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I. A ANEEL é autarquia sob regime especial.
II. A ANEEL está vinculada ao Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia.
III. A ANEEL tem prazo de duração determinado.
IV. A ANEEL tem por finalidade regular e fiscalizar a produção, transmissão, distribuição e comercialização de energia elétrica, em conformidade com as políticas e diretrizes do governo federal.
V. Os cargos em comissão da autarquia serão exercidos, preferencialmente, por servidores ocupantes de cargo de carreira técnica ou profissional da autarquia.
Os processos administrativos observarão o disposto na Lei nº 9.784, de 29 de janeiro de 1999, e, dentre outros, os seguintes critérios:
I. Atuação conforme a lei, a jurisprudência administrativa em vigor, a doutrina e os costumes.
II. Objetividade no atendimento do interesse público, vedada a promoção pessoal de agentes ou autoridades.
III. Atuação segundo padrões éticos de probidade, decoro e boa-fé.
IV. divulgação oficial dos atos administrativos, sem ressalvas.
V. Adequação entre meios e fins, vedada a imposição de obrigações, restrições e sanções em medida superior àquelas estritamente necessárias ao atendimento do interesse público;
VI. Indicação dos pressupostos de fato e de direito que determinarem a decisão.
8, 9 and 10.
by Robert Weale (King's College London, UK)
What exactly is human ageing? Can it be slowed down?
These questions have puzzled scientists and laymen alike
for generations, and continue to do so today. The author
addresses these thought-provoking issues by challenging
pre-conceived notions of age-perception, age-acceptance
and inter-age relations. Pertinent matters of age-related
communication are dealt with, and the reader is treated to
a grand tour of the latest theories of ageing, age-related
biological changes and age-related diseases, such as
Alzheimer's Disease. Here, the author's expertise in agerelated
eye diseases truly comes into its own.
Weale's unique work not only underlines important
genetic and avoidable risk factors but gives ample
consideration to possible consequences stemming from
different early lifestyles. Readers will re-consider their
ideas of what it means to age, and gain a better
understanding of what can and cannot slow down the
process of ageing.
Fonte: December, 2009.
8, 9 and 10.
by Robert Weale (King's College London, UK)
What exactly is human ageing? Can it be slowed down?
These questions have puzzled scientists and laymen alike
for generations, and continue to do so today. The author
addresses these thought-provoking issues by challenging
pre-conceived notions of age-perception, age-acceptance
and inter-age relations. Pertinent matters of age-related
communication are dealt with, and the reader is treated to
a grand tour of the latest theories of ageing, age-related
biological changes and age-related diseases, such as
Alzheimer's Disease. Here, the author's expertise in agerelated
eye diseases truly comes into its own.
Weale's unique work not only underlines important
genetic and avoidable risk factors but gives ample
consideration to possible consequences stemming from
different early lifestyles. Readers will re-consider their
ideas of what it means to age, and gain a better
understanding of what can and cannot slow down the
process of ageing.
Fonte: December, 2009.
"Had I stopped at the red light, I wouldn´t have been involved in the accident."