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Q867001 Inglês
Based on the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais issued by the Brazilian Ministry of Education and Culture in 1998 (Secretaria de Educação Fundamental, 1998), choose the correct option.
Q867000 Inglês
Considering that responding to students’ writing is very much a part of the process of teaching writing, choose the correct option about the theory concerning the way teachers should respond to students’ writing in the process writing approach.
Q866999 Inglês

There is no one answer to the question of how to teach writing in English Foreign Language classes. There are as many answers as there are teachers and teaching styles, or learners and learning styles. Writing means writing a connected text and the process of writing is a valuable tool for all of our students.

Ann Raimes. Techniques in teaching writing.

Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993, p.6.

Choose the correct option concerning the process approach to the teaching of writing

Q866998 Inglês
The word “actual” (ℓ.24) is synonymous with
Q866997 Inglês
The expression “rather than” (ℓ.20) is the same as
1326: C
1327: C
1328: B
1329: D
1330: B