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Assinale a alternativa incorreta:
Os testes relacionados à hemostasia primária são:
Considerando as características clínicas e laboratoriais da leucemia mielóide aguda, assinale a alternativa correta:
É o mais antigo tratamento biológico da psiquiatria moderna. De acordo com a literatura e a prática psiquiátrica, trata-se de um dos tratamentos mais eficazes e seguros para a depressão refratária. Também tem-se mostrado benéfico no tratamento da esquizofrenia refratária, inclusive na forma catatônica. Muitos dos seus aspectos positivos e negativos foram descobertos de forma empírica.
Assinale a alternativa que indica a melhor descrição para o assunto apresentado.
Motorista experiente, Tom encontrou-se com alguns amigos para um almoço. Durante o evento, ingeriu quatro chopes e três doses de cachaça. Após a sobremesa, ainda bebeu uma dose de licor e café. Saiu do restaurante, na condução do seu veículo, em direção à sua casa, distante um quilômetro e meio. Nesse percurso, foi abordado pela autoridade de trânsito. Com base nessa situação hipotética, assinale a alternativa correta.
Com relação ao uso do aplicativo comercial para edição de planilhas Microsoft Excel 2003, versão em português, na sua configuração padrão de instalação, assinale a alternativa correta.
Com relação aos conceitos básicos e às tecnologias associadas à Internet e à intranet, assinale a alternativa correta.
Texto II, para responder às questões 8 e 9.
Criminal Intelligence Analysis
1 Criminal Intelligence Analysis (sometimes called
Crime Analysis) has been recognized by law enforcement as
a useful support tool for over twenty-five years and is
4 successfully used within the international community. Within
the last decade, the role and position of Criminal Intelligence
Analysis in the global law enforcement community has
7 fundamentally changed. Whereas previously there were a few
key countries acting as forerunners and promoters of the
discipline, more and more countries have implemented
10 analytical techniques within their police forces. International
organizations, such as INTERPOL, Europol and the
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
13 (ICTY), all have Criminal Intelligence Analysts among their
personnel. The techniques are also widely used within private
sector organizations.
16 There are many definitions of Criminal Intelligence
Analysis in use throughout the world. The one definition
agreed in June 1992 by an international group of twelve
19 European INTERPOL member countries and subsequently
adopted by other countries is as follows: 'The identification of
and provision of insight into the relationship between crime
22 data and other potentially relevant data with a view to police
and judicial practice'.
The central task of Analysis is to help officials — law
25 enforcers, policy makers, and decision makers — deal more
effectively with uncertainty, to provide timely warning of
threats, and to support operational activity by analysing crime.
28 Criminal Intelligence Analysis is divided into
operational (or tactical) and strategic analysis. The basic skills
required are similar, and the difference lies in the level of
31 detail and the type of client to whom the products are aimed.
Operational Analysis aims to achieve a specific law
enforcement outcome. This might be arrests, seizure or
34 forfeiture of assets or money gained from criminal activities,
or the disruption of a criminal group. Operational Analysis
usually has a more immediate benefit. Strategic Analysis is
37 intended to inform higher level decision making and the
benefits are realized over the longer term. It is usually aimed
at managers and policy-makers rather than individual
40 investigators. The intention is to provide early warning of
threats and to support senior decision-makers in setting
priorities to prepare their organizations to be able to deal with
43 emerging criminal issues. This might mean allocating
resources to different areas of crime, increased training in a
crime fighting technique, or taking steps to close a loophole in
46 a process.
Both disciplines make use of a range of analytical
techniques and Analysts need to have a range of skills and
49 attributes.
Internet: <>.
About operational and strategic analysis, mark the correct alternative.
Texto II, para responder às questões 8 e 9.
Criminal Intelligence Analysis
1 Criminal Intelligence Analysis (sometimes called
Crime Analysis) has been recognized by law enforcement as
a useful support tool for over twenty-five years and is
4 successfully used within the international community. Within
the last decade, the role and position of Criminal Intelligence
Analysis in the global law enforcement community has
7 fundamentally changed. Whereas previously there were a few
key countries acting as forerunners and promoters of the
discipline, more and more countries have implemented
10 analytical techniques within their police forces. International
organizations, such as INTERPOL, Europol and the
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
13 (ICTY), all have Criminal Intelligence Analysts among their
personnel. The techniques are also widely used within private
sector organizations.
16 There are many definitions of Criminal Intelligence
Analysis in use throughout the world. The one definition
agreed in June 1992 by an international group of twelve
19 European INTERPOL member countries and subsequently
adopted by other countries is as follows: 'The identification of
and provision of insight into the relationship between crime
22 data and other potentially relevant data with a view to police
and judicial practice'.
The central task of Analysis is to help officials — law
25 enforcers, policy makers, and decision makers — deal more
effectively with uncertainty, to provide timely warning of
threats, and to support operational activity by analysing crime.
28 Criminal Intelligence Analysis is divided into
operational (or tactical) and strategic analysis. The basic skills
required are similar, and the difference lies in the level of
31 detail and the type of client to whom the products are aimed.
Operational Analysis aims to achieve a specific law
enforcement outcome. This might be arrests, seizure or
34 forfeiture of assets or money gained from criminal activities,
or the disruption of a criminal group. Operational Analysis
usually has a more immediate benefit. Strategic Analysis is
37 intended to inform higher level decision making and the
benefits are realized over the longer term. It is usually aimed
at managers and policy-makers rather than individual
40 investigators. The intention is to provide early warning of
threats and to support senior decision-makers in setting
priorities to prepare their organizations to be able to deal with
43 emerging criminal issues. This might mean allocating
resources to different areas of crime, increased training in a
crime fighting technique, or taking steps to close a loophole in
46 a process.
Both disciplines make use of a range of analytical
techniques and Analysts need to have a range of skills and
49 attributes.
Internet: <>.
Mark the alternative that presents information which cannot be found in the text II.
Não é fator de risco relacionado à etiologia do câncer de ovário o(a)
Em relação à biologia molecular do câncer, assinale a alternativa correta.
Acerca de deficiência de GH no adulto (DGHA), assinale a opção correta.
Com base na Resolução do Conselho Federal de Medicina n.º 1.942/2010, que estabelece normas seguras para o tratamento cirúrgico da obesidade mórbida, definindo indicações, procedimentos e equipe, assinale a opção correta.
Um paciente com hiperparatireoidismo primário e hipercalcemia pode, raramente, apresentar um valor de PTH inapropriadamente normal. De acordo com essa informação, assinale a opção que define o ponto de corte em que se deve suspeitar de causa de hipercalcemia não PTH-mediada.
A diabetes mellitus tipo 2 é uma doença crônica degenerativa, com aumento considerável na prevalência mundial nos últimos anos. A associação com a demência, bem estabelecida nos pacientes idosos, explica-se pelo fato de que a hiperinsulinemia cerebral favoreceria o(a)
O tratamento de reposição no hipotiroidismo subclínico pode ser benéfico para impedir a progressão à instalação da doença, entretanto há controvérsias no tratamento daqueles pacientes que apresentarem níveis de TSH entre
Uma paciente, com sessenta e cinco anos de idade, com diagnóstico de diabete melito tipo 2, tem apresentado por dois dias quadro de febre, dor lombar e disúria. Foi diagnosticada pielonefrite aguda e instituída antibioticoterapia oral (norfloxacin, 400 mg de 12/12 h durante 7 dias). No quinto dia de tratamento, apresentou piora do quadro clínico inicial, além de dor intensa em região lombar direita, do tipo cólica, além de hematúria. A ultrassonografia de rins e vias urinárias não evidenciou abscessos ou tumorações em loja renal direita. Com relação ao caso clínico apresentado, é correto afirmar que se trata de