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Q583438 Inglês
In the last paragraph, when the author mentions “the ability…to order from an English menu at an upscale Shanghai restaurant," she is most likely trying to
Q583437 Inglês
Which of the following is most supported by the information in the article?
Q583436 Inglês
In paragraph 5, “it” in the sentence “A few saw it differently” most likely refers to which of the following?
Q583435 Inglês
With respect to the current reaction against the English language in China, the article mentions all of the following as possible reasons except
Q583433 Inglês
With respect to Margaret, which of the following is most supported by the information in the article?
Q583432 Inglês
According to the information in the article, Ken
Q583431 Inglês
With respect to the author's two new English students, the information in the article most supports which of the following?
Ano: 2015 Banca: FUVEST Órgão: USP Prova: FUVEST - 2015 - USP - Vestibular - Primeira Fase |
Q583225 Inglês

Working for on demand startups like Uber and TaskRabbit is supposed to offer flexible hours and higher wages, but many workers have found the pay lower and the hours less flexible than they expected. Even more surprising: 8 percent of those chauffeuring passengers and 16 percent of those making deliveries said they lack personal autoinsurance.

Those are among the findings from a survey about the work life of independent contractors for on-demand startups, a booming sector of the tech industry, being released Wednesday.

"We want to shed light on the industry as a whole," said Isaac Madan, a Stanford master's candidate in bioinformatics who worked with two other Stanford students and a recent alumnus on the survey of 1,330 workers. "People need to understand how this space will change and evolve and help the economy."

On-demand, often called the sharing economy, refers to companies that let users summon workers via smartphone apps to handle all manner of services: rides, cleaning, chores, deliveries, car parking, waiting in lines. Almost uniformly, those workers are independent contractors rather than salaried employees.

That status is the main point of contention in a recent rash of lawsuits in which workers are filing for employee status. While the survey did not directly ask

contractors if they would prefer to be employees, it found that their top workplace desires were to have paid health insurance, retirement benefits and paid time off for holidays, vacation and sick days - all perks of full time workers. Respondents also expressed interest in having more chances for advancement, education sponsorship, disability insurance and human relations support. Because respondents were recruited rather than randomly selected, the survey does not claim to be representational but a conclusion one may come to is that flexibility ofnew jobs comes with a cost. Not all workers are prepared for that! and, May 20, 2015. Adaptado

Outro resultado da mesma pesquisa indica que
Ano: 2015 Banca: FUVEST Órgão: USP Prova: FUVEST - 2015 - USP - Vestibular - Primeira Fase |
Q583224 Inglês

Working for on demand startups like Uber and TaskRabbit is supposed to offer flexible hours and higher wages, but many workers have found the pay lower and the hours less flexible than they expected. Even more surprising: 8 percent of those chauffeuring passengers and 16 percent of those making deliveries said they lack personal autoinsurance.

Those are among the findings from a survey about the work life of independent contractors for on-demand startups, a booming sector of the tech industry, being released Wednesday.

"We want to shed light on the industry as a whole," said Isaac Madan, a Stanford master's candidate in bioinformatics who worked with two other Stanford students and a recent alumnus on the survey of 1,330 workers. "People need to understand how this space will change and evolve and help the economy."

On-demand, often called the sharing economy, refers to companies that let users summon workers via smartphone apps to handle all manner of services: rides, cleaning, chores, deliveries, car parking, waiting in lines. Almost uniformly, those workers are independent contractors rather than salaried employees.

That status is the main point of contention in a recent rash of lawsuits in which workers are filing for employee status. While the survey did not directly ask

contractors if they would prefer to be employees, it found that their top workplace desires were to have paid health insurance, retirement benefits and paid time off for holidays, vacation and sick days - all perks of full time workers. Respondents also expressed interest in having more chances for advancement, education sponsorship, disability insurance and human relations support. Because respondents were recruited rather than randomly selected, the survey does not claim to be representational but a conclusion one may come to is that flexibility ofnew jobs comes with a cost. Not all workers are prepared for that! and, May 20, 2015. Adaptado

Um dos resultados da pesquisa realizada com prestadores de serviços de empresas do tipo "on-demand" mostra que esses trabalhadores
Ano: 2015 Banca: FUVEST Órgão: USP Prova: FUVEST - 2015 - USP - Vestibular - Primeira Fase |
Q583223 Inglês

Working for on demand startups like Uber and TaskRabbit is supposed to offer flexible hours and higher wages, but many workers have found the pay lower and the hours less flexible than they expected. Even more surprising: 8 percent of those chauffeuring passengers and 16 percent of those making deliveries said they lack personal autoinsurance.

Those are among the findings from a survey about the work life of independent contractors for on-demand startups, a booming sector of the tech industry, being released Wednesday.

"We want to shed light on the industry as a whole," said Isaac Madan, a Stanford master's candidate in bioinformatics who worked with two other Stanford students and a recent alumnus on the survey of 1,330 workers. "People need to understand how this space will change and evolve and help the economy."

On-demand, often called the sharing economy, refers to companies that let users summon workers via smartphone apps to handle all manner of services: rides, cleaning, chores, deliveries, car parking, waiting in lines. Almost uniformly, those workers are independent contractors rather than salaried employees.

That status is the main point of contention in a recent rash of lawsuits in which workers are filing for employee status. While the survey did not directly ask

contractors if they would prefer to be employees, it found that their top workplace desires were to have paid health insurance, retirement benefits and paid time off for holidays, vacation and sick days - all perks of full time workers. Respondents also expressed interest in having more chances for advancement, education sponsorship, disability insurance and human relations support. Because respondents were recruited rather than randomly selected, the survey does not claim to be representational but a conclusion one may come to is that flexibility ofnew jobs comes with a cost. Not all workers are prepared for that! and, May 20, 2015. Adaptado

Segundo o texto, empresas do tipo "on-demand"
Ano: 2015 Banca: FUVEST Órgão: USP Prova: FUVEST - 2015 - USP - Vestibular - Primeira Fase |
Q583222 Inglês
About half of the world's population is at risk of contracting dengue, according to the World Health Organization. The mosquito is found in tropical and subtropical climates around the world; however, dengue does not naturally occur in these creatures: the mosquitoes get dengue from us.
The mechanism of dengue infection is simple. Female mosquitoes bite humans because they need the protein found in our blood to produce eggs. (Male mosquitoes do not bite.) Ifthe mosquito bites someone with dengue - and then, after the virus's roughly eight- to 12-day replication period, bites someone else - it passes dengue into its next victim's bloodstream.
There is no vaccine against dengue, but infecting mosquitoes with a natural bacterium called Wolbachia blocks the insects' ability to pass the disease to humans. The microbe spreads among both male and female mosquitoes: infected females lay eggs that harbor the bacterium, and when Wolbachia-free females mate with infected males, their eggs simply do not hatch. Researchers are now releasing Wolbachia infected females into the wild in Australia, Vietnam, Indonesia and Brazil.

Scientific American, June 2015, Adaptado.
Segundo o texto, a bactéria Wolbachia, se inoculada nos mosquitos, bloqueia a transmissão da dengue porque
Ano: 2015 Banca: FUVEST Órgão: USP Prova: FUVEST - 2015 - USP - Vestibular - Primeira Fase |
Q583221 Inglês
About half of the world's population is at risk of contracting dengue, according to the World Health Organization. The mosquito is found in tropical and subtropical climates around the world; however, dengue does not naturally occur in these creatures: the mosquitoes get dengue from us.
The mechanism of dengue infection is simple. Female mosquitoes bite humans because they need the protein found in our blood to produce eggs. (Male mosquitoes do not bite.) Ifthe mosquito bites someone with dengue - and then, after the virus's roughly eight- to 12-day replication period, bites someone else - it passes dengue into its next victim's bloodstream.
There is no vaccine against dengue, but infecting mosquitoes with a natural bacterium called Wolbachia blocks the insects' ability to pass the disease to humans. The microbe spreads among both male and female mosquitoes: infected females lay eggs that harbor the bacterium, and when Wolbachia-free females mate with infected males, their eggs simply do not hatch. Researchers are now releasing Wolbachia infected females into the wild in Australia, Vietnam, Indonesia and Brazil.

Scientific American, June 2015, Adaptado.
De acordo com o texto, a infecção por dengue
Ano: 2014 Banca: CECIERJ Órgão: CEDERJ Prova: CECIERJ - 2014 - CEDERJ - Vestibular - 01 |
Q582685 Inglês
Are social networking sites addictive?

1With the increasing popularity of wireless devices like smartphones — devices that can move lots of data very quickly — users have access to their social networks 24 hours a day. Most social networking sites have developed applications for your mobile phone, so logging on is always convenient. Social networks also tap into our human desire to stay connected with others. Besides, the rush of nostalgia as you connect with your former grade-school classmate on Facebook can be quite heady and exciting.

2But what's the main reason we find these sites so addictive? Plain old narcissism. We broadcast our personalities online whenever we publish a thought, photo, YouTube video or answer one of those “25 Things About Me" memes. We put that information out there so people will respond and connect to us. And being part of a social network is sort of like having your own entourage that follows you everywhere, commenting on and applauding everything you do. It's very seductive.

3In 2008, researchers at the University of Georgia studied the correlation between narcissism and Facebook users. Unsurprisingly, they found that the more “friends" and wall posts a user had, the more narcissistic he or she was. They noted that narcissistic people use Facebook in a selfpromoting way, rather than in a connective way. It may be an obvious theory, but it also suggests that social networks bring out the narcissist in all of us.

4Social networks are also a voyeuristic experience for many users. Following exchanges on Twitter or posts on Facebook and MySpace are akin to eavesdropping on someone else's conversation. It's entertaining and allows you to feel like a “fly on the wall" in someone else's life.

5Social networking sites also publicly list your “friends" or “followers" — giving you instant status. How many people do you know online who spend all their time trying to get more friends, more followers, more testimonials? We work hard in real life to elevate our statuses, make friends and search out boosters for our self-esteem. Online social networking provides this to us, and we don't even have to change out of our sweatshirts to get it.

(adapted from


addictive: viciante; tap into: explorar/tirar proveito; broadcast: anunciar; entourage: comitiva/séquito; akin to eavesdropping: parecido com bisbilhotar; booster: aquilo que impulsiona; sweatshirts: camisetas
Marque o enunciado que se refere, no texto, ao que seria a razão principal por trás do vício em redes sociais.
Ano: 2014 Banca: CECIERJ Órgão: CEDERJ Prova: CECIERJ - 2014 - CEDERJ - Vestibular - 01 |
Q582684 Inglês
Are social networking sites addictive?

1With the increasing popularity of wireless devices like smartphones — devices that can move lots of data very quickly — users have access to their social networks 24 hours a day. Most social networking sites have developed applications for your mobile phone, so logging on is always convenient. Social networks also tap into our human desire to stay connected with others. Besides, the rush of nostalgia as you connect with your former grade-school classmate on Facebook can be quite heady and exciting.

2But what's the main reason we find these sites so addictive? Plain old narcissism. We broadcast our personalities online whenever we publish a thought, photo, YouTube video or answer one of those “25 Things About Me" memes. We put that information out there so people will respond and connect to us. And being part of a social network is sort of like having your own entourage that follows you everywhere, commenting on and applauding everything you do. It's very seductive.

3In 2008, researchers at the University of Georgia studied the correlation between narcissism and Facebook users. Unsurprisingly, they found that the more “friends" and wall posts a user had, the more narcissistic he or she was. They noted that narcissistic people use Facebook in a selfpromoting way, rather than in a connective way. It may be an obvious theory, but it also suggests that social networks bring out the narcissist in all of us.

4Social networks are also a voyeuristic experience for many users. Following exchanges on Twitter or posts on Facebook and MySpace are akin to eavesdropping on someone else's conversation. It's entertaining and allows you to feel like a “fly on the wall" in someone else's life.

5Social networking sites also publicly list your “friends" or “followers" — giving you instant status. How many people do you know online who spend all their time trying to get more friends, more followers, more testimonials? We work hard in real life to elevate our statuses, make friends and search out boosters for our self-esteem. Online social networking provides this to us, and we don't even have to change out of our sweatshirts to get it.

(adapted from


addictive: viciante; tap into: explorar/tirar proveito; broadcast: anunciar; entourage: comitiva/séquito; akin to eavesdropping: parecido com bisbilhotar; booster: aquilo que impulsiona; sweatshirts: camisetas
No quarto parágrafo, o autor usa a metáfora “fly on the wall" (uma mosca na parede) para ilustrar um comportamento que ele associa ao uso excessivo de redes sociais. Que comportamento seria esse?
Ano: 2014 Banca: CECIERJ Órgão: CEDERJ Prova: CECIERJ - 2014 - CEDERJ - Vestibular - 01 |
Q582683 Inglês
Are social networking sites addictive?

1With the increasing popularity of wireless devices like smartphones — devices that can move lots of data very quickly — users have access to their social networks 24 hours a day. Most social networking sites have developed applications for your mobile phone, so logging on is always convenient. Social networks also tap into our human desire to stay connected with others. Besides, the rush of nostalgia as you connect with your former grade-school classmate on Facebook can be quite heady and exciting.

2But what's the main reason we find these sites so addictive? Plain old narcissism. We broadcast our personalities online whenever we publish a thought, photo, YouTube video or answer one of those “25 Things About Me" memes. We put that information out there so people will respond and connect to us. And being part of a social network is sort of like having your own entourage that follows you everywhere, commenting on and applauding everything you do. It's very seductive.

3In 2008, researchers at the University of Georgia studied the correlation between narcissism and Facebook users. Unsurprisingly, they found that the more “friends" and wall posts a user had, the more narcissistic he or she was. They noted that narcissistic people use Facebook in a selfpromoting way, rather than in a connective way. It may be an obvious theory, but it also suggests that social networks bring out the narcissist in all of us.

4Social networks are also a voyeuristic experience for many users. Following exchanges on Twitter or posts on Facebook and MySpace are akin to eavesdropping on someone else's conversation. It's entertaining and allows you to feel like a “fly on the wall" in someone else's life.

5Social networking sites also publicly list your “friends" or “followers" — giving you instant status. How many people do you know online who spend all their time trying to get more friends, more followers, more testimonials? We work hard in real life to elevate our statuses, make friends and search out boosters for our self-esteem. Online social networking provides this to us, and we don't even have to change out of our sweatshirts to get it.

(adapted from


addictive: viciante; tap into: explorar/tirar proveito; broadcast: anunciar; entourage: comitiva/séquito; akin to eavesdropping: parecido com bisbilhotar; booster: aquilo que impulsiona; sweatshirts: camisetas
The pronoun 'they' in “They noted that narcissistic people use Facebook in a self-promoting way, rather than in a connective way"(paragraph 3) refers to
Ano: 2014 Banca: CECIERJ Órgão: CEDERJ Prova: CECIERJ - 2014 - CEDERJ - Vestibular - 01 |
Q582682 Inglês
Are social networking sites addictive?

1With the increasing popularity of wireless devices like smartphones — devices that can move lots of data very quickly — users have access to their social networks 24 hours a day. Most social networking sites have developed applications for your mobile phone, so logging on is always convenient. Social networks also tap into our human desire to stay connected with others. Besides, the rush of nostalgia as you connect with your former grade-school classmate on Facebook can be quite heady and exciting.

2But what's the main reason we find these sites so addictive? Plain old narcissism. We broadcast our personalities online whenever we publish a thought, photo, YouTube video or answer one of those “25 Things About Me" memes. We put that information out there so people will respond and connect to us. And being part of a social network is sort of like having your own entourage that follows you everywhere, commenting on and applauding everything you do. It's very seductive.

3In 2008, researchers at the University of Georgia studied the correlation between narcissism and Facebook users. Unsurprisingly, they found that the more “friends" and wall posts a user had, the more narcissistic he or she was. They noted that narcissistic people use Facebook in a selfpromoting way, rather than in a connective way. It may be an obvious theory, but it also suggests that social networks bring out the narcissist in all of us.

4Social networks are also a voyeuristic experience for many users. Following exchanges on Twitter or posts on Facebook and MySpace are akin to eavesdropping on someone else's conversation. It's entertaining and allows you to feel like a “fly on the wall" in someone else's life.

5Social networking sites also publicly list your “friends" or “followers" — giving you instant status. How many people do you know online who spend all their time trying to get more friends, more followers, more testimonials? We work hard in real life to elevate our statuses, make friends and search out boosters for our self-esteem. Online social networking provides this to us, and we don't even have to change out of our sweatshirts to get it.

(adapted from


addictive: viciante; tap into: explorar/tirar proveito; broadcast: anunciar; entourage: comitiva/séquito; akin to eavesdropping: parecido com bisbilhotar; booster: aquilo que impulsiona; sweatshirts: camisetas
According to the text, the difference between real life and online social networking is:
Ano: 2014 Banca: CECIERJ Órgão: CEDERJ Prova: CECIERJ - 2014 - CEDERJ - Vestibular - 01 |
Q582681 Inglês
Are social networking sites addictive?

1With the increasing popularity of wireless devices like smartphones — devices that can move lots of data very quickly — users have access to their social networks 24 hours a day. Most social networking sites have developed applications for your mobile phone, so logging on is always convenient. Social networks also tap into our human desire to stay connected with others. Besides, the rush of nostalgia as you connect with your former grade-school classmate on Facebook can be quite heady and exciting.

2But what's the main reason we find these sites so addictive? Plain old narcissism. We broadcast our personalities online whenever we publish a thought, photo, YouTube video or answer one of those “25 Things About Me" memes. We put that information out there so people will respond and connect to us. And being part of a social network is sort of like having your own entourage that follows you everywhere, commenting on and applauding everything you do. It's very seductive.

3In 2008, researchers at the University of Georgia studied the correlation between narcissism and Facebook users. Unsurprisingly, they found that the more “friends" and wall posts a user had, the more narcissistic he or she was. They noted that narcissistic people use Facebook in a selfpromoting way, rather than in a connective way. It may be an obvious theory, but it also suggests that social networks bring out the narcissist in all of us.

4Social networks are also a voyeuristic experience for many users. Following exchanges on Twitter or posts on Facebook and MySpace are akin to eavesdropping on someone else's conversation. It's entertaining and allows you to feel like a “fly on the wall" in someone else's life.

5Social networking sites also publicly list your “friends" or “followers" — giving you instant status. How many people do you know online who spend all their time trying to get more friends, more followers, more testimonials? We work hard in real life to elevate our statuses, make friends and search out boosters for our self-esteem. Online social networking provides this to us, and we don't even have to change out of our sweatshirts to get it.

(adapted from


addictive: viciante; tap into: explorar/tirar proveito; broadcast: anunciar; entourage: comitiva/séquito; akin to eavesdropping: parecido com bisbilhotar; booster: aquilo que impulsiona; sweatshirts: camisetas
The use of the word 'unsurprisingly' in “Unsurprisingly, they found that the more “friends" and wall posts a user had, the more narcissistic he or she was." (paragraph 3) means that
Ano: 2013 Banca: CECIERJ Órgão: CEDERJ Prova: CECIERJ - 2013 - CEDERJ - Vestibular |
Q582645 Inglês
                             Why I took up the cello in my 60s

Michelle Hanson

Learning to play a musical instrument at any point in life is good for the brain. Who cares if I sound like a 'sick cow'?


It's exciting to know that I have done something right and rewarding – taking up the cello in my 60s. A new study from St. Andrew's University proves it. Taking up a musical instrument, even late in life, is good for the brain, and “can slow, stop, or even reverse, age or illness-related decline in mental functions". Hurrah!

My efforts have been rewarded, because starting the cello was a bit of a struggle, physically and mentally. Back then, my mother was alive, and rather critical: “You sound like a sick cow," she would cry out in a tormented way, but I persisted, joined an orchestra, and now here I am, with a bigger frontal cortex area than I might have otherwise had, and able to “adjust my behaviour more effectively in conflict-rich situations".

The more you practise the better, suggests the research. Good. It will spur me on, sick cow or not. Because I desperately need to keep my brain in order. Don't we all, if we're going to live to over 100? Last week I went for a walk with an old friend of mine and her dog. She is 92 and browned off.

“How are you?" I asked. “Fed up. I want to die." This was my mother's primary aim once she hit 96. “What do you want for your birthday?" we would ask. “To be dead!", she would say. No wonder. What else did life offer? At least my old friend could walk about. My mother could hardly walk, talk or eat.

If only they had played a musical instrument. You can do it sitting down, on your own, with friends, cheer yourself up, be in control, or wildly emotional. I cannot recommend it highly enough.

Fonte: 30/why-i-took-up-cello-in-60s


took up: aprendi; struggle: luta/muito esforço; spur me on: encorajar/estimular; browned off: sem entusiasmo
Entre os adjetivos abaixo, retirados do texto, marque aquele que expressa o modo com que a autora avalia sua experiência de tocar o violoncelo:
Ano: 2013 Banca: CECIERJ Órgão: CEDERJ Prova: CECIERJ - 2013 - CEDERJ - Vestibular |
Q582644 Inglês
                             Why I took up the cello in my 60s

Michelle Hanson

Learning to play a musical instrument at any point in life is good for the brain. Who cares if I sound like a 'sick cow'?


It's exciting to know that I have done something right and rewarding – taking up the cello in my 60s. A new study from St. Andrew's University proves it. Taking up a musical instrument, even late in life, is good for the brain, and “can slow, stop, or even reverse, age or illness-related decline in mental functions". Hurrah!

My efforts have been rewarded, because starting the cello was a bit of a struggle, physically and mentally. Back then, my mother was alive, and rather critical: “You sound like a sick cow," she would cry out in a tormented way, but I persisted, joined an orchestra, and now here I am, with a bigger frontal cortex area than I might have otherwise had, and able to “adjust my behaviour more effectively in conflict-rich situations".

The more you practise the better, suggests the research. Good. It will spur me on, sick cow or not. Because I desperately need to keep my brain in order. Don't we all, if we're going to live to over 100? Last week I went for a walk with an old friend of mine and her dog. She is 92 and browned off.

“How are you?" I asked. “Fed up. I want to die." This was my mother's primary aim once she hit 96. “What do you want for your birthday?" we would ask. “To be dead!", she would say. No wonder. What else did life offer? At least my old friend could walk about. My mother could hardly walk, talk or eat.

If only they had played a musical instrument. You can do it sitting down, on your own, with friends, cheer yourself up, be in control, or wildly emotional. I cannot recommend it highly enough.

Fonte: 30/why-i-took-up-cello-in-60s


took up: aprendi; struggle: luta/muito esforço; spur me on: encorajar/estimular; browned off: sem entusiasmo
O pronome “they" em “If only they had played a musical instrument" (parágrafo 5) se refere
Ano: 2013 Banca: CECIERJ Órgão: CEDERJ Prova: CECIERJ - 2013 - CEDERJ - Vestibular |
Q582643 Inglês
                             Why I took up the cello in my 60s

Michelle Hanson

Learning to play a musical instrument at any point in life is good for the brain. Who cares if I sound like a 'sick cow'?


It's exciting to know that I have done something right and rewarding – taking up the cello in my 60s. A new study from St. Andrew's University proves it. Taking up a musical instrument, even late in life, is good for the brain, and “can slow, stop, or even reverse, age or illness-related decline in mental functions". Hurrah!

My efforts have been rewarded, because starting the cello was a bit of a struggle, physically and mentally. Back then, my mother was alive, and rather critical: “You sound like a sick cow," she would cry out in a tormented way, but I persisted, joined an orchestra, and now here I am, with a bigger frontal cortex area than I might have otherwise had, and able to “adjust my behaviour more effectively in conflict-rich situations".

The more you practise the better, suggests the research. Good. It will spur me on, sick cow or not. Because I desperately need to keep my brain in order. Don't we all, if we're going to live to over 100? Last week I went for a walk with an old friend of mine and her dog. She is 92 and browned off.

“How are you?" I asked. “Fed up. I want to die." This was my mother's primary aim once she hit 96. “What do you want for your birthday?" we would ask. “To be dead!", she would say. No wonder. What else did life offer? At least my old friend could walk about. My mother could hardly walk, talk or eat.

If only they had played a musical instrument. You can do it sitting down, on your own, with friends, cheer yourself up, be in control, or wildly emotional. I cannot recommend it highly enough.

Fonte: 30/why-i-took-up-cello-in-60s


took up: aprendi; struggle: luta/muito esforço; spur me on: encorajar/estimular; browned off: sem entusiasmo
In the text, the expression “sound like a sick cow" refers to:
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