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Pesquisadores no campo educacional mostram que as principais tendências pedagógicas se dividem em duas linhas de pensamento pedagógico, conhecidas como:
Reading Comprehension
Metal Detectors
Have you ever seen a man with a headset pointing a long pole at the ground on the beach?
If so you might have seen a person using a metal detector. People use these devices to find metal.
Metal detectors make magnetic waves. These waves go through the ground. The waves change when they hit metal then it beeps. This lets the person with the device know that metal is close.
The first metal detectors were meant to help miners. They were big and cost a lot of money. Although they use a lot of power, they didn’t work well. People kept trying to make them better.
Nowadays metal detectors are smaller, light and cheap. That’s why people bring them to the beach. People can look for rings in the water, as well as look for phones in the sand. But they usually find junk though. Metal detectors also protect people. They help to keep guns out of some places:
Airports, courthouses and, schools. They also help guards look for weapons. Guards use special wands to find metal on a person.
These devices save lives in other ways too. During wars, people plant bombs in the ground. When the war ends, they don’t clean up their messes. This is unsafe for the people who live in those places. Others use metal detectors to find bombs. They remove them and help the people. These devices also make clothes safer. It sounds funny, but it’s true. Most clothes are made in big factories.
There are lots of needles in these places. Needles break from time to time. They get stuck in the clothes. They would poke people trying them on. They don’t though. That’s because our clothes are scanned for metal. Isn’t that nice?
Metal detectors make the world a safer place.
Reading Comprehension
Metal Detectors
Have you ever seen a man with a headset pointing a long pole at the ground on the beach?
If so you might have seen a person using a metal detector. People use these devices to find metal.
Metal detectors make magnetic waves. These waves go through the ground. The waves change when they hit metal then it beeps. This lets the person with the device know that metal is close.
The first metal detectors were meant to help miners. They were big and cost a lot of money. Although they use a lot of power, they didn’t work well. People kept trying to make them better.
Nowadays metal detectors are smaller, light and cheap. That’s why people bring them to the beach. People can look for rings in the water, as well as look for phones in the sand. But they usually find junk though. Metal detectors also protect people. They help to keep guns out of some places:
Airports, courthouses and, schools. They also help guards look for weapons. Guards use special wands to find metal on a person.
These devices save lives in other ways too. During wars, people plant bombs in the ground. When the war ends, they don’t clean up their messes. This is unsafe for the people who live in those places. Others use metal detectors to find bombs. They remove them and help the people. These devices also make clothes safer. It sounds funny, but it’s true. Most clothes are made in big factories.
There are lots of needles in these places. Needles break from time to time. They get stuck in the clothes. They would poke people trying them on. They don’t though. That’s because our clothes are scanned for metal. Isn’t that nice?
Metal detectors make the world a safer place.
Reading Comprehension
Metal Detectors
Have you ever seen a man with a headset pointing a long pole at the ground on the beach?
If so you might have seen a person using a metal detector. People use these devices to find metal.
Metal detectors make magnetic waves. These waves go through the ground. The waves change when they hit metal then it beeps. This lets the person with the device know that metal is close.
The first metal detectors were meant to help miners. They were big and cost a lot of money. Although they use a lot of power, they didn’t work well. People kept trying to make them better.
Nowadays metal detectors are smaller, light and cheap. That’s why people bring them to the beach. People can look for rings in the water, as well as look for phones in the sand. But they usually find junk though. Metal detectors also protect people. They help to keep guns out of some places:
Airports, courthouses and, schools. They also help guards look for weapons. Guards use special wands to find metal on a person.
These devices save lives in other ways too. During wars, people plant bombs in the ground. When the war ends, they don’t clean up their messes. This is unsafe for the people who live in those places. Others use metal detectors to find bombs. They remove them and help the people. These devices also make clothes safer. It sounds funny, but it’s true. Most clothes are made in big factories.
There are lots of needles in these places. Needles break from time to time. They get stuck in the clothes. They would poke people trying them on. They don’t though. That’s because our clothes are scanned for metal. Isn’t that nice?
Metal detectors make the world a safer place.
Reading Comprehension
Metal Detectors
Have you ever seen a man with a headset pointing a long pole at the ground on the beach?
If so you might have seen a person using a metal detector. People use these devices to find metal.
Metal detectors make magnetic waves. These waves go through the ground. The waves change when they hit metal then it beeps. This lets the person with the device know that metal is close.
The first metal detectors were meant to help miners. They were big and cost a lot of money. Although they use a lot of power, they didn’t work well. People kept trying to make them better.
Nowadays metal detectors are smaller, light and cheap. That’s why people bring them to the beach. People can look for rings in the water, as well as look for phones in the sand. But they usually find junk though. Metal detectors also protect people. They help to keep guns out of some places:
Airports, courthouses and, schools. They also help guards look for weapons. Guards use special wands to find metal on a person.
These devices save lives in other ways too. During wars, people plant bombs in the ground. When the war ends, they don’t clean up their messes. This is unsafe for the people who live in those places. Others use metal detectors to find bombs. They remove them and help the people. These devices also make clothes safer. It sounds funny, but it’s true. Most clothes are made in big factories.
There are lots of needles in these places. Needles break from time to time. They get stuck in the clothes. They would poke people trying them on. They don’t though. That’s because our clothes are scanned for metal. Isn’t that nice?
Metal detectors make the world a safer place.
Reading Comprehension
Metal Detectors
Have you ever seen a man with a headset pointing a long pole at the ground on the beach?
If so you might have seen a person using a metal detector. People use these devices to find metal.
Metal detectors make magnetic waves. These waves go through the ground. The waves change when they hit metal then it beeps. This lets the person with the device know that metal is close.
The first metal detectors were meant to help miners. They were big and cost a lot of money. Although they use a lot of power, they didn’t work well. People kept trying to make them better.
Nowadays metal detectors are smaller, light and cheap. That’s why people bring them to the beach. People can look for rings in the water, as well as look for phones in the sand. But they usually find junk though. Metal detectors also protect people. They help to keep guns out of some places:
Airports, courthouses and, schools. They also help guards look for weapons. Guards use special wands to find metal on a person.
These devices save lives in other ways too. During wars, people plant bombs in the ground. When the war ends, they don’t clean up their messes. This is unsafe for the people who live in those places. Others use metal detectors to find bombs. They remove them and help the people. These devices also make clothes safer. It sounds funny, but it’s true. Most clothes are made in big factories.
There are lots of needles in these places. Needles break from time to time. They get stuck in the clothes. They would poke people trying them on. They don’t though. That’s because our clothes are scanned for metal. Isn’t that nice?
Metal detectors make the world a safer place.
Reading Comprehension
Metal Detectors
Have you ever seen a man with a headset pointing a long pole at the ground on the beach?
If so you might have seen a person using a metal detector. People use these devices to find metal.
Metal detectors make magnetic waves. These waves go through the ground. The waves change when they hit metal then it beeps. This lets the person with the device know that metal is close.
The first metal detectors were meant to help miners. They were big and cost a lot of money. Although they use a lot of power, they didn’t work well. People kept trying to make them better.
Nowadays metal detectors are smaller, light and cheap. That’s why people bring them to the beach. People can look for rings in the water, as well as look for phones in the sand. But they usually find junk though. Metal detectors also protect people. They help to keep guns out of some places:
Airports, courthouses and, schools. They also help guards look for weapons. Guards use special wands to find metal on a person.
These devices save lives in other ways too. During wars, people plant bombs in the ground. When the war ends, they don’t clean up their messes. This is unsafe for the people who live in those places. Others use metal detectors to find bombs. They remove them and help the people. These devices also make clothes safer. It sounds funny, but it’s true. Most clothes are made in big factories.
There are lots of needles in these places. Needles break from time to time. They get stuck in the clothes. They would poke people trying them on. They don’t though. That’s because our clothes are scanned for metal. Isn’t that nice?
Metal detectors make the world a safer place.
( ) They used to be too big. ( ) They were too expensive. ( ) They didn’t work well. ( ) They were unsafe. ( ) They make magnetic waves.
Choose the alternative which presents the correct sequence:
Assinale a alternativa correta quanto ao uso das mídias e tecnologias para o ensino e a aprendizagem da língua inglesa no Brasil.
Analise as afirmativas abaixo em relação ao papel da língua estrangeira.

Assinale a alternativa que indica todas as afirmativas corretas.
“No documento da BNCC, para a seção de Língua Inglesa, aprender a língua inglesa propicia a criação de novas .................... de engajamento e participação dos alunos em um mundo .................... cada vez mais globalizado e plural (…).
Assim, o estudo da língua inglesa pode possibilitar a todos o acesso aos saberes .................... necessários para engajamento e participação, contribuindo para o agenciamento crítico dos estudantes e para o exercício da cidadania ativa (…)”
Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente as lacunas do texto.
“Umas das formas mais importantes de operações .................... do ensino da língua é o aprimoramento da compreensão e interpretação do texto. Os novos conhecimentos .................... textuais podem contribuir para promover a utilização autônoma .................... de de compreensão no espaço complexo e rico que caracteriza a dinâmica da vida na sala de aula.”
Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente as lacunas do texto.
No que se refere à Avaliação, é correto afirmar:
Identifique abaixo as afirmativas verdadeiras ( V ) e as falsas ( F ) sobre abordagens e metodologias do ensino da língua inglesa no Brasil.
( ) O método tradicional de ensino de inglês ainda é muito utilizado por vários professores e instituições. Ele é focado no ensino da gramática e tradução e por isso é tratado também como método indireto.
( ) O método audiolingual objetiva tornar o aluno fluente na língua, privilegiando a comunicação oral. A escrita ocupa uma posição secundária. Esta abordagem de ensino da língua inglesa coloca o professor como modelo a ser seguido, enquanto os estudantes participam passivamente, retendo e repetindo as sentenças apresentadas por meio de exercícios de transformação e substituição.
( ) Na abordagem comunicativa de ensino de inglês, o professor repete cada uma das sentenças, fazendo mímica e usando objetos. Depois, ele as repete e os alunos fazem mímica junto com ele; em seguida, o professor as repete com os alunos, gesticulando em grupo e individualmente.
( ) Abordagem baseada em tarefas (Task-Based Learning) está baseada em tarefas e enfatiza o uso da língua como o principal elemento para a aprendizagem de línguas estrangeiras. Nesta abordagem ativa do método comunicativo para o ensino de inglês, o professor designa uma tarefa para os alunos realizarem, usando os conhecimentos linguísticos e comunicativos que eles já possuem.
Assinale a alternativa que indica a sequência correta, de cima para baixo.
( ) A Educação de Jovens e Adultos, conforme apresenta a LDB 9.394/96, configura o sujeito da EJA como sujeito de direitos, e permite a abertura para as instituições de ensino pensarem a oferta da educação regular para jovens e adultos, mediante as suas necessidades e disponibilidades do contexto social no qual estão inseridos, garantindo a esses sujeitos, oriundos de uma vida com grandes jornadas de trabalho, o acesso e a permanência na escola.
( ) A escola é o único espaço de aprendizagem onde ocorre a troca de saberes e experiências dos jovens e adultos educandos. São escassos os espaços formativos , uma vez que a educação informal não faz parte do cotidiano da vida de todos os educandos, acontecendo apenas na família.
( ) O sujeito que procura a educação de jovens e adultos é, na maioria das vezes, oriundo de graves desníveis sociais, pela situação de pobreza de grande parcela da população e por uma tradição política pouco democrática, baixos níveis de escolarização estão fortemente associados a outras formas de exclusão econômica, social e política.
( ) Muitas vezes o aluno de EJA, que já esteve inserido no ambiente escolar, apresentava dificuldades no seu processo de aprendizagem, onde a forma linear de organização do conhecimento não os tornava significativos, pois seus conteúdos fragmentados contribuíram para aumentar o desinteresse pelo processo educacional.
Assinale a alternativa que indica a sequência correta, de cima para baixo.
Identifique abaixo as afirmativas verdadeiras ( V ) e as falsas ( F ) acerca deste novo papel. ( ) Professor como centro do ensino, aulas expositivas.
( ) Professor passa conteúdo, alunos absorvem de modo passivo. ( ) Professor mediador, orienta e conduz alunos na solução de problemas. ( ) Professor proativo e ético. ( ) Professor elabora ideias e argumentos, alunos trabalham com maior interação.
Assinale a alternativa que indica a sequência correta, de cima para baixo.

Assinale a alternativa que indica todas as afirmativas corretas.