Questões de Vestibular Sobre inglês
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Read the text below.
Read the text below.
Taking the news into account, consider the following statements.
I - Jennifer Rocca, a high school librarian in Brookfield, Connecticut, was among several supporters who urged lawmakers to pass the legislation.
II - Jennifer Rocca’s digital literacy course, a requirement for freshmen, challenges students to evaluate the credibility of online sources so they can spot falsehoods and biased information. She requires students to cite their sources when conducting research and explain why each would have the authority to be credible.
III - The Lawmakers have pushed schools to incorporate media literacy — including the ability to evaluate and analyze sources of information.
IV - Studies show many children spend hours every day online but struggle to comprehend the content that comes at them.
It is correct what is stated on:
Consider the following propositions for rephrasing the clause It could be argued that the answer is one (l. 19).
I - One might argue that the answer is one.
II - You could say that the answer is one.
III- They should argue that the answer is one.
If applied to the text, which ones would be correct and keep the literal meaning?
Consider the following propositions for rephrasing the sentence The attacks were masterminded by Osama bin Laden in an attempt to intimidate the United States and unite Muslims for a restoration of the caliphate (l. 09-12).
I - Attempting to intimidate the United States and unite Muslims for a restoration of the caliphate, Osama bin Laden has masterminded the attacks.
II - Osama bin Laden masterminded the attacks in an attempt to intimidate the United States and unite Muslims for a restoration of the caliphate.
III- In an attempt to intimidate the United States and unite Muslims for a restoration of the caliphate, the attacks have been masterminded by Osama bin Laden.
If applied to the text, which ones would be correct and keep the literal meaning?
Consider the following propositions for rephrasing the fragment of sentence the south tower after burning for an hour and two minutes (l. 06-07).
I - the south tower after having been burning for an hour and two minutes
II - the south tower after it was burning for an hour and two minutes
III- the south tower after it had been burning for an hour and two minutes
If applied to the text, which ones would be correct and keep the literal meaning?
Mark the statements below T (true) or F (false) according to the text.
( ) The semantic conflict between our inner and outer worlds frames the thesis of the text.
( ) Semantics provides undisputed evidence to the claim that 9/11 comprised two events.
( ) The author suggests that the amounts insured determine the importance of 9/11 as an event.
( ) The legal dispute ensuing 9/11 aimed to determine either the oneness or the twoness of the event.
The correct sequence of filling in the parentheses, from top to bottom, is
Consider the following statements about the text.
I - To take 9/11 as a single event ensues not only a smaller reimbursement from the insurance company, but also the acknowledgement of Osama bin Laden as the mastermind of the terrorist attacks.
II - Larry Silverstein’s attorneys’ attempt to pin 9/11 as two events so as to collect twice as much the insurance reimbursement verges on impudence, since it gives way to frivolous discussions concerning a catastrophe.
III- The text states that there is nothing simple about semantics because the meaning of the words we use to encompass reality are neither fixed nor unchanging, which allows several valid interpretations.
Which ones are correct according to the text?
Considere as possibilidades de reescrita do segmento methodically learning it is key to her rise (l. 44).
I - it is key to her rise methodically learning
II - to learn methodically is key to her rise
III- learning it methodically is key to her rise
Quais poderiam substituir o segmento destacado, sem prejuízo do sentido original e da correção gramatical?
Associe as palavras da coluna da esquerda aos seus respectivos sinônimos, na coluna da direita, de acordo com o sentido que têm no texto.
( ) garnered (l. 01)
( ) look down on (l. 43)
( ) ropy (l. 46)
( ) strive (l. 61)
1. despise
2. earned
3. old-fashioned
4. observe
5. poor
6. endeavor
7. celebrated
8. aim
A sequência correta de preenchimento dos
parênteses, de cima para baixo, é
Considere as possibilidades de reescrita do segmento Inspired by fictional languages such as those in the Star Wars films, Peterson made Dothraki and Valyrian as rich and realistic as possible.
I - Peterson, inspired by fictional languages such as those in the Star Wars films, made Dothraki and Valyrian as rich and realistic as possible.
II - Being as rich and realistic as possible, Peterson made Dothraki and Valyrian inspired by fictional languages such as those in the Star Wars films.
III- Fictional languages in the Star Wars films inspired Peterson to make Dothraki and Valyrian as rich and realistic as possible.
Quais poderiam substituir o segmento destacado, sem prejuízo do sentido original e da correção gramatical?
Assinale com V (verdadeiro) ou F (falso) as afirmações abaixo, acerca do texto.
( ) O autor considera Peterson tão talentoso quanto Tolkien em termos de criação de línguas ficcionais.
( ) As línguas criadas soam estrangeiras por contrariar padrões fonológicos da língua inglesa.
( ) A parte mais fácil da criação das línguas, segundo o autor, é dar conta da etimologia das palavras.
( ) O autor considera improvável que, em uma sociedade sexista como a de Game of Thrones, as línguas não delimitem claramente os papéis de gênero.
A sequência correta de preenchimento dos parênteses, de cima para baixo, é
Considere as seguintes propostas de reescrita para o trecho But a slippery, porous slate no school-room or cottage roof could find use for (l. 36-38).
I - But a slippery, porous slate for which no school-room or cottage could find use
II - But a slippery, porous slate that no school-room or cottage could find use for
III- But a slippery, porous slate who no school-room or cottage could find use for
Quais poderiam substituir o segmento destacado, sem prejuízo do sentido literal e da correção gramatical?
Considere os seguintes sentidos possíveis para a palavra slate.
I - A piece of rock laminated into shingles, used for roofing or siding.
II - A tablet used for writing on.
III- A list of candidates for nomination or election.
Quais desses sentidos podem ser atribuídos à palavra slate, conforme empregada no segundo parágrafo do texto?