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Ano: 2017 Banca: COSEAC Órgão: UFF Prova: COSEAC - 2017 - UFF - Médico Veterinário |
Q805366 Veterinária
A raiva é uma enfermidade infectocontagiosa aguda, quase sempre fatal, caracterizada principalmente por apresentar agressividade, ora paresia ora paralisia. Quanto à etiologia, pode-se afirmar que é causada por um:
Ano: 2017 Banca: COSEAC Órgão: UFF Prova: COSEAC - 2017 - UFF - Médico Veterinário |
Q805365 Veterinária
Quanto à anquilose, pode-se afirmar que:
Ano: 2017 Banca: COSEAC Órgão: UFF Prova: COSEAC - 2017 - UFF - Médico Veterinário |
Q805364 Veterinária
Sobre histopatologia, recomenda-se para uma perfeita colheita de amostras teciduais:
Ano: 2017 Banca: COSEAC Órgão: UFF Prova: COSEAC - 2017 - UFF - Médico Veterinário |
Q805363 Veterinária
A Fotossensibilidade Hepatógena é uma dermatopatia pela incidência cutânea da radiação solar, comum em bovinos criados extensivamente, e que decorre de:
Ano: 2017 Banca: COSEAC Órgão: UFF Prova: COSEAC - 2017 - UFF - Médico Veterinário |
Q805362 Veterinária
A doença de Marek é uma doença proliferativa e provoca consideráveis perdas econômicas em todos os países com avicultura industrial. Essa doença é causada por um:
Ano: 2017 Banca: COSEAC Órgão: UFF Prova: COSEAC - 2017 - UFF - Médico Veterinário |
Q805361 Veterinária
A mixomatose é uma doença fatal, causada por um vírus do grupo da varíola, que tem um artrópode como vetor. Sobre esta doença, pode-se afirmar que:
Ano: 2017 Banca: COSEAC Órgão: UFF Prova: COSEAC - 2017 - UFF - Médico Veterinário |
Q805360 Veterinária
Em biossegurança, o descarte de carcaças é um ato que requer grande senso de responsabilidade por parte do profissional que o está executando. Sendo assim, as carcaças podem ter os seguintes destinos:
Ano: 2017 Banca: COSEAC Órgão: UFF Prova: COSEAC - 2017 - UFF - Médico Veterinário |
Q805359 Veterinária
Uma das espécies comuns de animais de laboratório, a cobaia, não sintetiza a vitamina C devido:
Ano: 2017 Banca: COSEAC Órgão: UFF Prova: COSEAC - 2017 - UFF - Médico Veterinário |
Q805358 Veterinária
Os ratos silvestres são os hospedeiros naturais do hantavírus. O homem é infectado ao inalar a poeira formada a partir do ressecamento da urina e das fezes dos roedores. Nos casos mais graves o doente sofre de:
Ano: 2017 Banca: COSEAC Órgão: UFF Prova: COSEAC - 2017 - UFF - Médico Veterinário |
Q805357 Veterinária
A cobaia é conhecida por muitos como símbolo representativo dos animais de laboratório. Sua correta posição taxonômica é:
Ano: 2017 Banca: COSEAC Órgão: UFF Prova: COSEAC - 2017 - UFF - Médico Veterinário |
Q805356 Veterinária
A contenção é uma prática importante e comum no manejo de animais domésticos, de laboratório e selvagens. Num camundongo, a manobra inicial realizada consiste em:
Ano: 2017 Banca: COSEAC Órgão: UFF Prova: COSEAC - 2017 - UFF - Médico Veterinário |
Q805355 Veterinária
No “manejo” de animais, os ambientes em geral, mas principalmente os biotérios, os ambulatórios e laboratórios, devem estar rigorosamente higienizados. Isto inclui desinfecção de todas as áreas do ambiente de trabalho e dos materiais utilizados na rotina. A desinfecção compreende um(a):
Ano: 2017 Banca: COSEAC Órgão: UFF Prova: COSEAC - 2017 - UFF - Médico Veterinário |
Q805354 Veterinária
A prática da “eutanásia”, que é a indução tecnicamente consciente do óbito (morte), implica em diversas técnicas preconizadas para tal, como:
Ano: 2017 Banca: COSEAC Órgão: UFF Prova: COSEAC - 2017 - UFF - Médico Veterinário |
Q805353 Veterinária
A pesquisa científica avança vertiginosamente, e aquelas experimentais, com os chamados “animais de laboratório”, têm hoje o seu uso legalmente disciplinado pelas CEUAs (Comissões de Ética no Uso de Animais). Assim, algumas espécies são de indivíduos “roedores”, como:
Ano: 2017 Banca: COSEAC Órgão: UFF Prova: COSEAC - 2017 - UFF - Secretário Executivo |
Q805352 Inglês

Text 3

The Assistants, by Camille Perri

Chapter 1

In less than a second I was at his desk, notepad in hand. Behind me a wall of flat-screens flashed the news being broadcast by Titan and its so-called competitors. Robert had the uncanny ability to devote a small portion of his gaze to each screen simultaneously. In all he owned nine satellite television networks, one hundred seventy-five newspapers, one hundred cable channels, forty book imprints, forty television stations, and one movie studio. His total audience reached around 4.7 billion people, which came out to around three-fourths of the population of the entire globe. But the news was his baby. He was never not watching it, analyzing it, shaping it. That’s why he situated his office at Titan News headquarters, where he could keep close watch not only on his wall of flat-screens but also on his journalists. A man as powerful as Robert could have hidden himself anywhere, pulling at the strings of the world from a lounge chair in the Seychelles, unseen by his employees—but he needed to be here at the center of it all, at the hub.

Our office didn’t look like a newsroom that you’d imagine from movies or TV drama series. The floors below ours were more like that—the broadcast, print media, and digital newsrooms, each of which could have easily passed for something out of The Matrix. And there was an entire floor of flashy studios used for our non-stop news coverage and thrill-a-minute opinion shows. But our office on the fortieth floor was far less exciting, just row after row of desks and cubicles. Still, we were the brain of the whole operation, the source from which all orders trickled down. Titan’s chief editors and all of Robert’s most trusted deputies had desks on our floor so Robert could pull them into impromptus with the business leaders and celebrities he met with— and so he could foster relationships between them and the political-party representatives (yes, from both parties) who came to lobby him. I guess what I’m trying to say is, what the fortieth floor lacked in flash it made up for in influence.

(Taken from

“A secretary or personal assistant is a person whose work consists of supporting management, including executives, using a variety of project management, communication, or organizational skills. These functions may be entirely carried out to assist one other employee or may be for the benefit of more than one. In other situations a secretary is an officer of a society or organization who deals with correspondence, admits new members, and organizes official meetings and events." (Wikipedia)

(Taken from Access in 04/02/2017)

The word that best replaces the underlined expression is: 

Ano: 2017 Banca: COSEAC Órgão: UFF Prova: COSEAC - 2017 - UFF - Secretário Executivo |
Q805351 Inglês

Text 3

The Assistants, by Camille Perri

Chapter 1

In less than a second I was at his desk, notepad in hand. Behind me a wall of flat-screens flashed the news being broadcast by Titan and its so-called competitors. Robert had the uncanny ability to devote a small portion of his gaze to each screen simultaneously. In all he owned nine satellite television networks, one hundred seventy-five newspapers, one hundred cable channels, forty book imprints, forty television stations, and one movie studio. His total audience reached around 4.7 billion people, which came out to around three-fourths of the population of the entire globe. But the news was his baby. He was never not watching it, analyzing it, shaping it. That’s why he situated his office at Titan News headquarters, where he could keep close watch not only on his wall of flat-screens but also on his journalists. A man as powerful as Robert could have hidden himself anywhere, pulling at the strings of the world from a lounge chair in the Seychelles, unseen by his employees—but he needed to be here at the center of it all, at the hub.

Our office didn’t look like a newsroom that you’d imagine from movies or TV drama series. The floors below ours were more like that—the broadcast, print media, and digital newsrooms, each of which could have easily passed for something out of The Matrix. And there was an entire floor of flashy studios used for our non-stop news coverage and thrill-a-minute opinion shows. But our office on the fortieth floor was far less exciting, just row after row of desks and cubicles. Still, we were the brain of the whole operation, the source from which all orders trickled down. Titan’s chief editors and all of Robert’s most trusted deputies had desks on our floor so Robert could pull them into impromptus with the business leaders and celebrities he met with— and so he could foster relationships between them and the political-party representatives (yes, from both parties) who came to lobby him. I guess what I’m trying to say is, what the fortieth floor lacked in flash it made up for in influence.

(Taken from

One of the trickiest gramar aspects in any language is subject-verb agreement. Considering subject-verb agreement, the only correct alternative is:
Ano: 2017 Banca: COSEAC Órgão: UFF Prova: COSEAC - 2017 - UFF - Secretário Executivo |
Q805350 Inglês

Text 3

The Assistants, by Camille Perri

Chapter 1

In less than a second I was at his desk, notepad in hand. Behind me a wall of flat-screens flashed the news being broadcast by Titan and its so-called competitors. Robert had the uncanny ability to devote a small portion of his gaze to each screen simultaneously. In all he owned nine satellite television networks, one hundred seventy-five newspapers, one hundred cable channels, forty book imprints, forty television stations, and one movie studio. His total audience reached around 4.7 billion people, which came out to around three-fourths of the population of the entire globe. But the news was his baby. He was never not watching it, analyzing it, shaping it. That’s why he situated his office at Titan News headquarters, where he could keep close watch not only on his wall of flat-screens but also on his journalists. A man as powerful as Robert could have hidden himself anywhere, pulling at the strings of the world from a lounge chair in the Seychelles, unseen by his employees—but he needed to be here at the center of it all, at the hub.

Our office didn’t look like a newsroom that you’d imagine from movies or TV drama series. The floors below ours were more like that—the broadcast, print media, and digital newsrooms, each of which could have easily passed for something out of The Matrix. And there was an entire floor of flashy studios used for our non-stop news coverage and thrill-a-minute opinion shows. But our office on the fortieth floor was far less exciting, just row after row of desks and cubicles. Still, we were the brain of the whole operation, the source from which all orders trickled down. Titan’s chief editors and all of Robert’s most trusted deputies had desks on our floor so Robert could pull them into impromptus with the business leaders and celebrities he met with— and so he could foster relationships between them and the political-party representatives (yes, from both parties) who came to lobby him. I guess what I’m trying to say is, what the fortieth floor lacked in flash it made up for in influence.

(Taken from

Acronyms are used to shorten email messages. The alternative that stands for its correct definition is:
Ano: 2017 Banca: COSEAC Órgão: UFF Prova: COSEAC - 2017 - UFF - Secretário Executivo |
Q805349 Inglês

Text 3

The Assistants, by Camille Perri

Chapter 1

In less than a second I was at his desk, notepad in hand. Behind me a wall of flat-screens flashed the news being broadcast by Titan and its so-called competitors. Robert had the uncanny ability to devote a small portion of his gaze to each screen simultaneously. In all he owned nine satellite television networks, one hundred seventy-five newspapers, one hundred cable channels, forty book imprints, forty television stations, and one movie studio. His total audience reached around 4.7 billion people, which came out to around three-fourths of the population of the entire globe. But the news was his baby. He was never not watching it, analyzing it, shaping it. That’s why he situated his office at Titan News headquarters, where he could keep close watch not only on his wall of flat-screens but also on his journalists. A man as powerful as Robert could have hidden himself anywhere, pulling at the strings of the world from a lounge chair in the Seychelles, unseen by his employees—but he needed to be here at the center of it all, at the hub.

Our office didn’t look like a newsroom that you’d imagine from movies or TV drama series. The floors below ours were more like that—the broadcast, print media, and digital newsrooms, each of which could have easily passed for something out of The Matrix. And there was an entire floor of flashy studios used for our non-stop news coverage and thrill-a-minute opinion shows. But our office on the fortieth floor was far less exciting, just row after row of desks and cubicles. Still, we were the brain of the whole operation, the source from which all orders trickled down. Titan’s chief editors and all of Robert’s most trusted deputies had desks on our floor so Robert could pull them into impromptus with the business leaders and celebrities he met with— and so he could foster relationships between them and the political-party representatives (yes, from both parties) who came to lobby him. I guess what I’m trying to say is, what the fortieth floor lacked in flash it made up for in influence.

(Taken from

When addressing people in formal contexts, we it is appropriate to use a title. In the alternatives below, the one which indicates the correct relationship between title and status is:
Ano: 2017 Banca: COSEAC Órgão: UFF Prova: COSEAC - 2017 - UFF - Secretário Executivo |
Q805348 Inglês

Text 3

The Assistants, by Camille Perri

Chapter 1

In less than a second I was at his desk, notepad in hand. Behind me a wall of flat-screens flashed the news being broadcast by Titan and its so-called competitors. Robert had the uncanny ability to devote a small portion of his gaze to each screen simultaneously. In all he owned nine satellite television networks, one hundred seventy-five newspapers, one hundred cable channels, forty book imprints, forty television stations, and one movie studio. His total audience reached around 4.7 billion people, which came out to around three-fourths of the population of the entire globe. But the news was his baby. He was never not watching it, analyzing it, shaping it. That’s why he situated his office at Titan News headquarters, where he could keep close watch not only on his wall of flat-screens but also on his journalists. A man as powerful as Robert could have hidden himself anywhere, pulling at the strings of the world from a lounge chair in the Seychelles, unseen by his employees—but he needed to be here at the center of it all, at the hub.

Our office didn’t look like a newsroom that you’d imagine from movies or TV drama series. The floors below ours were more like that—the broadcast, print media, and digital newsrooms, each of which could have easily passed for something out of The Matrix. And there was an entire floor of flashy studios used for our non-stop news coverage and thrill-a-minute opinion shows. But our office on the fortieth floor was far less exciting, just row after row of desks and cubicles. Still, we were the brain of the whole operation, the source from which all orders trickled down. Titan’s chief editors and all of Robert’s most trusted deputies had desks on our floor so Robert could pull them into impromptus with the business leaders and celebrities he met with— and so he could foster relationships between them and the political-party representatives (yes, from both parties) who came to lobby him. I guess what I’m trying to say is, what the fortieth floor lacked in flash it made up for in influence.

(Taken from

When we are writing formal e-mails, we can use the formal letter-writing phrases:
Ano: 2017 Banca: COSEAC Órgão: UFF Prova: COSEAC - 2017 - UFF - Secretário Executivo |
Q805347 Inglês

Text 3

The Assistants, by Camille Perri

Chapter 1

In less than a second I was at his desk, notepad in hand. Behind me a wall of flat-screens flashed the news being broadcast by Titan and its so-called competitors. Robert had the uncanny ability to devote a small portion of his gaze to each screen simultaneously. In all he owned nine satellite television networks, one hundred seventy-five newspapers, one hundred cable channels, forty book imprints, forty television stations, and one movie studio. His total audience reached around 4.7 billion people, which came out to around three-fourths of the population of the entire globe. But the news was his baby. He was never not watching it, analyzing it, shaping it. That’s why he situated his office at Titan News headquarters, where he could keep close watch not only on his wall of flat-screens but also on his journalists. A man as powerful as Robert could have hidden himself anywhere, pulling at the strings of the world from a lounge chair in the Seychelles, unseen by his employees—but he needed to be here at the center of it all, at the hub.

Our office didn’t look like a newsroom that you’d imagine from movies or TV drama series. The floors below ours were more like that—the broadcast, print media, and digital newsrooms, each of which could have easily passed for something out of The Matrix. And there was an entire floor of flashy studios used for our non-stop news coverage and thrill-a-minute opinion shows. But our office on the fortieth floor was far less exciting, just row after row of desks and cubicles. Still, we were the brain of the whole operation, the source from which all orders trickled down. Titan’s chief editors and all of Robert’s most trusted deputies had desks on our floor so Robert could pull them into impromptus with the business leaders and celebrities he met with— and so he could foster relationships between them and the political-party representatives (yes, from both parties) who came to lobby him. I guess what I’m trying to say is, what the fortieth floor lacked in flash it made up for in influence.

(Taken from

When writing a correspondence, it is essential to be careful about the tone of the language to communicate the content.

According to ASHLEY (2005:34), "[i]t is important to try to get the right 'tone' in your letter. This means that, generally speaking, you should aim for a neutral tone, avoiding pompous language on the one hand and language which is too informal or colloquial on the other."

The best alternative to illustrate the appropriate tone for opening a commercial letter to Ron Barron, CEO of an educational startup, is:

3581: A
3582: B
3583: C
3584: D
3585: E
3586: D
3587: A
3588: D
3589: B
3590: A
3591: E
3592: D
3593: B
3594: E
3595: B
3596: A
3597: A
3598: B
3599: D
3600: E