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Q3199446 Não definido
Complete a frase com o modal verb mais apropriado:"John ___ finish his homework before he goes out."
Q3199445 Não definido


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What is the meaning of the verb "must" used in TEXT 2
Q3199444 Não definido


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What is the humor of the cartoon in the TEXT 2? 
Q3199443 Não definido
The British College of Benalmádena provides its students with an environment in which they can feel safe, cared for and supported, in which they can adequately develop their individual skills, helping them to face the modern world in an autonomous and critical way, preparing them to participate positively in society and in the various professional fields to which they may one day have access.

To achieve these objectives, we encourage our students to accept responsibility and be tolerant, to understand the point of view of others, to help their peers and to maintain a high standard of work, to the best of their ability.

In addition, they must maintain a code of conduct based essentially on respect for their teachers and their peers, as well as on some basic rules that, although obvious, are important to remember:

1. Students must arrive at school on time.

2. During school hours, the pupils are the responsibility of the school and their teachers and therefore, they must always follow their indications.

3. A lack of respect towards peers or teachers will not be tolerated at any time.

4. No type of bullying, neither psychological, physical or cyber will be tolerated under any circumstances.

5. To help their fellow students whenever necessary, to protect the younger ones and be friendly towards everybody is a golden rule for our students.

6. All the school uniform must be worn by all students throughout the school.

7. Students should not bring any valuable items to school. If for any reason they have to do so, they must hand it into the office for safekeeping.

8. Mobiles phones are TOTALLY FORBIDDEN.

9. The school keeps an exhaustive record of the absences of the students and immediately contacts the parents if a child is absent. We therefore beg parents to notify the school of any absences that they might know of in advance, such as doctor’s and dentist’s appointments, etc.

10. Any work missed through absence will have to be made up, including internal examinations.

11. Obviously, smoking or drinking alcohol is TOTALLY FORBIDDEN in school.

12. Students must look after their own belongings and respect others’, as well as the school’s.

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In the excerpt: "Students SHOULD NOT bring any valuable items to school. If for any reason they have to do so, they must hand it into the office for safekeeping." the modal verb "should NOT" is used. We can replace this modal verb with:
Q3199442 Não definido
The British College of Benalmádena provides its students with an environment in which they can feel safe, cared for and supported, in which they can adequately develop their individual skills, helping them to face the modern world in an autonomous and critical way, preparing them to participate positively in society and in the various professional fields to which they may one day have access.

To achieve these objectives, we encourage our students to accept responsibility and be tolerant, to understand the point of view of others, to help their peers and to maintain a high standard of work, to the best of their ability.

In addition, they must maintain a code of conduct based essentially on respect for their teachers and their peers, as well as on some basic rules that, although obvious, are important to remember:

1. Students must arrive at school on time.

2. During school hours, the pupils are the responsibility of the school and their teachers and therefore, they must always follow their indications.

3. A lack of respect towards peers or teachers will not be tolerated at any time.

4. No type of bullying, neither psychological, physical or cyber will be tolerated under any circumstances.

5. To help their fellow students whenever necessary, to protect the younger ones and be friendly towards everybody is a golden rule for our students.

6. All the school uniform must be worn by all students throughout the school.

7. Students should not bring any valuable items to school. If for any reason they have to do so, they must hand it into the office for safekeeping.

8. Mobiles phones are TOTALLY FORBIDDEN.

9. The school keeps an exhaustive record of the absences of the students and immediately contacts the parents if a child is absent. We therefore beg parents to notify the school of any absences that they might know of in advance, such as doctor’s and dentist’s appointments, etc.

10. Any work missed through absence will have to be made up, including internal examinations.

11. Obviously, smoking or drinking alcohol is TOTALLY FORBIDDEN in school.

12. Students must look after their own belongings and respect others’, as well as the school’s.

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What is the meaning of the word "tolerated" in the context of the sentence "No type of bullying, neither psychological, physical or cyber will be tolerated under any circumstances"? 
Q3199441 Não definido
The British College of Benalmádena provides its students with an environment in which they can feel safe, cared for and supported, in which they can adequately develop their individual skills, helping them to face the modern world in an autonomous and critical way, preparing them to participate positively in society and in the various professional fields to which they may one day have access.

To achieve these objectives, we encourage our students to accept responsibility and be tolerant, to understand the point of view of others, to help their peers and to maintain a high standard of work, to the best of their ability.

In addition, they must maintain a code of conduct based essentially on respect for their teachers and their peers, as well as on some basic rules that, although obvious, are important to remember:

1. Students must arrive at school on time.

2. During school hours, the pupils are the responsibility of the school and their teachers and therefore, they must always follow their indications.

3. A lack of respect towards peers or teachers will not be tolerated at any time.

4. No type of bullying, neither psychological, physical or cyber will be tolerated under any circumstances.

5. To help their fellow students whenever necessary, to protect the younger ones and be friendly towards everybody is a golden rule for our students.

6. All the school uniform must be worn by all students throughout the school.

7. Students should not bring any valuable items to school. If for any reason they have to do so, they must hand it into the office for safekeeping.

8. Mobiles phones are TOTALLY FORBIDDEN.

9. The school keeps an exhaustive record of the absences of the students and immediately contacts the parents if a child is absent. We therefore beg parents to notify the school of any absences that they might know of in advance, such as doctor’s and dentist’s appointments, etc.

10. Any work missed through absence will have to be made up, including internal examinations.

11. Obviously, smoking or drinking alcohol is TOTALLY FORBIDDEN in school.

12. Students must look after their own belongings and respect others’, as well as the school’s.

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What is the golden rule mentioned for students at the British College of Benalmádena? 
Q3199440 Não definido
The British College of Benalmádena provides its students with an environment in which they can feel safe, cared for and supported, in which they can adequately develop their individual skills, helping them to face the modern world in an autonomous and critical way, preparing them to participate positively in society and in the various professional fields to which they may one day have access.

To achieve these objectives, we encourage our students to accept responsibility and be tolerant, to understand the point of view of others, to help their peers and to maintain a high standard of work, to the best of their ability.

In addition, they must maintain a code of conduct based essentially on respect for their teachers and their peers, as well as on some basic rules that, although obvious, are important to remember:

1. Students must arrive at school on time.

2. During school hours, the pupils are the responsibility of the school and their teachers and therefore, they must always follow their indications.

3. A lack of respect towards peers or teachers will not be tolerated at any time.

4. No type of bullying, neither psychological, physical or cyber will be tolerated under any circumstances.

5. To help their fellow students whenever necessary, to protect the younger ones and be friendly towards everybody is a golden rule for our students.

6. All the school uniform must be worn by all students throughout the school.

7. Students should not bring any valuable items to school. If for any reason they have to do so, they must hand it into the office for safekeeping.

8. Mobiles phones are TOTALLY FORBIDDEN.

9. The school keeps an exhaustive record of the absences of the students and immediately contacts the parents if a child is absent. We therefore beg parents to notify the school of any absences that they might know of in advance, such as doctor’s and dentist’s appointments, etc.

10. Any work missed through absence will have to be made up, including internal examinations.

11. Obviously, smoking or drinking alcohol is TOTALLY FORBIDDEN in school.

12. Students must look after their own belongings and respect others’, as well as the school’s.

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Why does the school keep a strict record of student absences?
Q3199439 Não definido
The British College of Benalmádena provides its students with an environment in which they can feel safe, cared for and supported, in which they can adequately develop their individual skills, helping them to face the modern world in an autonomous and critical way, preparing them to participate positively in society and in the various professional fields to which they may one day have access.

To achieve these objectives, we encourage our students to accept responsibility and be tolerant, to understand the point of view of others, to help their peers and to maintain a high standard of work, to the best of their ability.

In addition, they must maintain a code of conduct based essentially on respect for their teachers and their peers, as well as on some basic rules that, although obvious, are important to remember:

1. Students must arrive at school on time.

2. During school hours, the pupils are the responsibility of the school and their teachers and therefore, they must always follow their indications.

3. A lack of respect towards peers or teachers will not be tolerated at any time.

4. No type of bullying, neither psychological, physical or cyber will be tolerated under any circumstances.

5. To help their fellow students whenever necessary, to protect the younger ones and be friendly towards everybody is a golden rule for our students.

6. All the school uniform must be worn by all students throughout the school.

7. Students should not bring any valuable items to school. If for any reason they have to do so, they must hand it into the office for safekeeping.

8. Mobiles phones are TOTALLY FORBIDDEN.

9. The school keeps an exhaustive record of the absences of the students and immediately contacts the parents if a child is absent. We therefore beg parents to notify the school of any absences that they might know of in advance, such as doctor’s and dentist’s appointments, etc.

10. Any work missed through absence will have to be made up, including internal examinations.

11. Obviously, smoking or drinking alcohol is TOTALLY FORBIDDEN in school.

12. Students must look after their own belongings and respect others’, as well as the school’s.

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Which of the actions is not allowed under any circumstances in school? 
Q3199438 Não definido
The British College of Benalmádena provides its students with an environment in which they can feel safe, cared for and supported, in which they can adequately develop their individual skills, helping them to face the modern world in an autonomous and critical way, preparing them to participate positively in society and in the various professional fields to which they may one day have access.

To achieve these objectives, we encourage our students to accept responsibility and be tolerant, to understand the point of view of others, to help their peers and to maintain a high standard of work, to the best of their ability.

In addition, they must maintain a code of conduct based essentially on respect for their teachers and their peers, as well as on some basic rules that, although obvious, are important to remember:

1. Students must arrive at school on time.

2. During school hours, the pupils are the responsibility of the school and their teachers and therefore, they must always follow their indications.

3. A lack of respect towards peers or teachers will not be tolerated at any time.

4. No type of bullying, neither psychological, physical or cyber will be tolerated under any circumstances.

5. To help their fellow students whenever necessary, to protect the younger ones and be friendly towards everybody is a golden rule for our students.

6. All the school uniform must be worn by all students throughout the school.

7. Students should not bring any valuable items to school. If for any reason they have to do so, they must hand it into the office for safekeeping.

8. Mobiles phones are TOTALLY FORBIDDEN.

9. The school keeps an exhaustive record of the absences of the students and immediately contacts the parents if a child is absent. We therefore beg parents to notify the school of any absences that they might know of in advance, such as doctor’s and dentist’s appointments, etc.

10. Any work missed through absence will have to be made up, including internal examinations.

11. Obviously, smoking or drinking alcohol is TOTALLY FORBIDDEN in school.

12. Students must look after their own belongings and respect others’, as well as the school’s.

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Read the rules of the TEXT 1 and, mark down that one the British College of Benalmádena encourage in relation to uniforms 
Q3199437 Não definido
O controle higiênico-sanitário em Unidades de Alimentação e Nutrição (UANs) é essencial para garantir a segurança dos alimentos e a saúde dos comensais. Sabendo disso, qual é a medida preventiva mais eficaz para evitar o crescimento de microrganismos e garantir a qualidade microbiológica dos alimentos?
Q3199436 Não definido
A Terapia Nutricional Enteral é um método utilizado para fornecer nutrientes a pacientes que não podem se alimentar pela via oral, mas que têm o trato gastrointestinal funcional. Sobre o Regulamento Técnico para a Terapia de Nutrição Enteral, conforme a RDC nº 63 de 6 de julho de 2000, qual é a responsabilidade do nutricionista no manejo dessa terapia?
Q3199435 Não definido
As Unidades de Alimentação e Nutrição (UANs) desempenham um papel crucial no fornecimento de refeições seguras e nutricionalmente adequadas em ambientes como hospitais, escolas e empresas. A gestão eficiente de uma UAN requer a integração de diversos aspectos, como planejamento de cardápios, controle de custos e práticas de segurança alimentar. Diante desse cenário, qual das seguintes estratégias é a mais recomendada para garantir tanto a segurança alimentar quanto a qualidade nutricional das refeições servidas em uma UAN hospitalar?
Q3199434 Não definido
No contexto de segurança alimentar e nutricional, é fundamental que os programas de alimentação pública sejam planejados de forma a garantir o acesso universal e a adequação nutricional das refeições. Qual das seguintes ações é mais eficaz para garantir a segurança alimentar em escolas públicas?
Q3199433 Não definido
A saúde materno-infantil é uma área que requer cuidado especial, especialmente no que se refere à nutrição. Qual é a recomendação nutricional mais adequada para prevenir a anemia ferropriva em lactentes durante o período de aleitamento materno exclusivo?
Q3199432 Não definido
Na organização de cardápios para UANs, qual das seguintes práticas é mais importante para garantir a adequação nutricional e a segurança alimentar?
Q3199431 Não definido
Em Unidades de Alimentação e Nutrição, uma das práticas fundamentais para a segurança alimentar é o controle microbiológico dos alimentos. Qual das seguintes práticas é essencial para evitar a contaminação cruzada no preparo de alimentos?
Q3199430 Não definido
Na nutrição clínica, o manejo de pacientes com doenças hepáticas, como a cirrose, requer atenção especial às necessidades de nutrientes e à capacidade limitada do fígado de metabolizá-los. A desnutrição é comum nesses pacientes devido à diminuição da ingestão alimentar e às alterações no metabolismo proteico e energético. Em casos graves de cirrose descompensada, o acúmulo de amônia pode causar encefalopatia hepática. Qual das seguintes estratégias dietéticas é mais adequada para reduzir o risco de encefalopatia hepática nesses pacientes?
Q3199429 Não definido
No manejo dietético de pacientes com doenças hepáticas, como a esteatose hepática, qual é a estratégia nutricional mais adequada para reduzir o acúmulo de gordura no fígado?
Q3199428 Não definido
Qual dos seguintes fatores é essencial no controle higiênico-sanitário de Unidades de Alimentação e Nutrição (UANs), visando a prevenção de contaminação cruzada e segurança alimentar?
Q3199427 Não definido
Qual das seguintes práticas é mais recomendada para pacientes com obesidade e hipertensão que desejam controlar o peso e melhorar a saúde cardiovascular?
161: E
162: A
163: C
164: D
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166: E
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170: B
171: B
172: C
173: C
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175: C
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178: C
179: C
180: B