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Q480623 Inglês
Now, read through the text below, adapted from The New York Times and based on its contents answer question.

The main communicative function of the second paragraph is to:
Q480622 Inglês
Now, read through the text below, adapted from The New York Times and based on its contents answer question.

Many English verbs consist of two parts: a lexical verb followed by one or two particles. In this way the only two phrasal verbs as they appear in the text are:
Q480621 Inglês
Now, read through the text below, adapted from The New York Times and based on its contents answer question.

Indirect speech/thought is a reconstruction of the words/thoughts of a speaker conveyed in a reported clause. The acceptable way to report “Would it be possible to experience Rio with maximum pleasure and minimal risk?” (lines 34-35) is conveyed by:
Q480620 Inglês
Now, read through the text below, adapted from The New York Times and based on its contents answer question.

Conjunctions are items used to mark logical relationships between words, phrases, clauses or sentences. The conjunction which could be inserted before the sentence “I booked two tickets." (line 30) in order to emphasize its logical relationship with the preceding sentence is:
Q480619 Inglês
Now, read through the text below, adapted from The New York Times and based on its contents answer question.

Verb phrases signal certain concepts. In the excerpt “(…) a strong national economy has been motivating the city of six million to remake itself.” (lines 21-23) and “Brazilian authorities have boasted that Rio’s murder rate has plunged.” (lines 23-24), the concept being signalled is that of:
201: B
202: E
203: C
204: E
205: A