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Q1254860 Inglês

 I happily advertise the fact I breastfed – it’s high time that brands embraced it too

by Nell Frizzell
New ads by Aldi, Adidas and Sainsbury’s all feature breastfeeding mothers. Hopefully this will normalize the process to help new parents feed with ease

    It may be some time yet until we see a mother in an advert precariously balancing her child/bag/shopping/pets before pushing a nipple into the mouth of a howling, jam-smeared toddler. But when they do, oh boy, are my days as a model really going to get going.
    In recent weeks, a series of adverts have appeared from Tu at Sainsbury’s, Adidas and Aldi, all featuring breastfeeding mothers. Some are wearing flowery blouses and have tattoos, others are holding a naked baby between the zips of a sports top. Of course the women are good-looking, of course they are slim, of course we cannot actually see anything as erotically charged or as morally unsettling as an areola – this is still advertising, after all. But it is, surely, a start.
    As someone who breastfed her son for 21 shirtlifting, bra-soaking, carefree months, I am of course pleased to see breastfeeding being held up as something both everyday and aspirational. It is as prosaic as a trip to the supermarket yet as physically impressive as professional sport. It belongs on billboards and screens as much as beds and sofas.
    here is no such thing as “normal” when it comes to babies or bodies. But to normalize something that, in the words of UNICEF, has a profoundly positive impact on child health, is of course to be celebrated. You might find yourself whipping out a boob on a train full of football fans; you might squirt milk across somebody else’s coat on the bus; you might find yourself answering the door with your full breast outside your clothes without noticing. And if the presence of big brands behind your bra straps encourage you to keep feeding, then all power to your elbow. It is a shame that this hasn’t happened sooner, but it’s better late than never – and there’s no use crying over spilled (breast) milk.

(Source: rts-breastfeeding-mothers-aldi-adidas-sainsburys.Access: 08/01/2020)
Who is probably the speaker in TEXT V?
Q1254859 Inglês

 I happily advertise the fact I breastfed – it’s high time that brands embraced it too

by Nell Frizzell
New ads by Aldi, Adidas and Sainsbury’s all feature breastfeeding mothers. Hopefully this will normalize the process to help new parents feed with ease

    It may be some time yet until we see a mother in an advert precariously balancing her child/bag/shopping/pets before pushing a nipple into the mouth of a howling, jam-smeared toddler. But when they do, oh boy, are my days as a model really going to get going.
    In recent weeks, a series of adverts have appeared from Tu at Sainsbury’s, Adidas and Aldi, all featuring breastfeeding mothers. Some are wearing flowery blouses and have tattoos, others are holding a naked baby between the zips of a sports top. Of course the women are good-looking, of course they are slim, of course we cannot actually see anything as erotically charged or as morally unsettling as an areola – this is still advertising, after all. But it is, surely, a start.
    As someone who breastfed her son for 21 shirtlifting, bra-soaking, carefree months, I am of course pleased to see breastfeeding being held up as something both everyday and aspirational. It is as prosaic as a trip to the supermarket yet as physically impressive as professional sport. It belongs on billboards and screens as much as beds and sofas.
    here is no such thing as “normal” when it comes to babies or bodies. But to normalize something that, in the words of UNICEF, has a profoundly positive impact on child health, is of course to be celebrated. You might find yourself whipping out a boob on a train full of football fans; you might squirt milk across somebody else’s coat on the bus; you might find yourself answering the door with your full breast outside your clothes without noticing. And if the presence of big brands behind your bra straps encourage you to keep feeding, then all power to your elbow. It is a shame that this hasn’t happened sooner, but it’s better late than never – and there’s no use crying over spilled (breast) milk.

(Source: rts-breastfeeding-mothers-aldi-adidas-sainsburys.Access: 08/01/2020)
What is the main subject in TEXT V?
Q1254858 Inglês

Sleep (slēp):

    A natural state of rest, occurring at regular intervals, in which the eyes usually close, the muscles relax, and
   responsiveness to external events decreases. Growth and repair of the tissues of the body are thought to occur duringsleep, and energy is conserved and stored. In humans and some other animals, scientists have identified one phase of sleep (called REM sleep) as the phase in which dreams occur.
    Did You Know? Shakespeare had it right. He said that sleep was the "balm of hurt minds" and that sleep "knits up the ravel'd sleeve of care." In other words, sleep helps overcome the stress of everyday life. So the third of your life you spend asleep is not a waste of time. All warm-blooded animals have the need to sleep. Studies have shown that animals that are not allowed to sleep for a long enough time can actually die. Babies, human and animal, sleep even more than adults do. Researchers think that babies may sleep so much because it helps the young body continue to develop quickly. Not only are babies' bodies growing, but their brains are, too – and sleep is very important for the brain. During sleep, the brain sorts through experiences and stores important new information for later use. This processing of experiences, in fact, is thought to be a major source of dreams.

(Source: The American Heritage® Student Science Dictionary, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.)
Observe the following excerpt taken form the text: “(…) scientists have identified one phase of sleep (called REM sleep) as the phase in which dreams occur”. Mark the CORRECT option concerning the verb tense usage in the sentence.
Q1254857 Inglês

Sleep (slēp):

    A natural state of rest, occurring at regular intervals, in which the eyes usually close, the muscles relax, and
   responsiveness to external events decreases. Growth and repair of the tissues of the body are thought to occur duringsleep, and energy is conserved and stored. In humans and some other animals, scientists have identified one phase of sleep (called REM sleep) as the phase in which dreams occur.
    Did You Know? Shakespeare had it right. He said that sleep was the "balm of hurt minds" and that sleep "knits up the ravel'd sleeve of care." In other words, sleep helps overcome the stress of everyday life. So the third of your life you spend asleep is not a waste of time. All warm-blooded animals have the need to sleep. Studies have shown that animals that are not allowed to sleep for a long enough time can actually die. Babies, human and animal, sleep even more than adults do. Researchers think that babies may sleep so much because it helps the young body continue to develop quickly. Not only are babies' bodies growing, but their brains are, too – and sleep is very important for the brain. During sleep, the brain sorts through experiences and stores important new information for later use. This processing of experiences, in fact, is thought to be a major source of dreams.

(Source: The American Heritage® Student Science Dictionary, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.)
Mark what is CORRECT to say about dreams:
Q1254856 Inglês

Sleep (slēp):

    A natural state of rest, occurring at regular intervals, in which the eyes usually close, the muscles relax, and
   responsiveness to external events decreases. Growth and repair of the tissues of the body are thought to occur duringsleep, and energy is conserved and stored. In humans and some other animals, scientists have identified one phase of sleep (called REM sleep) as the phase in which dreams occur.
    Did You Know? Shakespeare had it right. He said that sleep was the "balm of hurt minds" and that sleep "knits up the ravel'd sleeve of care." In other words, sleep helps overcome the stress of everyday life. So the third of your life you spend asleep is not a waste of time. All warm-blooded animals have the need to sleep. Studies have shown that animals that are not allowed to sleep for a long enough time can actually die. Babies, human and animal, sleep even more than adults do. Researchers think that babies may sleep so much because it helps the young body continue to develop quickly. Not only are babies' bodies growing, but their brains are, too – and sleep is very important for the brain. During sleep, the brain sorts through experiences and stores important new information for later use. This processing of experiences, in fact, is thought to be a major source of dreams.

(Source: The American Heritage® Student Science Dictionary, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.)
Concerning the dictionary definition for the word “sleep”, it is INCORRECT to say that:
701: B
702: A
703: D
704: D
705: E