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O exercício da profissão de secretário requer prévio registro na Superintendência Regional do Trabalho e Emprego (antiga Delegacia Regional do Trabalho), do Ministério do Trabalho, e far-se-á mediante a apresentação de documento comprobatório de conclusão dos cursos previstos nos incisos I e II do Art. 2º da Lei nº 7.377/1985.
Essa exigência se faz necessária por se tratar de uma profissão
Em um processo de comunicação, aquele que tem a iniciativa deve ser capaz de perceber e discernir quando, em que e como o outro lhe é acessível. Precisa transmitir sua mensagem em termos que sejam inteligíveis para o outro.
Sobre o componente da comunicação humana correspondente a essa informação, assinale a alternativa correta.
Leia o texto para responder às questões de números 56 a 60.
Communication Skills
There’s a great deal of talk about the need to be a good communicator in today’s workplace. But what exactly does that mean? Which among the broad set of communication skills do managers need most in their employees? And what can you do to transition from being a good communicator to a great one?
Communication: A case history
As an administrative professional, you’ve always held a highly visible role in the workplace. You have been — and continue to be — the first point of contact for outside parties, such as potential clients, investors, customers and job candidates. All of these people are likely to get their first impression of the company through their interactions with you.
What’s changed? You’re still that vital first point of contact. But increasingly, you are the “go-to” person from beginning to end for a wide range of internal and external contacts. You follow through on tasks ranging from simple information requests to complex research projects. Your wider scope of responsibility and knowledge enables you to handle a constantly growing workload. You may communicate as much in writing as you do verbally, with e-mail communication being a prominent tool.
( Adaptado)
The last sentence of the third paragraph – You may communicate as much in writing as you do verbally, with e-mail communication being a prominent tool. – contains the idea that
Leia o texto para responder às questões de números 56 a 60.
Communication Skills
There’s a great deal of talk about the need to be a good communicator in today’s workplace. But what exactly does that mean? Which among the broad set of communication skills do managers need most in their employees? And what can you do to transition from being a good communicator to a great one?
Communication: A case history
As an administrative professional, you’ve always held a highly visible role in the workplace. You have been — and continue to be — the first point of contact for outside parties, such as potential clients, investors, customers and job candidates. All of these people are likely to get their first impression of the company through their interactions with you.
What’s changed? You’re still that vital first point of contact. But increasingly, you are the “go-to” person from beginning to end for a wide range of internal and external contacts. You follow through on tasks ranging from simple information requests to complex research projects. Your wider scope of responsibility and knowledge enables you to handle a constantly growing workload. You may communicate as much in writing as you do verbally, with e-mail communication being a prominent tool.
( Adaptado)
No trecho do segundo parágrafo do texto – All of these people are likely to get their first impression of the company through their interactions with you. – a palavra likely indica
Leia o texto para responder às questões de números 56 a 60.
Communication Skills
There’s a great deal of talk about the need to be a good communicator in today’s workplace. But what exactly does that mean? Which among the broad set of communication skills do managers need most in their employees? And what can you do to transition from being a good communicator to a great one?
Communication: A case history
As an administrative professional, you’ve always held a highly visible role in the workplace. You have been — and continue to be — the first point of contact for outside parties, such as potential clients, investors, customers and job candidates. All of these people are likely to get their first impression of the company through their interactions with you.
What’s changed? You’re still that vital first point of contact. But increasingly, you are the “go-to” person from beginning to end for a wide range of internal and external contacts. You follow through on tasks ranging from simple information requests to complex research projects. Your wider scope of responsibility and knowledge enables you to handle a constantly growing workload. You may communicate as much in writing as you do verbally, with e-mail communication being a prominent tool.
( Adaptado)
A palavra you que ocorre ao longo do texto refere-se a um leitor ideal, que é um
Leia o texto para responder às questões de números 56 a 60.
Communication Skills
There’s a great deal of talk about the need to be a good communicator in today’s workplace. But what exactly does that mean? Which among the broad set of communication skills do managers need most in their employees? And what can you do to transition from being a good communicator to a great one?
Communication: A case history
As an administrative professional, you’ve always held a highly visible role in the workplace. You have been — and continue to be — the first point of contact for outside parties, such as potential clients, investors, customers and job candidates. All of these people are likely to get their first impression of the company through their interactions with you.
What’s changed? You’re still that vital first point of contact. But increasingly, you are the “go-to” person from beginning to end for a wide range of internal and external contacts. You follow through on tasks ranging from simple information requests to complex research projects. Your wider scope of responsibility and knowledge enables you to handle a constantly growing workload. You may communicate as much in writing as you do verbally, with e-mail communication being a prominent tool.
( Adaptado)
No segundo parágrafo, as seguintes pessoas mencionadas – potential clients, investors, customers and job candidates – são
Leia o texto para responder às questões de números 56 a 60.
Communication Skills
There’s a great deal of talk about the need to be a good communicator in today’s workplace. But what exactly does that mean? Which among the broad set of communication skills do managers need most in their employees? And what can you do to transition from being a good communicator to a great one?
Communication: A case history
As an administrative professional, you’ve always held a highly visible role in the workplace. You have been — and continue to be — the first point of contact for outside parties, such as potential clients, investors, customers and job candidates. All of these people are likely to get their first impression of the company through their interactions with you.
What’s changed? You’re still that vital first point of contact. But increasingly, you are the “go-to” person from beginning to end for a wide range of internal and external contacts. You follow through on tasks ranging from simple information requests to complex research projects. Your wider scope of responsibility and knowledge enables you to handle a constantly growing workload. You may communicate as much in writing as you do verbally, with e-mail communication being a prominent tool.
( Adaptado)
Os profissionais administrativos
“Os documentos que, não sendo de uso corrente nos órgãos produtores, por razões de interesse administrativo, aguardam a sua eliminação ou recolhimento para guarda permanente” são considerados (Lei n.º 8159 da Presidência da República)
Ao iniciar o seu trabalho, Rita verifica a sua agenda para estabelecer as prioridades do dia. Para não desperdiçar tempo, diferencia as tarefas em ordem de prioridade. Sabe que o pagamento de uma conta, por exemplo, é uma atividade
Assinale a alternativa que identifica uma postura ética por parte de um profissional.
É função de uma secretária ou assistente estabelecer uma atmosfera positiva no relacionamento com os clientes internos e externos.
Assinale a alternativa cuja ação contraria um dos princípios para a obtenção dessa atmosfera.
Obter por meio de técnicas científicas e organizacionais a melhor produtividade possível de todos os recursos da organização é função da “OSM”, que significa:
A concisão deve ser observada quando da redação de um texto, visando a uma melhor compreensão do leitor. A concisão refere-se à(ao)
A estrutura formal de uma empresa ou de qualquer de suas partes, em determinado momento, é representada graficamente pelo organograma. A análise de um organograma permite observar
Ao se planejar a organização de um arquivo, devem ser observados os elementos constantes de um documento. Quando a data é considerada o elemento principal, o arquivo obedece à ordem
Alguns documentos devem ser de conhecimento restrito e, portanto, requerem medidas especiais de salvaguarda para custódia e divulgação. Esses documentos são denominados
Considere um e-mail que está sendo digitado no MS-Outlook 2007, em sua configuração original. Ao clicar no ícone Anexar Arquivo, encontrado no grupo Incluir da barra de ferramentas, o usuário pretende anexar
Considere as opções de espaçamento de caracteres do MS-PowerPoint 2007, na sua configuração padrão, apresentadas na figura:
Muito justo Justo Normal Afastado Muito afastado Mais Espaçamento... |
O ícone da guia de opções Início que contém as configurações da figura é
Por padrão, os layouts de slide do MS-PowerPoint 2007 estão configurados para a orientação
Observe o parâmetro de impressão do MS-Excel 2007, na sua instalação original, disponível a seguir:
Esse parâmetro é encontrado na seguinte aba da janela Configurar Página: