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Para executar o levantamento topográfico de um terreno, é necessário utilizar métodos e instrumentos apropriados. Um levantamento topográfico pode ser dividido em três fases: reconhecimento, levantamento da poligonal básica e levantamento dos detalhes.
Alípio não gosta de tênis nem de voleibol. Alípio gosta de tênis. Pode ser que Alípio goste de futebol.
As afirmativas são respectivamente:
A altitude de um ponto pode ser geométrica ou ortométrica. Na geométrica, a Terra é considerada uma elipse e, na ortométrica, a Terra é considerada uma esfera.
Define-se nivelamento como a operação topográfica que consiste na determinação da diferença de nível entre dois ou mais pontos do terreno.
De modo geral, os instrumentos empregados nos trabalhos de nivelamento são denominados níveis. O princípio construtivo de um nível é baseado no fenômeno da gravidade. O nível tem como finalidade fornecer, durante as operações topográficas, retas do plano vertical.
Today, it seems that no one is uninformed about the environment. Every day the media shows us more evidence of climate change: extreme weather, melting ice-caps, and rising seas. Most of us believe we can do something to prevent global disaster, such as recycling, or conserving energy. It’s strange to recall that, before the 1960s, few people knew of the damagewe were doing to the planet. However, one scientist had already realized the dangers ahead. And today, this same man believes it may be too late to save the world. In the 1960s, Professor James Lovelock came up with one of the most famous theories on the environment – the GAIA hypothesis. According to this hypothesis, the earth’s atmosphere, soil, and oceans work in concert to provide an inhabitable environment for humans. If we disrupt these elements too severely, the earth may one day become uninhabitable. In the decade before he developed the Gaia hypothesis, Lovelock had created a device to detect atmospheric chemicals. With this device, he discovered particular chemicals, called CFCs. Later, other scientists discovered that these CFCs had damaged the earth’s ozone layer. Before then, we hadn’t knows about the hole in the ozone layer. By 1979, Lovelock had put forward his theories on the environment, in his first book. At that time, few people believe him. Before scientists such as Lovelock publicized environmental issues, the environment hadn’t been a very fashionable topic. In 2004, after many people had only just started to accept the reality of global warming, Lovelock became convinced that climate change was irreversible. In 2006, he wrote another book describing his latest ideas. In 40 years, Lovelock believes large parts of the world will be desert. We will need to make synthesized food to feed the world’s population. ‘Is Lovelock right this time too? Surely we can prevent this nightmare, if we all recycle, use renewable energy, and travel less by plane and car? Lovelock disagrees. According to him, it is now impossible to reverse global warming. We did not act quickly enough when we had the chance. Renewable energy and recycling are a case of too little, too late. Ultimately, if the human race is to survive, Lovelock believes we need to use more technology, not less. In his view, only nuclear energy can provide sufficient power for the planet. Now over 90 years old, Lovelock may not live to find out if he is right. But we will...
Choose the alternative which presents the correct definitions. They are underlined in the text.
O cálculo das diferenças de nível em um levantamento trigonométrico consiste na resolução de um triângulo equilátero.
“A qualidade do ambiente interno da organização e a maneira como ele é percebido pelas pessoas acaba influenciando o seu comportamento”.
Esta afirmação diz respeito ao conceito de:
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Ravinamento é um tipo de erosão do solo causada pela ação da concentração de água de escoamento superficial, criando pequenas fissuras na superfície do solo.
Acerca do assunto abordado no texto acima, julgue o item subseqüente.
Rocha-matriz é aquela alterada, decomposta, em que os elementos originais ou primitivos já sofreram transformações motivadas pela meteorização.