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Q42029 Inglês
Iran's top nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili and
EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana agreed yesterday
to pursue talks aimed at resolving the nuclear crisis,
state television reported.
Their telephone talks came just days after
European Union nations last week introduced fresh
sanctions against Iran over its atomic drive, which
Western nations fear could be a cover for a secret
nuclear weapons program.
The two sides agreed to continue negotiations
in a constructive atmosphere, the television said.
Solana and Jalili voiced satisfaction at the constructive
trend of negotiations in Geneva and the contacts
In Brussels, Solana's office confirmed the
conversation but gave no details.
Jalili met on July 19 in Geneva with Solana,
who is the point man for the six major powers, which
have offered Iran a package of incentives in return for
a freeze in uranium enrichment activities. They also
spoke by phone on August 4.
On Friday, the presidency of the 27-member
EU announced new sanctions against Iran, including
restrictions on public loans and tougher cargo
The move came after Tehran gave an
ambiguous answer to the demands of the six nations -
U.N. Security Council permanent members Britain,
China, France, Russia and the United States plus
Iran is facing a possible fourth round of U.N.
Security Council sanctions over its refusal to halt
enrichment, a process which makes nuclear fuel but
also the core of an atomic bomb.
The European Union and the United States
have also imposed restrictions on the activities of
Iran's largest banks, which are running in parallel to
the three sets of sanctions agreed by the Security

Internet: (adapted).

According to the text above, judge the following items.
Jalili is the man who tries to prevent problems by thinking before others.
Q42028 Inglês
Iran's top nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili and
EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana agreed yesterday
to pursue talks aimed at resolving the nuclear crisis,
state television reported.
Their telephone talks came just days after
European Union nations last week introduced fresh
sanctions against Iran over its atomic drive, which
Western nations fear could be a cover for a secret
nuclear weapons program.
The two sides agreed to continue negotiations
in a constructive atmosphere, the television said.
Solana and Jalili voiced satisfaction at the constructive
trend of negotiations in Geneva and the contacts
In Brussels, Solana's office confirmed the
conversation but gave no details.
Jalili met on July 19 in Geneva with Solana,
who is the point man for the six major powers, which
have offered Iran a package of incentives in return for
a freeze in uranium enrichment activities. They also
spoke by phone on August 4.
On Friday, the presidency of the 27-member
EU announced new sanctions against Iran, including
restrictions on public loans and tougher cargo
The move came after Tehran gave an
ambiguous answer to the demands of the six nations -
U.N. Security Council permanent members Britain,
China, France, Russia and the United States plus
Iran is facing a possible fourth round of U.N.
Security Council sanctions over its refusal to halt
enrichment, a process which makes nuclear fuel but
also the core of an atomic bomb.
The European Union and the United States
have also imposed restrictions on the activities of
Iran's largest banks, which are running in parallel to
the three sets of sanctions agreed by the Security

Internet: (adapted).

According to the text above, judge the following items.
Both Solana and Jalili seem to have had an argument about Iranian nuclear activity.
Q42027 Inglês
Iran's top nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili and
EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana agreed yesterday
to pursue talks aimed at resolving the nuclear crisis,
state television reported.
Their telephone talks came just days after
European Union nations last week introduced fresh
sanctions against Iran over its atomic drive, which
Western nations fear could be a cover for a secret
nuclear weapons program.
The two sides agreed to continue negotiations
in a constructive atmosphere, the television said.
Solana and Jalili voiced satisfaction at the constructive
trend of negotiations in Geneva and the contacts
In Brussels, Solana's office confirmed the
conversation but gave no details.
Jalili met on July 19 in Geneva with Solana,
who is the point man for the six major powers, which
have offered Iran a package of incentives in return for
a freeze in uranium enrichment activities. They also
spoke by phone on August 4.
On Friday, the presidency of the 27-member
EU announced new sanctions against Iran, including
restrictions on public loans and tougher cargo
The move came after Tehran gave an
ambiguous answer to the demands of the six nations -
U.N. Security Council permanent members Britain,
China, France, Russia and the United States plus
Iran is facing a possible fourth round of U.N.
Security Council sanctions over its refusal to halt
enrichment, a process which makes nuclear fuel but
also the core of an atomic bomb.
The European Union and the United States
have also imposed restrictions on the activities of
Iran's largest banks, which are running in parallel to
the three sets of sanctions agreed by the Security

Internet: (adapted).

According to the text above, judge the following items.
European Union Nations are worried about a disguised secret nuclear weapons programme of Iran.
Q42026 Inglês
Iran's top nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili and
EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana agreed yesterday
to pursue talks aimed at resolving the nuclear crisis,
state television reported.
Their telephone talks came just days after
European Union nations last week introduced fresh
sanctions against Iran over its atomic drive, which
Western nations fear could be a cover for a secret
nuclear weapons program.
The two sides agreed to continue negotiations
in a constructive atmosphere, the television said.
Solana and Jalili voiced satisfaction at the constructive
trend of negotiations in Geneva and the contacts
In Brussels, Solana's office confirmed the
conversation but gave no details.
Jalili met on July 19 in Geneva with Solana,
who is the point man for the six major powers, which
have offered Iran a package of incentives in return for
a freeze in uranium enrichment activities. They also
spoke by phone on August 4.
On Friday, the presidency of the 27-member
EU announced new sanctions against Iran, including
restrictions on public loans and tougher cargo
The move came after Tehran gave an
ambiguous answer to the demands of the six nations -
U.N. Security Council permanent members Britain,
China, France, Russia and the United States plus
Iran is facing a possible fourth round of U.N.
Security Council sanctions over its refusal to halt
enrichment, a process which makes nuclear fuel but
also the core of an atomic bomb.
The European Union and the United States
have also imposed restrictions on the activities of
Iran's largest banks, which are running in parallel to
the three sets of sanctions agreed by the Security

Internet: (adapted).

According to the text above, judge the following items.
It's been reported on TV that Jalili's and Solana's target is to put an end in the Iranian nuclear crisis.
Q41991 Direito Constitucional
Cada um dos itens a seguir apresenta uma situação hipotética,
seguida de uma assertiva a ser julgada à luz dos direitos e
garantias fundamentais.
Maria, eleita senadora da República de um estado da Federação em 2006, é casada com o irmão de Leopoldo, que pretende ser candidato ao cargo de governador do mesmo estado em 2010. Nessa situação, Leopoldo é inelegível, devido ao grau de parentesco com Maria.
386: E
387: E
388: C
389: C
390: E