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Q73967 Inglês
The fragment "to the advantage of both." (line 72) indicates that there will be
Q73966 Inglês
Based on the meanings in the text,
Q73965 Inglês
According to the text, ".the inclusion of local growers in big chain grocery stores," (lines 55-56) is seen as a(n)
Q73964 Inglês
According to paragraphs 7 and 8 (lines 38-49), educating customers to become green is beneficial to green businesses because customers
Q73963 Inglês
In the fragment "A company's net carbon footprint may be as important to its success as its bottom line, since no doubt one could drive the other." (lines 22-24), "since" can be substituted by
1171: B
1172: C
1173: D
1174: E
1175: A