Questões de Vestibular
Sobre verbos | verbs em inglês
Foram encontradas 292 questões
Could Women Grow Their Own Sperm?
Anna Smajdor, an ethicist at the University of East Anglia, claims that people’s control over their reproductive choices will be dramatically altered if sperm and eggs can be created from stray skin cells. A woman could, for example, pick up a bit of bodily detritus from a prominent man, take it to a laboratory and give birth to his genetic child. Smajdor says that what has been termed ‘reprogrammable biology’ gives us the capacity to make cells act in new ways, blurring what we mean by an egg or sperm or even embryo. She points out that the boundaries between these categories have become very fluid, with the development of techniques that allow us to alter their genetic make-up or prompt them to behave in new ways. This raises very perplexing questions about ethics, law and regulation.
In the extract “… too embarrassed to be named …” (line 9), the word underlined is in the simple past tense.
The following text refers to question:
The History of the Motion Picture
Who invented Cinema, the Camera, or Film?
(Adapted from a text available at
es.htm. Accessed on 02/6/2011, at 9h15min)
De acordo com o texto, é correto afirmar que
the verb to be (line 25) is in the third person
The History of the Motion Picture
Who invented Cinema, the Camera, or Film?
(Adapted from a text available at
es.htm. Accessed on 02/6/2011, at 9h15min)
Choose the correct alternative according to the text.
The nouns “invention” (line 11) and “projector”
(line 19) derive respectively from the verbs
“invent” and “project”.
The History of the Motion Picture
Who invented Cinema, the Camera, or Film?
(Adapted from a text available at
es.htm. Accessed on 02/6/2011, at 9h15min)
The “ed” rule to form the past tense in “invented”, “enabled” and “showed” is the same.
The History of the Motion Picture
Who invented Cinema, the Camera, or Film?
(Adapted from a text available at
es.htm. Accessed on 02/6/2011, at 9h15min)
The base forms of these verbs are, respectively: begin, invent, made, enable, and show.
The History of the Motion Picture
Who invented Cinema, the Camera, or Film?
(Adapted from a text available at
es.htm. Accessed on 02/6/2011, at 9h15min)
Three of these verbs are regular, and two are irregular.
The History of the Motion Picture
Who invented Cinema, the Camera, or Film?
(Adapted from a text available at
es.htm. Accessed on 02/6/2011, at 9h15min)
They are all in the simple past.
A brief history of Facebook
(Adapted from a text available at
newmedia. Accessed on 02/6/2011, at 9h10min)
Assinale a alternativa correta considerando os elementos gramaticais do texto.
The structures “had already developed” (line 4),
“had signed up” (line 15), and “had a profile”
(line 17) All refer to the same verb tense.
INSTRUÇÃO: Responda à questão com base no texto abaixo.
Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 set. 2015
I - “has already called for more schools” (l.15)
II - “we have given teachers more power” (l.18)
III - “That is why we have taken the decision” (l.21)
IV- “we hear of lessons being disrupted” (l. 27 e 28)
V - “they can be easilly distracted” (l.30)
Quais estão corretas?
INSTRUÇÃO: Para responder à questão, considere o texto abaixo.
(Excerpt from Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, By Robert M. Pirsig. New York: Harpertorch, 1974)
I - “began” (l. 01) e “didn't spend” (l. 06) estão no passado simples.
II - “seems” (l. 02) e “prefers” (l. 04) estão no presente simples.
III - “would never have become” (l. 06) é uma estrutura usada para algo que não teria acontecido com uma condição, expressa por uma outra oração com o verbo no passado simples.
IV - “we´ve been thinking” (l. 08) e “has been” (l. 10) estão no presente perfeito contínuo.
Assinale a alternativa correta.
INSTRUÇÃO: Para responder às questão, considere o texto abaixo.
Am I too old to learn a new language?
Adapted from:<>
Text 3
Al Capone
Born in 1899 in Brooklyn, New York, to poor immigrant parents, Al Capone went on to become the most infamous gangster in American history. In 1920 during the height of Prohibition, Capone’s multi-million dollar Chicago operation in bootlegging, prostitution and gambling dominated the organized crime scene. Capone was responsible for many brutal acts of violence, mainly against other gangsters. The most famous of these was the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre in 1929, in which he ordered the assassination of seven rivals. Capone was never indicted for his racketeering but was finally brought to justice for income-tax evasion in 1931. After serving six-and-a-half years, Capone was released. He died in 1947 in Miami. Capone’s life captured the public imagination, and his gangster persona has been immortalized in the many movies and books inspired by his exploits.
(Excerpt from the site: Researched on: October 2015)
Text 2
Green sea turtle
Green sea turtles spend most of their lives underwater, where they can rest for up to five hours at a time before coming up for air. When active, they typically alternate between being underwater for a few minutes and coming up to the surface to breathe air for a few seconds. Green sea turtles are also known to sunbathe on land.Unlike most other sea turtles, adult green sea turtles eat a primarily plant-based diet consisting of seaweed and sea grass. Scientists believe these green foods give the sea turtle’s fat its green color. The shell of the green sea turtle is usually shades of a brown or olive color.
(Excerpt from the site: Researched on: October 2015)
________ THE G M T – M A S T E R I I _________
Observe a charge a seguir e marque a alternativa correta.
Qual é o tempo verbal
predominante na charge de “Barack Obama”?
Daily baths and showers polluting the environment
Richard Alleyne
<>. [31/03/2010].
Choose the alternative(s) in which the information about the words from the text is correct.
The modal verb “should” in “...showers and baths
should be looked at.” (lines 14-15) expresses