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Q2594899 Pedagogia
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De língua estrangeira para língua franca: na Base, essa é uma mudança de conceito importante para o ensino do Inglês. O que isso significa? Língua franca é a língua que várias pessoas, que falam idiomas diferentes, adotam para se comunicarem entre si. Nesse sentido, a BNCC legitima o Inglês, não só como a língua falada em países como nos Estados Unidos ou na Inglaterra, mas como uma oportunidade de acesso ao mundo globalizado.

Rita Trevisan. Nova Escola. O que a BNCC propõe para o ensino de língua inglesa? Disponível em: < Acesso em: 29 mai. 2024.

O método de ensino de línguas audiolingual
Q2594898 Português
Leia o texto a seguir.

“Antigamente as moças chamavam-se “mademoiselles” e eram todas mimosas e muito prendadas. Não faziam anos: completavam primaveras, em geral dezoito. Os janotas, mesmo não sendo rapagões, faziam-lhe pé-de-alferes, arrastando a asa, mas ficavam longos meses debaixo do balaio. E se levavam tábua, o remédio era tirar o cavalo da chuva e ir pregar em outra freguesia.”

ANDRADE, Carlos Drummond de. Quadrante (1962), obra coletiva reproduzida em Caminhos de João Brandão José Olympio, 1970.

No trecho, é notória a variação linguística: 
Q2594897 Inglês
Qual evento histórico teve o menor impacto na evolução da língua inglesa, considerando seu desenvolvimento ao longo dos séculos?
Q2594896 Inglês
Qual escritor norte-americano é conhecido por sua obra que desafia as convenções literárias tradicionais e explora temas como a alienação e a busca por significado na sociedade contemporânea?
Q2594895 Inglês
Leia o texto a seguir.

Wreckage of US World War Two submarine found after 80 years
The wreckage of a US Navy submarine that sank the most Japanese warships during World War Two has been found in the South China Sea, some 80 years after it was sunk by enemy forces.
The USS Harder was found 3,000ft (914m) below water off the Philippines' northern island of Luzon. The Harder was sunk in battle on 29 August 1944, along with its crew of 79 men.
In one of its final war patrols, it sank three Japanese destroyers and heavily damaged two others over four days, according to the US Navy's History and Heritage Command (NHHC). This forced the Japanese to change their battle plans and delay their carrier force, contributing to their defeat.
“Harder was lost in the course of victory. We must not forget that victory has a price, as does freedom,” said Samuel J. Cox, a retired US admiral who heads the NHHC.
The Philippines was one of the main Pacific battlegrounds of World War Two, as the US fought to retake its former colony from the Japanese Imperial Army.
Waters in and around the archipelago have served as the resting place of famed World War Two battleships. In 2015, US billionaire Paul Allen located the wreck of the Musashi, one of the two largest Japanese warships ever built, in the Philippines' Sibuyan Sea.
The Harder, which sailed under the motto of "Hit 'em harder', was found by the Lost 52 project, which aims to find the 52 US submarines lost during World War Two. It was found sitting upright on its keel or spine, and relatively intact, the US Navy said.
The submarine and its crew were later awarded the Presidential Unit Citation for its service during the war. The honour recognises extraordinary heroism in action.
Its skipper, Commander Sam Dealey, was posthumously awarded the US's highest military decoration, the Medal of Honor.

Joel Guinto. BBC News. Wreckage of US World War Two submarine found after 80 years. Disponível em:<> . Acesso em: 24 mai. 2024.

What is the function of the word "which" in the sentence "The Harder, which sailed under the motto of 'Hit 'em harder', was found by the Lost 52 project"?
386: A
387: C
388: D
389: A
390: B