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Q1069024 Design Gráfico
No software Corel Draw, em sua versão X4 e configuração padrão, um tipo de distorção que se pode aplicar a um objeto a partir da ferramenta Distorcer é:
Q1069023 Design Gráfico
No que diz respeito à criação da identidade visual de uma empresa, é correto afirmar que
Q1069022 Design Gráfico
No desenvolvimento de peças gráficas digitais, o olho (ou janela)
Q1069021 Design Gráfico
Sobre a criação de artes em softwares de tratamento de imagens, assinale a alternativa correta.
Q1069020 Inglês

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What is a Content Management System (CMS)?

July 19, 2018

      A content management system, often abbreviated as CMS, is software that helps users create, manage, and modify content on a website without the need for specialized technical knowledge. In simpler language, a content management system is a tool that helps you build a website without needing to write all the code from scratch (or even know how to code at all).

      Instead of building your own system for creating web pages, storing images, and other functions, the content management system handles all that basic infrastructure stuff for you so that you can focus on more forward-facing parts of your website. Beyond websites, you can also find content management systems for other functions – such as document management.

      The content management system is not just a backend management interface, though. It also makes all of the content that you create show up for your visitors exactly like you want it to.

( Adaptado) 

O trecho do terceiro parágrafo – show up for your visitors exactly like you want it to. –, o termo em destaque pode ser substituído, sem alteração de sentido, por
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