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Q1094249 Inglês

Text for the question.

Higher life expectancy worldwide 

“by 2050” (line 15) means
Q1094248 Inglês

Text for the question.

Higher life expectancy worldwide 

“fell” in “fell by more than 30%” (line 18) is the simple past form of an irregular verb. What is the past participle form of this verb?
Q1094247 Inglês

Text for the question.

Higher life expectancy worldwide 

In which word does the letter “s” sound as the “s” in “This” at the beginning of line 16?
Q1094246 Inglês

Text for the question.

Higher life expectancy worldwide 

Which word has the meaning of “diminish” as it is used in “such differences are expected to diminish” (line 14)?
Q1094245 Inglês

Text for the question.

Higher life expectancy worldwide 

The present perfect form of “are projected” (line 13) is
591: D
592: E
593: C
594: C
595: D