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Sobre o caso, à luz do Regimento Interno da Câmara dos Deputados, assinale a afirmativa correta.
Ao fim das reflexões, concluiu-se corretamente que
Read Text II and answer the question that follows.
Text II
June 15, 2023 - Debates over Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) efforts are currently thriving, including debates over the degree to which corporate diversity efforts are valuable, whether chief diversity officers can succeed, and whether corporate diversity commitments can produce lasting change.
Over the past year, at least a dozen U.S. state legislatures have proposed or passed laws targeting DEI efforts, including laws aimed at limiting DEI roles and efforts in businesses and higher education and laws eliminating DEI spending, trainings, and statements at public institutions. Moreover, with the U.S. Supreme Court poised to address affirmative action in two cases involving the consideration of race in higher education admissions this summer, debates in the U.S. regarding DEI initiatives are likely far from over.
At the same time, DEI-related legal requirements continue to grow in other jurisdictions, and with global financial institutions facing expanding environmental, social, and governance (ESG)- related trends and regulations in the EU and other jurisdictions, as well as global expectations regarding their role in ESG, including DEI-related corporate developments and initiatives, these matters are likely to continue to work their way into capital allocations and the costs of doing business, as well as into the expectations of certain stakeholders.
This widening gap between global expectations and regulation regarding DEI-related matters and the concerns of some constituents in the U.S. over the role of DEI in corporate decision-making is likely to continue growing for the foreseeable future, putting companies between the proverbial rock and hard place.
What these developments make clear is that corporate DEI efforts are, and likely have been for some time, riskier than many companies may initially appreciate. And the risks associated with DEI initiatives are only positioned to grow and expand as companies look to thread the DEI needle and make a broader and potentially more divergent set of stakeholders happy, or at least less annoyed, with their DEI-related commitments and initiatives. In this article, we discuss the top four legal risks that companies often fail to address in their DEI efforts.
Read Text II and answer the question that follows.
Text II
June 15, 2023 - Debates over Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) efforts are currently thriving, including debates over the degree to which corporate diversity efforts are valuable, whether chief diversity officers can succeed, and whether corporate diversity commitments can produce lasting change.
Over the past year, at least a dozen U.S. state legislatures have proposed or passed laws targeting DEI efforts, including laws aimed at limiting DEI roles and efforts in businesses and higher education and laws eliminating DEI spending, trainings, and statements at public institutions. Moreover, with the U.S. Supreme Court poised to address affirmative action in two cases involving the consideration of race in higher education admissions this summer, debates in the U.S. regarding DEI initiatives are likely far from over.
At the same time, DEI-related legal requirements continue to grow in other jurisdictions, and with global financial institutions facing expanding environmental, social, and governance (ESG)- related trends and regulations in the EU and other jurisdictions, as well as global expectations regarding their role in ESG, including DEI-related corporate developments and initiatives, these matters are likely to continue to work their way into capital allocations and the costs of doing business, as well as into the expectations of certain stakeholders.
This widening gap between global expectations and regulation regarding DEI-related matters and the concerns of some constituents in the U.S. over the role of DEI in corporate decision-making is likely to continue growing for the foreseeable future, putting companies between the proverbial rock and hard place.
What these developments make clear is that corporate DEI efforts are, and likely have been for some time, riskier than many companies may initially appreciate. And the risks associated with DEI initiatives are only positioned to grow and expand as companies look to thread the DEI needle and make a broader and potentially more divergent set of stakeholders happy, or at least less annoyed, with their DEI-related commitments and initiatives. In this article, we discuss the top four legal risks that companies often fail to address in their DEI efforts.
(Adapted from
(Adapted from
(Adapted from
(Adapted from
( ) Indigenous reporters have been currently keen on providing their eye-witness accounts.
( ) The patrollers put themselves in jeopardy when they undertake their fact-finding missions.
( ) The activist journalist mentioned is incognizant of modern surveillance technology.
The statements are, respectively
Verás que um filho teu não foge à luta
Nem teme, quem te adora, a própria morte
Terra adorada
Entre outras mil
És tu, Brasil
Ó, Pátria amada!
Dos filhos deste solo, és mãe gentil
Pátria amada
Sobre esse segmento do hino nacional brasileiro, assinale a afirmativa incorreta.
“O meu fim evidente era atar as duas pontas da vida, e restaurar na velhice a adolescência. Pois, senhor, não consegui recompor o que foi nem o que fui.”
Em relação aos termos componentes desse segmento, assinale a afirmativa correta.
“O guia nos levou a um restaurante chinês. Era um bonito lugar que parecia bastante confortável. No interior, a luz era baixa o que dava ao restaurante um ambiente romântico. Nós nos sentamos a uma mesa no fundo da sala. Ao nosso lado, belos peixes nadavam em um aquário. À nossa direita, uma cascata de água corria, fazendo uma bela melodia. Sobre nossas cabeças, um ventilador agitava energicamente o ar. Um agradável odor de peixe assado saía da cozinha. Tivemos um grande prazer em degustar os pratos chineses.”
Sobre esse fragmento textual, assinale a afirmativa correta.
O senão deste livro
Começo a arrepender-me deste livro. Não que ele me canse; eu não tenho que fazer; e, realmente, expedir alguns magros capítulos para esse mundo sempre é tarefa que distrai um pouco da eternidade. Mas o livro é enfadonho, cheira a sepulcro, traz certa contração cadavérica; vício grave, e aliás ínfimo, porque o maior defeito deste livro és tu, leitor. Tu tens pressa de envelhecer, e o livro anda devagar; tu amas a narração direta e nutrida, o estilo regular e fluente, e este livro e o meu estilo são como os ébrios, guinam à direita e à esquerda, andam e param, resmungam, urram, gargalham, ameaçam o céu, escorregam e caem... E caem! — Folhas misérrimas do meu cipreste, heis de cair, como quaisquer outras belas e vistosas; e, se eu tivesse olhos, dar-vos-ia uma lágrima de saudade. Esta é a grande vantagem da morte, que, se não deixa boca para rir, também não deixa olhos para chorar... Heis de cair.
ASSIS, Machado de. Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas. Tipografia Nacional. Rio de Janeiro. 1ª ed. 1881.
Segundo o fragmento textual, o verdadeiro senão do livro é
“Ela continuava sentada na beira da cama. E, lentamente, com seus olhos cobertos de lágrimas, ela dava a volta do miserável quarto em que estava, mobiliado com uma cômoda velha de carvalho com uma gaveta faltando, com três cadeiras de palha e uma pequena mesa engordurada sobre a qual havia um pote de água.”
Sobre esse pequeno fragmento textual, assinale a observação inadequada.
Nas opções abaixo, são apresentadas cinco frases com um termo sublinhado que foi retomado a seguir.
Assinale a opção em que o tipo de retomada foi realizado por um processo diferente dos demais.