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Q3084431 Matemática

Vinícius ganhou de presente de amigo oculto um umidificador em formatado de esfera. Na metade superior da esfera está alojado todo o mecanismo de funcionamento do umidificador e a metade inferior é oca, onde é adicionada a água para seu funcionamento: 

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Sendo o diâmetro interno da esfera igual a 12 centímetros, é correto afirmar que o volume de água que Vinícius poderá colocar no recipiente está compreendido entre: 

Q3084430 Raciocínio Lógico

Após ensinar às crianças do 4º ano as propriedades da divisão, uma professora propôs um jogo de tabuleiro com as seguintes instruções: as crianças deveriam ficar posicionadas em cima de uma das casas do tabuleiro e jogar um dado numerado de 1 a 6. Para pontuar no jogo, a criança deverá dividir o número da casa em que está posicionada pelo resultado do dado e ganhar uma quantidade de pontos equivalente ao resto dessa divisão: 

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Sendo o tabuleiro do jogo o mesmo que da imagem anterior, pode-se concluir que para a criança ganhar a maior quantidade possível de pontos, ela deverá estar posicionada na casa com o número: 

Q3084429 Matemática
Hugo e Ítalo são cozinheiros de um restaurante que tem como prato principal macarrão à bolonhesa. Como é de costume em várias cozinhas de restaurantes, os cozinheiros deixam o macarrão pré-cozido e o molho já pronto para adiantar o preparo dos pratos. Hugo, que trabalha durante o dia, usa na hora do empratamento 300 gramas de molho para cada quilograma de macarrão, enquanto Ítalo, que trabalha no turno da noite, usa 200 gramas de molho para cada quilograma de macarrão. No início do turno, Hugo preparou 35 kg de macarrão e uma quantidade de molho que seria suficiente para fazer o empratamento como tem costume; porém, de todo macarrão cozido por Hugo, foram vendidos apenas 20 kg do macarrão pré-cozido e o restante ficou para ser aproveitado no turno da noite, bem como o molho que não foi usado durante o dia. Sendo assim, para manter o empratamento do jeito que gosta de fazer, quantos quilogramas de macarrão Ítalo deve cozinhar para aproveitar todo o molho feito por Hugo, de modo que não sobre nenhum dos dois ingredientes?
Q3084428 Matemática
Em um campeonato de futebol, após cada rodada em que os times se enfrentam eles ganham: 3 pontos em caso de vitória, 1 ponto em caso de empate e 0 ponto em caso de derrota. Após 16 rodadas, determinado time de futebol obteve um número de derrotas que equivale ao dobro do número de empates, somando um total de 32 pontos. Nesse caso, quantas vitórias esse time conquistou?
Q3084427 Matemática

Um restaurante popular oferece refeições a um preço acessível para a população e, durante uma semana inteira de movimento, a quantidade de refeições servidas nesse restaurante foi a representada na tabela a seguir: 

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Analisando as informações da tabela, é possível determinar que a mediana da quantidade de refeições servidas durante a semana é:

Q3084426 Matemática
Em um jogo de latas, a probabilidade de o jogador conseguir vencer é de 1 em cada 3 jogadas. Dessa forma, para uma pessoa jogando esse mesmo jogo, a chance de ela vencer com 5 jogadas está compreendida entre:
Q3084425 Matemática

Fernando utilizou uma corda de 5 metros de comprimento para sustentar dois postes verticalmente. A corda passa pela parte mais alta de ambos os postes e está fixada no solo conforme a figura a seguir: 

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Sabendo que o poste menor tem 1/3 da altura do poste maior e que os postes estão separados por uma distância horizontal de 2 metros, pode-se concluir que o comprimento de corda que une os dois postes pela parte superior está compreendido entre:

Q3084424 Pedagogia
A BNCC (Base Nacional Comum Curricular) é um documento que define um conjunto de aprendizagens que todo aluno deve desenvolver ao longo das diversas etapas da educação básica. desta forma, os Estados, o Distrito Federal e os Municípios devem formular seus currículos tendo como referência tal documento. Sobre essa formulação, está correto afirmar que os Estados, o Distrito Federal e os Municípios devem:
Q3084423 Pedagogia
O ensino de matemática mais tradicional é aquele em que o professor assume o papel de protagonista e compila conceitos de livros didáticos, levando em conta o que considera importante, cabendo ao aluno acreditar que a aprendizagem de matemática se resume em acumular e aplicar fórmulas, algoritmos e regras transmitidas pelo professor e não vem se mostrado muito eficaz. Esse conceito, em que a prioridade não é a aprendizagem do aluno e sim o volume de conteúdo a ser trabalhado, dificulta a percepção do estudante da relação entre a matemática e a realidade em que ele está inserido. A fim de aumentar o estímulo e a motivação dos estudantes, novas abordagens metodológicas que contribuem para uma maior motivação dos alunos e para a melhoria na aprendizagem desses estudantes estão sendo aplicadas. Qual das alternativas a seguir NÃO é exemplo dessas novas abordagens metodológicas?
Q3084422 Matemática
Agnaldo, Bruno, Cláudia e Daniela são grandes amigos e programaram de fazer uma viagem de carro juntos partindo de Oiapoque-AP até Chuí-RS, a 5.500 quilômetros de distância. Para que a viagem não ficasse cansativa, os amigos resolveram que iriam se alternar na direção do veículo. Agnaldo começaria dirigindo por 100 km, passaria a direção para Bruno, depois Cláudia e por último Daniela. Os amigos iriam se revezar sempre nessa mesma ordem quantas vezes fossem necessárias e o próximo motorista do ciclo sempre iria dirigir 20 km a mais do que o motorista anterior. Sendo assim, sabendo que Agnaldo foi o primeiro motorista a começar o percurso, quem será o motorista quando os amigos chegarem ao destino?
Q3083621 Inglês

According to text clues, the compatible answer is:

 Language teaching in a multilingual world

    To discuss the complexity of language teaching, we adopt an ecological perspective. This helps us to appreciate the significant challenges for language teachers and language teacher educators at different contextual levels (macro, meso, and micro) (Chong, Issacs & McKinley, 2022). This perspective enables us to assess a variety of challenges relating to macrocontextual conditions, such as cultural traditions, political ideologies, demographic changes, shifting cultural values, and uncertain socioeconomic conditions. The impact of macro-contextual conditions is usually sifted through the mediation of institutional policies and practices at the meso or micro levels before causing changes in language teachers' practice and/or incurring resistance. The ecological perspective also highlights the roles individual teachers play in developing professional practice in response to the mediation of contextual conditions at different levels (e.g., Tao & Gao, 2017, 2018, 2021). It is also important to note that language teachers’ professional practice evolves over time under changing contextual conditions. 

    Shifting geo-political conditions and the values the public attaches to language learning have been found to profoundly impact language teaching, as they lead to the emergence of new languages, new curricula and the promotion of new pedagogical approaches in educational systems (Gao & Zheng, 2019). For instance, following the government's Belt and Road initiative, universities on the Chinese mainland have launched programs in various languages other than English (LOTE) to provide university graduates with the competences needed to engage with the expanding trade opportunities and frequent sociopolitical exchanges between the People's Republic of China and the countries that speak these LOTEs (e.g., Arabic, Persian).The implementation of these top-down educational initiatives requires language teachers to develop new knowledge and skills, which may enable them to develop new pedagogical practices while engendering a process of ‘deskilling,’ as teachers are told that their well-honed teaching practices are no longer valued. Consequently, the initiatives present new challenges for language teachers, who may not be well-prepared for the task of helping national governments achieve their aspirations. 

    An increasingly deep engagement with multilingualism in second language acquisition research has had a profound impact on language teacher education, as scholars have been critically examining, identifying, and redressing the deeply entrenched influences of monolingualism, especially English monolingualism, in language education (Li Wei, 2018). The vision of sustaining a multilingual, multicultural world means that LOTEs should be promoted in any educational system as “linguistic diversity is both critical in sustaining cultural diversity and instrumental in supporting vibrant exchanges of knowledge and understanding.

(Available in: Adapted.) 

Q3083620 Inglês

Shonto Begay, artist, writer, poet, and filmmaker, was born into the Navajo nation, USA. “In My Mother’s Kitchen”, introduced for reading and exam below, displays some clues of Native American culture that are especifically connected to word choices represented by:

Fragrance of fresh tortillas and corn stew

Fills my mother’s kitchen

Sparsely furnished

Crowded with


Soot-grayed walls, secretive and blank

She moves gently in and out of light

Like a dream just out of reach

The morning light gives her a


That plays upon her crown of dark hair

Strong brown hands caress soft mounds of

dough She gazes out into the warming day

Past sagebrush hills, out towards the foot of Black

Mesa How far would she let the goats wander today

Before it rains

Childhood dreams and warmth

Tight in my throat, tears in my eyes

The radio softly tuned to a local AM station

News of ceremonies and chapter meetings

And funerals 

Flows into the peaceful kitchen

Lines upon her face, features carved of hard

times Lines around her eyes, creases of happy

times Bittersweet tears and ringing silvery


I ache in my heart

My mother’s gentle movements light up dark

corners Her gentle smiles recall childhood dreams still

so alive

My mother moves in and out of

light Like clouds on days of

promising rain 

 (Available in: Acess in: August 2024.) 

Q3083619 Inglês
The different natures of contents that make up a teacher’s plan equip practice, and cover distinct categories integrating reality and understanding. Some kinds of contents refer to knowing how to do things, and are straightforward connected to the possibility of building instruments by establishing ways that enable the performance of actions. Far from being mechanical and deprived from meaning, these contents constitute: key components in child development for they relate to a making decision path; command of human culture tools which are necessary to live; answers to immediate needs for the insertion in a universe that is closer; the base for conquering independence. Dispose oneself to questioning is a fundamental behavior in the learning process, the same way cooperation and respect, for example, are, as well as to learn sets of steps and systems related to essential forms of contributing to the group, ask for help, and help out. The characterization offered refers to content which is: 
Q3083618 Inglês

Read the text, and analyse the assertives that are introduced.

    The field of English language instruction for non-native speakers, commonly referred to as Teaching English as a Second Language (ESL), has experienced significant changes in recent times, due to the emergence of technology and the use of novel pedagogical methods. Conventional approaches, characterised by a focus on memorization and repeated grammar drills, are being replaced by dynamic and interactive methodologies that accommodate a wide range of learning preferences. 

    The integration of technology has emerged as a prominent transformation in the field of ESL instruction. Digital platforms, such language learning applications and online courses, provide customised learning experiences that may adjust to the unique pace and skill level of each individual learner. The utilisation of gamification is employed to transform the process of language acquisition into an enjoyable and captivating endeavour. In addition, the utilisation of online forums and virtual classrooms enables individuals to engage in real-time communication with native speakers, therefore providing them with valuable opportunities for meaningful language practise. 

    Content-Based Instruction (CBI) is an increasingly prominent pedagogical technique that has garnered significant attention and recognition. This approach facilitates the integration of English language acquisition with content-based instruction, so students acquire English proficiency by actively interacting with academic topics such as science, history, or literature. The implementation of contextual learning not only enhances the relevance and engagement of the language learning process, but also facilitates the organic acquisition of intricate vocabulary and concepts by students.

    Task-Based Learning (TBL) places emphasis on the utilisation of language as a means to achieve certain objectives. Within Task-Based Language (TBL) classes, the conventional approach of introducing a language element followed by practise and production is substituted with the use of activities that require students to employ English in a genuine manner. This may encompass the resolution of problems, the execution of tasks, or the enactment of role-playing scenarios. These activities possess a high level of motivation and accurately reflect the usage of language in real-world contexts.

    Flipped Classrooms is a pedagogical approach that combines online and in-person learning, wherein students are assigned to review instructional materials, often in the form of video courses, outside of the classroom, and subsequently participate in interactive activities during class time to consolidate their understanding. This technique facilitates increased engagement during classroom sessions and affords educators the chance to deliver focused assistance in areas requiring the greatest attention.

    Cultural Immersion programmes, which involve placing students in English-speaking situations, have been demonstrated to significantly enhance language competence. This approach facilitates learners' exposure to the language within authentic contexts, fostering the acquisition of colloquial idioms and idiomatic use, which are frequently omitted in conventional instructional materials.

    In summary, the contemporary approaches to ESL instruction are distinguished by a transition towards enhanced authenticity, interactivity, and individualization in the learning process. Through the use of technology and the implementation of novel pedagogical approaches, educators have enhanced capabilities to adequately equip students for practical English communication in real-life scenarios, making the learning experience more efficacious and pleasant, and at the same time recognising the cultural context meaning in the process of language acquisition.

(Available in: Adapted.)

I. Students’ learning precedences have substantiated and pinpointed the emergence of novel pedagogic methods.

II. Flipped Classrooms foster student independence and also promote undertaking responsibility for their learning process.

III. Cultural Immersion programmes proffer great scope for native-like acquisition.

There is accuracy in what is stated in 

Q3083617 Inglês

Having as reference what is disposed in the Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional-LDB concerning the teaching and learning of the English language, it is truthfull that: 

Q3083616 Inglês

The sentence in the image bears: 

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

 (Available in: Acess in: August 2024.) 

Q3083615 Inglês

A 9th grade group was given a handout containing a list of sentences to be observed and analysed as a pair work activity, having the lexicon found in the sentences been already studied, and, if necessary, dictionary checking on word meaning allowed. The teacher conducted class discussion based on the perceptions resulting from the list examination performed. Being the handout as follows, consistent data to ground conclusions is introduced in: 

• Summer’s arriving will be happily celebrated in the touristic cities and towns this year.

• People are coming to attend the Rock in Rio shows on the multiple stages of Rock City.

• Beating among opponent sports fans has become an issue during championship playoffs.

• For his disregarding teacher’s instructions during tests, Carl got detention on several occasions.

• The candidates are campaigning all around the country for elections are just around the corner.

• Some boys are beating each other in the school yard and there’s not any adult out there.

• Tourists’ coming to spend summer vacations is surely bound to fill in all hotels and inns.

• Since our bus’s arriving, we should get our luggage together and be ready to get it.

• The candidate hasn`t stayed much with her family because campaigning takes her all over.

• The way that man drives tells us he’s totally disregarding both, human life and traffic laws.

Q3083614 Inglês
 Read the text thoroughly.

  Oral communication in the form of student talk can be described as focused group conversations or collaborative conversations that are usually facilitated and/or monitored by an instructor. Eliciting student talk encourages the use of oral language to express their understanding of a concept or idea which is more than just knowledgeable peers sharing answers; it is the use of language as a tool to construct meaning. Research suggests that students learn more from giving explanations than receiving explanations (Chi et al, 1994; Sparks, 2013; Webb, 1989); hence the benefit of incorporating student talk into class situations, where interactions are easily fostered, has been shown to be effective across disciplines, from Biology to Language Learning (Karrema, 2014; Tanner, 2009) as well as in small classes to 600-person lecture halls (Tanner, 2009). According to renowned developmental psychologist Lev Vygotsky (1896-1934) to whom talk is one of the primary tools for communication, in particular, communicaion helps students negotiate meaning and connect prior knowledge, resulting in the development of thought and practice (Vygotsky, 1978). Not only can student talk help them better construct understanding of an idea or concept, it can also signal to the instructor whether a particular activity is supporting student learning and whether they are reaching course learning objectives. Student talk supports learning by: providing opportunities to clarify thoughts, generate conclusions, develop theories and ask new questions; establishing norms which ease students’ inhibitions, motivates sharing and promotes respectful communication; exposing learners to new ideas and perspectives from each other’s examples; connecting what students already know and what they think they know, to what they are being asked to learn; acknowledging the value of student’s ideas and empowering those who take more responsibility for their learning; building an understanding of a collaborative nature of learning; privileging the expression of personally meaningful ideas and the use of everyday language rather than focusing on the correct answers and the use of perfect language. 

(Rebecca L. Chism and LeighAnn Tomaswick, August 2018. Oral Communication as a Learning Tool. Kent State University Center for Teaching and  
As to the featured words, it is compatible information that: 
Q3083613 Inglês
Conditional clauses describe the result of a certain condition, being formed by simple or compound verb tenses and generally involving linking words. The item displaying a zero conditional is: 
Q3083612 Inglês

Word formation refers to the processes employed to create new words with resources already available within a language enabling its users to enhance lexicon and discourse possibilities. Concerning the words listed, proper content is met in:



salad dressing




black eye

hot dog



41: C
42: D
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