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Q792372 Administração Financeira e Orçamentária
O parágrafo único do artigo 20 da Lei n.º 4.320/1964, conforme o qual “os programas especiais de trabalho que, por sua natureza, não possam cumprir-se subordinadamente às normas gerais de execução da despesa, poderão ser custeados por dotações globais, classificadas entre as despesas de capital”, constitui uma exceção ao princípio da
Q792371 Administração Financeira e Orçamentária
Ao oferecer ensino público e gratuito a amplos setores da população — ação estatal que promove um ajuste na oferta de bens e serviços à sociedade, permitindo, entre outros benefícios, o acesso à educação para os setores mais carentes da sociedade —, o Estado brasileiro
Q792370 Direito Eleitoral
Assinale a opção correta sobre as campanhas eleitorais.
Q792369 Direito Eleitoral
A respeito da organização de partidos políticos, assinale a opção correta.
Q792364 Direito Eleitoral
Assinale a opção correta acerca de prestação de contas dos gastos de campanha.
Q792362 Direito Constitucional
É permitida, observados os pressupostos constitucionais, a edição de medidas provisórias sobre matéria
Q792361 Direito Eleitoral
Caberá recurso das decisões dos tribunais regionais eleitorais somente quando estas
Q792358 Direito Constitucional
De acordo com a CF, na fixação do vencimento e da remuneração dos servidores públicos, deve-se observar
Q792357 Direito Constitucional
A respeito das competências dos entes federados, assinale a opção correta.
Q792356 Direito Constitucional
De acordo com a Constituição Federal de 1988 (CF), a perda ou a suspensão dos direitos políticos se dará em caso de
Q792354 Direito Administrativo
As entidades autônomas integrantes da administração indireta que atuam em setores estratégicos da atividade econômica, zelando pelo desempenho das pessoas jurídicas e por sua consonância com os fins almejados pelo interesse público e pelo governo são denominadas
Q792350 Direito Administrativo
O princípio da razoabilidade
Q792348 Direito Administrativo

Determinada agência reguladora, atuando em sua esfera de atribuições, editou ato normativo de apurada complexidade técnica com vistas a elucidar conceitos legais e regular determinado segmento de atividades consideradas estratégicas e de interesse público.

Nessa situação hipotética, a atuação da agência configurou exercício do poder

Q792347 Direito Administrativo
Considerando que os poderes administrativos são prerrogativas que se outorgam aos agentes do Estado com vistas a viabilizar a consecução do interesse público, assinale a opção correta.
Q792296 Inglês
Text 3A7AAA
Software architecture is a complex topic. Due to its complexity, our profession has produced a variety of definitions, each more or less useful depending on your point of view. Here is a definition from my first book, Journey of the Software Professional: “A system architecture defines the basic “structure” of the system (e.g., the high level modules comprising the major functions of the system, the management and distribution of data, the kind and style of its user interface, what platform(s) will it run on and so forth)”.
This definition is pretty consistent with many others. However, it lacks some important elements, such as specific technology choices and the required capabilities of the desired system. A colleague of mine, Myron Ahn, created the following definition of software architecture. It is a bit more expansive and covers a bit more ground than my original: “Software architecture is the sum of the nontrivial modules, processes, and data of the system, their structure and exact relationships to each other, how they can be and are expected to be extended and modified, and on which technologies they depend, from which one can deduce the exact capabilities and flexibilities of the system, and from which one can form a plan for the implementation or modification of the system”.
We could extend these definitions from the technical point of view, but this wouldn’t provide a lot of value. More than any other aspect of the system, architecture deals with the “big picture”. The real key to understanding it is to adopt this big picture. Moreover, while these definitions are useful, they are far too simplistic to take into account the full set of forces that shape, and are shaped by, an architecture. In truth, I doubt that any single definition of software architecture will ever capture all of what we believe to be important.
Luke Hohmann. Defining software architecture. In: Beyond software architecture: creating and sustaining winning solutions. Boston: Addison-Wesley, 2003, p. 1-2 (adapted).
In the first line of text 3A7AAA, the expression “Due to” could be correctly replaced by
Q792295 Inglês
Text 3A7AAA
Software architecture is a complex topic. Due to its complexity, our profession has produced a variety of definitions, each more or less useful depending on your point of view. Here is a definition from my first book, Journey of the Software Professional: “A system architecture defines the basic “structure” of the system (e.g., the high level modules comprising the major functions of the system, the management and distribution of data, the kind and style of its user interface, what platform(s) will it run on and so forth)”.
This definition is pretty consistent with many others. However, it lacks some important elements, such as specific technology choices and the required capabilities of the desired system. A colleague of mine, Myron Ahn, created the following definition of software architecture. It is a bit more expansive and covers a bit more ground than my original: “Software architecture is the sum of the nontrivial modules, processes, and data of the system, their structure and exact relationships to each other, how they can be and are expected to be extended and modified, and on which technologies they depend, from which one can deduce the exact capabilities and flexibilities of the system, and from which one can form a plan for the implementation or modification of the system”.
We could extend these definitions from the technical point of view, but this wouldn’t provide a lot of value. More than any other aspect of the system, architecture deals with the “big picture”. The real key to understanding it is to adopt this big picture. Moreover, while these definitions are useful, they are far too simplistic to take into account the full set of forces that shape, and are shaped by, an architecture. In truth, I doubt that any single definition of software architecture will ever capture all of what we believe to be important.
Luke Hohmann. Defining software architecture. In: Beyond software architecture: creating and sustaining winning solutions. Boston: Addison-Wesley, 2003, p. 1-2 (adapted).
The author of text 3A7AAA concludes that
Q792293 Inglês
Text 3A7AAA
Software architecture is a complex topic. Due to its complexity, our profession has produced a variety of definitions, each more or less useful depending on your point of view. Here is a definition from my first book, Journey of the Software Professional: “A system architecture defines the basic “structure” of the system (e.g., the high level modules comprising the major functions of the system, the management and distribution of data, the kind and style of its user interface, what platform(s) will it run on and so forth)”.
This definition is pretty consistent with many others. However, it lacks some important elements, such as specific technology choices and the required capabilities of the desired system. A colleague of mine, Myron Ahn, created the following definition of software architecture. It is a bit more expansive and covers a bit more ground than my original: “Software architecture is the sum of the nontrivial modules, processes, and data of the system, their structure and exact relationships to each other, how they can be and are expected to be extended and modified, and on which technologies they depend, from which one can deduce the exact capabilities and flexibilities of the system, and from which one can form a plan for the implementation or modification of the system”.
We could extend these definitions from the technical point of view, but this wouldn’t provide a lot of value. More than any other aspect of the system, architecture deals with the “big picture”. The real key to understanding it is to adopt this big picture. Moreover, while these definitions are useful, they are far too simplistic to take into account the full set of forces that shape, and are shaped by, an architecture. In truth, I doubt that any single definition of software architecture will ever capture all of what we believe to be important.
Luke Hohmann. Defining software architecture. In: Beyond software architecture: creating and sustaining winning solutions. Boston: Addison-Wesley, 2003, p. 1-2 (adapted).
About the definition for software architecture, text 3A7AAA shows that
Q792292 Programação
Assinale a opção que indica a descrição correta de um array denominado empregados que contenha três objetos compostos pelo registro do primeiro e do último nome de um empregado em uma matriz J S O N. 
Q792291 Banco de Dados
Tabela 3A6AAA
dados da tabela:
ID; nome; idtipo; preco
25; creme; 3; 11,50
31; arroz; 4; 12,50
34; leite; 1; 14,00
42; sabão; 5; 11,00
46; carne; 1; 12,75
48; shampoo; 5; 12,30
58; azeite; 1; 13,25
Assinale a opção que apresenta o comando S Q L correto para se incluir um novo campo idcategoria do tipo INT nos dados da tabela 3A6AAA, denominada tbproduto.
Q792290 Banco de Dados
Tabela 3A6AAA
dados da tabela:
ID; nome; idtipo; preco
25; creme; 3; 11,50
31; arroz; 4; 12,50
34; leite; 1; 14,00
42; sabão; 5; 11,00
46; carne; 1; 12,75
48; shampoo; 5; 12,30
58; azeite; 1; 13,25
Considerando-se os campos e dados contidos na tabela 3A6AAA, denominada tbproduto, é correto afirmar que o comando SQL.
161: E
162: C
163: A
164: C
165: C
166: D
167: C
168: B
169: E
170: C
171: C
172: A
173: B
174: C
175: C
176: D
177: A
178: D
179: B
180: B