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Ano: 2017 Banca: COMVEST UFAM Órgão: UFAM Prova: COMVEST UFAM - 2017 - UFAM - Vestibular |
Q1265336 Inglês
Leia o texto a seguir e responda a questão: (acessado em 07 de setembro de 2017)
Barbuda, the first island to feel the force of Hurricane Irma was devastated by its high winds, with Gaston Browne, prime minister of Antigua and Barbuda, saying 90% of buildings had been destroyed and 50% of the population of around 1,000 people left homeless. Critical facilities including roads and communications systems were ravaged, with the recovery effort set to take months or years. Some residents are expected to be evacuated to the larger sister island of Antigua – where damage was less severe – as part of relief efforts and ahead of the prospective arrival of Hurricane Jose this weekend. At least eight people were killed in St Martin, according to French officials. The number of victims on the Dutch half of the island, St Maarteen, is unknown. Netherlands prime minister Mark Rutte says there has been “enormous material damage” to St Maarten. The French president, Emmanuel Macron, earlier said he expected Irma-related damage to St Martin and another French overseas collectivity, Saint Barthélemy (St Barts), would be “considerable”. France’s overseas minister, Annick Girardin, was travelling to the Caribbean with emergency teams and supplies. The most recent island to be hit was Puerto Rico, where lashing winds and rains have left most of the population without power and tens of thousands without water. Images from the island showed flash flooding, and hospitals were forced to rely on generators. Irma is the worst hurricane to hit the island since 1928, when Hurricane San Felipe killed more than 2,700 people across Puerto Rico, Guadeloupe and Florida .More than two thirds of homes in Puerto Rico are without electricity, and 17% are without water, officials have said.. Florida’s governor, Rick Scott, warned that the arrival of Irma’s lifethreatening wind field and storm surge was imminent, and urged residents in coastal areas to leave immediately. About 250,000 people were ordered to evacuate, making it of the largest evacuations in US history as the National Hurricane Center (NHC) placed south Florida, including the southernmost counties of Monroe, Miami-Dade and Broward, under a hurricane watch. Preparations were escalating at a furious pace as the storm’s forecast path narrowed in on the south-eastern portion of the state, home to 7 million residents. Philip Levine, the mayor of Miami Beach, ordered a mandatory evacuation of the barrier island beginning at daybreak on Thursday. “This is a nuclear hurricane,” he said. “I’ll do anything in my power to convince them to leave. Get off Miami Beach.”Scott warned that that effects of the storm could begin to be felt later on Friday, with the NHC predicting Irma’s full wrath would strike the south-east coast near Miami sometime late Saturday or early Sunday morning then move north.“Look at the size of the storm,” Scott said. “It’s huge, it’s wider than our entire state right now. If you are under an evacuation order do not wait. Leave and get out. We can rebuild your home but you can’t get your life back.”
O governador da Flórida, Rick Scott, declarou que:
Ano: 2016 Banca: UNIOESTE Órgão: UNIOESTE Prova: UNIOESTE - 2016 - UNIOESTE - Vestibular - Manhã |
Q1261935 Inglês

O texto a seguir se refere a questão.

Challenges concerning multiculturalism in Canada

   The official Canadian policy of multiculturalism has been updated twice since its introduction in 1971. It was originally created as a policy based on the logic of ethnicity, modified to deal with racism and amended to include freedom of religion. In 1988 the Canadian Multiculturalism Act was passed. 

   Canada is considered a nation of immigrants such that cultural diversity is often presented as the essence of national identity. However, it is difficult to negotiate social and political policy when trying to speak for such a varied populace. Two very real challenges that Canada faces in regard to multiculturalism are the clash of cultures and the socioeconomic position of immigrants.

    An example of clash of cultures is the one between English and French-Canada. The province of Quebec has always asserted a distinct identity and an inclination towards separatism from the rest of the country. In 1995, there was a referendum in the province of Quebec concerning separation in which 49% of the voting population voted “yes” and 51% voted “no”. The clash between French and English-Canada is primarily a cultural clash with Quebec concerned with preserving its own history, language and values; fearing these things are apt to become lost within English-Canada. Since the referendum, tensions have cooled a bit and Canada’s national administration has increased their efforts to accommodate Quebec identity within a Canadian identity.

     Another challenge of multiculturalism is the socioeconomic position of immigrants. Diversity is supported by governmental policy but Canada is still a society where racist interactions and poor-bashing are severely detrimental to minorities (especially recent arrivals). There are many barriers to equal integration, especially in education, housing and employment. For example, in the workforce it is very difficult to get a job when the potential employer feels you are not speaking “proper” English or you do not have any Canadian work experience on your resumé. This often leads to overqualified people in full-time minimum wage positions with little or no benefits and no access, time or funds for language classes or other training programs. These sorts of circumstances lead to isolation, alienation, poverty and unsafe environments where a new immigrant does not feel safe to report or act against harassment or abuse.

Source: Adapted from

Assinale a alternativa INCORRETA quanto ao sentido dos trechos reproduzidos.
Ano: 2010 Banca: UFU-MG Órgão: UFU-MG Prova: UFU-MG - 2010 - UFU-MG - Vestibular - Prova 2 |
Q1260786 Inglês

Pelota valenciana: un deporte olímpico 

Josué Ferrer

       ¿Y por qué no? La pelota, deporte nacional de los valencianos, ha sido históricamente uno de los deportes más grandes del mundo. A pesar de que la burguesía y la intelectualidad valencianas a menudo le han dado la espalda, este glorioso deporte ha sobrevivido a las adversidades gracias a la práctica que de él se ha hecho en muchísimos pueblos de nuestro país. Desde aquí enarbolo mi voz a favor de que se trabaje para promocionar la pelota valenciana de cara a que pueda tener representación en los Juegos Olímpicos (JJOO) pues es un deporte más importante de lo que creemos. Por eso, hay que desterrar los mitos y prejuicios que provienen de la ignorancia y darnos cuenta de que el deporte de pelota reúne grandes condiciones para ser olímpico y de que de hecho se lo merece muchísimo más que otros.

       1. La pelota es un deporte histórico. Llamarle milenario no es exagerar pues se ha jugado, en unas modalidades u otras, desde tiempos inmemoriales en pueblos tan diversos como el egipcio, el japonés o el maya. En ese aspecto la pelota, solamente por historia, merece su condición olímpica mucho más que deportes recientes como fútbol o bolea playa.
       2. No es un deporte de pueblerinos. A pelota han jugado emperadores (Alejandro Magno…), césares (Vespasiano, Alejandro Severo…), reyes (Luis X, Carlos VIII, Francisco I, Enrique IV…), etc. El hecho de que las elites más poderosas de la Tierra hayan disfrutado jugando a pelota le confiere ese toque aristocrático y prestigioso que todo deporte necesita.
          3. La pelota no es propia de ignorantes. Ignorante es quien piense lo contrario pues no sabe que la pelota ha cautivado a los más altos intelectuales. Escritores como Luis Vives, Pedro Calderón de la Barca o Francesc Almela i Vives, pintores como Francisco de Goya o Josep Bru o escultores como Ignasi Pinazo, entre otros, se han interesado por ella.
      4. La pelota no es un deporte minoritario. De hecho, hasta el siglo XVIII fue el deporte más practicado en toda Europa. Y a pesar de la dura competencia de los deportes de masas, la pelota valenciana se encuentra en auge. Atrae cada vez a más críticos, prensa y público. Además cuenta con una proyección internacional con los campeonatos de Europa y del mundo.
      5. Tiene un enorme potencial de expansión. La pelota valenciana se puede jugar prácticamente en cualquier rincón, como por ejemplo la calle. En ese aspecto, a nivel de deporte de base, los niños de cualquier país del mundo pueden interesarse más por la pelota que por otros deportes que requieren instalaciones especiales como el tenis o el golf.
      6. Es un deporte plural. La pelota es un deporte extraordinariamente plural tanto en las modalidades como en las reglas que en ellas se aplican. Así vemos que en Euskadi los pelotaris juegan frente a un muro mientras en el Reino de Valencia juega un hombre frente a otro. El tenis (que es deporte olímpico) es un invento anglosajón inspirado en la pelota.
       7. La pelota es un deporte competitivo. Actualmente la pelota se practica a un alto nivel en el Reino de Valencia, Bélgica, Holanda, Italia, Francia y Argentina. Otros deportes olímpicos como el hockey sobre hielo tienen mucha menos rivalidad. De hecho, con la desintegración de la Unión Soviética, Canadá es prácticamente la única gran potencia mundial en este juego.
      8. La pelota no es un deporte caro. A lo largo de la historia las autoridades pertinentes han eliminado muchísimos deportes de los Juegos para reducir costes que en algunos casos eran exorbitantes. No es el caso de este juego que cuenta con plantillas reducidas, un material económico y que lejos de necesitar grandes estadios se puede disputar en cualquier lugar.
      9. Da espectáculo. La pelota no tiene por qué ser un deporte aburrido como lo pueda ser el remo para alguna gente. Al contrario. Las reglas son bien sencillas y fáciles de entender, el duelo que se da entre los pelotaris resulta apasionante y titánico, el público se va satisfecho del trinquete y las apuestas dan aún más interés al juego.
     10. Es clásico y prestigioso. La pelota valenciana no es como esos ridículos pseudodeportes que salen de la noche a la mañana y que aunque se les tilde de deportes no pasan de ser estúpidos juegos de entretenimiento. Es una disciplina clásica, como el maratón, y cuenta por historia, tradición y cultura con un prestigio que difícilmente se encuentra en otro juego.
          El deporte de pelota fue diluyéndose y desestructurándose poco a poco por toda Europa a lo largo del tiempo. Sólo se conservó en un altísimo grado de pureza en nuestro país, el Reino de Valencia (la pelota vasca funciona con reglas más modernas que no se enraízan en la tradición histórica más pura), por lo que podemos llamarle pelota valenciana. Por todas estas razones enarbolo mi voz a favor de que a la pelota, en sus diversas modalidades (incluyendo las vascas), sea disciplina olímpica. Somos potencia mundial; la Selección Valenciana, bajo bandera valenciana, se ha proclamado campeona de Europa y del mundo y mitos como Paco Cabanes Genovés Enric Sarasol han sido considerados los mejores no sólo del país, sino también de Europa y del mundo. Eso sería un oro (casi) seguro para el país.
A menudo los valencianos no llegamos a apreciar la inmensa riqueza y valor de nuestra historia y cultura. Es por eso que hace falta un compromiso cívico y patriótico de todos los valencianos (políticos, intelectuales, ciudadanos de a pie…) por tal de potenciar y prestigiar, aún más si cabe, un juego que como la pelota valenciana es un deporte milenario. La pelota valenciana no es solamente nuestro deporte nacional y autóctono; es historia, es cultura, es tradición, es orgullo, es casta, es prestigio, es un emblema identitario de nuestro pueblo y lo más importante; es un clarísimo referente internacional que nos sitúa en el mapa de este mundo cada vez más globalizado y que hace que en el extranjero la gente se interese por nuestra cultura y que se convenza de que los valencianos también sabemos hacer las cosas muy bien.

Disponível em:<>.

Entre os mitos e preconceitos sobre a “pelota valenciana” assinalados pelo autor está o de ser
Ano: 2010 Banca: UNEMAT Órgão: UNEMAT Prova: UNEMAT - 2010 - UNEMAT - Vestibular - Prova 01 |
Q1260723 Inglês

Fonte: 283.stm (acessado e adaptado em 22/04/10)  

Assinale a alternativa correta.

Com relação às palavras acrescidas com o sufixo -ing, pode-se dizer que nos casos de amazing (ℓ 30), increasingly (ℓ 36), analyzing (ℓ 39) e fascinating (ℓ 46) tem-se, respectivamente, palavras que se classificam gramaticalmente como:

Ano: 2018 Banca: CECIERJ Órgão: CEDERJ Prova: CECIERJ - 2018 - CEDERJ - Vestibular - Segundo Semestre |
Q906091 Inglês

                  So You Want to Be a Space Tourist? Here Are Your Options

by Adam Mann / Jul.21.2017 /11:30 AM ET

      Though we’ve been living in the Space Age for more than half a century, going into space remains an extreme rarity. Fewer than 600 people have gone above the Kármán line — the point, about 62 miles above Earth, that marks the beginning of space — and all were put there by the U.S. or another nation's government.

      But the rise of private spaceflight companies like Virgin Galactic and Space X means that the final frontier may soon be within reach of a great many more of us. The firms have announced plans to put private astronauts, a.k.a. space tourists, on orbital or suborbital flights within the next few years.

      Initially, the cost of a ride on one of these rockets will be hundreds of thousands of dollars at a minimum. That puts the experience within reach of only the wealthiest people. But advances in rocket and capsule design are expected to lower the price to the point that people of more modest fortunes are able to afford a ticket.

      Some projections put the global space tourism market at approximately $34 billion by 2021.

                           What Space Tourists Can Expect

      What exactly is in store for space tourists? The excitement of a rocket ride and a chance to experience weightlessness, for starters. And the bragging rights are hard to beat. But some say the biggest benefit of going into space is getting a dramatic new outlook on life on the fragile blue marble we call home. It’s a perspective shift that could have profound implications not just for individuals but also for society at large.

      “I personally believe the planetary perspective is going to be crucial to solving humanity’s biggest challenges over the next century,” says Virgin Galactic CEO George Whitesides. “I’m inspired that we’ll take people up so they can experience that view, which is said to change your world view in a fundamental way.”

Adapted from:


weightlessness: ausência de peso; bragging rights: direito de gabar-se; to afford: poder comprar.

The sum of “approximately $34 billion” refers to
Ano: 2015 Banca: PUC-PR Órgão: PUC - PR Prova: PUC-PR - 2015 - PUC - PR - Vestibular |
Q809306 Inglês

Read the text.

Summer Solstice

June 21st (or 22nd) is the summer solstice for the northern hemisphere*. Solstice in Latin means "sun standing still." On that day it seems like the sun is standing still because there is more daylight than on any other day. It is the first day of summer and a special day for many groups of people. Many ancient cultures had many kinds of ceremonies on solstice. They celebrated light and fire. Many people also thought it was a time for love and growth. Nowadays many places around the world have parades or parties. The great English writer, William Shakespeare, said** whatever you dream on this night will come to pass. So, have great dreams on June 21! And if you are in the northern hemisphere, enjoy the longest day of the year.

* Summer solstice is on December 21 (or 22nd) in the southern hemisphere. June 21 (or 22nd) is the southern hemisphere's Winter solstice.

** in his play A Midsummer's Night Dream


solstice – the 2 times of the year when the sun is at its greatest distance from the earth's equator.

Equator – the imaginary (not real) line that divides the earth into 2 parts.

hemisphere – hemi means to divide into two, sphere means a round object like the earth. Hemisphere means one half of the circle. The northern hemisphere means above the equator or (middle) of the earth.

ancient – very old

come to pass – happen

Adapted from: <> .

According to the text, it is CORRECT to say:

I. Solstice means that it looks like the sun doesn't move.

II. Summer solstice is on July 21.

III. Many ancient people celebrated summer solstice with fire.

IV. Nowadays no one celebrates solstice.

V. Shakespeare said whatever you dream about on June 21 will happen.

Ano: 2015 Banca: PUC-PR Órgão: PUC - PR Prova: PUC-PR - 2015 - PUC - PR - Vestibular |
Q809305 Inglês

Read the text and choose the CORRECT option:

10 Mysteries of you: Superstition

Barack Obama likes to play basketball in the morning of an election. Golfer Tiger Woods always wears a red shirt when competing on a Sunday. Most of us have our own superstitions, even though we know rationally that they cannot work. Yet superstition is not entirely nonsensical. Our brains are designed to detect structure and order in our environment, says Bruce Hood at the University of Bristol, UK. We are also causal determinists - we assume that outcomes are caused by preceding events. This combination of sensing patterns and inferring causes leaves us wide open to superstitious beliefs. "But there are very good reasons why we have evolved these capabilities," Hood adds. Spotting and responding to some uncertain cause-and-effect relationships can be crucial for survival.

Disponível em:<> Acesso em: julho de 2015.

I. If Obama doesn’t play basketball, he won’t win the elections.

II. If Tiger Woods didn’t wear a red shirt, he will not compete.

III. There is a combination of factors which make people determinists.

IV. If we haven’t evolved such capabilities, we probably wouldn’t have survived.

V. If we evolved such capabilities, we will survive.

Ano: 2012 Banca: CESPE / CEBRASPE Órgão: UNB Prova: CESPE - 2012 - UNB - Vestibular - Língua Inglesa 01 |
Q334000 Inglês
Imagem 001.jpg

Judge the following items according to the text above.
The green roofs initiative is an attempt to fix an outdated system.
Ano: 2012 Banca: CESPE / CEBRASPE Órgão: UNB Prova: CESPE - 2012 - UNB - Vestibular - Língua Inglesa 01 |
Q333999 Inglês
Imagem 001.jpg

Judge the following items according to the text above.
The pollution of rivers is not a concern in New York City if it is not raining.
Ano: 2012 Banca: CESPE / CEBRASPE Órgão: UNB Prova: CESPE - 2012 - UNB - Vestibular - Língua Inglesa |
Q268343 Inglês
According to texts I, II and III, which celebration has religious origins?
Ano: 2011 Banca: UECE-CEV Órgão: UECE Prova: UECE-CEV - 2011 - UECE - Vestibular - Inglês |
Q240982 Inglês
The Early Novels Database has enabled users to
Ano: 2008 Banca: UFAC Órgão: UFAC Prova: UFAC - 2008 - UFAC - Vestibular - Prova 1 |
Q224655 Inglês
The following quote by President Lula – The country has "many Chico Mendes", who "need to be saved” (…) (line 06 and 07) indicates that:
3589: X
3590: A
3591: A
3592: A
3593: B
3594: X
3595: X
3596: E
3597: E
3598: E
3599: E
3600: E