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of a class of actions that can be taken to prevent disputes from
turning into armed conflict. Others in this class are preventive
deployment of military and(or) police personnel; preventive
humanitarian action, for example, to manage and resolve a
refugee situation in a sensitive frontier area; and preventive
peace-building, which itself comprises an extensive menu of
possible actions in the political, economic and social fields,
applicable especially to possible internal conflicts.
All these preventive actions share the following
characteristics: they all depend on early warning that the risk of
conflict exists; they require information about the causes and
likely nature of the potential conflict so that the appropriate
preventive action can be identified; and they require the consent
of the party or parties within whose jurisdiction the preventive
action is to take place.
The element of timing is crucial. The potential conflict
should be ripe for the preventive action proposed. Timing is also
an important consideration in peace-making and peace-keeping.
The prevention, control and resolution of a conflict is like the
prevention, control and cure of a disease. If treatment is
prescribed at the wrong moment in the evolution of a disease, the
patient does not improve, and the credibility of both the treatment
and the physician who prescribed it is compromised.
in any case, the sooner preventive actions are implemented the better.
of a class of actions that can be taken to prevent disputes from
turning into armed conflict. Others in this class are preventive
deployment of military and(or) police personnel; preventive
humanitarian action, for example, to manage and resolve a
refugee situation in a sensitive frontier area; and preventive
peace-building, which itself comprises an extensive menu of
possible actions in the political, economic and social fields,
applicable especially to possible internal conflicts.
All these preventive actions share the following
characteristics: they all depend on early warning that the risk of
conflict exists; they require information about the causes and
likely nature of the potential conflict so that the appropriate
preventive action can be identified; and they require the consent
of the party or parties within whose jurisdiction the preventive
action is to take place.
The element of timing is crucial. The potential conflict
should be ripe for the preventive action proposed. Timing is also
an important consideration in peace-making and peace-keeping.
The prevention, control and resolution of a conflict is like the
prevention, control and cure of a disease. If treatment is
prescribed at the wrong moment in the evolution of a disease, the
patient does not improve, and the credibility of both the treatment
and the physician who prescribed it is compromised.
preventive diplomacy usually deals with armed conflicts.
of a class of actions that can be taken to prevent disputes from
turning into armed conflict. Others in this class are preventive
deployment of military and(or) police personnel; preventive
humanitarian action, for example, to manage and resolve a
refugee situation in a sensitive frontier area; and preventive
peace-building, which itself comprises an extensive menu of
possible actions in the political, economic and social fields,
applicable especially to possible internal conflicts.
All these preventive actions share the following
characteristics: they all depend on early warning that the risk of
conflict exists; they require information about the causes and
likely nature of the potential conflict so that the appropriate
preventive action can be identified; and they require the consent
of the party or parties within whose jurisdiction the preventive
action is to take place.
The element of timing is crucial. The potential conflict
should be ripe for the preventive action proposed. Timing is also
an important consideration in peace-making and peace-keeping.
The prevention, control and resolution of a conflict is like the
prevention, control and cure of a disease. If treatment is
prescribed at the wrong moment in the evolution of a disease, the
patient does not improve, and the credibility of both the treatment
and the physician who prescribed it is compromised.
preventive diplomacy demands just two conditions to succeed.
of a class of actions that can be taken to prevent disputes from
turning into armed conflict. Others in this class are preventive
deployment of military and(or) police personnel; preventive
humanitarian action, for example, to manage and resolve a
refugee situation in a sensitive frontier area; and preventive
peace-building, which itself comprises an extensive menu of
possible actions in the political, economic and social fields,
applicable especially to possible internal conflicts.
All these preventive actions share the following
characteristics: they all depend on early warning that the risk of
conflict exists; they require information about the causes and
likely nature of the potential conflict so that the appropriate
preventive action can be identified; and they require the consent
of the party or parties within whose jurisdiction the preventive
action is to take place.
The element of timing is crucial. The potential conflict
should be ripe for the preventive action proposed. Timing is also
an important consideration in peace-making and peace-keeping.
The prevention, control and resolution of a conflict is like the
prevention, control and cure of a disease. If treatment is
prescribed at the wrong moment in the evolution of a disease, the
patient does not improve, and the credibility of both the treatment
and the physician who prescribed it is compromised.
preventive diplomatic actions should rely on previous intelligence.
of a class of actions that can be taken to prevent disputes from
turning into armed conflict. Others in this class are preventive
deployment of military and(or) police personnel; preventive
humanitarian action, for example, to manage and resolve a
refugee situation in a sensitive frontier area; and preventive
peace-building, which itself comprises an extensive menu of
possible actions in the political, economic and social fields,
applicable especially to possible internal conflicts.
All these preventive actions share the following
characteristics: they all depend on early warning that the risk of
conflict exists; they require information about the causes and
likely nature of the potential conflict so that the appropriate
preventive action can be identified; and they require the consent
of the party or parties within whose jurisdiction the preventive
action is to take place.
The element of timing is crucial. The potential conflict
should be ripe for the preventive action proposed. Timing is also
an important consideration in peace-making and peace-keeping.
The prevention, control and resolution of a conflict is like the
prevention, control and cure of a disease. If treatment is
prescribed at the wrong moment in the evolution of a disease, the
patient does not improve, and the credibility of both the treatment
and the physician who prescribed it is compromised.
preventive peace-building demands several types of action.
of a class of actions that can be taken to prevent disputes from
turning into armed conflict. Others in this class are preventive
deployment of military and(or) police personnel; preventive
humanitarian action, for example, to manage and resolve a
refugee situation in a sensitive frontier area; and preventive
peace-building, which itself comprises an extensive menu of
possible actions in the political, economic and social fields,
applicable especially to possible internal conflicts.
All these preventive actions share the following
characteristics: they all depend on early warning that the risk of
conflict exists; they require information about the causes and
likely nature of the potential conflict so that the appropriate
preventive action can be identified; and they require the consent
of the party or parties within whose jurisdiction the preventive
action is to take place.
The element of timing is crucial. The potential conflict
should be ripe for the preventive action proposed. Timing is also
an important consideration in peace-making and peace-keeping.
The prevention, control and resolution of a conflict is like the
prevention, control and cure of a disease. If treatment is
prescribed at the wrong moment in the evolution of a disease, the
patient does not improve, and the credibility of both the treatment
and the physician who prescribed it is compromised.
many problems involving refugees occur in frontier areas.
of a class of actions that can be taken to prevent disputes from
turning into armed conflict. Others in this class are preventive
deployment of military and(or) police personnel; preventive
humanitarian action, for example, to manage and resolve a
refugee situation in a sensitive frontier area; and preventive
peace-building, which itself comprises an extensive menu of
possible actions in the political, economic and social fields,
applicable especially to possible internal conflicts.
All these preventive actions share the following
characteristics: they all depend on early warning that the risk of
conflict exists; they require information about the causes and
likely nature of the potential conflict so that the appropriate
preventive action can be identified; and they require the consent
of the party or parties within whose jurisdiction the preventive
action is to take place.
The element of timing is crucial. The potential conflict
should be ripe for the preventive action proposed. Timing is also
an important consideration in peace-making and peace-keeping.
The prevention, control and resolution of a conflict is like the
prevention, control and cure of a disease. If treatment is
prescribed at the wrong moment in the evolution of a disease, the
patient does not improve, and the credibility of both the treatment
and the physician who prescribed it is compromised.
military actions will necessarily lead to armed conflict.
of a class of actions that can be taken to prevent disputes from
turning into armed conflict. Others in this class are preventive
deployment of military and(or) police personnel; preventive
humanitarian action, for example, to manage and resolve a
refugee situation in a sensitive frontier area; and preventive
peace-building, which itself comprises an extensive menu of
possible actions in the political, economic and social fields,
applicable especially to possible internal conflicts.
All these preventive actions share the following
characteristics: they all depend on early warning that the risk of
conflict exists; they require information about the causes and
likely nature of the potential conflict so that the appropriate
preventive action can be identified; and they require the consent
of the party or parties within whose jurisdiction the preventive
action is to take place.
The element of timing is crucial. The potential conflict
should be ripe for the preventive action proposed. Timing is also
an important consideration in peace-making and peace-keeping.
The prevention, control and resolution of a conflict is like the
prevention, control and cure of a disease. If treatment is
prescribed at the wrong moment in the evolution of a disease, the
patient does not improve, and the credibility of both the treatment
and the physician who prescribed it is compromised.
preventive diplomacy has just been considered the only possible action to avoid war.
Com referência à compreensão e à interpretação do texto III,
julgue os itens a seguir.
Etimologia. Sobre as formas verbais latinas potes,
'pode', potui, "pude", poteìram, "pudera", poteìro, 'poderei',
potens, potentis, 'aquele que pode' etc. (todos do verbo lat.
posse, 'poder, ter o poder de, ser capaz de'), forma-se o
infinitivo lat. vulg. poteìre, 'poder, ter o poder de, ser capaz
de', que conviveu com o lat. cláss. posse até suplantá-lo por
volta do séc. VIII d.C. Poteìre é a origem do port. esp.
poder, do século XII-XIII, it. potere, fr. pouvoir, ambos do
séc. XII, ing. power, de 1297-1325, que já se registram
como substantivo nessas datas. O vocábulo al. Macht traduz
o port. esp. poder e demais vernacularizações.
Enciclopédia Mirador Internacional. São Paulo - Rio de Janeiro: Encyclopaedia
Britannica do Brasil. Publicações Ltda. 1977, p. 9.001 (com adaptações).
Julgue os itens subseqüentes, relativos ao sentido e às
estruturas morfossintática, semântica e discursiva do texto I.
Tendo o texto acima como referência inicial e considerando os
múltiplos aspectos da cultura, julgue os itens seguintes.
O presidente da República in icia hoje uma viagem pelo
continente africano. Seu primeiro compromisso no exterior diz respeito à
assinatura de um tratado comercial com a Repúb lica de Benguela,
envolvendo exportação de produtos agrícolas e medicamentos, e ajuda
A República de Benguela é país recém-criado, surgido em
decorrência do desmembramento de parte do território de um outro país.
Um governador de estado acompanha a comitiva presidencial,
pois tem interesse em um segundo tratado, pelo qual uma sociedade de
economia mista do estado-membro participaria das obras de
infra-estrutura necessárias à organização do novo país. A imprensa não foi
informada acerca de qual governador acompanhará o presidente.
O Planeta Diário, 1.º de abril de 2003 (com adaptações).
Supondo que seja verdadeira a notícia hip o tética acima transcrita,
julgue os itens seguintes.
tem promovido a reordenação territ o r ial no campo, julgue
os itens que se seguem.
tem promovido a reordenação territ o r ial no campo, julgue
os itens que se seguem.
tem promovido a reordenação territ o r ial no campo, julgue
os itens que se seguem.
mais. Hoje, você procura uma aldeia de índios e encontra uma
fábrica ou uma fazenda moderna. Onde só tinha mato 10
anos atrás, agora você pode ser atropelado.
A partir das idéias do texto acima, julgue os seguintes
mais. Hoje, você procura uma aldeia de índios e encontra uma
fábrica ou uma fazenda moderna. Onde só tinha mato 10
anos atrás, agora você pode ser atropelado.
A partir das idéias do texto acima, julgue os seguintes
mais. Hoje, você procura uma aldeia de índios e encontra uma
fábrica ou uma fazenda moderna. Onde só tinha mato 10
anos atrás, agora você pode ser atropelado.
A partir das idéias do texto acima, julgue os seguintes