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Q1739280 Inglês
Observe the following statements regarding to Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL):
I- Learning is improved through increased motivation and the study of natural language seen in context. When learners are interested in a topic they are motivated to acquire language to communicate. II- Language is seen in real-life situations in which students can acquire the language. This is natural language development which builds on other forms of learning. III- Fluency is more important than accuracy and errors are a natural part of language learning. Learners develop fluency in English by using English to communicate for a variety of purposes. IV- CLIL is based on language acquisition focusing severely on learning grammar and sentence structure.
Choose the alternative with the correct answer:
Q1739279 Inglês
Read and analyze the following statements:
I- According to ECA (Statute of Children and Adolescent) “It is the duty of the public authorities only, to ensure, with absolute priority, the effective rights relating to life, health, food, education, sport, leisure, professionalization, culture, dignity, respect, freedom and family and community coexistence.” II- The completion of the latest version of the BNCC determines the obligation to teach English language starting in the first grade of elementary school. III- According to the BNCC, teaching English means reviewing the relationships between language, territory and culture, as English speakers are no longer found only in countries where this is the official language. IV- The BNCC understands the learning of English in a perspective of an education that is linguistic, conscious and critical, in which the pedagogical and political dimensions are intrinsically linked.
Choose the alternative with the correct answer:
Q1739278 Inglês
In any language, some words can be replaced without changing the complete meaning. Observe the vocabulary in the first column and their possible synonyms in the second column. Match the columns relating vocabulary to its synonym:
First Column: Vocabulary 1- but 2- excellent 3- compliment 4- assume 5- should
Second Column: Synonym ( ) terrific ( ) nevertheless ( ) suppose ( ) praise ( ) ought to
Choose the alternative that presents the correct match:
Q1739277 Inglês
Read these statements about the Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC), then choose the correct alternative:
Q1739276 Inglês
Read the following statements:
I- The risk is that things may be brewing underneath the surface. II- The Senate approved a bill that promises a $1,200 payout to millions of Americans. III- Crowded camps, depleted clinics and scarce soap and water make social distancing and even hand-washing impossible for millions of refugees. IV- They would just preferred not to discuss it right now. Choose the correct alternative:
261: B
262: C
263: B
264: C
265: D