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Q876688 Inglês
Considering language use in the text, it’s correct to say:
Q876687 Inglês

Fill in the blanks with the suitable interrogative words (WH-Questions):

A) ______ are the typical Twitter users? They’re usually young people.

B) ______ language is spoken in the Philippines? Tagalog

C) ______ uses Spanish language tweets? Among others, the London’s Latin American population.

D) ______ did the University College London decide to do the present research? So as to identify which languages people in London are tweeting in.

According to the text, the correct sequence, from top to bottom, is

Q876686 Inglês
About the non-English tweets, the text says that
Q876684 Inglês
Considering language use in the text, it’s correct to say:
Q876683 Inglês
About the athlete Jim Fixx, the text says that he
1091: C
1092: B
1093: A
1094: B
1095: C