Questões de Concurso Para analista de controle externo - tecnologia da informação

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Q2517186 Legislação Estadual
O artigo 25 da Constituição do Estado de Goiás estabelece que a fiscalização contábil, financeira, orçamentária, operacional e patrimonial do Estado e das entidades da administração direta e indireta, no que se refere à legalidade, legitimidade, economicidade, aplicação das subvenções e renúncia de receitas, será́ exercida pela Assembleia Legislativa mediante controle externo e pelo sistema de controle interno de cada Poder.
Assinale a opção que indica uma competência do TCE.
Q2517185 Legislação Estadual
A Constituição do Estado de Goiás estabelece a atuação políticoadministrativa no estado.

Sobre o TCE-GO, analise os itens a seguir:

I. Os cargos de Procurador de Contas integram quadro próprio do TCE-GO;
II. O TCE-GO, integrado por cinco conselheiros, tem sede na Capital, quadro próprio de pessoal e jurisdição em todo o território estadual;
III. Os Conselheiros do TCE-GO têm as mesmas garantias, prerrogativas, impedimentos, vencimentos e vantagens dos Desembargadores do Tribunal de Justiça.

Está correto o que se afirma em
Q2517183 Legislação Estadual
O Sistema de Controle Externo, conforme estabelecido na Constituição do Estado de Goiás, é essencial para garantir a fiscalização efetiva e transparente da aplicação dos recursos públicos.
Assinale a opção que indica a instituição que exerce o assessoramento no controle externo do Poder Legislativo. 
Q2517182 Direito Constitucional
A Constituição Federal do Brasil, em seu artigo 71, estabelece que o controle externo das contas públicas será realizado pelo Congresso Nacional, com o auxílio do Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU).
Assinale a opção que indica uma competência do TCU.
Q2517181 Direito Constitucional
O artigo 31 da Constituição Federal do Brasil estabelece que a fiscalização no âmbito municipal será conduzida pelo Poder Legislativo Municipal, por meio de controle externo, e pelos sistemas de controle interno do Poder Executivo Municipal, conforme determinado pela legislação.
Assinale a opção que indica o órgão que auxilia o controle externo da Câmara Municipal.
Q2517180 Legislação dos Tribunais de Contas (TCU, TCEs e TCMs) e Ministérios Públicos de Contas
XX foi empossado como Conselheiro do Tribunal de Contas do Estado de Goiás e foi informado que passaria a integrar a Câmara X desse Tribunal.
Por ter dúvidas em relação ao tempo em que permaneceria nessa Câmara e ao processo de escolha do respectivo Presidente, XX consultou o Regimento Interno, tendo concluído corretamente que 
Q2517179 Legislação Estadual
João, servidor público ocupante de cargo em comissão no âmbito do poder Executivo do Estado de Goiás, foi afastado da direção do órgão público X, em razão de permissivo constante da Lei estadual nº 20.756/2020. Maria, por sua vez, que dirigia o órgão público Y, foi informada que iria substituir João.
Nessa situação, é correto afirmar que Maria, ao ser designada para substituir João
Q2517178 Legislação dos Tribunais de Contas (TCU, TCEs e TCMs) e Ministérios Públicos de Contas
Pedro, servidor do Tribunal de Contas do Estado de Goiás, foi incumbido, por seu superior hierárquico, de encaminhar determinado expediente ao agente ou órgão competente para aprovar, anualmente, a programação financeira de desembolso do Tribunal.
À luz do Regimento Interno do Tribunal de Contas do Estado de Goiás, Pedro concluiu corretamente que o processo deveria ser encaminhado
Q2517177 Legislação Estadual
Maria, pessoa natural, com trinta anos de idade, que jamais tinha providenciado o seu alistamento eleitoral, almejava ter acesso a informações de interesse coletivo que se encontravam em poder de determinada estrutura orgânica do Poder Executivo do Estado Alfa.
À luz dos balizamentos estabelecidos pela Lei Estadual nº 18.025/2013, é correto afirmar que Maria
Q2517176 Legislação Estadual
Ana, servidora pública no âmbito do estado de Goiás, em conluio com João, requereu o pagamento de determinado benefício estatutário ao qual sabidamente não tinha direito. Apesar da injuridicidade, João o deferiu poucos dias depois, tendo se iniciado, incontinente, o recebimento mensal do benefício por Ana. Seis anos depois, os mecanismos de controle interno detectaram o ilícito praticado.
À luz dessa narrativa, é correto afirmar que, nos termos da Lei Estadual nº 13.800/2001,
Q2517175 Legislação Estadual
Pedro, servidor ocupante de cargo de provimento efetivo no Estado de Goiás, em exercício há cinco anos ininterruptos, após regular processo administrativo-disciplinar, veio a ser demitido. O cargo que ocupava, por sua vez, de nomenclatura X, foi transformado no cargo Y, que passou a ser ocupado por Maria. A demissão de Pedro, no entanto, foi invalidada pelo Poder Judiciário.
De acordo com a Lei Estadual nº 20.756/2020, é correto afirmar que ocorrerá
Q2517174 Legislação dos Tribunais de Contas (TCU, TCEs e TCMs) e Ministérios Públicos de Contas
Maria, servidora do Tribunal de Contas do Estado de Goiás, teve conhecimento, em sua vida privada, de que Joana, também servidora dessa estrutura orgânica, não era assídua e frequente ao serviço, o que comprometia o regular funcionamento do setor a que estava vinculada.
Ao analisar o Código de Ética para os Servidores do Tribunal de Contas do Estado de Goiás, Maria concluiu corretamente que
Q2517173 Legislação dos Tribunais de Contas (TCU, TCEs e TCMs) e Ministérios Públicos de Contas
Determinado processo administrativo foi encaminhado para apreciação do Ministério Público de Contas do Estado de Goiás, ocasião em que, com base nas regras de distribuição, foi encaminhado ao Procurador de Contas XX. No momento da distribuição, dois assessores do Procurador-Geral de Contas debateram sobre a possibilidade, ou não, de serem estabelecidas orientações a serem observadas pelo Procurador que atuará no caso, quanto à análise do seu mérito.
Ao final do debate, os assessores concluíram corretamente que
Q2517172 Legislação dos Tribunais de Contas (TCU, TCEs e TCMs) e Ministérios Públicos de Contas
Joana foi empossada como auditora do Tribunal de Contas do Estado de Goiás. Ciente de que, entre as atribuições afetas ao seu cargo, estava a de substituir os Conselheiros, consultou a Lei Orgânica do Tribunal em relação aos requisitos e às circunstâncias afetas a essa substituição, tendo concluído corretamente que
Q2517171 Legislação dos Tribunais de Contas (TCU, TCEs e TCMs) e Ministérios Públicos de Contas
Determinada Câmara do Tribunal de Contas do Estado de Goiás aplicou sanções a João, ordenador de despesas no âmbito da Administração Pública indireta do poder público estadual, isto por ter constatado ilegalidade na realização de uma despesa. Irresignado com o teor dessa decisão, João almejava obter a sua reforma com a interposição do recurso cabível.
À luz do Regimento Interno do Tribunal de Contas do Estado de Goiás, é correto afirmar que
Q2517170 Inglês

Artificial intelligence and the future of humanity

Thinking and learning about artificial intelligence are the mental equivalent of a fission chain reaction. The questions get really big, really quickly.

The most familiar concerns revolve around short-term impacts: the opportunities for economic productivity, health care, manufacturing, education, solving global challenges such as climate change and, on the flip side, the risks of mass unemployment, disinformation, killer robots, and concentrations of economic and strategic power.

Each of these is critical, but they’re only the most immediate considerations. The deeper issue is our capacity to live meaningful, fulfilling lives in a world in which we no longer have intelligence supremacy.

As long as humanity has existed, we’ve had an effective monopoly on intelligence. We have been, as far as we know, the smartest entities in the universe.

At its most noble, this extraordinary gift of our evolution drives us to explore, discover and expand. Over the past roughly 50,000 years—accelerating 10,000 years ago and then even more steeply from around 300 years ago—we’ve built a vast intellectual empire made up of science, philosophy, theology, engineering, storytelling, art, technology and culture.

If our civilisations—and in varying ways our individual lives—have meaning, it is found in this constant exploration, discovery and intellectual expansion.

Intelligence is the raw material for it all. But what happens when we’re no longer the smartest beings in the universe? We haven’t yet achieved artificial general intelligence (AGI)—the term for an AI that could do anything we can do. But there’s no barrier in principle to doing so, and no reason it wouldn’t quickly outstrip us by orders of magnitude.

Even if we solve the economic equality questions through something like a universal basic income and replace notions of ‘paid work’ with ‘meaningful activity’, how are we going to spend our lives in ways that we find meaningful, given that we’ve evolved to strive and thrive and compete?

Adapted from
The text ends in a note of
Q2517169 Inglês

Artificial intelligence and the future of humanity

Thinking and learning about artificial intelligence are the mental equivalent of a fission chain reaction. The questions get really big, really quickly.

The most familiar concerns revolve around short-term impacts: the opportunities for economic productivity, health care, manufacturing, education, solving global challenges such as climate change and, on the flip side, the risks of mass unemployment, disinformation, killer robots, and concentrations of economic and strategic power.

Each of these is critical, but they’re only the most immediate considerations. The deeper issue is our capacity to live meaningful, fulfilling lives in a world in which we no longer have intelligence supremacy.

As long as humanity has existed, we’ve had an effective monopoly on intelligence. We have been, as far as we know, the smartest entities in the universe.

At its most noble, this extraordinary gift of our evolution drives us to explore, discover and expand. Over the past roughly 50,000 years—accelerating 10,000 years ago and then even more steeply from around 300 years ago—we’ve built a vast intellectual empire made up of science, philosophy, theology, engineering, storytelling, art, technology and culture.

If our civilisations—and in varying ways our individual lives—have meaning, it is found in this constant exploration, discovery and intellectual expansion.

Intelligence is the raw material for it all. But what happens when we’re no longer the smartest beings in the universe? We haven’t yet achieved artificial general intelligence (AGI)—the term for an AI that could do anything we can do. But there’s no barrier in principle to doing so, and no reason it wouldn’t quickly outstrip us by orders of magnitude.

Even if we solve the economic equality questions through something like a universal basic income and replace notions of ‘paid work’ with ‘meaningful activity’, how are we going to spend our lives in ways that we find meaningful, given that we’ve evolved to strive and thrive and compete?

Adapted from
The word “roughly” in “Over the past roughly 50,000 years” (5th paragraph) indicates a(n)
Q2517168 Inglês

Artificial intelligence and the future of humanity

Thinking and learning about artificial intelligence are the mental equivalent of a fission chain reaction. The questions get really big, really quickly.

The most familiar concerns revolve around short-term impacts: the opportunities for economic productivity, health care, manufacturing, education, solving global challenges such as climate change and, on the flip side, the risks of mass unemployment, disinformation, killer robots, and concentrations of economic and strategic power.

Each of these is critical, but they’re only the most immediate considerations. The deeper issue is our capacity to live meaningful, fulfilling lives in a world in which we no longer have intelligence supremacy.

As long as humanity has existed, we’ve had an effective monopoly on intelligence. We have been, as far as we know, the smartest entities in the universe.

At its most noble, this extraordinary gift of our evolution drives us to explore, discover and expand. Over the past roughly 50,000 years—accelerating 10,000 years ago and then even more steeply from around 300 years ago—we’ve built a vast intellectual empire made up of science, philosophy, theology, engineering, storytelling, art, technology and culture.

If our civilisations—and in varying ways our individual lives—have meaning, it is found in this constant exploration, discovery and intellectual expansion.

Intelligence is the raw material for it all. But what happens when we’re no longer the smartest beings in the universe? We haven’t yet achieved artificial general intelligence (AGI)—the term for an AI that could do anything we can do. But there’s no barrier in principle to doing so, and no reason it wouldn’t quickly outstrip us by orders of magnitude.

Even if we solve the economic equality questions through something like a universal basic income and replace notions of ‘paid work’ with ‘meaningful activity’, how are we going to spend our lives in ways that we find meaningful, given that we’ve evolved to strive and thrive and compete?

Adapted from
According to the text, the word that “this extraordinary gift” (5th paragraph) refers to is our
Q2517167 Inglês

Artificial intelligence and the future of humanity

Thinking and learning about artificial intelligence are the mental equivalent of a fission chain reaction. The questions get really big, really quickly.

The most familiar concerns revolve around short-term impacts: the opportunities for economic productivity, health care, manufacturing, education, solving global challenges such as climate change and, on the flip side, the risks of mass unemployment, disinformation, killer robots, and concentrations of economic and strategic power.

Each of these is critical, but they’re only the most immediate considerations. The deeper issue is our capacity to live meaningful, fulfilling lives in a world in which we no longer have intelligence supremacy.

As long as humanity has existed, we’ve had an effective monopoly on intelligence. We have been, as far as we know, the smartest entities in the universe.

At its most noble, this extraordinary gift of our evolution drives us to explore, discover and expand. Over the past roughly 50,000 years—accelerating 10,000 years ago and then even more steeply from around 300 years ago—we’ve built a vast intellectual empire made up of science, philosophy, theology, engineering, storytelling, art, technology and culture.

If our civilisations—and in varying ways our individual lives—have meaning, it is found in this constant exploration, discovery and intellectual expansion.

Intelligence is the raw material for it all. But what happens when we’re no longer the smartest beings in the universe? We haven’t yet achieved artificial general intelligence (AGI)—the term for an AI that could do anything we can do. But there’s no barrier in principle to doing so, and no reason it wouldn’t quickly outstrip us by orders of magnitude.

Even if we solve the economic equality questions through something like a universal basic income and replace notions of ‘paid work’ with ‘meaningful activity’, how are we going to spend our lives in ways that we find meaningful, given that we’ve evolved to strive and thrive and compete?

Adapted from
The opposite of “the smartest” (4th paragraph) is
Q2517166 Inglês

Artificial intelligence and the future of humanity

Thinking and learning about artificial intelligence are the mental equivalent of a fission chain reaction. The questions get really big, really quickly.

The most familiar concerns revolve around short-term impacts: the opportunities for economic productivity, health care, manufacturing, education, solving global challenges such as climate change and, on the flip side, the risks of mass unemployment, disinformation, killer robots, and concentrations of economic and strategic power.

Each of these is critical, but they’re only the most immediate considerations. The deeper issue is our capacity to live meaningful, fulfilling lives in a world in which we no longer have intelligence supremacy.

As long as humanity has existed, we’ve had an effective monopoly on intelligence. We have been, as far as we know, the smartest entities in the universe.

At its most noble, this extraordinary gift of our evolution drives us to explore, discover and expand. Over the past roughly 50,000 years—accelerating 10,000 years ago and then even more steeply from around 300 years ago—we’ve built a vast intellectual empire made up of science, philosophy, theology, engineering, storytelling, art, technology and culture.

If our civilisations—and in varying ways our individual lives—have meaning, it is found in this constant exploration, discovery and intellectual expansion.

Intelligence is the raw material for it all. But what happens when we’re no longer the smartest beings in the universe? We haven’t yet achieved artificial general intelligence (AGI)—the term for an AI that could do anything we can do. But there’s no barrier in principle to doing so, and no reason it wouldn’t quickly outstrip us by orders of magnitude.

Even if we solve the economic equality questions through something like a universal basic income and replace notions of ‘paid work’ with ‘meaningful activity’, how are we going to spend our lives in ways that we find meaningful, given that we’ve evolved to strive and thrive and compete?

Adapted from
In the second paragraph, “on the flip side” means
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