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Q2701714 Educação Física

O professor de Educação Física deve estar atento aos alunos dos grupos especiais. Alunos diabéticos, durante a atividade física, podem apresentar hipoglicemia, com alguns sintomas durante a aula como, por exemplo, náuseas, tremores e fraqueza. Diante dessas considerações, qual deverá ser a atitude tomada pelo professor de Educação Física?

Q2701713 Inglês

Read the text to answer 31, 32 and 33.

What does ‘inclusive practises’ mean and

how can we ensure that all our classrooms

and work environments are truly inclusive?

Inclusion is about how we structure our schools, our classrooms and our lessons so that all our students learn and participate together. An inclusive classroom is one that creates a supportive environment for all learners, including those with learning differences and one that can also challenge and engage gifted and talented learners by building a more responsive learning environment. Inclusivity also means respecting people from all backgrounds and cultures. By teaching our students the importance of this, we can create a much more tolerant and understanding environment, not just in the classroom and school but also in wider society. An inclusive school or classroom can only be successful when all students feel they are truly part of the school community. This can only happen through open, honest discussion about differences and understanding and respecting people from all abilities and backgrounds. An inclusive environment is one where everyone feels valued. Some of the practises which might promote inclusivity are:

1) Create a supportive, respectful environment: promote diversity and fairness.

2) Have high expectations of all your students. Research shows that students respond better when they feel that their teacher has faith in their abilities and is not focusing on their inabilities.

3) Create a supportive peer culture both inside and outside the classroom. This is when you empower learners to respect and trust each other, making empathy and caring ‘fashionable’ and reinforcing positive and pro-social attitudes by encouraging learners to help each other.

4) Plan learning which includes participation from everyone and encourages success. You can do this by creating an environment which is ‘personalised to students’ needs and by talking about learning that focuses on what students can do and what they would like to do next.

5) Take a ‘community’ approach to learning and teaching. Inclusive values are developed through a student’s lived experience and their exposure to other cultures and world-views. Bring your community into the classroom and take your classroom out to the community.

(Available in: › elt › blog › 2017/11/15. Adapted.)

Analyse word use in the text. The item that does NOT belong in the group is:

Q2701712 Biologia

A célula é a unidade básica estrutural e funcional de cada organismo. Existem dois tipos celulares: os eucariontes e os procariontes. Ao comparar as células eucariontes e procariontes, é possível notar que elas compartilham certas características básicas; assinale-as.

Q2701711 Química

A maioria dos elementos químicos, praticamente, é formada por isótopos. Na natureza existem cerca de 90 elementos químicos distintos, e milhares de isótopos diferentes conhecidos. Além disso, podem ser obtidos artificialmente. Dentre os isótopos artificiais se destacam os presentes na agricultura (fósforo – 32), utilizados para o estudo do metabolismo dos vegetais e os radioativos (iodo – 131), muito usados na medicina para o mapeamento da tireoide. Qual das alternativas a seguir é outro exemplo de isotopia?

Q2701710 Geografia

Desde épocas remotas, os astrônomos coletam dados para explicar a influência de fenômenos celestes sobre a vida de povos antigos, com a necessidade de estabelecer épocas de plantio e colheita e sua relação com a posição do Sol, da Lua e das estrelas. Na tentativa de explicar o movimento dos corpos celestes, um astrônomo apresentou um modelo simples em que o Sol estaria em repouso e os planetas, inclusive a Terra, girariam em torno dele em órbitas circulares. Esse modelo, conhecido por Teoria Heliocêntrica, foi apresentado pelo astrônomo polonês:

81: B
82: C
83: B
84: A
85: D