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Q2384600 Inglês

Open Bazaars in Istanbul


(In: Premium English Coursebook A1, / Texto adaptado.)

Observe os excertos a seguir e assinale a alternativa que apresenta a análise linguística CORRETA.

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Q2384599 Inglês

Open Bazaars in Istanbul


(In: Premium English Coursebook A1, / Texto adaptado.)

Choose the CORRECT alternative to complete the gaps in text 3. 
Q2384598 Inglês

Read this passage in order to identify the teaching method. Then answer question

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The method that CORRECTLY completes the passage above is 

Q2384597 Inglês
Text 3 (for question)

English teachers often ask students to look at a text to find out things. With this purpose, Teacher Marianne Sousa developed the following task to her 8th grade students:

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Considerando a tarefa da Professora Marianne, qual foi o aspecto enfocado por ela no texto? A
Q2384596 Inglês

Text 1 for question

Disponível em: Acesso em jan. 2024. Texto adaptado.

According to the IPA – International Phonetic Alphabet – the CORRECT phonetic transcriptions for the words drink, world and despite are
266: B
267: C
268: E
269: D
270: A