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Q2687578 Legislação Estadual

Conforme dispositivos da Lei Orgânica Municipal de Canas, o município tem como competência comum com a União e o Estado, entre outras, a seguinte atribuição:

Q2687575 História

A “Fazenda Canas” foi desapropriada pelo governo em 1887 em razão de:

Q2687573 História

A origem do nome Canas se deu em função da desapropriação por parte do governo de uma fazenda denominada “Fazenda Canas”. O dono dessa fazenda na ocasião da desapropriação era:

Q2687571 Português

Assinale a frase que não contenha complemento nominal.

Q2687570 Português

Marque a alternativa em que todas as palavras apresentam um dígrafo;

Q2687566 Português


Não acreditamos que todos os atletas, no dia e hora _______ pelo treinador, ________ ter feito _________ exercícios.

Q2687558 Português

Leia os enunciados abaixo e responda à questão.

I - Marcelo servidor de quem falávamos há pouco, comunicou, à chefia, assim que os trabalhos foram concluídos que, depois de devidamente assinadas as notas seriam encaminhadas à diretoria da empresa.

II -Marcelo, servidor de quem falávamos há pouco, comunicou à chefia, assim que os trabalhos foram concluídos, que, depois de devidamente assinadas, as notas seriam encaminhadas à diretoria da empresa.

III - Marcelo, servidor de quem falávamos há pouco, comunicou à chefia assim que, os trabalhos foram concluídos, que depois de devidamente assinadas, as notas seriam encaminhadas à diretoria da empresa.

Quanto ao emprego da vírgula, estão corretos:

Q2687550 Português

Quanto ao processo de formação de palavras, assinale a única cuja correspondência de informação é incorreta:

Q2687542 Português

Assinale a alternativa em que o pronome relativo “que” exerce a função de objeto indireto:

Q2687538 Português

Leia a seguir “O último poema” de Manuel Bandeira para responder as questões de1 a 3.

Assim eu quereria meu último poema

Que fosse terno dizendo as coisas mais simples e menos intencionais

Que fosse ardente como um soluço sem lágrimas

Que tivesse a beleza das flores quase sem perfume

A pureza da chama em que se consomem os diamantes mais límpidos

A paixão dos suicidas que se matam sem explicação.

O Último Poema” demonstra:

I-Versos curtos, pensamento objetivo, liberdade no uso das palavras.

II-Simplicidade na escrita, ironia e crítica

III-A melancolia e a sensação de sempre estar à espera do pior, ironia e crítica.

IV-O paradoxo que é nosso caminho pela vida. Sobre ilusão e desilusão.

Está correto em:

Q2687536 Português

Leia a seguir “O último poema” de Manuel Bandeira para responder as questões de1 a 3.

Assim eu quereria meu último poema

Que fosse terno dizendo as coisas mais simples e menos intencionais

Que fosse ardente como um soluço sem lágrimas

Que tivesse a beleza das flores quase sem perfume

A pureza da chama em que se consomem os diamantes mais límpidos

A paixão dos suicidas que se matam sem explicação.

A única oração do poema que não está enquadrada ao “eu” poético é:

Q2687534 Português

Leia a seguir “O último poema” de Manuel Bandeira para responder as questões de1 a 3.

Assim eu quereria meu último poema

Que fosse terno dizendo as coisas mais simples e menos intencionais

Que fosse ardente como um soluço sem lágrimas

Que tivesse a beleza das flores quase sem perfume

A pureza da chama em que se consomem os diamantes mais límpidos

A paixão dos suicidas que se matam sem explicação.

O verbo em destaque no poema está conjugado em que tempo verbal?

Q2681649 Inglês

What is the cycle tourism?

Cycle tourism, cycle travelling, bike tourism… Many names for the same big passion. The cycle tourism is a form of tourism by bicycle that seems to gain ________ more attention even ________ people who are not passionate cyclists.

Who decide to travel by bike are not interested in getting fit, in how long takes to get to a place and in the athletic training: on the contrary the cycle tourism is a way of travelling that allow people to get to know places and people with a more human pace, not just to visit places but above all to live your destinations.

You can travel by bicycle for a few days or also for a few weeks, to go for a day tour or for a weekend in an art city for instance. The advantages of cycle tourism are many; the very reasonable travelling costs, more freedom in planning your trip even when travelling, more authentic way of travelling and exploring and the chance to do something for the environment.

Like many other forms of eco-sustainable tourism, the cycle tourism is convenient, it is good for your spirit and the planet!

(Fonte: Bikenbike - adaptado.)

The synonym of “allow” is:

Q2681648 Inglês

What is the cycle tourism?

Cycle tourism, cycle travelling, bike tourism… Many names for the same big passion. The cycle tourism is a form of tourism by bicycle that seems to gain ________ more attention even ________ people who are not passionate cyclists.

Who decide to travel by bike are not interested in getting fit, in how long takes to get to a place and in the athletic training: on the contrary the cycle tourism is a way of travelling that allow people to get to know places and people with a more human pace, not just to visit places but above all to live your destinations.

You can travel by bicycle for a few days or also for a few weeks, to go for a day tour or for a weekend in an art city for instance. The advantages of cycle tourism are many; the very reasonable travelling costs, more freedom in planning your trip even when travelling, more authentic way of travelling and exploring and the chance to do something for the environment.

Like many other forms of eco-sustainable tourism, the cycle tourism is convenient, it is good for your spirit and the planet!

(Fonte: Bikenbike - adaptado.)

The word “environment” in the text is a(an):

Q2681647 Inglês

What is the cycle tourism?

Cycle tourism, cycle travelling, bike tourism… Many names for the same big passion. The cycle tourism is a form of tourism by bicycle that seems to gain ________ more attention even ________ people who are not passionate cyclists.

Who decide to travel by bike are not interested in getting fit, in how long takes to get to a place and in the athletic training: on the contrary the cycle tourism is a way of travelling that allow people to get to know places and people with a more human pace, not just to visit places but above all to live your destinations.

You can travel by bicycle for a few days or also for a few weeks, to go for a day tour or for a weekend in an art city for instance. The advantages of cycle tourism are many; the very reasonable travelling costs, more freedom in planning your trip even when travelling, more authentic way of travelling and exploring and the chance to do something for the environment.

Like many other forms of eco-sustainable tourism, the cycle tourism is convenient, it is good for your spirit and the planet!

(Fonte: Bikenbike - adaptado.)

What is the best explanation for the text?

Q2681646 Inglês

What is the cycle tourism?

Cycle tourism, cycle travelling, bike tourism… Many names for the same big passion. The cycle tourism is a form of tourism by bicycle that seems to gain ________ more attention even ________ people who are not passionate cyclists.

Who decide to travel by bike are not interested in getting fit, in how long takes to get to a place and in the athletic training: on the contrary the cycle tourism is a way of travelling that allow people to get to know places and people with a more human pace, not just to visit places but above all to live your destinations.

You can travel by bicycle for a few days or also for a few weeks, to go for a day tour or for a weekend in an art city for instance. The advantages of cycle tourism are many; the very reasonable travelling costs, more freedom in planning your trip even when travelling, more authentic way of travelling and exploring and the chance to do something for the environment.

Like many other forms of eco-sustainable tourism, the cycle tourism is convenient, it is good for your spirit and the planet!

(Fonte: Bikenbike - adaptado.)

About the text, consider the items below:

I. Cycle tourism, cycle travelling and bike tourism are very different things.

II. Who travel by bike do not cares about how long takes to get to a place and in the athletic training.

III. It is possible travel by bicycle for a few days or for weeks.

The CORRECT item(s) is(are):

Q2681645 Inglês

What is the cycle tourism?

Cycle tourism, cycle travelling, bike tourism… Many names for the same big passion. The cycle tourism is a form of tourism by bicycle that seems to gain ________ more attention even ________ people who are not passionate cyclists.

Who decide to travel by bike are not interested in getting fit, in how long takes to get to a place and in the athletic training: on the contrary the cycle tourism is a way of travelling that allow people to get to know places and people with a more human pace, not just to visit places but above all to live your destinations.

You can travel by bicycle for a few days or also for a few weeks, to go for a day tour or for a weekend in an art city for instance. The advantages of cycle tourism are many; the very reasonable travelling costs, more freedom in planning your trip even when travelling, more authentic way of travelling and exploring and the chance to do something for the environment.

Like many other forms of eco-sustainable tourism, the cycle tourism is convenient, it is good for your spirit and the planet!

(Fonte: Bikenbike - adaptado.)

According to the text, choose the CORRECT alternative:

Q2681644 Inglês

What is the cycle tourism?

Cycle tourism, cycle travelling, bike tourism… Many names for the same big passion. The cycle tourism is a form of tourism by bicycle that seems to gain ________ more attention even ________ people who are not passionate cyclists.

Who decide to travel by bike are not interested in getting fit, in how long takes to get to a place and in the athletic training: on the contrary the cycle tourism is a way of travelling that allow people to get to know places and people with a more human pace, not just to visit places but above all to live your destinations.

You can travel by bicycle for a few days or also for a few weeks, to go for a day tour or for a weekend in an art city for instance. The advantages of cycle tourism are many; the very reasonable travelling costs, more freedom in planning your trip even when travelling, more authentic way of travelling and exploring and the chance to do something for the environment.

Like many other forms of eco-sustainable tourism, the cycle tourism is convenient, it is good for your spirit and the planet!

(Fonte: Bikenbike - adaptado.)

The meaning of “pace” is:

Q2681643 Inglês

What is the cycle tourism?

Cycle tourism, cycle travelling, bike tourism… Many names for the same big passion. The cycle tourism is a form of tourism by bicycle that seems to gain ________ more attention even ________ people who are not passionate cyclists.

Who decide to travel by bike are not interested in getting fit, in how long takes to get to a place and in the athletic training: on the contrary the cycle tourism is a way of travelling that allow people to get to know places and people with a more human pace, not just to visit places but above all to live your destinations.

You can travel by bicycle for a few days or also for a few weeks, to go for a day tour or for a weekend in an art city for instance. The advantages of cycle tourism are many; the very reasonable travelling costs, more freedom in planning your trip even when travelling, more authentic way of travelling and exploring and the chance to do something for the environment.

Like many other forms of eco-sustainable tourism, the cycle tourism is convenient, it is good for your spirit and the planet!

(Fonte: Bikenbike - adaptado.)

Mark the alternative that fills the text gaps CORRECTLY:

1901: C
1902: C
1903: B
1904: C
1905: A
1906: A
1907: C
1908: A
1909: D
1910: C
1911: D
1912: B
1913: A
1914: C
1915: D
1916: A
1917: C
1918: A
1919: C
1920: D