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Q1128700 Inglês

White, E.B. (1999) Here is New York. New York:

The Little Book Room, with adaptations.

Considering the text, mark the following item as right (C) or wrong (E).

The fragment “to dwarf the” (line 36) could be correctly replaced with that contribute to.
Q1128699 Inglês

White, E.B. (1999) Here is New York. New York:

The Little Book Room, with adaptations.

Considering the text, mark the following item as right (C) or wrong (E).

The word “bestow” (line 2) could be correctly replaced with exchange.

Q1128698 Inglês

White, E.B. (1999) Here is New York. New York:

The Little Book Room, with adaptations.

Considering the text, mark the following item as right (C) or wrong (E).

The word “largess” (line 3) could be correctly replaced with generosity.
Q1128697 Inglês

Towards a fairer distribution 

Towards a fairer distribution. Available at: <>.

Retrieved on: Aug. 15. 2019, with adaptations.

Considering the grammatical and semantic aspects of text, mark the following item as right (C) or wrong (E).

The expression “laid […] the groundwork for” (line 44) can be correctly replaced with prepared.

Q1128696 Inglês

Towards a fairer distribution 

Towards a fairer distribution. Available at: <>.

Retrieved on: Aug. 15. 2019, with adaptations.

Considering the grammatical and semantic aspects of text, mark the following item as right (C) or wrong (E).

The phrase “Bound to” (line 36) means “forced to keep a promise to”.

701: E
702: E
703: C
704: C
705: C