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Ano: 2018 Banca: IF-MT Órgão: IF-MT Prova: IF-MT - 2018 - IF-MT - Português/Inglês |
Q2055054 Inglês
Growth Cocktail Helps Restore Spinal Connections in the Most Severe Injuries

Repairing damaged nerves in a rodent study marks a crucial first step toward bringing back lost movement

By Emily Willingham on August 30, 2018

In 1995 the late actor Christopher Reeve, who most famously played Superman, became paralyzed from the neck down after a horseback-riding accident. The impact from the fall left him with a complete spinal cord injury at the neck, preventing his brain from communicating with anything below it. Cases like Reeve’s are generally considered intractable injuries, absent any way to bridge the gap to restore disrupted communication lines.When Reeve died in 2004 a means of reconnection had yet to be built. Now, 14 years later, researchers have coaxed nerve cells to span the divide of a complete spinal cord injury. Their findings, described August 29 in Nature, are specific to only one kind of nerve cell and much work remains before a means of reconnection reaches patients, but the results make an impression. [...]

Their first effort failed. They tried dampening the activity of a gene called PTEN because the gambit had worked well with a few other types of nonspinal neurons. To their surprise, that strategy did not succeed with the propriospinal cells. They then turned to a set of chemicals that promote nerve cell growth and trigger production of a well-known structural protein called laminin, widely used in tissue engineering as a scaffold. Some of these growth promoters are active in embryonic development, and adults usually do not make them. Previous efforts to coax axons across an injury gap using so-called growth factors alone had come up empty—failures blamed on other inhibitory chemicals getting in the way.

(Disponível em:, acessado em 02/09/18).
O pronome “it”, na terceira linha do primeiro parágrafo do texto, refere-se a: 
Ano: 2018 Banca: IF-MT Órgão: IF-MT Prova: IF-MT - 2018 - IF-MT - Português/Inglês |
Q2055053 Inglês
Growth Cocktail Helps Restore Spinal Connections in the Most Severe Injuries

Repairing damaged nerves in a rodent study marks a crucial first step toward bringing back lost movement

By Emily Willingham on August 30, 2018

In 1995 the late actor Christopher Reeve, who most famously played Superman, became paralyzed from the neck down after a horseback-riding accident. The impact from the fall left him with a complete spinal cord injury at the neck, preventing his brain from communicating with anything below it. Cases like Reeve’s are generally considered intractable injuries, absent any way to bridge the gap to restore disrupted communication lines.When Reeve died in 2004 a means of reconnection had yet to be built. Now, 14 years later, researchers have coaxed nerve cells to span the divide of a complete spinal cord injury. Their findings, described August 29 in Nature, are specific to only one kind of nerve cell and much work remains before a means of reconnection reaches patients, but the results make an impression. [...]

Their first effort failed. They tried dampening the activity of a gene called PTEN because the gambit had worked well with a few other types of nonspinal neurons. To their surprise, that strategy did not succeed with the propriospinal cells. They then turned to a set of chemicals that promote nerve cell growth and trigger production of a well-known structural protein called laminin, widely used in tissue engineering as a scaffold. Some of these growth promoters are active in embryonic development, and adults usually do not make them. Previous efforts to coax axons across an injury gap using so-called growth factors alone had come up empty—failures blamed on other inhibitory chemicals getting in the way.

(Disponível em:, acessado em 02/09/18).
Com a leitura do texto, é correto afirmar que:
Ano: 2018 Banca: IF-MT Órgão: IF-MT Prova: IF-MT - 2018 - IF-MT - Português/Inglês |
Q2055052 Inglês
[…] a series of hypotheses that make up a coherent theory of second language acquisition. According to the rules of scientific method, it will always be "just theory" and never be "definitely proven". The hypotheses I will present have, however, been found to be consistent with a significant amount of data, experimental and otherwise, and have not yet been confronted with serious counterexamples, in my view. They make up, collectively, my "position". This does not mean that I necessarily "believe" them. What it does mean is that these hypotheses are consistent enough with existing data to be worthy of consideration, and that they appear to capture the data better than other existing generalizations.
KRASHEN, Stephen. Principles and practice in second language acquisition. (1982, p. 02)
O linguista estadunidense Stephen Krashen é conhecido mundialmente por sua teoria de Second language aquisition. Em seu trabalho, ele elaborou uma teoria geral sustentada por cinco hipóteses que visam analisar e explicar como um falante adquire uma segunda língua. Dentre as alternativas abaixo, qual não é uma hipótese proposta por Krashen? 
Ano: 2018 Banca: IF-MT Órgão: IF-MT Prova: IF-MT - 2018 - IF-MT - Português/Inglês |
Q2055051 Inglês
“[…] is an overall plan for the ordely presentation of language material, no part of which contradicts, and all of which is based upon, the selected approach.” (Anthony 1993, p. 63-7 apud Richards and Rogers 1999, p. 15). Na frase acima, temos a definição proposta por Anthony apud Richard and Rogers para...
Ano: 2018 Banca: IF-MT Órgão: IF-MT Prova: IF-MT - 2018 - IF-MT - Português/Inglês |
Q2055050 Inglês
Em 2015, o British Council publicou um estudo intitulado “O Ensino de Inglês na Educação Pública Brasileira”, que visava a entender as principais características do ensino da língua inglesa na Educação Básica da rede pública brasileira considerando desde as políticas públicas para o ensino do idioma até as práticas cotidianas em sala de aula. De acordo com este estudo, qual dos problemas abaixo não figura como principal para o ensino da língua inglesa na educação pública básica brasileira?
251: C
252: E
253: A
254: B
255: A