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Q866990 Inglês

It is a myth that all it takes to write is to sit down in front of a blank page, to begin at the beginning and write through to the end, with no planning, break, editing, or changes in between. And yet, this is sometimes what we ask our students to do. Good writers plan and revise, rearrange and delete text, re-reading and producing multiple drafts before they come up with their finished document. This is what a process writing approach is about.


Based on the text, it can be concluded that

Q866989 Inglês
In “graduates of local schools are often unable to read” (lines 5-6), the word “unable” is
Q866988 Inglês
In the sentence “A traditional company in Oaklahoma, USA, has been making pies and biscuits since the 1920s.” (ℓ.1-2), “has been making” expresses
Q866987 Inglês
In the sentence “I truly think she will always be full of enthusiasm!” (ℓ.16-17), “will” is
Q866986 Inglês
In “But over the years as I’ve gotten to know her better” (ℓ.7) “I” and “her” are respectively
1336: B
1337: B
1338: A
1339: A
1340: C