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Q2324551 Noções de Informática
Uma rede privada virtual (VPN) caracteriza-se por permitir ao usuário
Q2324550 Noções de Informática
No Microsoft SharePoint 2019, é possível 
Q2324549 Noções de Informática
No Windows 11, a opção Restaurar PC, que pode ser encontrada por meio da sequência de comandos Iniciar > Configurações > Sistema > Recuperação, permite que o usuário
Q2324548 Direito Administrativo
      Na atuação em um processo administrativo, determinado servidor público federal cuidou para esclarecer a verdade sobre os fatos, buscando novas provas, além das constantes do processo. Ademais, impeliu o processo independentemente da provocação do interessado.

Nessa situação hipotética, no contexto do processo administrativo federal, pode-se afirmar que o aludido servidor valeu-se, respectivamente, dos princípios legais denominados
Q2324546 Legislação Federal
Considere que determinado cidadão tenha tido acesso negado à informação solicitada a um órgão público. Diante da primeira negativa de acesso à informação pelo aludido órgão, o requerente pode recorrer no prazo de
Q2324545 Direito Administrativo
        Antônio, Carlos e João, servidores públicos, cometeram atos de improbidade administrativa: Antônio doou a uma pessoa física bens móveis do órgão em que trabalha, sem a observância das formalidades legais e regulamentares; Carlos negou publicidade a atos oficiais do órgão onde está lotado, sem motivação específica; e João transportou materiais de construção, que seriam utilizados na reforma de sua residência, em um caminhão pertencente ao órgão onde exerce atribuições.

De acordo com o disposto na Lei n.º 8.429/1992 a respeito dos atos de improbidade administrativa, é correto afirmar que, na situação hipotética apresentada, 
Q2324544 Controle Externo
Três servidores públicos têm seu foco de atuação nas seguintes averiguações:

I o ingresso e a saída de valores de contas públicas;
II a execução das atividades administrativas rotineiras; e
III o controle de bens móveis e imóveis.

Nessa situação hipotética, os itens I, II e III são objeto, respectivamente, das fiscalizações
Q2324543 Direito Administrativo
Em relação ao regime jurídico dos servidores públicos civis da União, assinale a opção correta à luz da Lei n.º 8.112/1990.
Q2324542 Direito Administrativo
Segundo o princípio de conveniência e oportunidade, ao conceder ao servidor licença para tratar de interesses particulares o gestor age conforme o poder 
Q2324541 Direito Administrativo
Acerca da administração pública, das entidades paraestatais e do terceiro setor, assinale a opção correta. 
Q2324530 Contabilidade Pública
Os serviços da dívida a pagar decorrentes de operações de crédito contraídas pelos entes da Federação devem ser contemplados no cálculo
Q2324528 Contabilidade Geral
Assinale a opção em que é indicado o componente da demonstração do resultado do exercício de uma empresa comercial cujo montante deve ser deduzido das receitas líquidas para que se obtenha o valor do lucro bruto do período.
Q2324527 Contabilidade Geral
     Ao reavaliar o risco de crédito da sua carteira de duplicatas a receber, determinada companhia constatou que o valor estimado das perdas relacionadas a créditos de liquidação duvidosa apresentava-se superior ao montante que já tinha sido reconhecido contabilmente pela entidade até então.

Nessa situação hipotética, para a adequação das demonstrações contábeis da entidade à nova estimação de perdas associadas a créditos de liquidação duvidosa, deve ser feito registro a débito
Q2324525 Contabilidade Geral
Considere os seguintes fatos administrativos:

I aquisição de mercadorias a prazo;
II recebimento de parcelas das contas a receber de clientes;
III constituição de reservas de lucro;
IV depreciação de itens do ativo imobilizado;
V rendimentos de aplicações financeiras.

Classificam-se como permutativos apenas os fatos administrativos indicados nos itens
Q2324521 Direito Administrativo
De acordo com a Instrução Normativa da Secretaria do Tesouro Nacional (STN) n.º 1/1997, que disciplina a celebração de convênios de natureza financeira cujo objeto seja a execução de projetos ou realização de eventos, a transferência de capital derivada da lei orçamentária que se destina a atender a ônus ou encargo assumido pela União e que somente é concedida a entidade sem finalidade lucrativa é denominada
Q2324520 Direito Administrativo
Inovação da Lei n.º 14.133/2021, o diálogo competitivo é aplicável à contratação de 
Q2324519 Direito Administrativo
A Nova Lei de Licitações e Contratos permite a revogação da licitação  
Q2324514 Inglês
Text 1A2-III

     In January 1948, before three pistol shots put an end to his life, Gandhi had been on the political stage for more than fifty years. He had inspired two generations of Indian patriots, shaken an empire and sparked off a revolution which was to change the face of Africa and Asia. To millions of his own people, he was the Mahatma — the great soul — whose sacred glimpse was a reward in itself.

       By the end of 1947 he had lived down much of the suspicion, ridicule and opposition which he had to face, when he first raised the banner of revolt against racial exclusiveness and imperial domination. His ideas, once dismissed as quaint and utopian, had begun to strike answering chords in some of the finest minds in the world. “Generations to come, it may be,” Einstein had said of Gandhi in July 1944, “will scarcely believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon earth.”

      Though his life had been a continual unfolding of an endless drama, Gandhi himself seemed the least dramatic of men. It would be difficult to imagine a man with fewer trappings of political eminence or with less of the popular image of a heroic figure. With his loin cloth, steel-rimmed glasses, rough sandals, a toothless smile and a voice which rarely rose above a whisper, he had a disarming humility. He was, if one were to use the famous words of the Buddha, a man who had “by rousing himself, by earnestness, by restraint and control, made for himself an island which no flood could overwhelm.”

        Gandhi’s deepest strivings were spiritual, but he did not — as had been the custom in his country — retire to a cave in the Himalayas to seek his salvation. He carried his cave within him. He did not know, he said, any religion apart from human activity; the spiritual law did not work in a vacuum, but expressed itself through the ordinary activities of life.

       This aspiration to relate the spirit of religion to the problems of everyday life runs like a thread through Gandhi’s career: his uneventful childhood, the slow unfolding and the near-failure of his youth, the reluctant plunge into the politics of Natal, the long unequal struggle in South Africa, and the vicissitudes of the Indian struggle for freedom, which under his leadership was to culminate in a triumph not untinged with tragedy.

B. R. Nanda. Gandhi: a pictorial biography, 1972 (adapted). 
The word “quaint” (second sentence of the second paragraph), in its use in text 1A2-III, means 
Q2324513 Inglês
Text 1A2-III

     In January 1948, before three pistol shots put an end to his life, Gandhi had been on the political stage for more than fifty years. He had inspired two generations of Indian patriots, shaken an empire and sparked off a revolution which was to change the face of Africa and Asia. To millions of his own people, he was the Mahatma — the great soul — whose sacred glimpse was a reward in itself.

       By the end of 1947 he had lived down much of the suspicion, ridicule and opposition which he had to face, when he first raised the banner of revolt against racial exclusiveness and imperial domination. His ideas, once dismissed as quaint and utopian, had begun to strike answering chords in some of the finest minds in the world. “Generations to come, it may be,” Einstein had said of Gandhi in July 1944, “will scarcely believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon earth.”

      Though his life had been a continual unfolding of an endless drama, Gandhi himself seemed the least dramatic of men. It would be difficult to imagine a man with fewer trappings of political eminence or with less of the popular image of a heroic figure. With his loin cloth, steel-rimmed glasses, rough sandals, a toothless smile and a voice which rarely rose above a whisper, he had a disarming humility. He was, if one were to use the famous words of the Buddha, a man who had “by rousing himself, by earnestness, by restraint and control, made for himself an island which no flood could overwhelm.”

        Gandhi’s deepest strivings were spiritual, but he did not — as had been the custom in his country — retire to a cave in the Himalayas to seek his salvation. He carried his cave within him. He did not know, he said, any religion apart from human activity; the spiritual law did not work in a vacuum, but expressed itself through the ordinary activities of life.

       This aspiration to relate the spirit of religion to the problems of everyday life runs like a thread through Gandhi’s career: his uneventful childhood, the slow unfolding and the near-failure of his youth, the reluctant plunge into the politics of Natal, the long unequal struggle in South Africa, and the vicissitudes of the Indian struggle for freedom, which under his leadership was to culminate in a triumph not untinged with tragedy.

B. R. Nanda. Gandhi: a pictorial biography, 1972 (adapted). 
The expression “lived down” (first sentence of the second paragraph of text 1A2-III) means 
Q2324512 Inglês
Text 1A2-II

       I have often thought how interesting a magazine paper might be written by any author who would—that is to say, who could—detail, step by step, the processes by which any one of his compositions attained its ultimate point of completion. Why such a paper has never been given to the world, I am much at a loss to say—but, perhaps, the authorial vanity has had more to do with the omission than any one other cause. Most writers—poets in especial—prefer having it understood that they compose by a species of fine frenzy—an ecstatic intuition—and would positively shudder at letting the public take a peep behind the scenes, at the elaborate and vacillating crudities of thought—at the true purposes seized only at the last moment—at the innumerable glimpses of idea that arrived not at the maturity of full view—at the fully-matured fancies discarded in despair as unmanageable—at the cautious selections and rejections—at the painful erasures and interpolations—in a word, at the wheels and pinions—the tackle for scene-shifting—the step-ladders, and demon-traps—the cock’s feathers, the red paint and the black patches, which, in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred, constitute the properties of the literary histrio.

        I am aware, on the other hand, that the case is by no means common, in which an author is at all in condition to retrace the steps by which his conclusions have been attained. In general, suggestions, having arisen pell-mell are pursued and forgotten in a similar manner.

       For my own part, I have neither sympathy with the repugnance alluded to, nor, at any time, the least difficulty in recalling to mind the progressive steps of any of my compositions, and, since the interest of an analysis or reconstruction, such as I have considered a desideratum, is quite independent of any real or fancied interest in the thing analysed, it will not be regarded as a breach of decorum on my part to show the modus operandi by which some one of my own works was put together. I select The Raven as most generally known. It is my design to render it manifest that no one point in its composition is referable either to accident or intuition—that the work proceeded step by step, to its completion, with the precision and rigid consequence of a mathematical problem.

Edgar Allan Poe. The Philosophy of Composition, 1846 (adapted)
In the third sentence of text 1A2-II, the fragment “shudder at” can be correctly replaced by
1: B
2: D
3: B
4: E
5: E
6: A
7: D
8: C
9: A
10: C
11: B
12: A
13: A
14: B
15: B
16: A
17: B
18: D
19: E
20: A