors such as ethnicity or social class. Also, additional information has been assembled on school policy or teacher planning, and additional recordings have been in the school yard, all depending on research aims and researchers’ views on methodology and epistemology.
Some of instances of ethnographic information given in the text are
Q923173 Inglês
Read the text and answer to the question.

    Classroom interaction is studied from a social interaction perspective to unearth the mechanisms teachers and students use to conduct their classroom business. Classroom interaction research originated, like all social interaction research, when in the 1960s recording technology such as cameras and microphones became accessible for researchers. Recording techniques have ranged from one hand-held camera to several cameras on poles, and from researchers sitting or even participating in the classroom, to those who witnessed the lesson on a monitor in an adjacent room, or only saw the recordings afterwards. Audio has been recorded following the available technology and research aims with cameramounted or separate microphones, or wireless individual microphones on the teacher or on individual students. Recent digital technology has allowed these different streams to be fed directly into a computer where they can be synchronised with each other and with subsequent transcripts. Sometimes, classroom recordings have been supplemented by interviews of different kinds, and ethnographic information on factors such as ethnicity or social class. Also, additional information has been assembled on school policy or teacher planning, and additional recordings have been in the school yard, all depending on research aims and researchers’ views on methodology and epistemology.
Classroom interaction research does NOT do without
Q923172 Inglês
Read the text and answer to the question.

Empowering teachers to promote inclusive education, a literature review

    It is important that assessment processes and procedures in ITE (Inclusive Teaching Education) are coherent, using a variety of assessment modes, for formative as well as summative purposes (Teaching Council, 2011a). The European Commission (2014) notes that prospective teachers are often assessed using portfolios, which might prepare them to use this type of assessment in their teaching. Literature Review 25 The Agency’s TE4I report noted the need for assessment in ITE to change in line with more active teaching methods. It stressed that across both academic assignments and school practice there is a need for: ‘assessment for learning’ approaches that encourage student/teachers to reflect on their own work and performance and […] formulate their own targets for improvement (European Agency, 2011a, p. 23). It also noted the importance of guided reflection and teacher educators developing knowledge of students’ understanding to provide appropriate challenges together with good models of inclusive assessment practice. Echeita (2014) mentions that at a national or regional level, it is also necessary to set out clear standards for graduating student/teachers, allowing them to monitor whether they have correctly learned the competences related to inclusive education.
In order to cater to Inclusive Teaching Education, assessment should
Q923171 Inglês
Read the text and answer to the question.

Empowering teachers to promote inclusive education, a literature review

    It is important that assessment processes and procedures in ITE (Inclusive Teaching Education) are coherent, using a variety of assessment modes, for formative as well as summative purposes (Teaching Council, 2011a). The European Commission (2014) notes that prospective teachers are often assessed using portfolios, which might prepare them to use this type of assessment in their teaching. Literature Review 25 The Agency’s TE4I report noted the need for assessment in ITE to change in line with more active teaching methods. It stressed that across both academic assignments and school practice there is a need for: ‘assessment for learning’ approaches that encourage student/teachers to reflect on their own work and performance and […] formulate their own targets for improvement (European Agency, 2011a, p. 23). It also noted the importance of guided reflection and teacher educators developing knowledge of students’ understanding to provide appropriate challenges together with good models of inclusive assessment practice. Echeita (2014) mentions that at a national or regional level, it is also necessary to set out clear standards for graduating student/teachers, allowing them to monitor whether they have correctly learned the competences related to inclusive education.
According to the text:
Q923170 Inglês
Marian: What if mom finds out you’ve smuggled a dog into the basement? Arthur: I will cross that bridge when I come to it.
What will Arthur do?
Q923169 Inglês

Rose: What do you think of Harry?

Meg: Are you trying to set me up with him?

What does the second question mean?

Q923168 Inglês

Marsha: What did that character want?

Cindy: Beats me!

What are the girls talking about?

Q923167 Inglês

Charles: This report says we’re almost broke due to the last acquisitions our company made!

Gerald: Don’t worry I got it covered.

What does Gerald mean?

Q923166 Inglês
Fay: I guess that’s it, Tony. I’m leaving for good. Tony: Let me get it straight, how come you’ve made that decision?
What will Fay do?
Q923165 Inglês

Mark the item corresponding to the inconsistent underlined part correction.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Q923164 Inglês

Mark the item corresponding to the inconsistent underlined part correction.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

11921: C
11922: D
11923: A
11924: B
11925: D
11926: E
11927: C
11928: E
11929: A
11930: D
11931: A
11932: C
11933: A
11934: B
11935: D
11936: B
11937: A
11938: D
11939: B
11940: C