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Q515166 Português
TEXTO 2 - O Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente, o ECA, é uma lei bem justa e generosa, ainda largamente ignorada em suas medidas de proteção e promoção. Mesmo quanto às sanções previstas no estatuto, antes de se chegar à internação, há uma série de outras menos severas, como a advertência, a prestação de serviços à comunidade e a liberdade assistida, que são frequentemente ignoradas, passando-se diretamente à privação de liberdade, mesmo em casos em que isso não se justifica. Os poderes públicos, inclusive o Judiciário, estão em dívida com a sociedade por conta da inobservância do estatuto em sua integralidade.

Reconheço que a punição não é o único remédio para a violência cometida pelos jovens. Evidentemente, políticas sociais, educação, prevenção, assistência social são medidas que, se aplicadas no universo da população jovem, terão o condão, efetivamente, de reduzir a violência. Mas, em determinados casos, é preciso uma punição mais eficaz do que aquelas preconizadas pelo Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente. (Aloysio Nunes Ferreira, Época).

O Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente, o ECA, é uma lei bem justa e generosa, ainda largamente ignorada em suas medidas de proteção e promoção. Mesmo quanto às sanções previstas no estatuto, antes de se chegar à internação, há uma série de outras menos severas, como a advertência, a prestação de serviços à comunidade e a liberdade assistida, que são frequentemente ignoradas, passando-se diretamente à privação de liberdade, mesmo em casos em que isso não se justifica”.

O adjetivo que, por sua tipologia, mostra um tipo diferente dos demais é:
Q515165 Português
TEXTO 2 - O Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente, o ECA, é uma lei bem justa e generosa, ainda largamente ignorada em suas medidas de proteção e promoção. Mesmo quanto às sanções previstas no estatuto, antes de se chegar à internação, há uma série de outras menos severas, como a advertência, a prestação de serviços à comunidade e a liberdade assistida, que são frequentemente ignoradas, passando-se diretamente à privação de liberdade, mesmo em casos em que isso não se justifica. Os poderes públicos, inclusive o Judiciário, estão em dívida com a sociedade por conta da inobservância do estatuto em sua integralidade.

Reconheço que a punição não é o único remédio para a violência cometida pelos jovens. Evidentemente, políticas sociais, educação, prevenção, assistência social são medidas que, se aplicadas no universo da população jovem, terão o condão, efetivamente, de reduzir a violência. Mas, em determinados casos, é preciso uma punição mais eficaz do que aquelas preconizadas pelo Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente. (Aloysio Nunes Ferreira, Época).

“Mesmo quanto às sanções previstas no estatuto, antes de se chegar à internação, há uma série de outras menos severas, como a advertência, a prestação de serviços à comunidade e a liberdade assistida, que (1) são frequentemente ignoradas, passando-se diretamente à privação de liberdade, mesmo em casos em que (2) isso não se justifica".

Nesse segmento do texto 2, o elemento que NÃO estabelece coesão formal com nenhum termo anterior é:
Q515164 Português
TEXTO 2 - O Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente, o ECA, é uma lei bem justa e generosa, ainda largamente ignorada em suas medidas de proteção e promoção. Mesmo quanto às sanções previstas no estatuto, antes de se chegar à internação, há uma série de outras menos severas, como a advertência, a prestação de serviços à comunidade e a liberdade assistida, que são frequentemente ignoradas, passando-se diretamente à privação de liberdade, mesmo em casos em que isso não se justifica. Os poderes públicos, inclusive o Judiciário, estão em dívida com a sociedade por conta da inobservância do estatuto em sua integralidade.

Reconheço que a punição não é o único remédio para a violência cometida pelos jovens. Evidentemente, políticas sociais, educação, prevenção, assistência social são medidas que, se aplicadas no universo da população jovem, terão o condão, efetivamente, de reduzir a violência. Mas, em determinados casos, é preciso uma punição mais eficaz do que aquelas preconizadas pelo Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente. (Aloysio Nunes Ferreira, Época).

Mesmo quanto às sanções previstas no estatuto, antes de se chegar à internação, há uma série de outras menos severas, como a advertência, a prestação de serviços à comunidade e a liberdade assistida, que são frequentemente ignoradas, passando-se diretamente à privação de liberdade, mesmo em casos em que isso não se justifica”.

Nesse segmento do texto 2 há duas ocorrências sublinhadas do vocábulo “mesmo”; sobre essas ocorrências, é correto afirmar que:
Q515163 Português
TEXTO 2 - O Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente, o ECA, é uma lei bem justa e generosa, ainda largamente ignorada em suas medidas de proteção e promoção. Mesmo quanto às sanções previstas no estatuto, antes de se chegar à internação, há uma série de outras menos severas, como a advertência, a prestação de serviços à comunidade e a liberdade assistida, que são frequentemente ignoradas, passando-se diretamente à privação de liberdade, mesmo em casos em que isso não se justifica. Os poderes públicos, inclusive o Judiciário, estão em dívida com a sociedade por conta da inobservância do estatuto em sua integralidade.
Reconheço que a punição não é o único remédio para a violência cometida pelos jovens. Evidentemente, políticas sociais, educação, prevenção, assistência social são medidas que, se aplicadas no universo da população jovem, terão o condão, efetivamente, de reduzir a violência. Mas, em determinados casos, é preciso uma punição mais eficaz do que aquelas preconizadas pelo Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente. (Aloysio Nunes Ferreira, Época).

“O Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente, o ECA, é uma lei bem justa e generosa, ainda largamente ignorada em suas medidas de proteção e promoção".

A inclusão de uma vírgula entre os dois segmentos (texto 2) faz supor a implícita existência de um conector entre eles; tal conector deveria representar:
Q515162 Português
TEXTO 2 - O Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente, o ECA, é uma lei bem justa e generosa, ainda largamente ignorada em suas medidas de proteção e promoção. Mesmo quanto às sanções previstas no estatuto, antes de se chegar à internação, há uma série de outras menos severas, como a advertência, a prestação de serviços à comunidade e a liberdade assistida, que são frequentemente ignoradas, passando-se diretamente à privação de liberdade, mesmo em casos em que isso não se justifica. Os poderes públicos, inclusive o Judiciário, estão em dívida com a sociedade por conta da inobservância do estatuto em sua integralidade.

Reconheço que a punição não é o único remédio para a violência cometida pelos jovens. Evidentemente, políticas sociais, educação, prevenção, assistência social são medidas que, se aplicadas no universo da população jovem, terão o condão, efetivamente, de reduzir a violência. Mas, em determinados casos, é preciso uma punição mais eficaz do que aquelas preconizadas pelo Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente. (Aloysio Nunes Ferreira, Época).

Argumentativamente falando, as palavras do enunciador do texto 2:
Q515161 Português

O mito da maioridade penal
Marcelo Freixo, O Globo, 02/04/2015

“Quando falo sobre redução da maioridade penal, costumo dizer que a sociedade precisa decidir em que banco quer ver a juventude. Se no banco da escola ou no banco dos réus. Anteontem, o Congresso Nacional sinalizou que prefere a segunda opção. A Comissão de Constituição e Justiça da Câmara dos Deputados aprovou a constitucionalidade da PEC que reduz a maioridade penal de 18 para 16 anos”.

Em documento que circula pela Internet estão apontadas 18 razões para que não haja redução da maioridade penal; entre elas, a razão que se apoia em fator sem referência a valor ou desvalor intrínseco da redução é:
Q515160 Português
“O Brasil precisa alinhar a sua legislação à de países desenvolvidos como os Estados Unidos, onde, na maioria dos Estados, adolescentes acima de 12 anos de idade podem ser submetidos a processos judiciais da mesma forma que adultos”.

Sobre esse argumento, a afirmação correta é:
Q515159 Português
A UOL Cotidiano lista uma série de razões contra e a favor da redução da maioridade penal; a razão abaixo que NÃO está adequadamente expressa contra a redução é:
Q515158 Português

O mito da maioridade penal

Marcelo Freixo, O Globo, 02/04/2015

“Quando falo sobre redução da maioridade penal, costumo dizer que a sociedade precisa decidir em que banco quer ver a juventude. Se no banco da escola ou no banco dos réus. Anteontem, o Congresso Nacional sinalizou que prefere a segunda opção. A Comissão de Constituição e Justiça da Câmara dos Deputados aprovou a constitucionalidade da PEC que reduz a maioridade penal de 18 para 16 anos”.

Ao intitular o texto 1 como “O mito da maioridade penal” o autor do texto:
Q515157 Português

O mito da maioridade penal

Marcelo Freixo, O Globo, 02/04/2015

“Quando falo sobre redução da maioridade penal, costumo dizer que a sociedade precisa decidir em que banco quer ver a juventude. Se no banco da escola ou no banco dos réus. Anteontem, o Congresso Nacional sinalizou que prefere a segunda opção. A Comissão de Constituição e Justiça da Câmara dos Deputados aprovou a constitucionalidade da PEC que reduz a maioridade penal de 18 para 16 anos”.

Abaixo foram transcritos trechos de cartas de leitores de um jornal sobre a maioridade penal; a opção cujo posicionamento contraria especificamente uma afirmação do texto 1 é:
Q515156 Português
Imagem associada para resolução da questão

A charge acima, do caricaturista Samuca, publicada no Diário de Pernambuco em 1 de abril de 2015, expõe um dos pontos de vista sobre a redução da maioridade penal, que pode ser expresso na seguinte frase:
Q515154 Português
TEXTO 1 – O mito da maioridade penal

          Marcelo Freixo, O Globo, 02/04/2015

         “Quando falo sobre redução da maioridade penal, costumo dizer que a sociedade precisa decidir em que banco quer ver a juventude. Se no banco da escola ou no banco dos réus. Anteontem, o Congresso Nacional sinalizou que prefere a segunda opção. A Comissão de Constituição e Justiça da Câmara dos Deputados aprovou a constitucionalidade da PEC que reduz a maioridade penal de 18 para 16 anos".

“Se no banco da escola ou no banco dos réus. Anteontem, o Congresso Nacional sinalizou que prefere a segunda opção".

A forma correta dos demonstrativos na substituição do termo sublinhado é:
Q515153 Português
TEXTO 1 – O mito da maioridade penal
             Marcelo Freixo, O Globo, 02/04/2015

           “Quando falo sobre redução da maioridade penal, costumo dizer que a sociedade precisa decidir em que banco quer ver a juventude. Se no banco da escola ou no banco dos réus. Anteontem, o Congresso Nacional sinalizou que prefere a segunda opção. A Comissão de Constituição e Justiça da Câmara dos Deputados aprovou a constitucionalidade da PEC que reduz a maioridade penal de 18 para 16 anos".

O autor do texto 1 apela para algumas estratégias argumentativas; a estratégia identificada de forma correta e adequada ao texto é:
Q515152 Português
TEXTO 1 – O mito da maioridade penal

                  Marcelo Freixo, O Globo, 02/04/2015

              “Quando falo sobre redução da maioridade penal, costumo dizer que a sociedade precisa decidir em que banco quer ver a juventude. Se no banco da escola ou no banco dos réus. Anteontem, o Congresso Nacional sinalizou que prefere a segunda opção. A Comissão de Constituição e Justiça da Câmara dos Deputados aprovou a constitucionalidade da PEC que reduz a maioridade penal de 18 para 16 anos".

Segundo o expresso no texto 1, depreende-se que o autor do texto:
Q452026 Inglês
The following text refers to questions .

Informatics education:
Europe cannot afford to miss the boat

Principies for an effective informatics curriculum

        The committee performed a comprehensive review of the considerabie existing material on building informatics curricula, including among many others the (UK) Royal Society report, the CSPrinciples site, the Computing at Schools Initiative, and the work of the CSTA. Two major conclusions follow from that review.

        The first is the sheer number of existing experiences demonstrating that it is indeed possible to teach informatics successfully in primary and secondary education. The second conclusion is in the form of two core principies for such curricula. Existing experiences use a wide variety of approaches; there is no standard curriculum yet, and it was not part of the Committee's mission to define such a standard informatics curriculum for the whole of Europe. The committee has found, however, that while views diverge on the details, a remarkable consensus exists among experts on the basics of what a school informatics curriculum should (and should not) include. On the basis of that existing work, the Committee has identified two principies: leverage students' creativity, emphasize quality.

Leverage student creativity

        A powerful aid for informatics teaching is the topic's potential for stimulating students; creativity. The barriers to innovation are often lower than in other disciplines; the technical equipment (computers) is ubiquitous and considerably less expensive. Opportunities exist even for a beginner: with proper guidance, a Creative student can quickly start writing a program or a Web Service, see the results right away, and make them available to numerous other people. Informatics education should draw on this phenomenon and channel the creativity into useful directions, while warning students away from nefarious directions such as destructive "hacking". The example of HFOSS (Humanitarian Free and Open Software Systems)
shows the way towards constructive societal contributions based on informatics.

        Informatics education must not just dwell on imparting information to students. It must draw attention to aspects of informatics that immediately appeal to young students, to encourage interaction, to bring abstract concepts to life through visualization and animation; a typical application of this idea is the careful use of (non- violent) games.

Foster quality

        Curious students are always going to learn some IT and in particular some programming outside of informatics education through games scripting, Web site development, or adding software components to social networks. Informatics education must emphasize quality, in particular software quality, including the need for correctness (proper functioning of software), for good user interfaces, for taking the needs of users into consideration including psychological and social concerns. The role of informatics education here is:

• To convey the distinction between mere "coding" and software development as a constructive activity based on scientific and engineering principies.
• To dispel the wrong image of programming as an activity for "nerds" and emphasize its human, user-centered aspects, a focus that helps attract students of both genders.

Breaking the teacher availability deadlock

        An obstacle to generalizing informatics education is the lack of teachers. It follows from a chicken-and-egg problem: as long as informatics is not in the curriculum, there is Iittle incentive to educate teachers in the subject; as long as there are no teachers, there is Iittle incentive to introduce the subject.

        To bring informatics education to the levei that their schools deserve, European countries will have to take both long-term and short-term initiatives:

• Universities, in particular through their informatics departments, must put in place comprehensive programs to train informatics teachers, able to teach digital literacy and informatics under the same intellectual standards as in mathematics, physics and other Sciences.

• The current chicken-and-egg situation is not an excuse for deferring the start of urgently needed efforts. Existing experiences conclusively show that it is possible to break the deadlock. For example, a recent New York Times article explains how IT companies such as Microsoft and Google, conscious of the need to improve the state of education, allow some of their most committed engineers and researchers in the US to pair up with high school teachers to teach computational thinking. In Russia, it is common for academics who graduated from the best high schools to go back to these schools, also on a volunteer basis, and help teachers introduce the concepts of modern informatics. Ali these efforts respect the principie that outsiders must always be paired with current high-school teachers.

(Excerpt of ' Report ofthe joint Informatics Europe & ACM Europe Working Group on Informatics Education April 2013')

The text tells about the experiences in Microsoft and Google that is:
Q452025 Inglês
The following text refers to questions .

Informatics education:
Europe cannot afford to miss the boat

Principies for an effective informatics curriculum

        The committee performed a comprehensive review of the considerabie existing material on building informatics curricula, including among many others the (UK) Royal Society report, the CSPrinciples site, the Computing at Schools Initiative, and the work of the CSTA. Two major conclusions follow from that review.

        The first is the sheer number of existing experiences demonstrating that it is indeed possible to teach informatics successfully in primary and secondary education. The second conclusion is in the form of two core principies for such curricula. Existing experiences use a wide variety of approaches; there is no standard curriculum yet, and it was not part of the Committee's mission to define such a standard informatics curriculum for the whole of Europe. The committee has found, however, that while views diverge on the details, a remarkable consensus exists among experts on the basics of what a school informatics curriculum should (and should not) include. On the basis of that existing work, the Committee has identified two principies: leverage students' creativity, emphasize quality.

Leverage student creativity

        A powerful aid for informatics teaching is the topic's potential for stimulating students; creativity. The barriers to innovation are often lower than in other disciplines; the technical equipment (computers) is ubiquitous and considerably less expensive. Opportunities exist even for a beginner: with proper guidance, a Creative student can quickly start writing a program or a Web Service, see the results right away, and make them available to numerous other people. Informatics education should draw on this phenomenon and channel the creativity into useful directions, while warning students away from nefarious directions such as destructive "hacking". The example of HFOSS (Humanitarian Free and Open Software Systems)
shows the way towards constructive societal contributions based on informatics.

        Informatics education must not just dwell on imparting information to students. It must draw attention to aspects of informatics that immediately appeal to young students, to encourage interaction, to bring abstract concepts to life through visualization and animation; a typical application of this idea is the careful use of (non- violent) games.

Foster quality

        Curious students are always going to learn some IT and in particular some programming outside of informatics education through games scripting, Web site development, or adding software components to social networks. Informatics education must emphasize quality, in particular software quality, including the need for correctness (proper functioning of software), for good user interfaces, for taking the needs of users into consideration including psychological and social concerns. The role of informatics education here is:

• To convey the distinction between mere "coding" and software development as a constructive activity based on scientific and engineering principies.
• To dispel the wrong image of programming as an activity for "nerds" and emphasize its human, user-centered aspects, a focus that helps attract students of both genders.

Breaking the teacher availability deadlock

        An obstacle to generalizing informatics education is the lack of teachers. It follows from a chicken-and-egg problem: as long as informatics is not in the curriculum, there is Iittle incentive to educate teachers in the subject; as long as there are no teachers, there is Iittle incentive to introduce the subject.

        To bring informatics education to the levei that their schools deserve, European countries will have to take both long-term and short-term initiatives:

• Universities, in particular through their informatics departments, must put in place comprehensive programs to train informatics teachers, able to teach digital literacy and informatics under the same intellectual standards as in mathematics, physics and other Sciences.

• The current chicken-and-egg situation is not an excuse for deferring the start of urgently needed efforts. Existing experiences conclusively show that it is possible to break the deadlock. For example, a recent New York Times article explains how IT companies such as Microsoft and Google, conscious of the need to improve the state of education, allow some of their most committed engineers and researchers in the US to pair up with high school teachers to teach computational thinking. In Russia, it is common for academics who graduated from the best high schools to go back to these schools, also on a volunteer basis, and help teachers introduce the concepts of modern informatics. Ali these efforts respect the principie that outsiders must always be paired with current high-school teachers.

(Excerpt of ' Report ofthe joint Informatics Europe & ACM Europe Working Group on Informatics Education April 2013')

One great problem in IT education is that:

Q452024 Inglês
The following text refers to questions .

Informatics education:
Europe cannot afford to miss the boat

Principies for an effective informatics curriculum

        The committee performed a comprehensive review of the considerabie existing material on building informatics curricula, including among many others the (UK) Royal Society report, the CSPrinciples site, the Computing at Schools Initiative, and the work of the CSTA. Two major conclusions follow from that review.

        The first is the sheer number of existing experiences demonstrating that it is indeed possible to teach informatics successfully in primary and secondary education. The second conclusion is in the form of two core principies for such curricula. Existing experiences use a wide variety of approaches; there is no standard curriculum yet, and it was not part of the Committee's mission to define such a standard informatics curriculum for the whole of Europe. The committee has found, however, that while views diverge on the details, a remarkable consensus exists among experts on the basics of what a school informatics curriculum should (and should not) include. On the basis of that existing work, the Committee has identified two principies: leverage students' creativity, emphasize quality.

Leverage student creativity

        A powerful aid for informatics teaching is the topic's potential for stimulating students; creativity. The barriers to innovation are often lower than in other disciplines; the technical equipment (computers) is ubiquitous and considerably less expensive. Opportunities exist even for a beginner: with proper guidance, a Creative student can quickly start writing a program or a Web Service, see the results right away, and make them available to numerous other people. Informatics education should draw on this phenomenon and channel the creativity into useful directions, while warning students away from nefarious directions such as destructive "hacking". The example of HFOSS (Humanitarian Free and Open Software Systems)
shows the way towards constructive societal contributions based on informatics.

        Informatics education must not just dwell on imparting information to students. It must draw attention to aspects of informatics that immediately appeal to young students, to encourage interaction, to bring abstract concepts to life through visualization and animation; a typical application of this idea is the careful use of (non- violent) games.

Foster quality

        Curious students are always going to learn some IT and in particular some programming outside of informatics education through games scripting, Web site development, or adding software components to social networks. Informatics education must emphasize quality, in particular software quality, including the need for correctness (proper functioning of software), for good user interfaces, for taking the needs of users into consideration including psychological and social concerns. The role of informatics education here is:

• To convey the distinction between mere "coding" and software development as a constructive activity based on scientific and engineering principies.
• To dispel the wrong image of programming as an activity for "nerds" and emphasize its human, user-centered aspects, a focus that helps attract students of both genders.

Breaking the teacher availability deadlock

        An obstacle to generalizing informatics education is the lack of teachers. It follows from a chicken-and-egg problem: as long as informatics is not in the curriculum, there is Iittle incentive to educate teachers in the subject; as long as there are no teachers, there is Iittle incentive to introduce the subject.

        To bring informatics education to the levei that their schools deserve, European countries will have to take both long-term and short-term initiatives:

• Universities, in particular through their informatics departments, must put in place comprehensive programs to train informatics teachers, able to teach digital literacy and informatics under the same intellectual standards as in mathematics, physics and other Sciences.

• The current chicken-and-egg situation is not an excuse for deferring the start of urgently needed efforts. Existing experiences conclusively show that it is possible to break the deadlock. For example, a recent New York Times article explains how IT companies such as Microsoft and Google, conscious of the need to improve the state of education, allow some of their most committed engineers and researchers in the US to pair up with high school teachers to teach computational thinking. In Russia, it is common for academics who graduated from the best high schools to go back to these schools, also on a volunteer basis, and help teachers introduce the concepts of modern informatics. Ali these efforts respect the principie that outsiders must always be paired with current high-school teachers.

(Excerpt of ' Report ofthe joint Informatics Europe & ACM Europe Working Group on Informatics Education April 2013')

According to the text, it is correct to say that:
Q452023 Inglês
The following text refers to questions .

Informatics education:
Europe cannot afford to miss the boat

Principies for an effective informatics curriculum

        The committee performed a comprehensive review of the considerabie existing material on building informatics curricula, including among many others the (UK) Royal Society report, the CSPrinciples site, the Computing at Schools Initiative, and the work of the CSTA. Two major conclusions follow from that review.

        The first is the sheer number of existing experiences demonstrating that it is indeed possible to teach informatics successfully in primary and secondary education. The second conclusion is in the form of two core principies for such curricula. Existing experiences use a wide variety of approaches; there is no standard curriculum yet, and it was not part of the Committee's mission to define such a standard informatics curriculum for the whole of Europe. The committee has found, however, that while views diverge on the details, a remarkable consensus exists among experts on the basics of what a school informatics curriculum should (and should not) include. On the basis of that existing work, the Committee has identified two principies: leverage students' creativity, emphasize quality.

Leverage student creativity

        A powerful aid for informatics teaching is the topic's potential for stimulating students; creativity. The barriers to innovation are often lower than in other disciplines; the technical equipment (computers) is ubiquitous and considerably less expensive. Opportunities exist even for a beginner: with proper guidance, a Creative student can quickly start writing a program or a Web Service, see the results right away, and make them available to numerous other people. Informatics education should draw on this phenomenon and channel the creativity into useful directions, while warning students away from nefarious directions such as destructive "hacking". The example of HFOSS (Humanitarian Free and Open Software Systems)
shows the way towards constructive societal contributions based on informatics.

        Informatics education must not just dwell on imparting information to students. It must draw attention to aspects of informatics that immediately appeal to young students, to encourage interaction, to bring abstract concepts to life through visualization and animation; a typical application of this idea is the careful use of (non- violent) games.

Foster quality

        Curious students are always going to learn some IT and in particular some programming outside of informatics education through games scripting, Web site development, or adding software components to social networks. Informatics education must emphasize quality, in particular software quality, including the need for correctness (proper functioning of software), for good user interfaces, for taking the needs of users into consideration including psychological and social concerns. The role of informatics education here is:

• To convey the distinction between mere "coding" and software development as a constructive activity based on scientific and engineering principies.
• To dispel the wrong image of programming as an activity for "nerds" and emphasize its human, user-centered aspects, a focus that helps attract students of both genders.

Breaking the teacher availability deadlock

        An obstacle to generalizing informatics education is the lack of teachers. It follows from a chicken-and-egg problem: as long as informatics is not in the curriculum, there is Iittle incentive to educate teachers in the subject; as long as there are no teachers, there is Iittle incentive to introduce the subject.

        To bring informatics education to the levei that their schools deserve, European countries will have to take both long-term and short-term initiatives:

• Universities, in particular through their informatics departments, must put in place comprehensive programs to train informatics teachers, able to teach digital literacy and informatics under the same intellectual standards as in mathematics, physics and other Sciences.

• The current chicken-and-egg situation is not an excuse for deferring the start of urgently needed efforts. Existing experiences conclusively show that it is possible to break the deadlock. For example, a recent New York Times article explains how IT companies such as Microsoft and Google, conscious of the need to improve the state of education, allow some of their most committed engineers and researchers in the US to pair up with high school teachers to teach computational thinking. In Russia, it is common for academics who graduated from the best high schools to go back to these schools, also on a volunteer basis, and help teachers introduce the concepts of modern informatics. Ali these efforts respect the principie that outsiders must always be paired with current high-school teachers.

(Excerpt of ' Report ofthe joint Informatics Europe & ACM Europe Working Group on Informatics Education April 2013')

In Informatics:
Q452022 Inglês
The following text refers to questions .

Informatics education:
Europe cannot afford to miss the boat

Principies for an effective informatics curriculum

        The committee performed a comprehensive review of the considerabie existing material on building informatics curricula, including among many others the (UK) Royal Society report, the CSPrinciples site, the Computing at Schools Initiative, and the work of the CSTA. Two major conclusions follow from that review.

        The first is the sheer number of existing experiences demonstrating that it is indeed possible to teach informatics successfully in primary and secondary education. The second conclusion is in the form of two core principies for such curricula. Existing experiences use a wide variety of approaches; there is no standard curriculum yet, and it was not part of the Committee's mission to define such a standard informatics curriculum for the whole of Europe. The committee has found, however, that while views diverge on the details, a remarkable consensus exists among experts on the basics of what a school informatics curriculum should (and should not) include. On the basis of that existing work, the Committee has identified two principies: leverage students' creativity, emphasize quality.

Leverage student creativity

        A powerful aid for informatics teaching is the topic's potential for stimulating students; creativity. The barriers to innovation are often lower than in other disciplines; the technical equipment (computers) is ubiquitous and considerably less expensive. Opportunities exist even for a beginner: with proper guidance, a Creative student can quickly start writing a program or a Web Service, see the results right away, and make them available to numerous other people. Informatics education should draw on this phenomenon and channel the creativity into useful directions, while warning students away from nefarious directions such as destructive "hacking". The example of HFOSS (Humanitarian Free and Open Software Systems)
shows the way towards constructive societal contributions based on informatics.

        Informatics education must not just dwell on imparting information to students. It must draw attention to aspects of informatics that immediately appeal to young students, to encourage interaction, to bring abstract concepts to life through visualization and animation; a typical application of this idea is the careful use of (non- violent) games.

Foster quality

        Curious students are always going to learn some IT and in particular some programming outside of informatics education through games scripting, Web site development, or adding software components to social networks. Informatics education must emphasize quality, in particular software quality, including the need for correctness (proper functioning of software), for good user interfaces, for taking the needs of users into consideration including psychological and social concerns. The role of informatics education here is:

• To convey the distinction between mere "coding" and software development as a constructive activity based on scientific and engineering principies.
• To dispel the wrong image of programming as an activity for "nerds" and emphasize its human, user-centered aspects, a focus that helps attract students of both genders.

Breaking the teacher availability deadlock

        An obstacle to generalizing informatics education is the lack of teachers. It follows from a chicken-and-egg problem: as long as informatics is not in the curriculum, there is Iittle incentive to educate teachers in the subject; as long as there are no teachers, there is Iittle incentive to introduce the subject.

        To bring informatics education to the levei that their schools deserve, European countries will have to take both long-term and short-term initiatives:

• Universities, in particular through their informatics departments, must put in place comprehensive programs to train informatics teachers, able to teach digital literacy and informatics under the same intellectual standards as in mathematics, physics and other Sciences.

• The current chicken-and-egg situation is not an excuse for deferring the start of urgently needed efforts. Existing experiences conclusively show that it is possible to break the deadlock. For example, a recent New York Times article explains how IT companies such as Microsoft and Google, conscious of the need to improve the state of education, allow some of their most committed engineers and researchers in the US to pair up with high school teachers to teach computational thinking. In Russia, it is common for academics who graduated from the best high schools to go back to these schools, also on a volunteer basis, and help teachers introduce the concepts of modern informatics. Ali these efforts respect the principie that outsiders must always be paired with current high-school teachers.

(Excerpt of ' Report ofthe joint Informatics Europe & ACM Europe Working Group on Informatics Education April 2013')

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