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Q1110381 Inglês
From question 53 to 63, choose the CORRECT answers to fll in the blanks.
She described _____ to _____ in details that night. Didn’t _____?
Q1110380 Inglês
From question 53 to 63, choose the CORRECT answers to fll in the blanks.
Anne to Sanjay: “I’ve been running 10 kilometers everyday”. Sanjay to Stef: “Anne says she __________ 10 kilometers everyday, but I bet she can go further. That girl is a machine!”
Q1110379 Inglês
n the sentence “Actually, I really need to do exercises”, the proper translation for the word underlined would be:
Q1110378 Inglês
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the verbs: Lucca to his mother: “No, it wasn’t me, mom! Barbra did everything! I was at school doing the fnals, remember?” Mother to Barbra: “Lucca _____ it _____ him, Barbra. He _____ you _____ everything and that He ____ at school _____ the fnals. Is that true?”
Q1110376 Inglês
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the verbs: John: “Sarah, just tell me the true about the Project. Nothing is ready, ___?” Sarah: “Of course it is! Well... some parts, at least... maybe two... or one...” John: “I knew it!” Turns to Claire, “I told you Sarah would procrastinate, ___? She always does.” Sarah: “That’s not true! I always get things done. Tell him, Claire. I’m very proactive, ___?” Claire: “well...”
681: A
682: D
683: B
684: A
685: E