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I- ‘Can’ (line 19) is a modal verb with the meaning of possibility;
II- ‘Has detected’ (line 10) is a Simple present verbal tense example;
III-‘has had’ (line 22) is part of Past Perfect verbal tense;
IV- ‘Oozed out of’ (line 27) is a phrasal verb;
Taking into account that (T) means ‘True’ and (F) means ‘False’, the correct sequence of propositions is, respectively:
( ) ‘The most explosive’ (line 02) is a comparative of superiority;
( ) In ‘The latest’ (line 13), changing ‘the’ by ‘more’, we have a comparative of superiority;
( ) The two examples aren’t comparatives, but superlatives;
( ) Comparisons with long adjectives like ‘explosive’ (line 02) must have the adding of ‘er’ to the adjective.
The word ‘few’ (line 22) with the function of quantifier, it is classified as: