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Q2675334 Atualidades

Observe a imagem abaixo:

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Em algumas cidades, estabelecimentos públicos e privados já adicionaram às placas de informação de atendimento preferencial o símbolo internacional, que aparece na imagem acima, e que representa as pessoas:

Q2675326 Atualidades

No dia 25/06/2022, a plataforma Google exibiu um doodle em memória de uma adolescente judia alemã, que foi vítima do Holocausto. Após o lançamento póstumo de _____________________________, ela se tornou uma das figuras mais comentadas da história (Fonte:

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna do trecho acima.

Q2675316 Português

Instrução: As questões de números 01 a 15 referem-se ao texto abaixo.

Como é o desenvolvimento da autonomia e da criatividade no colégio?

  1. O desenvolvimento da autonomia e da criatividade da criança é um dos principais
  2. objetivos de uma instituição de ensino. Fazer com que haja um protagonismo no aluno em sala
  3. de aula é essencial no processo de aprendizagem. Com isso, torna-se fundamental desenvolver
  4. práticas de ensino com Metodologias Ativas. Tais metodologias atuam diretamente no
  5. desenvolvimento da autonomia e da criatividade na infância, o que, por sua vez, permite a
  6. construção de uma personalidade mais saudável, além de competências e habilidades
  7. essenciais para a criança.
  8. Afastando-se de uma metodologia de ensino ultrapassada, as instituições de ensino
  9. devem adotar uma aprendizagem que busque não apenas alfabetizar a criança como também
  10. colaborar para o seu desenvolvimento. E isso envolve um estímulo ___ construção da
  11. autonomia e da criatividade no colégio. Essa Educação Criativa envolve uma metodologia de
  12. ensino-aprendizagem que possibilita ___ instituições de ensino uma aproximação com o mundo
  13. real. Isto é, fora da escola, especialmente no mercado de trabalho, diversas habilidades e
  14. capacidades são valorizadas. E duas delas são justamente a autonomia e a criatividade.
  15. Existe a necessidade de se trazer ao ambiente escolar uma abordagem diferente,
  16. especialmente com o protagonismo do aluno, e uma dessas abordagens diz respeito às
  17. Metodologias Ativas. Mas o que são as Metodologias Ativas? Em resumo, o modelo busca trazer
  18. para o aluno um papel de protagonismo no seu próprio aprendizado. Isto é, por meio dele, é o
  19. estudante o maior responsável pelo seu desenvolvimento em sala de aula. Nesse sentido, o
  20. objetivo é incentivar que a absor...ão do conteúdo em sala se dê com mais autonomia e
  21. participação.
  22. Com a autonomia do aluno em seu próprio aprendizado, há também um maior estímulo
  23. ao seu desenvolvimento. Como destacamos acima, a construção da autonomia e da criatividade
  24. infantil permite a construção de uma personalidade mais saudável. Essa prática garante um
  25. maior desenvolvimento de habilidades socioemocionais, fundamentais para o aprendizado
  26. infantil. A conquista da autonomia como protagonismo do aluno no processo de aprendizado
  27. traz um estímulo para uma convivência saudável. Isto é, por meio do ensino-aprendizagem da
  28. autonomia, a criança pode entender melhor seu papel como parte de um todo que é a
  29. sociedade.
  30. Mas como a autonomia e a criatividade podem ser aplicadas em sala de aula? O que
  31. a proposta pedagógica pode trazer para fazer com que o aluno seja protagonista do seu
  32. aprendizado? É preciso entender que cada estudante tem seu tempo e ritmo de aprendizado.
  33. O ideal é fazer com que a metodologia de ensino estimule o seu desenvolvimento com base
  34. nesse ritmo, pre...ando por uma autonomia maior. Para potencializar esse modelo de ensino,
  35. é essencial a adoção de algumas práticas. Uma dessas práticas é a criação de um ambiente
  36. favorável para um aprendizado com base na autonomia e na criatividade do aluno. Com um
  37. espaço adequado, é possível criar um ambiente em que a exploração e a construção do
  38. conhecimento aconteçam de forma mais fácil.
  39. Especialmente na fase da Educação Infantil, o aprendizado acontece com uma interação
  40. do aluno com o ambiente, e valorizar esse ambiente é uma das melhores formas de aplicar as
  41. Metodologias Ativas, proporcionando liberdade para a autonomia das crianças. Outra forma de
  42. auxílio no desenvolvimento do estudante com autonomia e criatividade é oferecer uma maior
  43. liberdade de aprendizado. A escola, como um todo, é um espaço de aprendizagem constante,
  44. mas para que isso se concreti...e, esse espaço deve criar um clima de incentivo para a busca
  45. pelo conhecimento. A segurança oferecida para que o aluno tenha liberdade de aprender é uma
  46. das melhores formas de estimular a sua autonomia. O ambiente escolar tem a capacidade de
  47. ser um espaço que traz ___ tona impulsos como a curiosidade, a criatividade e a vontade de
  48. aprender.

(Disponível em: – texto adaptado especialmente para esta prova).

Considerando a palavra “ultrapassada”, analise as assertivas a seguir:

I. A palavra foi formada por derivação prefixal, com a adição do prefixo “ultra-“ ao adjetivo “passada”.

II. O significado da adição desse prefixo resulta em “extremamente passada”.

Assinale a alternativa correta a respeito das assertivas anteriores.

Q2672313 Inglês

Read the following paragraph:

The communicative .......................... in language teaching starts from a .......................... of language as communication. The goal of language teaching is to communicative competence.

Choose the alternative that contains the correct missing words:

Q2672311 Inglês

Study these sentences below about the National Curriculum Parameters and decide if they are ( T ) true or ( F ) false.

( ) The curriculum reform for Secondary Education is based on findings about the changes in knowledge and their implications in the knowledge processes and social relations only.

( ) Due to the amount of information produced as a result of the new technologies increased constantly, hence determining new parameters for the professional schooling of citizens.

( ) The new paradigm stems from the understanding that the competencies that are desirable for full human development are increasingly similar to the requirements for one’s inclusion in the production process.

( ) A new curriculum concept for Secondary Education must reflect ancient developments and, considering the speed at which changes have occurred in the fields of teaching English as a second language.

Choose the alternative which presents the correct sequence, from top to bottom.

Q2672310 Inglês

Analyze the sentences below according to structure and grammar use.

1. The words earlier and older, in the first paragraph are examples of the comparative of superiority form.

2. The word everyone, in the first line, can be replaced by everybody without changing its meaning.

3. The negative form of the sentence This learning needs to work for everyone is These learnings needs to work for everyone.

4. The word its, in paragraph 6, refers to the player.

Choose the alternative which presents the correct sentences.

Q2672309 Inglês

About the topic Foreign and Second Language Learning, it is correct to say that:

Q2672307 Inglês

The word furthermore in “Furthermore, games use clever AI (artificial intelligence).”, can be correctly classified as a(n):

Q2672305 Inglês

Study the following sentence:

The players then had to overcome these new difficulties to rebuild their civilization again from the beginning.

Pay attention to the words in bold and decide if the sentences below are ( T ) true or ( F ) false.

( ) the word difficulties is the plural form of difficulty.

( ) had is the past participle of have.

( ) the word their is an object pronoun.

( ) the word beginning is being used in the present continuous tense.

Choose the alternative which presents the correct sequence, from top to bottom.

Q2672303 Inglês


The Psychology of Computer Games

These days, everyone is playing computer games: whether on their PC, games console, or smartphone.

In the busy modern world, we rarely have total control of our lives. .....(1)..... . Some computer games provide an antidote to this because they let players create and control the whole world. One example is Civilization, where players build a modern society from nothing. In earlier versions of the game, creator Sid Meier introduced a crisis. Some games included a moment where the player’s civilization collapses. The players then had to overcome these new difficulties to rebuild their civilization again from the beginning. In reality, the majority of players simply ignored the collapse. Most people just returned to an older version of the game. They had saved it for this purpose. People like computer games because it gives them total control.

In most computer games, you only learn one skill at a time. .....(2)..... . Once you have mastered this skill, you progress to the next level. Unlike real life, computer games give you plenty of time to learn. You aren’t immediately asked to do something too difficult. Users have control of the situation and that is very motivating.

This learning needs to work for everyone. In the game World of Warcraft, a player operates an avatar .................. himself or herself in an online fantasy world. The beginning of the game is easy, and .................. getting over the first challenges quickly, this gives players a feeling of achievement. However, the game is enormous. People who persevere with difficult tasks will learn a lot of new skills and explore areas that are inaccessible .................. beginners. Both beginners and experts can become immersed .................. a huge artificial world.

Most games are repetitive, and games designers need to find ways to stop people from becoming distracted and giving up. There are two ways of doing this. The first is the random reward where players win a surprise prize. .....(3)...... . In the real world, most people don’t notice when we do good things, but games are different.

Furthermore, games use clever AI (artificial intelligence). If you are inexperienced and play a soccer computer game against the computer, the computer could always win. Using AI, the computer adjusts its level of ability to equal the player. This means the human opponent always has a chance to win, and it keeps players interested in the game.

Winning isn’t everything, however. In computer games, failure is fun if the final screen shows an entertaining end for the character. Some players lose a game just to see what happens.

.....(4)..... . The virtual world is both more entertaining and less stressful than reality.

Many criticize computer games as just a waste of time. In fact, computer games are one of the greatest learning tools ever invented. Look at their uses in other fields. Flight simulators teach pilots how to cope with many difficult situations, which would be impossible any other way. A flight simulator is just a more sophisticated form of a computer game.

Mark the alternative which contains the correct meaning of the words.

Q2672302 Inglês


The Psychology of Computer Games

These days, everyone is playing computer games: whether on their PC, games console, or smartphone.

In the busy modern world, we rarely have total control of our lives. .....(1)..... . Some computer games provide an antidote to this because they let players create and control the whole world. One example is Civilization, where players build a modern society from nothing. In earlier versions of the game, creator Sid Meier introduced a crisis. Some games included a moment where the player’s civilization collapses. The players then had to overcome these new difficulties to rebuild their civilization again from the beginning. In reality, the majority of players simply ignored the collapse. Most people just returned to an older version of the game. They had saved it for this purpose. People like computer games because it gives them total control.

In most computer games, you only learn one skill at a time. .....(2)..... . Once you have mastered this skill, you progress to the next level. Unlike real life, computer games give you plenty of time to learn. You aren’t immediately asked to do something too difficult. Users have control of the situation and that is very motivating.

This learning needs to work for everyone. In the game World of Warcraft, a player operates an avatar .................. himself or herself in an online fantasy world. The beginning of the game is easy, and .................. getting over the first challenges quickly, this gives players a feeling of achievement. However, the game is enormous. People who persevere with difficult tasks will learn a lot of new skills and explore areas that are inaccessible .................. beginners. Both beginners and experts can become immersed .................. a huge artificial world.

Most games are repetitive, and games designers need to find ways to stop people from becoming distracted and giving up. There are two ways of doing this. The first is the random reward where players win a surprise prize. .....(3)...... . In the real world, most people don’t notice when we do good things, but games are different.

Furthermore, games use clever AI (artificial intelligence). If you are inexperienced and play a soccer computer game against the computer, the computer could always win. Using AI, the computer adjusts its level of ability to equal the player. This means the human opponent always has a chance to win, and it keeps players interested in the game.

Winning isn’t everything, however. In computer games, failure is fun if the final screen shows an entertaining end for the character. Some players lose a game just to see what happens.

.....(4)..... . The virtual world is both more entertaining and less stressful than reality.

Many criticize computer games as just a waste of time. In fact, computer games are one of the greatest learning tools ever invented. Look at their uses in other fields. Flight simulators teach pilots how to cope with many difficult situations, which would be impossible any other way. A flight simulator is just a more sophisticated form of a computer game.

There are some prepositions missing in the third paragraph.

Choose the alternative that contains the correct ones to complete the sentence.

Q2672301 Inglês


The Psychology of Computer Games

These days, everyone is playing computer games: whether on their PC, games console, or smartphone.

In the busy modern world, we rarely have total control of our lives. .....(1)..... . Some computer games provide an antidote to this because they let players create and control the whole world. One example is Civilization, where players build a modern society from nothing. In earlier versions of the game, creator Sid Meier introduced a crisis. Some games included a moment where the player’s civilization collapses. The players then had to overcome these new difficulties to rebuild their civilization again from the beginning. In reality, the majority of players simply ignored the collapse. Most people just returned to an older version of the game. They had saved it for this purpose. People like computer games because it gives them total control.

In most computer games, you only learn one skill at a time. .....(2)..... . Once you have mastered this skill, you progress to the next level. Unlike real life, computer games give you plenty of time to learn. You aren’t immediately asked to do something too difficult. Users have control of the situation and that is very motivating.

This learning needs to work for everyone. In the game World of Warcraft, a player operates an avatar .................. himself or herself in an online fantasy world. The beginning of the game is easy, and .................. getting over the first challenges quickly, this gives players a feeling of achievement. However, the game is enormous. People who persevere with difficult tasks will learn a lot of new skills and explore areas that are inaccessible .................. beginners. Both beginners and experts can become immersed .................. a huge artificial world.

Most games are repetitive, and games designers need to find ways to stop people from becoming distracted and giving up. There are two ways of doing this. The first is the random reward where players win a surprise prize. .....(3)...... . In the real world, most people don’t notice when we do good things, but games are different.

Furthermore, games use clever AI (artificial intelligence). If you are inexperienced and play a soccer computer game against the computer, the computer could always win. Using AI, the computer adjusts its level of ability to equal the player. This means the human opponent always has a chance to win, and it keeps players interested in the game.

Winning isn’t everything, however. In computer games, failure is fun if the final screen shows an entertaining end for the character. Some players lose a game just to see what happens.

.....(4)..... . The virtual world is both more entertaining and less stressful than reality.

Many criticize computer games as just a waste of time. In fact, computer games are one of the greatest learning tools ever invented. Look at their uses in other fields. Flight simulators teach pilots how to cope with many difficult situations, which would be impossible any other way. A flight simulator is just a more sophisticated form of a computer game.

From the way the article is written, we can infer that the author:

Q2672300 Inglês


The Psychology of Computer Games

These days, everyone is playing computer games: whether on their PC, games console, or smartphone.

In the busy modern world, we rarely have total control of our lives. .....(1)..... . Some computer games provide an antidote to this because they let players create and control the whole world. One example is Civilization, where players build a modern society from nothing. In earlier versions of the game, creator Sid Meier introduced a crisis. Some games included a moment where the player’s civilization collapses. The players then had to overcome these new difficulties to rebuild their civilization again from the beginning. In reality, the majority of players simply ignored the collapse. Most people just returned to an older version of the game. They had saved it for this purpose. People like computer games because it gives them total control.

In most computer games, you only learn one skill at a time. .....(2)..... . Once you have mastered this skill, you progress to the next level. Unlike real life, computer games give you plenty of time to learn. You aren’t immediately asked to do something too difficult. Users have control of the situation and that is very motivating.

This learning needs to work for everyone. In the game World of Warcraft, a player operates an avatar .................. himself or herself in an online fantasy world. The beginning of the game is easy, and .................. getting over the first challenges quickly, this gives players a feeling of achievement. However, the game is enormous. People who persevere with difficult tasks will learn a lot of new skills and explore areas that are inaccessible .................. beginners. Both beginners and experts can become immersed .................. a huge artificial world.

Most games are repetitive, and games designers need to find ways to stop people from becoming distracted and giving up. There are two ways of doing this. The first is the random reward where players win a surprise prize. .....(3)...... . In the real world, most people don’t notice when we do good things, but games are different.

Furthermore, games use clever AI (artificial intelligence). If you are inexperienced and play a soccer computer game against the computer, the computer could always win. Using AI, the computer adjusts its level of ability to equal the player. This means the human opponent always has a chance to win, and it keeps players interested in the game.

Winning isn’t everything, however. In computer games, failure is fun if the final screen shows an entertaining end for the character. Some players lose a game just to see what happens.

.....(4)..... . The virtual world is both more entertaining and less stressful than reality.

Many criticize computer games as just a waste of time. In fact, computer games are one of the greatest learning tools ever invented. Look at their uses in other fields. Flight simulators teach pilots how to cope with many difficult situations, which would be impossible any other way. A flight simulator is just a more sophisticated form of a computer game.

Read the statements below:

1. Computer games designers use AI in sports games.

2. AI is used to make sure the human player always wins.

3. Using AI, games get harder or easier, depending on the ability of the human player.

Choose the alternative which presents the correct sentences.

Q2672298 Inglês


The Psychology of Computer Games

These days, everyone is playing computer games: whether on their PC, games console, or smartphone.

In the busy modern world, we rarely have total control of our lives. .....(1)..... . Some computer games provide an antidote to this because they let players create and control the whole world. One example is Civilization, where players build a modern society from nothing. In earlier versions of the game, creator Sid Meier introduced a crisis. Some games included a moment where the player’s civilization collapses. The players then had to overcome these new difficulties to rebuild their civilization again from the beginning. In reality, the majority of players simply ignored the collapse. Most people just returned to an older version of the game. They had saved it for this purpose. People like computer games because it gives them total control.

In most computer games, you only learn one skill at a time. .....(2)..... . Once you have mastered this skill, you progress to the next level. Unlike real life, computer games give you plenty of time to learn. You aren’t immediately asked to do something too difficult. Users have control of the situation and that is very motivating.

This learning needs to work for everyone. In the game World of Warcraft, a player operates an avatar .................. himself or herself in an online fantasy world. The beginning of the game is easy, and .................. getting over the first challenges quickly, this gives players a feeling of achievement. However, the game is enormous. People who persevere with difficult tasks will learn a lot of new skills and explore areas that are inaccessible .................. beginners. Both beginners and experts can become immersed .................. a huge artificial world.

Most games are repetitive, and games designers need to find ways to stop people from becoming distracted and giving up. There are two ways of doing this. The first is the random reward where players win a surprise prize. .....(3)...... . In the real world, most people don’t notice when we do good things, but games are different.

Furthermore, games use clever AI (artificial intelligence). If you are inexperienced and play a soccer computer game against the computer, the computer could always win. Using AI, the computer adjusts its level of ability to equal the player. This means the human opponent always has a chance to win, and it keeps players interested in the game.

Winning isn’t everything, however. In computer games, failure is fun if the final screen shows an entertaining end for the character. Some players lose a game just to see what happens.

.....(4)..... . The virtual world is both more entertaining and less stressful than reality.

Many criticize computer games as just a waste of time. In fact, computer games are one of the greatest learning tools ever invented. Look at their uses in other fields. Flight simulators teach pilots how to cope with many difficult situations, which would be impossible any other way. A flight simulator is just a more sophisticated form of a computer game.

According to the article, losing a computer game:

Q2672297 Inglês


The Psychology of Computer Games

These days, everyone is playing computer games: whether on their PC, games console, or smartphone.

In the busy modern world, we rarely have total control of our lives. .....(1)..... . Some computer games provide an antidote to this because they let players create and control the whole world. One example is Civilization, where players build a modern society from nothing. In earlier versions of the game, creator Sid Meier introduced a crisis. Some games included a moment where the player’s civilization collapses. The players then had to overcome these new difficulties to rebuild their civilization again from the beginning. In reality, the majority of players simply ignored the collapse. Most people just returned to an older version of the game. They had saved it for this purpose. People like computer games because it gives them total control.

In most computer games, you only learn one skill at a time. .....(2)..... . Once you have mastered this skill, you progress to the next level. Unlike real life, computer games give you plenty of time to learn. You aren’t immediately asked to do something too difficult. Users have control of the situation and that is very motivating.

This learning needs to work for everyone. In the game World of Warcraft, a player operates an avatar .................. himself or herself in an online fantasy world. The beginning of the game is easy, and .................. getting over the first challenges quickly, this gives players a feeling of achievement. However, the game is enormous. People who persevere with difficult tasks will learn a lot of new skills and explore areas that are inaccessible .................. beginners. Both beginners and experts can become immersed .................. a huge artificial world.

Most games are repetitive, and games designers need to find ways to stop people from becoming distracted and giving up. There are two ways of doing this. The first is the random reward where players win a surprise prize. .....(3)...... . In the real world, most people don’t notice when we do good things, but games are different.

Furthermore, games use clever AI (artificial intelligence). If you are inexperienced and play a soccer computer game against the computer, the computer could always win. Using AI, the computer adjusts its level of ability to equal the player. This means the human opponent always has a chance to win, and it keeps players interested in the game.

Winning isn’t everything, however. In computer games, failure is fun if the final screen shows an entertaining end for the character. Some players lose a game just to see what happens.

.....(4)..... . The virtual world is both more entertaining and less stressful than reality.

Many criticize computer games as just a waste of time. In fact, computer games are one of the greatest learning tools ever invented. Look at their uses in other fields. Flight simulators teach pilots how to cope with many difficult situations, which would be impossible any other way. A flight simulator is just a more sophisticated form of a computer game.

Look at the extract from the article below.

Most people just returned to an older version of the game. They had saved it for this purpose.

If the extract were written with a relative clause, which of the following options would be correct?

Q2672295 Inglês


The Psychology of Computer Games

These days, everyone is playing computer games: whether on their PC, games console, or smartphone.

In the busy modern world, we rarely have total control of our lives. .....(1)..... . Some computer games provide an antidote to this because they let players create and control the whole world. One example is Civilization, where players build a modern society from nothing. In earlier versions of the game, creator Sid Meier introduced a crisis. Some games included a moment where the player’s civilization collapses. The players then had to overcome these new difficulties to rebuild their civilization again from the beginning. In reality, the majority of players simply ignored the collapse. Most people just returned to an older version of the game. They had saved it for this purpose. People like computer games because it gives them total control.

In most computer games, you only learn one skill at a time. .....(2)..... . Once you have mastered this skill, you progress to the next level. Unlike real life, computer games give you plenty of time to learn. You aren’t immediately asked to do something too difficult. Users have control of the situation and that is very motivating.

This learning needs to work for everyone. In the game World of Warcraft, a player operates an avatar .................. himself or herself in an online fantasy world. The beginning of the game is easy, and .................. getting over the first challenges quickly, this gives players a feeling of achievement. However, the game is enormous. People who persevere with difficult tasks will learn a lot of new skills and explore areas that are inaccessible .................. beginners. Both beginners and experts can become immersed .................. a huge artificial world.

Most games are repetitive, and games designers need to find ways to stop people from becoming distracted and giving up. There are two ways of doing this. The first is the random reward where players win a surprise prize. .....(3)...... . In the real world, most people don’t notice when we do good things, but games are different.

Furthermore, games use clever AI (artificial intelligence). If you are inexperienced and play a soccer computer game against the computer, the computer could always win. Using AI, the computer adjusts its level of ability to equal the player. This means the human opponent always has a chance to win, and it keeps players interested in the game.

Winning isn’t everything, however. In computer games, failure is fun if the final screen shows an entertaining end for the character. Some players lose a game just to see what happens.

.....(4)..... . The virtual world is both more entertaining and less stressful than reality.

Many criticize computer games as just a waste of time. In fact, computer games are one of the greatest learning tools ever invented. Look at their uses in other fields. Flight simulators teach pilots how to cope with many difficult situations, which would be impossible any other way. A flight simulator is just a more sophisticated form of a computer game.

The numbered spaces in the article can be filled with the following sentences:

( ) For example, in an adventure game, it might be how to climb or to operate a vehicle.

( ) In any case, the players usually get over the defeat in seconds.

( ) For example, in Nintendo’s Wii Sports, you get a star if you hit a particularly good golf shot.

( ) Bosses, teachers, parents, and the government tell us how to behave.

Choose the alternative which presents the correct sequence, from top to bottom.

Q2672187 Pedagogia

Os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais podem funcionar como elemento catalisador de ações na busca de uma melhoria da qualidade da educação brasileira:

Q2672186 Pedagogia

A avaliação é algo fundamental no processo de escolarização, tanto para o profissional quanto para o estudante.

Identifique abaixo as afirmativas verdadeiras ( V ) e as falsas ( F ) levando em conta a complexidade do ato de avaliar e as orientações presentes no documento do MEC – Indagações sobre currículo: currículo e avaliação (2007).

( ) A avaliação não deve ser usada com o objetivo de acerto de contas, punição, discriminação ou qualquer tipo de exclusão dos estudantes.

( ) Segundo Reuven Feuerstein, todas as pessoas são capazes de aprender e de se modificar; portanto, as ações educativas devem ser sempre intencionais, planejadas e de qualidade com estratégias que levem os estudantes a aprender a pensar.

( ) A avaliação não tem como foco classificar e selecionar os estudantes, e, portanto, deve ser realizada como um processo que ocorre durante todo o ano letivo.

( ) Os estudantes aprendem de variadas formas, e de acordo com o tipo de percepção sensorial, das suas diferentes vivências pessoais, de suas experiências anteriores e do seu ponto de vista.

( ) A prática avaliativa deve ser pautada nas aprendizagens que os estudantes realizam.

Assinale a alternativa que indica a sequência correta, de cima para baixo.

Q2672185 Pedagogia

Relacione algumas das competências da BNCC (2017) com as suas definições:

Coluna 1 Competências

1. Conhecimento

2. Repertório cultural

3. Trabalho e projeto de vida

4. Empatia e cooperação

Coluna 2 Definições

( ) Valorizar e fruir as diversas manifestações artísticas e culturais, das locais às mundiais, e também participar de práticas diversificadas da produção artístico-cultural.

( ) Valorizar e utilizar os conhecimentos historicamente construídos sobre o mundo físico, social, cultural e digital para entender e explicar a realidade, continuar aprendendo e colaborar para a construção de uma sociedade justa, democrática e inclusiva.

( ) Exercitar a empatia, o diálogo, a resolução de conflitos e a cooperação, fazendo-se respeitar e promovendo o respeito ao outro e aos direitos humanos, com acolhimento e valorização da diversidade de indivíduos e de grupos sociais, seus saberes, suas identidades, suas culturas e suas potencialidades, sem preconceitos de qualquer natureza.

( ) Valorizar a diversidade de saberes e vivências culturais, apropriar-se de conhecimentos e experiências que lhe possibilitem entender as relações próprias do mundo do trabalho e fazer escolhas alinhadas ao exercício da cidadania e ao seu projeto de vida, com liberdade, autonomia, consciência crítica e responsabilidade.

Assinale a alternativa que indica a sequência correta, de cima para baixo.

Q2672184 Pedagogia

Os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais auxiliam o professor na tarefa de reflexão e discussão de aspectos do cotidiano da prática pedagógica, a serem transformados continuamente pelo professor.

As possibilidades para sua utilização são:

1401: B
1402: C
1403: A
1404: E
1405: E
1406: C
1407: B
1408: A
1409: C
1410: E
1411: A
1412: C
1413: D
1414: A
1415: D
1416: B
1417: C
1418: A
1419: B
1420: A