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Q161783 Inglês
According to Paragraph 4 (lines 30-41), why are rotation programs beneficial to the companies that implement them?
Q161782 Inglês
In lines 20-29, Chris Dannen, the author of the text, states that the new job openings available are a result of

I - people moving into other careers or occupations;
II - the implementation of new professional positions;
III - women who leave their jobs to take care of their babies;
IV - the retirement of the workers who have reached their 60s.

The ONLY correct statement(s) is(are)
Q161781 Inglês
The fragment “But wait a second: Aren’t we heading for recession?” (line 19) reveals an attitude of
Q161780 Inglês
The main purpose of this text is to
Q161775 Português
Segundo as idéias do Texto II, “Muitas vezes, elas [as emoções] nos fazem agir contra nós mesmos.” (L. 76-77) porque
81: E
82: D
83: B
84: A
85: E