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Q2470629 Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho
De que se trata o anexo 13 da NR-15?
Ano: 2024 Banca: Instituto Access Órgão: INT Provas: Instituto Access - 2024 - INT - Pesquisador - Catálise | Instituto Access - 2024 - INT - Tecnologista Júnior - Engenharia de Manutenção | Instituto Access - 2024 - INT - Tecnologista Júnior - Engenharia e Segurança do Trabalho | Instituto Access - 2024 - INT - Tecnologista Júnior - Gestão de Qualidade | Instituto Access - 2024 - INT - Tecnologista Pleno - Avaliação de Produtos | Instituto Access - 2024 - INT - Tecnologista Pleno - Biocatálise | Instituto Access - 2024 - INT - Tecnologista Pleno - Biocorrosão e Biodegradação | Instituto Access - 2024 - INT - Tecnologista Pleno - Certificação de Produtos | Instituto Access - 2024 - INT - Tecnologista Pleno - Corrosão e Proteção | Instituto Access - 2024 - INT - Tecnologista Pleno - Corrosão Sob Tensão | Instituto Access - 2024 - INT - Tecnologista Pleno - Corrosão Pelo H2s e Co2 | Instituto Access - 2024 - INT - Tecnologista Pleno - Engenharia de Materiais e Simulação Computacional | Instituto Access - 2024 - INT - Tecnologista Pleno - Motores e Emissões | Instituto Access - 2024 - INT - Tecnologista Pleno - Planejamento Tecnológico | Instituto Access - 2024 - INT - Tecnologista Pleno - Química | Instituto Access - 2024 - INT - Tecnologista Pleno - Tecnologia de Materiais Poliméricos | Instituto Access - 2024 - INT - Tecnologista Pleno - Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicações | Instituto Access - 2024 - INT - Tecnologista Pleno - Tecnologia Química Industrial | Instituto Access - 2024 - INT - Tecnologista Pleno 1 - Engenharia de Avaliações | Instituto Access - 2024 - INT - Tecnologista Pleno 2 - Engenharia de Avaliações |
Q2467201 Inglês

‘We have reached the limit.’ Clash with Elon Musk prompts calls for social media controls in Brazil

London (CNN) — Brazil’s attorney general has called for social media platforms in the country to be regulated after Elon Musk threatened to disobey a court order banning certain accounts on X and lashed out against “aggressive censorship.”

In a post on X Sunday, Attorney General Jorge Messias wrote: “It is urgent to regulate social networks. We cannot live in a society in which billionaires domiciled abroad have control of social networks and put themselves in a position to violate the rule of law, failing to comply with court orders and threatening our authorities.”

In a statement, Brazil’s Supreme Court described Musk’s defiance as a “flagrant” obstruction of justice and said he should be investigated by the police. Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes announced Sunday that he would open an inquiry into the billionaire businessman who owns X.

The standoff is the latest clash between authorities around the world and Musk – a self-declared “free speech absolutist” who has relaxed X’s content moderation policies and reinstated a number of previously blocked accounts after buying the company, formerly known as Twitter, in 2022.

Orlando Silva, a Brazilian lawmaker aligned with the country’s leftwing government, said he would propose a “responsibilities regime for these digital platforms.” “We have reached the limit!” he posted on X, adding that Musk had disrespected the judiciary. On Saturday, X’s global government affairs team posted that it had been “forced by court decisions to block certain popular accounts in Brazil” and threatened with “daily fines” for non-compliance. “We do not know which posts are alleged to violate the law. We are prohibited from saying which court or judge issued the order, or on what grounds,” they wrote. They do not believe the orders are constitutional and will challenge them legally where possible, they added.

The Supreme Court had ordered that the accounts be blocked as part of its ongoing investigation into “digital militias,” which, among other things, is looking into the spread of misinformation and incitement of crime under the government of former far-right President Jair Bolsonaro.

Social media platforms have been widely viewed as a catalyst for riots in Brazil that took place on January 8 last year, when hundreds of protesters broke into federal government buildings in the capital Brasilia, in scenes reminiscent of the January 6, 2021, insurrection in the United States.

Musk suggested that Moraes was behind the ban, writing Sunday on X that the judge had “brazenly and repeatedly betrayed the constitution and people of Brazil. He should resign or be impeached.”

In a separate post Saturday, he called the court’s decision to block the accounts “aggressive censorship” that “appears to violate the law and will of the people of Brazil.” He said X would defy the court’s order and lift all restrictions.

“As a result, we will probably lose all revenue in Brazil and have to shut down our office there. But principles matter more than profit,” he noted.

X has faced criticism for accommodating government censorship demands in the past, with Musk saying the company has no choice but to comply. For example, it blocked some X accounts in Turkey at the behest of the government ahead of the country’s elections last year, while at the same time contesting the orders in court.

(Internet: <> )
In “As a result, we will probably lose all revenue in Brazil and have to shut down our office there. But principles matter more than profit”, it is not possible to say that Musk
Ano: 2024 Banca: Instituto Access Órgão: INT Provas: Instituto Access - 2024 - INT - Pesquisador - Catálise | Instituto Access - 2024 - INT - Tecnologista Júnior - Engenharia de Manutenção | Instituto Access - 2024 - INT - Tecnologista Júnior - Engenharia e Segurança do Trabalho | Instituto Access - 2024 - INT - Tecnologista Júnior - Gestão de Qualidade | Instituto Access - 2024 - INT - Tecnologista Pleno - Avaliação de Produtos | Instituto Access - 2024 - INT - Tecnologista Pleno - Biocatálise | Instituto Access - 2024 - INT - Tecnologista Pleno - Biocorrosão e Biodegradação | Instituto Access - 2024 - INT - Tecnologista Pleno - Certificação de Produtos | Instituto Access - 2024 - INT - Tecnologista Pleno - Corrosão e Proteção | Instituto Access - 2024 - INT - Tecnologista Pleno - Corrosão Sob Tensão | Instituto Access - 2024 - INT - Tecnologista Pleno - Corrosão Pelo H2s e Co2 | Instituto Access - 2024 - INT - Tecnologista Pleno - Engenharia de Materiais e Simulação Computacional | Instituto Access - 2024 - INT - Tecnologista Pleno - Motores e Emissões | Instituto Access - 2024 - INT - Tecnologista Pleno - Planejamento Tecnológico | Instituto Access - 2024 - INT - Tecnologista Pleno - Química | Instituto Access - 2024 - INT - Tecnologista Pleno - Tecnologia de Materiais Poliméricos | Instituto Access - 2024 - INT - Tecnologista Pleno - Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicações | Instituto Access - 2024 - INT - Tecnologista Pleno - Tecnologia Química Industrial | Instituto Access - 2024 - INT - Tecnologista Pleno 1 - Engenharia de Avaliações | Instituto Access - 2024 - INT - Tecnologista Pleno 2 - Engenharia de Avaliações |
Q2467194 Inglês

‘We have reached the limit.’ Clash with Elon Musk prompts calls for social media controls in Brazil

London (CNN) — Brazil’s attorney general has called for social media platforms in the country to be regulated after Elon Musk threatened to disobey a court order banning certain accounts on X and lashed out against “aggressive censorship.”

In a post on X Sunday, Attorney General Jorge Messias wrote: “It is urgent to regulate social networks. We cannot live in a society in which billionaires domiciled abroad have control of social networks and put themselves in a position to violate the rule of law, failing to comply with court orders and threatening our authorities.”

In a statement, Brazil’s Supreme Court described Musk’s defiance as a “flagrant” obstruction of justice and said he should be investigated by the police. Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes announced Sunday that he would open an inquiry into the billionaire businessman who owns X.

The standoff is the latest clash between authorities around the world and Musk – a self-declared “free speech absolutist” who has relaxed X’s content moderation policies and reinstated a number of previously blocked accounts after buying the company, formerly known as Twitter, in 2022.

Orlando Silva, a Brazilian lawmaker aligned with the country’s leftwing government, said he would propose a “responsibilities regime for these digital platforms.” “We have reached the limit!” he posted on X, adding that Musk had disrespected the judiciary. On Saturday, X’s global government affairs team posted that it had been “forced by court decisions to block certain popular accounts in Brazil” and threatened with “daily fines” for non-compliance. “We do not know which posts are alleged to violate the law. We are prohibited from saying which court or judge issued the order, or on what grounds,” they wrote. They do not believe the orders are constitutional and will challenge them legally where possible, they added.

The Supreme Court had ordered that the accounts be blocked as part of its ongoing investigation into “digital militias,” which, among other things, is looking into the spread of misinformation and incitement of crime under the government of former far-right President Jair Bolsonaro.

Social media platforms have been widely viewed as a catalyst for riots in Brazil that took place on January 8 last year, when hundreds of protesters broke into federal government buildings in the capital Brasilia, in scenes reminiscent of the January 6, 2021, insurrection in the United States.

Musk suggested that Moraes was behind the ban, writing Sunday on X that the judge had “brazenly and repeatedly betrayed the constitution and people of Brazil. He should resign or be impeached.”

In a separate post Saturday, he called the court’s decision to block the accounts “aggressive censorship” that “appears to violate the law and will of the people of Brazil.” He said X would defy the court’s order and lift all restrictions.

“As a result, we will probably lose all revenue in Brazil and have to shut down our office there. But principles matter more than profit,” he noted.

X has faced criticism for accommodating government censorship demands in the past, with Musk saying the company has no choice but to comply. For example, it blocked some X accounts in Turkey at the behest of the government ahead of the country’s elections last year, while at the same time contesting the orders in court.

(Internet: <> )
Choose the best alternative in relation to Musk’s description used in the following sentence: “The standoff is the latest clash between authorities around the world and Musk — a self-declared ‘free speech absolutist’ who has relaxed X’s content moderation policies and reinstated a number of previously blocked accounts after buying the company, formerly known as Twitter, in 2022”.
Ano: 2024 Banca: CESPE / CEBRASPE Órgão: CTI Provas: CESPE / CEBRASPE - 2024 - CTI - Pesquisador Associado I - Especialidade: Tecnologias Habilitadoras - Área de Atuação: Micro e Nanotecnologia | CESPE / CEBRASPE - 2024 - CTI - Tecnologista Pleno 2 - I - Especialidade: Indústria 4.0 e Governo Digital - Área de Atuação: Sistemas Ciberfísicos e Cidades Inteligentes | CESPE / CEBRASPE - 2024 - CTI - Tecnologista Júnior - I - Especialidade: Inovação e Gestão de Infraestrutura e P&D - Área de Atuação: Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e Apoio à Gestão de Projetos de Pesquisa, Desenvolvimento e Inovação e Parque Tecnológico | CESPE / CEBRASPE - 2024 - CTI - Tecnologista Júnior - I - Especialidade: Inovação e Gestão de Infraestrutura de P&D - Área de Atuação: Desenvolvimento Tecnológico Voltado à Infraestrutura de Pesquisa e Parque Tecnológico | CESPE / CEBRASPE - 2024 - CTI - Tecnologista Júnior - I - Especialidade: Inovação e Gestão de Infraestrutura de P&D - Área de Atuação: Desenvolvimento Tecnológico Voltado à Infraestrutura de Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação | CESPE / CEBRASPE - 2024 - CTI - Pesquisador Associado I - Especialidade: Saúde Avançada - Área de Atuação: Manufatura Aditiva, Simulação Computacional e Processamento de Imagens Aplicados à Saúde | CESPE / CEBRASPE - 2024 - CTI - Pesquisador Associado I - Especialidade: Saúde Avançada - Área de Atuação: Biossensores e Biofabricação | CESPE / CEBRASPE - 2024 - CTI - Tecnologista Pleno 2 - I - Especialidade: Tecnologias Habilitadoras - Área de Atuação: Nanotecnologia e Materiais Avançados Aplicados A Fotônica ou Energia | CESPE / CEBRASPE - 2024 - CTI - Tecnologista Pleno 2 - I - Especialidade: Tecnologias Habilitadoras - Área de Atuação: Inteligência Artificial e Ciências de Dados |
Q2364356 Raciocínio Lógico
Dos 150 servidores de certo órgão, 85 realizam atividades relacionadas à análise de projetos voltados a desenvolvimento científico, e 75 realizam atividades relacionadas à análise de projetos ligados ao progresso tecnológico. Pode haver servidores do órgão que realizam atividades de ambos os tipos de projetos, mas também servidores que não realizam atividades relacionadas a nenhum desses tipos de projetos.

Com relação à situação hipotética apresentada, julgue o item seguinte. 

É possível que metade dos servidores do órgão realizem atividades relacionadas a apenas um dos tipos de projeto.
Ano: 2024 Banca: CESPE / CEBRASPE Órgão: CTI Provas: CESPE / CEBRASPE - 2024 - CTI - Pesquisador Associado I - Especialidade: Tecnologias Habilitadoras - Área de Atuação: Micro e Nanotecnologia | CESPE / CEBRASPE - 2024 - CTI - Tecnologista Pleno 2 - I - Especialidade: Indústria 4.0 e Governo Digital - Área de Atuação: Sistemas Ciberfísicos e Cidades Inteligentes | CESPE / CEBRASPE - 2024 - CTI - Tecnologista Júnior - I - Especialidade: Inovação e Gestão de Infraestrutura e P&D - Área de Atuação: Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e Apoio à Gestão de Projetos de Pesquisa, Desenvolvimento e Inovação e Parque Tecnológico | CESPE / CEBRASPE - 2024 - CTI - Tecnologista Júnior - I - Especialidade: Inovação e Gestão de Infraestrutura de P&D - Área de Atuação: Desenvolvimento Tecnológico Voltado à Infraestrutura de Pesquisa e Parque Tecnológico | CESPE / CEBRASPE - 2024 - CTI - Tecnologista Júnior - I - Especialidade: Inovação e Gestão de Infraestrutura de P&D - Área de Atuação: Desenvolvimento Tecnológico Voltado à Infraestrutura de Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação | CESPE / CEBRASPE - 2024 - CTI - Pesquisador Associado I - Especialidade: Saúde Avançada - Área de Atuação: Manufatura Aditiva, Simulação Computacional e Processamento de Imagens Aplicados à Saúde | CESPE / CEBRASPE - 2024 - CTI - Pesquisador Associado I - Especialidade: Saúde Avançada - Área de Atuação: Biossensores e Biofabricação | CESPE / CEBRASPE - 2024 - CTI - Tecnologista Pleno 2 - I - Especialidade: Tecnologias Habilitadoras - Área de Atuação: Nanotecnologia e Materiais Avançados Aplicados A Fotônica ou Energia | CESPE / CEBRASPE - 2024 - CTI - Tecnologista Pleno 2 - I - Especialidade: Tecnologias Habilitadoras - Área de Atuação: Inteligência Artificial e Ciências de Dados |
Q2364342 Inglês
      A Harvard team has realized a milestone in the quest for stable, scalable quantum computing. For the first time, the team has created a programmable, logical quantum processor, capable of encoding up to 48 logical qubits, and capable of executing hundreds of logical gate operations. Their system is the first demonstration of large-scale algorithm execution on an error-corrected quantum computer, heralding the advent of early fault-tolerant, or reliably uninterrupted, quantum computation.
Internet: <> (adapted).

Considering the information stated in the text above and the vocabulary used in it, judge the following item.  

The verb “realized” (first sentence of the text) could be replaced with reached a milestone without changing the meaning of the sentence.
971: D
972: E
973: C
974: C
975: C