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Ano: 2019 Banca: FAU Órgão: IF-PR Prova: FAU - 2019 - IF-PR - Professor - Letras Inglês |
Q1646464 Inglês
According to Kramsch (2009), literature aids students in their development of an ability to understand the symbolic value of symbolic form and the different cultural memories evoked by different symbolic systems. Additionally, it also helps them draw on the semiotic diversity afforded by multiple languages so that they may reframe ways of seeing familiar events, create alternative realities, and find an appropriate subject position between languages. Considering Kramsch’s position about the use of literature in English classes, analyse the following statements and choose which one(s) is (are) correct:
I - Literature may be an interesting resource in English classes, as long as the teacher applies it to discuss topics familiar to the students. II - Coherent with the intercultural perspective for foreign languages teaching, literature may be considered a useful tool for giving students an opportunity to interact with different cultures and linguistic manifestations. III - Symbolic competence, as proposed by Kramsch, has to do with a sort of critical awareness that the literary text may be of great aid to develop. IV - Symbolic competence refers to the ability to decode linguistic signs.
Ano: 2019 Banca: FAU Órgão: IF-PR Prova: FAU - 2019 - IF-PR - Professor - Letras Inglês |
Q1646463 Inglês
Communicative Competence, as posed by Dell Hymes (1970), represents something that goes beyond a thorough linguistic knowledge. What are other skills, according to Hymes, that one must have for him/her to be considered communicatively competent?
Ano: 2019 Banca: FAU Órgão: IF-PR Prova: FAU - 2019 - IF-PR - Professor - Letras Inglês |
Q1646462 Inglês
Fill in the blanks and choose the correct answer:
I - They _______ the article to a scientific journal yesterday. II - I am _______ pasta for lunch. III - I _______ to the piano recital next week. IV - She _______ a very lucky girl.
Ano: 2019 Banca: FAU Órgão: IF-PR Prova: FAU - 2019 - IF-PR - Professor - Letras Inglês |
Q1646461 Inglês
Analyse the current sentences and choose the option that describes their verb tense:
I - My brother has been teasing me since this morning. II - I am reading an excellent book. III - I have been to England twice. IV - My husband works everyday.
Ano: 2019 Banca: FAU Órgão: IF-PR Prova: FAU - 2019 - IF-PR - Professor - História |
Q1646460 História e Geografia de Estados e Municípios
O tropeirismo teve seu auge entre o século XVIII e XIX, e utilizou algumas rotas cujos caminhos das tropas tornaram-se sedes para futuras vilas e cidades, que cresceram em pontos de pouso e da chamada “invernada” para engorda do gado antes de chegar à feira de Sorocaba. Entre as rotas utilizadas pelos tropeiros, destacam-se duas estradas ou caminhos. Quais são? Assinale a alternativa correta:
681: C
682: B
683: B
684: C
685: A