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Q2322 Inglês
Read the text below which is entitled "A modest proposal"
in order to answer questions 24 to 26.

A modest proposal

14 Dec 2005 (Adapted)
          What on earth is the European Union budget for? It
is too small (taking up just over 1% of EU-wide GDP) to
have any serious effect. To judge by the wrangling before
this week's EU summit in Brussels, it has become mostly
an opportunity for countries to air their pet grievances
and to demand their money back. If there is a deal on the
budget this week, it will be an agreement reached for its
own sake, because EU leaders cannot bear to be blamed
for yet another summit failure. And if there is no deal, it will
similarly be a disagreement for its own sake - because
France rather likes the idea of putting Britain, which holds
the rotating EU presidency, in the dock for one more
fi nancial fi asco.
          Yet if there was ever a good moment to think hard
about how the budget might be better designed to
advance the Union's stated aims, it ought to be now. The
"fi nancial perspective" is negotiated once every six years.
That ought to create enough time to step back a bit and
consider some fi rst principles. The present negotiation
is also the fi rst since French and Dutch voters rejected
the EU constitution this summer, creating another good
opportunity to ask whether the club is still spending its
money on the right things. What would a budget look like if
it took the EU's goals at all seriously?
According to the text, the European Union budget
Q2321 Inglês
Read the text below entitled "Job Outlook" in order to
answer questions 21 to 23.

Job Outlook
20th Dec 2005 (Adapted)

Competition for budget analyst jobs is expected over
the 2004-14 projection period. Candidates with a master's
degree should have the best job opportunities. Familiarity
with computer fi nancial software packages also should
enhance a jobseeker's employment prospects.
Employment of budget analysts is expected to
grow about as fast as the average for all occupations
through 2014. Employment growth will be driven by the
continuing demand for sound fi nancial analysis in both the
public and the private sectors. In addition to employment
growth, many job openings will result from the need to
replace experienced budget analysts who transfer to other
occupations or leave the labor force.
In paragraph 2, the text mentions the rise in
Q2320 Inglês
Read the text below entitled "Job Outlook" in order to
answer questions 21 to 23.

Job Outlook
20th Dec 2005 (Adapted)

Competition for budget analyst jobs is expected over
the 2004-14 projection period. Candidates with a master's
degree should have the best job opportunities. Familiarity
with computer fi nancial software packages also should
enhance a jobseeker's employment prospects.
Employment of budget analysts is expected to
grow about as fast as the average for all occupations
through 2014. Employment growth will be driven by the
continuing demand for sound fi nancial analysis in both the
public and the private sectors. In addition to employment
growth, many job openings will result from the need to
replace experienced budget analysts who transfer to other
occupations or leave the labor force.
In paragraph 2, the author refers to "the continuing demand for sound fi nancial analysis in both the public and the private sectors." Therefore, this analysis should be
Q2319 Inglês
Read the text below entitled "Job Outlook" in order to
answer questions 21 to 23.

Job Outlook
20th Dec 2005 (Adapted)

Competition for budget analyst jobs is expected over
the 2004-14 projection period. Candidates with a master's
degree should have the best job opportunities. Familiarity
with computer fi nancial software packages also should
enhance a jobseeker's employment prospects.
Employment of budget analysts is expected to
grow about as fast as the average for all occupations
through 2014. Employment growth will be driven by the
continuing demand for sound fi nancial analysis in both the
public and the private sectors. In addition to employment
growth, many job openings will result from the need to
replace experienced budget analysts who transfer to other
occupations or leave the labor force.
In paragraph 1, the author
Q2318 Português
Leia o seguinte texto para responder às questões 19 e

As normas jurídicas embasadas nos valores éticos e que
traduzem os procedimentos e as vivências mais fortes
e consolidados da coletividade tendem a ter a adesão
espontânea da maioria das pessoas que nelas se sentem
representadas. É o sentimento de identidade nacional,
de pátria, sem o qual a coesão social se esgarça e abre
as portas para o caminho do individualismo, do salve-se
quem puder, da corrupção, da violência. A consolidação
desse sentimento pressupõe, além das leis, uma ação
constante, coordenada pelo Estado, com a participação
da sociedade, dos organismos intermediários e das
famílias, num processo de educação cívica, nacional,

(Adaptado de Patrus Ananias, Civilização pelo Estado,
Correio Braziliense, 9 de janeiro de 2005)
Julgue as seguintes afi rmações a respeito das relações de concordância entre os termos do texto:

I. A fl exão de plural em "traduzem"(l.2) justifi ca-se pelo plural em "valores éticos"(l.1).

II. Porque no termo "os procedimentos e as vivências" (l.2), há a inclusão de nome masculino, o termo "consolidados"(l.3) precisa ser fl exionado no masculino.

III. O emprego do feminino plural em "nelas"(l.4) justifi ca-se pelo feminino plural de "pessoas"(l.4)

IV. O pronome indicativo de indeterminação de sujeito em "salve-se"(l.7) exige que o verbo seja fl exionado no singular.

A quantidade de itens corretos é
146: E
147: A
148: C
149: E
150: B