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Q3092890 Sistemas Operacionais

Acerca de virtualização, julgue o próximo item. 

A virtualização de um servidor físico ocorre exclusivamente mediante seu particionamento em vários servidores lógicos. 

Q3092889 Sistemas Operacionais

Acerca de virtualização, julgue o próximo item.

Workload, conceito que representa a demanda de aplicações a serem processadas, é utilizado para o correto dimensionamento de uma infraestrutura virtualizada.  

Q3092888 Sistemas Operacionais

A respeito de computação em nuvem, julgue o item a seguir. 

No modelo PaaS, o sistema operacional é um dos recursos computacionais que são necessariamente controlados pelo usuário. 

Q3092887 Sistemas Operacionais

A respeito de computação em nuvem, julgue o item a seguir. 

A nuvem privada de uma organização pode ser uma infraestrutura controlada por um provedor de serviços, desde que os recursos não sejam compartilhados em uma nuvem pública. 

Q3092886 Legislação Estadual

De acordo com a Lei Complementar distrital n.º 840/2011, que dispõe sobre o regime jurídico dos servidores públicos civis do Distrito Federal, das autarquias e das fundações públicas distritais, julgue o item seguinte. 

A determinação da perda do cargo público por decisão judicial transitada em julgado não dispensa a instauração de processo administrativo disciplinar, sob pena de inobservância do devido processo legal.

Q3092885 Legislação Estadual

De acordo com a Lei Complementar distrital n.º 840/2011, que dispõe sobre o regime jurídico dos servidores públicos civis do Distrito Federal, das autarquias e das fundações públicas distritais, julgue o item seguinte. 

A caracterização da reincidência, no âmbito disciplinar, pressupõe o cometimento de nova infração disciplinar que seja ou do mesmo grupo ou da mesma classe da infração anteriormente cometida, ainda que envolvidos aspectos fáticos distintos. 

Q3092876 Legislação dos Tribunais de Contas (TCU, TCEs e TCMs) e Ministérios Públicos de Contas

Em relação aos serviços auxiliares do TCDF, julgue o item a seguir. 

Os servidores integrantes dos serviços auxiliares do TCDF fazem jus a assistência médica e hospitalar, e as suas remunerações mensais não podem ultrapassar o valor da remuneração total recebida por conselheiro desse tribunal.

Q3092871 Legislação dos Tribunais de Contas (TCU, TCEs e TCMs) e Ministérios Públicos de Contas

A respeito da composição do TCDF, do seu Plenário, das suas câmaras e das competências do seu presidente, julgue o item que se segue. 

É facultado ao TCDF dividir-se em câmaras e, caso não opte por essa divisão, a corte funcionará com apenas um órgão colegiado deliberativo, o Plenário, sem que isso ocasione qualquer prejuízo à regularidade da atuação do tribunal. 

Q3092860 Direito Constitucional

A respeito do Estado federal brasileiro e da administração pública, julgue o item subsequente. 

É compatível com o princípio da impessoalidade a conduta da administração pública de executar políticas públicas destinadas a fomentar a igualdade material — ou a diminuir a desigualdade — entre grupos sociais em situações distintas. 

Q3092859 Direito Constitucional

A respeito do Estado federal brasileiro e da administração pública, julgue o item subsequente. 

Para preservar a autonomia dos estados-membros conforme o modelo brasileiro de Federação, a CF só autoriza intervenção quando existir relevante razão de interesse público, de acordo com livre critério discricionário do governador de estado. 

Q3092846 Direito Constitucional

Em relação aos princípios constitucionais da administração pública e à responsabilidade extracontratual do Estado, julgue o item a seguir com base na CF e na jurisprudência do STF. 

Viola os princípios da igualdade e da impessoalidade lei que proíbe a realização de processo seletivo para o recrutamento de estagiários por órgãos e entidades do poder público. 

Q3092843 Legislação Estadual

No que diz respeito aos agentes públicos, julgue o item seguinte à luz da Lei Complementar distrital n.º 840/2011, da Constituição Federal de 1988 (CF) e da jurisprudência do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF). 

Observado o prazo prescricional, a responsabilidade administrativa do servidor pelos atos por ele praticados no exercício de seu cargo permanece mesmo após a sua aposentadoria. 

Q3092840 Inglês

        Magi Richani is the founder of San Francisco-based Nobell Foods, a startup company developing a new kind of cheese made from soybeans. She says plant-based cheese not only accommodates people who can’t consume dairy, but it also could be key to more sustainable food production worldwide. “The reality is that when you raise an animal for food, it’s not just the animals, you are actually growing crops, you are clearing land, and you’re raising the animal for years so it builds biomass,” Richani explained. “It’s an extremely inefficient supply chain.”

        Nobell is particularly focused on creating plant-based casein, which is a protein produced when a cow gives birth and is present in the milk for its offspring. It is the ingredient that gives dairy cheese its unique stretchy texture. If Nobell is able to go to market and have the kind of impact it’s hoping to, then plant-based cheese could help us stretch toward a more sustainable future. 

Internet: <> (adapted).

Based on the ideas presented in the previous text as well as its linguistic aspects, judge the following item. 

The word “offspring”, in the first sentence of the last paragraph, can be replaced with calf without harming the coherence and the correctness of the text. 

Q3092839 Inglês

        Magi Richani is the founder of San Francisco-based Nobell Foods, a startup company developing a new kind of cheese made from soybeans. She says plant-based cheese not only accommodates people who can’t consume dairy, but it also could be key to more sustainable food production worldwide. “The reality is that when you raise an animal for food, it’s not just the animals, you are actually growing crops, you are clearing land, and you’re raising the animal for years so it builds biomass,” Richani explained. “It’s an extremely inefficient supply chain.”

        Nobell is particularly focused on creating plant-based casein, which is a protein produced when a cow gives birth and is present in the milk for its offspring. It is the ingredient that gives dairy cheese its unique stretchy texture. If Nobell is able to go to market and have the kind of impact it’s hoping to, then plant-based cheese could help us stretch toward a more sustainable future. 

Internet: <> (adapted).

Based on the ideas presented in the previous text as well as its linguistic aspects, judge the following item. 

Magi Richani affirms that the motivation to seek the production of plant-based cheese is twofold.  

Q3092838 Inglês

        Magi Richani is the founder of San Francisco-based Nobell Foods, a startup company developing a new kind of cheese made from soybeans. She says plant-based cheese not only accommodates people who can’t consume dairy, but it also could be key to more sustainable food production worldwide. “The reality is that when you raise an animal for food, it’s not just the animals, you are actually growing crops, you are clearing land, and you’re raising the animal for years so it builds biomass,” Richani explained. “It’s an extremely inefficient supply chain.”

        Nobell is particularly focused on creating plant-based casein, which is a protein produced when a cow gives birth and is present in the milk for its offspring. It is the ingredient that gives dairy cheese its unique stretchy texture. If Nobell is able to go to market and have the kind of impact it’s hoping to, then plant-based cheese could help us stretch toward a more sustainable future. 

Internet: <> (adapted).

Based on the ideas presented in the previous text as well as its linguistic aspects, judge the following item. 

According to the text, Nobell Foods works to implement a more efficient supply chain for the production of dairy cheese. 

Q3092837 Inglês

        Magi Richani is the founder of San Francisco-based Nobell Foods, a startup company developing a new kind of cheese made from soybeans. She says plant-based cheese not only accommodates people who can’t consume dairy, but it also could be key to more sustainable food production worldwide. “The reality is that when you raise an animal for food, it’s not just the animals, you are actually growing crops, you are clearing land, and you’re raising the animal for years so it builds biomass,” Richani explained. “It’s an extremely inefficient supply chain.”

        Nobell is particularly focused on creating plant-based casein, which is a protein produced when a cow gives birth and is present in the milk for its offspring. It is the ingredient that gives dairy cheese its unique stretchy texture. If Nobell is able to go to market and have the kind of impact it’s hoping to, then plant-based cheese could help us stretch toward a more sustainable future. 

Internet: <> (adapted).

Based on the ideas presented in the previous text as well as its linguistic aspects, judge the following item. 

The words “stretch” (last sentence of the text) and “stretchy” (second sentence of the last paragraph), although similar, convey different meanings: “stretchy” refers to a concrete sensation, whereas “stretch” is used in a metaphorical abstract way.  

Q3092836 Inglês

        When a person (or team or firm or government) decides how to act in dealings with other people (or teams or firms or governments), there must be some cross-effect of their actions; what one does must affect the outcome for the other. For the interaction to become a strategic game, however, we need the participants’ mutual awareness of this cross-effect. What the other person does affects you; if you know this, you can react to his actions, or take advance actions to forestall the bad effects his future actions may have on you and to facilitate any good effects, or even take advance actions so as to alter his future reactions to your advantage. If you know that the other person knows that what you do affects him, you know that he will be taking similar actions. And so on. It is this mutual awareness of the cross-effects of actions and the actions taken as a result of this awareness that constitute the most interesting aspects of strategy.

        When each participant is significant in the interaction, either because each is a large player to start with or because commitments or private information narrow the scope of the relationship to a point where each is an important player within the relationship, we must think of the interaction as a strategic game. Such situations are the rule rather than the exception in business, in politics, and even in social interactions. Therefore, the study of strategic games forms an important part of all fields that analyze these matters.

Avinash Dixit et al. Games of strategy.

New York: W.W. Norton & Coadapted, 2015 (adapted).

Considering to the preceding text, judge the item that follow. 

In the first sentence of the text, the phrase “what one does must affect the outcome for the other” functions as an explanation of the previous expression “cross-effect”. 

Q3092835 Inglês

        When a person (or team or firm or government) decides how to act in dealings with other people (or teams or firms or governments), there must be some cross-effect of their actions; what one does must affect the outcome for the other. For the interaction to become a strategic game, however, we need the participants’ mutual awareness of this cross-effect. What the other person does affects you; if you know this, you can react to his actions, or take advance actions to forestall the bad effects his future actions may have on you and to facilitate any good effects, or even take advance actions so as to alter his future reactions to your advantage. If you know that the other person knows that what you do affects him, you know that he will be taking similar actions. And so on. It is this mutual awareness of the cross-effects of actions and the actions taken as a result of this awareness that constitute the most interesting aspects of strategy.

        When each participant is significant in the interaction, either because each is a large player to start with or because commitments or private information narrow the scope of the relationship to a point where each is an important player within the relationship, we must think of the interaction as a strategic game. Such situations are the rule rather than the exception in business, in politics, and even in social interactions. Therefore, the study of strategic games forms an important part of all fields that analyze these matters.

Avinash Dixit et al. Games of strategy.

New York: W.W. Norton & Coadapted, 2015 (adapted).

Considering to the preceding text, judge the item that follow. 

The text presents a field of study, called strategic games, that uses concepts derived from business and politics to analyze social interactions. 

Q3092834 Inglês

        When a person (or team or firm or government) decides how to act in dealings with other people (or teams or firms or governments), there must be some cross-effect of their actions; what one does must affect the outcome for the other. For the interaction to become a strategic game, however, we need the participants’ mutual awareness of this cross-effect. What the other person does affects you; if you know this, you can react to his actions, or take advance actions to forestall the bad effects his future actions may have on you and to facilitate any good effects, or even take advance actions so as to alter his future reactions to your advantage. If you know that the other person knows that what you do affects him, you know that he will be taking similar actions. And so on. It is this mutual awareness of the cross-effects of actions and the actions taken as a result of this awareness that constitute the most interesting aspects of strategy.

        When each participant is significant in the interaction, either because each is a large player to start with or because commitments or private information narrow the scope of the relationship to a point where each is an important player within the relationship, we must think of the interaction as a strategic game. Such situations are the rule rather than the exception in business, in politics, and even in social interactions. Therefore, the study of strategic games forms an important part of all fields that analyze these matters.

Avinash Dixit et al. Games of strategy.

New York: W.W. Norton & Coadapted, 2015 (adapted).

Considering to the preceding text, judge the item that follow. 

The sentence “For the interaction to become a strategic game, however, we need the participants’ mutual awareness of this cross-effect.” can be correctly rephrased as However, participants must be reciprocally aware of this cross-effect for the interaction to develop into a strategic game. 

Q3092833 Inglês

        When a person (or team or firm or government) decides how to act in dealings with other people (or teams or firms or governments), there must be some cross-effect of their actions; what one does must affect the outcome for the other. For the interaction to become a strategic game, however, we need the participants’ mutual awareness of this cross-effect. What the other person does affects you; if you know this, you can react to his actions, or take advance actions to forestall the bad effects his future actions may have on you and to facilitate any good effects, or even take advance actions so as to alter his future reactions to your advantage. If you know that the other person knows that what you do affects him, you know that he will be taking similar actions. And so on. It is this mutual awareness of the cross-effects of actions and the actions taken as a result of this awareness that constitute the most interesting aspects of strategy.

        When each participant is significant in the interaction, either because each is a large player to start with or because commitments or private information narrow the scope of the relationship to a point where each is an important player within the relationship, we must think of the interaction as a strategic game. Such situations are the rule rather than the exception in business, in politics, and even in social interactions. Therefore, the study of strategic games forms an important part of all fields that analyze these matters.

Avinash Dixit et al. Games of strategy.

New York: W.W. Norton & Coadapted, 2015 (adapted).

Considering to the preceding text, judge the item that follow. 

Is it correct to infer from the text’s information that in strategic games both parties must be large players since the beginning of the interaction. 

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