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Considere o conteúdo do texto e complete o espaço com o conceito adequado.
Text 6
“Em linhas gerais, o _________________________ pode ser visto como uma prática educacional que enfatiza as relações entre textos, situações de aprendizagem (de Inglês, neste caso) e visões mais amplas de mundo e da posição do aluno perante o global e o local que vivencia no cotidiano de sua família, escola, vizinhança, cidade, estado, país. Envolve também o ensino de inglês por meio de práticas sociais significativas e relevantes para o aprendiz. Questões relativas ao poder conferido pelo conhecimento acadêmico e pela situação socioeconômica, à identidade, à cidadania, às relações interculturais, à presença do pluralismo cultural e ao respeito pela diversidade também são consideradas. (...) Nessa perspectiva, ensinar significa promover ações educativas para que os alunos vejam fatos e situações sob diferentes pontos de vista, assumam uma posição crítica e ética diante das diferenças e aprendam sobre si próprios e sobre os outros. (...)
(DIAS, Reinildes. High Up: ensino médio. Língua Estrangeira Moderna – Inglês. Cotia, SP: Macmillan, 2013. Apaptado.)
A resposta CORRETA é
Text 5 (for question)
Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson.
Disponível em: Acesso em 27/ 11/2022.)
Text 5 (for question)
Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson.
Disponível em: Acesso em 27/ 11/2022.)
Write the missing words according to the pictures. Then choose the CORRECT sequence of words below.
I. A ________of cards
II. A _________ of wine
III. A __________ of biscuits
IV. A __________ of milk
V. A __________ of tea
The sequence that correctly complete the gaps is
Text 4 (for questions 42, 43, 44, 45, and 46)
Social networks
Going into the small room at the end of the corridor, Roberta sat down _______ 1 the computer. It was the computer she had bought when her old one’s hard disk had started to go wrong. Her new computer was a laptop with a lot of extra features and she needed it for her online work _______ 2 her students. Roberta had started to worry that her students would be bored unless she used modern technology in her teaching.
She turned_______ 3 the switch at the back of her computer. She looked at the email messages waiting for her answer, but she ignored them. Then she looked at the homework posted on a special site she created for the students, but she didn’t feel like correcting it. Instead she went to her favorite social network site and looked at the news about her friends. She sent messages to her favorite people and she had many online conversations _______ 4 teaching and other things. She posted some new messages on her own web page and then watched a film clip on a video site which her friend had told her about.
_______ 5 now, it was late and she realized that she had spent too much time talking to her friends online. She was very tired. She would have to do all her work in the morning.
(HARMER, J. Essential Teacher Knowledge: core concepts in English language teaching, p. 42. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited, 2012.
“Then she looked at the homework posted on a special site she created for the students, but she didn’t feel like correcting it.”
The phrasal verb underlined in the excerpt can be translated into Portuguese as
Text 4 (for questions 42, 43, 44, 45, and 46)
Social networks
Going into the small room at the end of the corridor, Roberta sat down _______ 1 the computer. It was the computer she had bought when her old one’s hard disk had started to go wrong. Her new computer was a laptop with a lot of extra features and she needed it for her online work _______ 2 her students. Roberta had started to worry that her students would be bored unless she used modern technology in her teaching.
She turned_______ 3 the switch at the back of her computer. She looked at the email messages waiting for her answer, but she ignored them. Then she looked at the homework posted on a special site she created for the students, but she didn’t feel like correcting it. Instead she went to her favorite social network site and looked at the news about her friends. She sent messages to her favorite people and she had many online conversations _______ 4 teaching and other things. She posted some new messages on her own web page and then watched a film clip on a video site which her friend had told her about.
_______ 5 now, it was late and she realized that she had spent too much time talking to her friends online. She was very tired. She would have to do all her work in the morning.
(HARMER, J. Essential Teacher Knowledge: core concepts in English language teaching, p. 42. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited, 2012.
As palavras que completam o trecho corretamente são:
Text 4 (for questions 42, 43, 44, 45, and 46)
Social networks
Going into the small room at the end of the corridor, Roberta sat down _______ 1 the computer. It was the computer she had bought when her old one’s hard disk had started to go wrong. Her new computer was a laptop with a lot of extra features and she needed it for her online work _______ 2 her students. Roberta had started to worry that her students would be bored unless she used modern technology in her teaching.
She turned_______ 3 the switch at the back of her computer. She looked at the email messages waiting for her answer, but she ignored them. Then she looked at the homework posted on a special site she created for the students, but she didn’t feel like correcting it. Instead she went to her favorite social network site and looked at the news about her friends. She sent messages to her favorite people and she had many online conversations _______ 4 teaching and other things. She posted some new messages on her own web page and then watched a film clip on a video site which her friend had told her about.
_______ 5 now, it was late and she realized that she had spent too much time talking to her friends online. She was very tired. She would have to do all her work in the morning.
(HARMER, J. Essential Teacher Knowledge: core concepts in English language teaching, p. 42. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited, 2012.
Text 4 (for questions 42, 43, 44, 45, and 46)
Social networks
Going into the small room at the end of the corridor, Roberta sat down _______ 1 the computer. It was the computer she had bought when her old one’s hard disk had started to go wrong. Her new computer was a laptop with a lot of extra features and she needed it for her online work _______ 2 her students. Roberta had started to worry that her students would be bored unless she used modern technology in her teaching.
She turned_______ 3 the switch at the back of her computer. She looked at the email messages waiting for her answer, but she ignored them. Then she looked at the homework posted on a special site she created for the students, but she didn’t feel like correcting it. Instead she went to her favorite social network site and looked at the news about her friends. She sent messages to her favorite people and she had many online conversations _______ 4 teaching and other things. She posted some new messages on her own web page and then watched a film clip on a video site which her friend had told her about.
_______ 5 now, it was late and she realized that she had spent too much time talking to her friends online. She was very tired. She would have to do all her work in the morning.
(HARMER, J. Essential Teacher Knowledge: core concepts in English language teaching, p. 42. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited, 2012.
Text 4 (for questions 42, 43, 44, 45, and 46)
Social networks
Going into the small room at the end of the corridor, Roberta sat down _______ 1 the computer. It was the computer she had bought when her old one’s hard disk had started to go wrong. Her new computer was a laptop with a lot of extra features and she needed it for her online work _______ 2 her students. Roberta had started to worry that her students would be bored unless she used modern technology in her teaching.
She turned_______ 3 the switch at the back of her computer. She looked at the email messages waiting for her answer, but she ignored them. Then she looked at the homework posted on a special site she created for the students, but she didn’t feel like correcting it. Instead she went to her favorite social network site and looked at the news about her friends. She sent messages to her favorite people and she had many online conversations _______ 4 teaching and other things. She posted some new messages on her own web page and then watched a film clip on a video site which her friend had told her about.
_______ 5 now, it was late and she realized that she had spent too much time talking to her friends online. She was very tired. She would have to do all her work in the morning.
(HARMER, J. Essential Teacher Knowledge: core concepts in English language teaching, p. 42. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited, 2012.
Text 3
This method was widely used in the 1950s and 1960s, and the emphasis was not on the understanding of words, but rather on the acquisition of structures and patterns in common everyday dialogue. It gave students a lot of speaking practice by using habit-formation drills. Other characteristics of this method are:
•Set phrases are memorized with a focus on intonation;
•Grammatical explanations are kept to a minimum;
•Vocabulary is taught in context;
•Audio-visual aids are used;
•Focus is on pronunciation.
The teaching method focused on in text 3 is called
Read the passage and answer the question.
Numerous studies show that ____________________ as compared to working independently, results in deeper information processing and more meaningful psychological connections among the participants (Johnson, Johnson, and Smith 1998; Smith 1995). The goal of collaboration is to create new insights during discussions (Henry 1992; Kaye 1992) and to move students to an understanding of alternative perspectives (Cunningham 1992). The following general suggestions can help establish consistency in group work:
•During a pre-collaboration period, make sure that students are motivated to participate.
•Establish clear ground rules: everybody must participate, and all the ideas should be accommodate.
•Be available as a resource for students, but do not offer any judgments on the work progress and assure them that the tensions are natural.
•Do not get discouraged when a collaborative task results in some emotional responses from students – keep creating opportunities for learning to work collaboratively.
(ROELL, Christiane. English Teaching Forum. United States Department for Teachers of English. Vol. 48/2, p. 17-18. 2010. Adaptado.)
The method that correctly completes text 2 is
In the passage: Salad dressing, something we never used before, is also popular now. (1st paragraph ), the word in bold type and underlined refers to
Observe a análise linguística abaixo e responda ao que se pede.
I. Em “Salad dressing, something we never used before, is also popular now. ”, o termo dressing, na expressão sublinhada, é um substantivo e significa, em português, molho.
II. No trecho “I fear our traditional way of doing things will soon be forgotten.”, o termo sublinhado é uma expressão idiomática que corresponde a “Eu confio”.
III. No 1º parágrafo, as palavras affected, restaurants, traditional e ingredients são palavras cognatas, mas popular é falsa cognata.
IV. No trecho “Traditionally Koreans don’t use individual plates for eating main dishes.”, as palavras plates e dishes são substantivos e têm significados semelhantes.
V. Em “Before, we had never rewarded good service with money”, foi empregado o past perfect, e o verbo destacado significa recompensar.
Estão CORRETAS apenas
Observe o trecho da reportagem:
Cerca de 30% da população estavam em situação de pobreza em 2021
Por Agência Brasil. Autora: Mariana Tokarnia.
Data: 03/12/2022
O Brasil bateu o recorde de pessoas em situação de pobreza e de extrema pobreza em 2021. Ao todo, quase uma em cada três pessoas no país, o equivalente a 29,4% da população, estava em situação de pobreza até pelo menos o ano passado e quase uma a cada dez pessoas, 8,4% estava na pobreza extrema.
Os dados fazem parte da pesquisa Síntese de Indicadores Sociais (SIS): uma análise das condições de vida da população brasileira 2022, divulgada hoje (2), pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), no Rio de Janeiro.
Segundo a publicação, o país tinha, até o ano passado, 62,5 milhões de pessoas em situação de pobreza, ou seja, com uma renda diária de menos de US$ 5,5 dólares por dia, e 17,9 milhões em situação de extrema pobreza, com renda diária de menos US$ 1,90 por dia, segundo os critérios do Banco Mundial. Tanto os números absolutos quanto as porcentagens são as maiores desde o início da série histórica, em 2012.
Não apenas os números são recordes como o aumento entre 2020 e 2021, em meio a pandemia de covid-19, também é.
Nesse período, o contingente abaixo da linha de pobreza cresceu 22,7%, o que significa mais 11,6 milhões de pessoas nessa situação, e o das pessoas na extrema pobreza aumentou 48,2%, ou mais 5,8 milhões.
As crianças e adolescentes com menos de 14 anos são as maiores vítimas da pobreza. Até o ano passado, 46,2% dessa população estava abaixo da linha da pobreza, o maior percentual da série, iniciada em 2012. (...).
Disponível em: Acesso em 03/12/2022.
De acordo com a reportagem e seus conhecimentos acerca das questões socioeconômicas e população, analise as afirmativas abaixo:
I. O aumento de pessoas em situação de pobreza e extrema pobreza imputa ao Poder Público a adoção de programas sociais que possam reverter o cenário de vulnerabilidade socioeconômica.
II. Pesquisa de cenários econômicos e indicadores sociais podem contribuir para subsidiar ações governamentais mais alinhadas às principais demandas de uma nação, fato que repercute em diferentes grupos populacionais.
III. A atual situação de pobreza da população brasileira pode ter sido aprofundada pelas consequências da pandemia em decorrência da COVID-19.
Assinale a alternativa CORRETA.
Sobre o ensino da Geografia, analise as afirmativas abaixo:
I. A inserção de conceitos geográficos, no currículo de Geografia na Educação Básica, deve ser recomendada a partir do ensino médio.
II. Modelos de estratégias didáticas que se limitam à repetição mecânica e memorização contribuem para o desenvolvimento do senso crítico do estudante.
III. A utilização de mapas nas séries iniciais não é recomendada, uma vez que o estudante, muitas vezes, não está alfabetizado.
IV. Trabalhar os conteúdos pedagógicos da Geografia de forma contextualizada com o universo de conhecimento do estudante pode favorecer a aprendizagem.
Está CORRETO o que se afirma apenas em